Mitch Grassi for the Gazette. I'm here to do a story on your bakery. I have an appointment with Sister Esther." Mitch says pulling up to the from gate of Briarcliff hand the guard over his card.
He hands it back and opens the front gates to the asylum to let Mitch drive through to the front step of the building.
As he starts to walk to the front steps of the build a small creature comes up to him and hands him a rose.
"Play with him!" Jenise says spinning around in circle.
"Ouch!" Mitch says under his breath has a torn cuts is finger.
"Jenise! Leave the man allow." Sister Kate says running to Mitch and Jenise.
"Oh no it's okay. She was only trying to make friends. It was harmless."He says giving Jenise a soft smile.
"It's not harmless. She drowned her sisters baby and sliced its ears off." Sister Kate says looking to Mitch.
Mitch looks back a Jenise shocked and doesn't know how to respond.
"This way, Sir." Sister Kate says walking back up the front steps with Mitch to follow shortly behind.
Sister Kate opens the door and allows Mitch to walk in. They greet the guard at the front door as they enter and walk the the flight of stairs in front of them.
"Sister Esther calls this her stairway to heaven." Kate says with a smile leading Mitch up the stairs taking the flower from his hand and throwing it on the ground.
As he looks around he sees all the patients and nurses caring for them in an unlikely manner.
When they get up to Sister Esther's office they walk in on her shaving the side of Rachel's head.
"Mitch Grassi is-" she was cut off by the mad look that Esther shot at her.
"I told you I would come find you, Sister Kate. Brush yourself off, Rachel." Sister Esther says pointing to Sister Kate rubbing off Rachel's head.
"You think I'm full of shame and regret for what I've done now, Sister!? You can shave me bald all you want, but I'll still be the hottest tamale in this joint!" Rachel says in a fit of rage.
"Take her to the common room so everyone can witness her new found emasculaty." Sister Esther says to Sister Kate not taking her eyes off of Rachel.
"And next time knock!" Sister Esther says turning to Sister Kate.
Kate just nods and follows Rachel out of Esther's office.
"Remind me of your name." Esther says to Mitch.
"Mitch. Mitch Grassi. Can I ask what Rachel did? I assume you were punishing her for something." Mitch says.
"I assume you are here to do a story on our bakery." Esther says back cleaning up Rachel's hair off the ground.
"Oh believe me no one loves that bread more than I do! I toast it for my breakfast every single morning!" Mitch says cheerfully.
Sister Esther just gives Mitch a look that makes him feel very uncomfortable and it was very unsettling
"Rachel was brought to us having been given the preposterous diagnosis by a psychiatrist comparing her to a wooden." Sister Esther says still sweeping up the hair.
"You mean a nyphomaniac?" Mitch asks.
"Just more nonsense for the charlletons! That woman is a victim of her own lust! There's no other name for it. Metal illness is the fashionable name for sin." Esther says looking at Mitch now from behind her desk.
It was silent between the two for a few seconds before Sister Esther spoke up again.
"You says your name is Mitch?" Esther asks and Mitch nods.
"Ahh after the movie star. There's a train wreck of s soul." Esther says.
"Yes. Well at Briarcliff I hear you're the true star." Mitch says cheerfully.
"Oh no not me. The Monsignor Kevin Olusola is the real visionary. Sit down you make me nervous." Sister Esther says to Mitch as she points the the chair in front of her desk.
Mitch obeys and sits down.
"You know what this place was two years ago? A hell whole!" Esther shouts.
"And I'm told the bakery was your idea?" Mitch asks.
"It was, but based on his philosophy." Esther says pointing to the ceiling.
"We'll write it down." She commands Mitch as he starts to write.
"He believes the tarnic of the diseased mind lays in the three P's. Productive, prayer, and purification. He is just the tip of the iceberg. Ahh." Esther says.
"Oh we have such dreams for this place." Esther says smiling.
"Were all of your patients manned here by the state?" Mitch asks looking up from his note pad.
Esther gives him a faint smile, but answers a few seconds later.
"Not all. Monsignor is a man of charity. He doesn't matter if it comes from the gutter." Esther says before she was cut off by Sister Kate walking into her office.
"They said to tell you that the-" Kate says before looking at the angry look on Esther's face.
"Oh sorry I didn't knock." Kate says walking back out of the room.
"Who said to tell me what?" Esther says before so got all the way out of the room.
"They said to tell you-"
"Tell me what?" Esther questions.
"That the bad person for all those murders has just arrived." Kate says whispering to Esther so Mitch wouldn't over hear her.
"Thank you, Sister." Esther says getting up.
"Well, are we ready for our bakery tour?" Esther asks, but is thrown a question from Mitch.
"She's talking about that maniac. The killer of those women isn't she? Bloody face." Mitch says walking closer to Esther.
"Who is bloody face?" Esther asks.
"A witness caught a glimpse of him leaving one of the crimes scenes wearing a mask which appeared to be made of human flesh. I heard he was going to be admitted here today. Is there anyway I can meet him." Mitch asks Esther.
"You're not in the least bit interested in our good work." Esther says.
"Our town is in a collective panic! This maniac is decapitating women three of which so far-" Mitch says before Esther cuts him off.
"I see you for who you are." Esther says.
"Three minutes. Just give me three minutes with him and I swear to God I will write an amazing-" Esther cut Mitch off once again.
"You swear to God? That's rich coming from you." Esther fires back.
"People what to know what's going on in the mind from someone like him." Mitch says.
"There's not a pious bone in your body." Esther says.
"Where's the harm in that?" Mitch asks.
"You're out of your depth, Mr. Mitch bitch. Want a story write this down." Esther says walking out of her office with Mitch close behind.
"Your killer is being turned over to us by the authorities until it is determined whether he is fit to stand trail." Esther says walking outside and blending in with the nuns.
Mitch is in front of the crowd on the steps watching as they bring this crazy killer 'Bloody Face' out from the police car.
The police bring him out in a straight jacket and cuffs around his ankles so that he can run even if he tries to.
Mitch gets a good look at the man in the straight jacket and thinks to hisself how could someone so innocent looking be the killer behind these horrible crimes?
The man that the police were escorting up the front stairs was no one other than Scott Hoying.
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