All the patients in the asylum are standing in line to receive they're daily dose of medicine for the day.
Mitch is standing in line waiting for his dose when he has a daydream about his future.
"He came from the most horrible place as he was held captive in Braircliff and managed to escape and expose all the goings on in that place! I present to you the brave Mitch Grassi." The man says as he welcomes Mitch up on stage.
The crowd claps and cheers for Mitch as he shakes this old mans hand.
He takes the plaque the man has and looks at it in awe.
"Thank you! I want to thank my real heroes. The other inmates at Braircliff whose stories broke my heart and inspired me to survive." Mitch says.
"Like Martha. They say when she first arrived she was young and beautiful. She had suffered a nervous break down after her husband left her. When I met her, she pretty much banged her head against the wall every single day. And Jeremy, a guy who Sister Esther did little to help his problems. In fact he got worse. They tried hard to crush my spirit and to destroy my mind so I'd forget what o said! I did everything I could think of to survive. Then I had to do what I had to do to get out."
Mitch steps out of his daydream and takes his daily dose of medicine.
Afterwards, he then walks down to Avi's office to talk to him about getting out.
"How soon can we start your therapy?" Mitch asks barging into Avi's office.
Avi smiles and tells Mitch to close the door behind him.
Scott is in the bakery letting out some frustration by punching some dough.
"Are you seeing Sister Esther's face in the dough?" Kirstie jokes walking into the kitchen.
Scott just looks over at Kirstie out of breath.
"I'd wanna punch her too for making us work double shifts." Kirstie says.
"What if I am crazy? What if I imagined all those things? The spaceship, the aliens, Stephanie being abducted! What if I made it all up because I couldn't face up to what I had done?" Scott says.
Kirstie walks over to Scott and tries to comfort him.
"Why are you saying all of this now?" Kirstie asks.
"Dr.Kaplan...he was talking about some things that were starting to make sense." Scott admits.
"Well if you were crazy those things wouldn't make sense to you." Kirstie says.
"Wait you're confusing me. If I'm sane I wouldn't believe Dr.Kaplan, but if I'm crazy then that means these stories are true?" Scott asks.
"You have no idea what you just said." Kirstie says.
Scott laughs.
"What am I? Crazy or sane?" Scott asks as tears begin to fill his eyes.
Scott reaches out and grabs Kirstie by the throat.
"Am I a killer?"
"I don't care. Whatever you are, I'll be with you." Kirstie says.
Scott then takes his hand off Kirstie's throats and begins to kiss her passionately and takes off his and hers pants and throws them to the side.
Just then, Bella, the main guard, walks in and catches them.
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