Mitch is sitting alone in Dr.Kaplan's office waiting to talk to him about a few things he has questions about.
"Where did you go during the movie, Mitch?" Avi asks.
"I...I told you I excused myself." Mitch says.
Avi looks at Mitch and instantly knows he's lying.
"I'm not going to say a word to Sister Esther. I would've done that already if I thought that's what was needed." Avi says.
Avi puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it.
"You reappeared? You, Scott and Kirstie." Avi says.
"Here's the thing, Mitch, you don't belong here. You're not a danger to society! You have the right to escape!" Avi says.
Shocked by Avi's words Mitch doesn't know what to say.
He laughs a little and then looks at Avi.
"You doctors are such hypocrites. According to your gospel being gay in a mental disorder and that I'm sick! I have an illness." Mitch says angrily.
"I believe I can help you. I'd like to try if you'd let me?" Avi says.
"But I'm not even your patient." Mitch says.
"I see myself in you. So peaceful, thoughtful, intelligent! You have something to offer the world. They can't keep you here under no diagnosis. If I convince them that I've cured you, they're going to have to let you go!" Avi says.
"Doctor, I've been this way since...since I can remember. There is no cure." Mitch says.
Avi puts down his cigarette and looks back up at Mitch.
"Your choice. Unlike Sister Esther I won't force you to do anything, but I also won't be here every much longer. Another week if we're lucky. So if you want help getting out of here, you better jump in." Avi says.
"You're a fish out of water, Mitch. Gasping for life! It won't end well. Trust me." Avi continues.
Mitch sits there and thinks about what Avi has just said to him.
The same old song is playing on a loop in the common room where to patients go to roam and have free time.
"The fifteen of November 1964. This music never stops playing. The walls are closing in. I can hardly breath. It's like hiding all over again, but there are eyes everywhere! You see everyone is mad.
These people are resigned to die here! We were never resigned. We always held on to a shred of hope." The girl writes on a piece of paper.
"Give me your pen." Mitch says.
The girl just stays silent and doesn't say a word to him.
"If they catch you writing they'll throw you in solitary. In spite of the religious icons everywhere, this is a Godless place. You might wanna run." Mitch continues.
The girl just moves her hand away from Mitch and tries not to look at him.
"Alright. I hope you like pain." Mitch says walking away.
The girl watches as he walks away and is happy that he left her alone.
Just then, Dr.Koop walks into the room with a smile on his face.
The girl looks at him with an evil stare and get up and starts to walk towards him.
"Ahh, you must me the new girl!" Dr.Koop says.
"You were there!" The girl says.
"In Auschwitz!" The girl exclaimed.
"Naiz!" She yells as she lunges forward to attack Dr.Koop.
Two male nurses rush over to get the girl off of him.
"Sedate this woman!" Dr.Koop demands.
Mitch just looks between Dr.Koop and the girl as it all was going down.
"Don't you remember me, Doctor!? I'm Anne...Anne Frank!" She yells as she's being taking away.
So, I discovered that we just hit 2k on this story! Thank you guys so much for reading this story it means the world to me! Also, in celebration for 2k views, double update tonight!
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