"Five minutes then you leave!" Kate whispers to Mitch.
"Scouts honor." Mitch whispers back as they walk through the front hall of the building.
"Where are you keeping bloody face?" Mitch asks walking around.
"Is he in here?" Mitch says opening a strange door.
Sister Esther is walking around the cell blocks to check on patients to make sure they are still there.
Since Dr.Koop likes to take patients to his lab in the dead of night after all.
**Dr.Koop talking to Scott**
"There was a time when a fanatic like Sister Esther could've had me thrown in prison for my ideas. Tortured. Maybe even castrated like Brother Epolot. These are not the Middle Ages." Dr.Koop says.
"No matter how are the Sister and the group try to hold on to their fairy tale. No. this is my time." He continues as he preps his needles and such and as Scott struggles to wiggle out of the straps holding him down.
"The time of science."
**back to Mitch and Sister Kate**
"Sir, please. This is just the men's ward." Sister Kate says to Mitch.
"What's this!? A Sister and a stranger looking for a rise!" Jeremy says looking out of this cell window at Mitch and Sister Kate.
"Go back to bed, Mr. Lewis." Sister Kate says.
"Hold just let me get rid of this mess. You wanna see, Sister?" He says as he throws feces in her face.
"I'll be right back, Mr.Grassi. Please don't go no where." Sister Kate says starting to cry running out of the men's ward.
Mitch just looks around puzzled and scared at the same time looking back at Jeremy as to why he did that to Sister Kate.
"I got more for you, fella." Jeremy says.
Mitch is even more scared now when he starts to hear the other men acting and sounding like animals and making weird noises from their cells.
Mitch is stuck in there until Sister Kate gets back and he has no clue what to do now.
He scared and alone just waiting with all these maniacs.
Dr.Koop is now strapping Scott's head down so he can't move so much when he does his experiment on him.
"I hope you don't mind if I don't use anesthetic. It interferes with my readings." Dr.Koop says looking down at a scared Scott.
**back to Mitch**
Mitch is walking down the men's ward freaking out and ducking at every sound he hears.
He looks from left to right as he walks to make sure no one throws stuff at him like Jeremy threw at Sister Kate.
He finally comes to a slightly open door near the end of the hallway that seems to be a janitors closet.
As he walks up to the door he sees Isabel giving Rachel something and then walking out.
"You're not suppose to be in here." Carl says.
"Report me then." Mitch says looking dead in her eyes and then back at Rachel.
"Unless nobody saw anything." Mitch continues.
Isabel just walks away as Mitch walks up to Rachel.
"I'm sorry about your hair." Mitch says.
Rachel just shakes her head as if she was saying don't worry about it.
"Is this where they're keeping the murderer?" Mitch asks.
"Which one?" Rachel as sarcastically.
"Scott Hoying." Mitch says.
"Oh no. He misbehaved and they took him to solitary to play by hisself for awhile." Rachel says.
"Solitary. Where's that?" Mitch asks.
Just as Rachel was about to answer, she heard the door open and ran to hide just in case it was Sister Esther walking around again.
Mitch ran to hide as well just so no one would see him.
Sister Esther walks down the hallway shining a flashlight through the cells windows making sure all the patients were still there.
Mitch is just went from scared to terrified when he heard Sister Esther voice down the hall saying something to a patient.
He backs himself up against the wall in hopes he's not spotted by Sister Esther's flashlight.
Just as Sister Esther shines the light in the cell Mitch hid in he almost felt his heart drop.
As she didn't see anything in the cell, Esther walked back down the hallway to the door to leave as Mitch watched in relief.
**back to Scott**
"Why are you doing this?" Scott asks.
"The devil doesn't reside in hell, Mr.Hoying. He lives right here. Inside your brain." Dr.Koop says.
"Inside those beautiful brains, lies the mystery behind the human psyche and ten of them put together does not compare to the darkness that is right here. In this cute blonde melon." He continues.
**back to Mitch**
Mitch is now walking down the hallway again still trying to find where they are keeping bloody face.
He then comes to this solid door that has no window on it like the rest did.
He puts his ear up to it to see if he could hear anything inside the room he thinks that Bloody Face is in.
**Dr. Koop taking to Scott**
"In the police report it said that the victim was skinned while she was still alive. You skinned her from the feet up." Dr.Koop says.
"I'm not here to pass judgment, Mr.Hoying. I'm just here to find out what goes on in the mind of a killer." He says poking around Scott neck until he finds something.
"Oh. What's this? Way too hard to be a tumor."
Dr.Koop starts cutting into Scott's beck when he found this weird hard spot.
Scott cringes in pain, but of course Dr.Koop ignores his cries.
Dr.Koop pulls this weird piece of medal out of Scott's neck and sets it down on a cloth he has on Scott's shoulder.
As he examines it for a moment it starts to make noise and grows some weird insect like legs and this startles Dr.Koop.
It moves off Scott's shoulder onto the floor running away.
**back to Mitch**
Mitch walks away from that door and continues to walk until he meets another door at a dead end hallway.
He carefully walks up to it shaking and scared.
Mitch opens the little window that is on the door and looks inside to see if he can see bloody face finally.
"Mr.Hoying? Mr.Hoying?" He says.
Just as he was about to say it a third time, a gross hand pops out from the window taking Mitch by his neck trying to pull him in closer.
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