Present day
Theresa screams and shuts the old heavy door to the room she crawled in to protect herself from Bloody Face.
She opens the little slot to see Bloody Face is going to to do Leo.
He gets down on top of Leo and looks into his eyes.
"Help." I all Leo could mutter out before Bloody Face started stabbing him repeatedly in the chest.
Theresa then screams in terror as she watches her new husband get murdered.
Bloody Face then gets up and walks over to the door where he saw Theresa from.
She crawls into the corner of the room and screams each time Bloody Face ponds on the door.
He finally manages to get the door open and goes to attack Theresa.
Just when he does so, Leo gets up and knocks Bloody Face to the ground with his body pushing the ice pick away from him so he couldn't reach it.
Leo then gets Bloody Face to the ground and grabs the ice pick and stabs him one time before giving up.
Then, Theresa takes it and starts stabbing him over and over again.
"Come on! We have to get out of here." She says trying to pick up Leo to take him to the car.
On her way out, she dials 911 and tries to help Leo walk.
As they start walking, other person walks up dressed as Bloody Face.
"Oh shit!" She says turning back around to go another way.
This time the other Bloody Face has a gun and shoots both Leo and Theresa in the center of the head.
Another bloody face comes walking into the hallway and takes off his mask to see what the other Bloody Face has done.
"You shoot them, man!" The one guy says.
"That was so sick." The other guy says taking off his mask.
"Did you see how they dropped!? It was like a sack of potatoes!" The other guy says in amazement.
"Bang! Lights out! That's what you get for stabbing Joey!"
"This isn't funny, man! This shit went way to far!" The guy says panicking.
"No, man. This went as far as it could go! Don't back out on me now, Cooper!" The guy says.
"Check it out. His arms been ripped off. Who in the hell could've done that?" Cooper says.
Then they hear a door open and shut loudly as the real Bloody Face starts walking towards them.
Sister Esther was going over paper work in her office when, Sister Kate knocks on the door for permission to come in.
Esther allows her in with a bunch of other papers to go over.
"I have today's mail." Kate says setting down the huge pile on Esther's desk.
Esther sets down her clipboard to look through all the mail as Kate watches for a second.
"There's a storm coming, Sister Esther. A big fat storm." Kate says before walking out of Esther's office.
Esther nods and continues to look through the mail.
Esther throws all the mail aside and opens up the news paper that was in the huge pile.
Then she saw something as she unfolded the paper.
Something she through no one would every know about or find out.
The girl she killed in the hit and run the one night she drove home drunk.
"Where did this come from?" Esther asks Kate.
"The mailbox." Kate says.
"No you, fool! Who brought it here?" Esther asks.
"The mail man." Kate says.
Esther continues to scan over the paper in horror and looks at the date on it.
It reads July 29, 1949.
Kate watches as Esther looks at the paper in terror and walks out with a smile on her face.
As Dr.Koop looks over papers in his office, he listens to the radio which is telling the listeners about the horrible storm that is passing through town soon.
He then examines a piece of metal on his desk with a hot iron gun to see if it would have any effects on the metal.
When it doesn't, he thinks of another approach.
Soon the strange pieces of metal on his desk come together by themselves as one and startles Dr.Koop.
Yay an update! I know it's been a few days I'm sorry I've been moving into my new apartment in Florida😬 and thanks for getting this story to 1k! That's amazing thank y'all so much! Love y'all❤️
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