Mitch walks into his dinner room with his boyfriends dinner talking about his day.
"I'm telling you, Austin. That battle axe has secrets. Under all that infidelity, there's a really darkness." Mitch says setting down the plate taking a cigarette from Austin's cigarette case.
He walks over to the other side of the table and looks at Austin.
"Getting high before dinner?" Mitch jokes.
"It's makes your food taste better." Austin jokes.
"If your gut says there's a story, then there is." Austin says putting out his joint.
"Blow the lid of the off the place! Problem is your editor won't let you do it." Austin continues.
"Edwin is an asshole. He thinks the geese leaving the chickpea is a column A story and he has me writing the cooking column." Mitch says.
"Your cooking is horrible." Austin says looking at his plate.
"Why do you think I never eat it?" Mitch jokes.
They smile at each other and then Mitch kneels down in front of Austin.
"I'm not doing this for Edwin. I write it on my own and I get it out to life. Austin, this is my shot." Mitch says with hope in his eyes.
"Baby I know and I'm behind you one hundred percent. If you need to take time off to get this story done, I'll let you do it." Austin says looking into Mitch's eyes.
Mitch goes into kiss Austin when Austin walks away and says, "the blinds are open."
"No one can see." Mitch pouts.
"Pots making you paranoid." Mitch laughs.
"You think the PTA is going to be alright knowing that the gay is teaching little Bobby and Sue science? Then I'm gonna have to fight to get evolution on the curriculum." Austin says walking over to Mitch taking him in his arm.
"You're right. I'm sorry." He whispers.
Austin smiles then takes Mitch in for a passionate kiss. Mitch breaks the kiss by smiling.
"Anything I do in my life is because I have you." Mitch says.
"I know, baby." Austin says.
Mitch and Austin stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds before Austin speaks up.
"So, how you gonna get in?" Austin asks.
Sister Esther is making the Monsignor Kevin and herself dinner for the evening since it was a routine they did every night.
"Your cooking is amazing, Sister." Kevin says.
"Thank you, Monsignor." Esther says.
Then he says something in Latin as another compliment to Esther.
"What does that mean?" She asks.
"Rare bird." Kevin says with a smile.
"And it's a compliment or a criticism?" Esther asks.
"Compliment of course. Most women of the cloth thing they have to give up their sensory life when they give their life to God." Kevin says pouring himself and Esther a glass of wine.
"No! I've renounced spirits." Esther says.
"Are you sure? Your cooking reveals somewhat of a decadent ballad." Kevin says with a smile.
"Decadent." Esther laughs.
"Is that a sudden reprimand, Father?" Esther asks.
"Oh no you know me better than that. I always say what I mean. I'd appreciate the same from you." Kevin says taking a sip of his wine.
Esther laughs and says, "as usual, you see right through me, Father."
"When you put me in charge here, I thought our agreement was mostly shared on our mutual vision. As madness as a spiritual crisis. An absent of God." Esther says.
"That remains true." Kevin says.
"I want to know where you found Dr. Koop. He is not a man of God." Esther demands.
"The church approved him. Sent to be here by better equipped judges of God than you." Kevin says taking a bite of food.
Esther pauses for a moment before she speaks up again.
"Say what you will, but your 'rare bird' has a nose for rodents." Esther says.
"You mustn't be so fearful. Was both God that created science. God created the idea that was put into a scientist to find a cure for tuberculosis. These are amazing times if you would just look at it in another light." Kevin says.
"There is no other light." Esther says.
"We are truly almost on the moon. Our dear departed John F. Kennedy, a devoted catholic was elected president. The time when anything could happen if someone wants it enough." Kevin explains.
"What on Earth do we want if not to save souls?" Esther asks.
Kevin pauses for a moment then takes Esther's hand and says, "does what I want- I want this institution to be a place of such promise and renounced that we are asked to be Cardinal of New York." Kevin says.
"Wherever I go, you go." Kevin says.
"You're my right hand." He continues.
"You'll become Mother Superior. Over seeing thousands of nuns who will address you as Reverend and then with God and you on my side, I don't see why I couldn't ascend to be the Pope." Kevin says.
"You'd enjoy Rome. Wouldn't you, Sister?" Kevin says.
As Kevin keeps talking Esther was caught up in her thoughts. Daydreaming of you will. Until she came back to reality.
"I need you to be a team player. The doctor needs full over site of his domain." Kevin says.
"You look after yours." Kevin finishes while taking another bite of his food.
Esther looks up from his plate and gives Kevin the side eye as he keeps eating.
She will find a way to take him down. One way or another.
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