"You put everything at risk. Everything! Our reputation. The likes and works of our great Monsignor! His dreams and everything Mother Superior Hannah has work on for this place." Sister Esther says hitting her desk with a whip as she yells at Sister Kate.
"I used bad judgment, Sister." Kate cries.
"Bad judgment? Like you ate too much cake? Is that what you mean, Sister? What will the Monsignor and Mother Superior Hannah think if they ever found out!?" Esther fires back.
"Mitch Grassi got me very confused." Kate cries.
"Maybe the sinners mind. Maybe my faith in you is nothing but the sin of pride." Esther says.
"No! You don't understand, Sister!" Kate cries.
"No! I've heard enough! I refused to see what others saw in you! When they said you were stupid! I simply said no. You were more pure than the others." Esther says.
"You're not doing enough, sister." Kate says as she calms down.
Kate stands up quickly walking over to Esther's closet of whips and takes the biggest one that will hurt the most and slams it down on Esther's desk.
"Punish me, sister! Please! I've disobeyed you! I'm too weak and I'm stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Kate says cries leaning on the desk.
Esther slams the whip on the desk to get Kate to stop he crying for once.
"Stand up and get out I don't have time for this." Esther says putting the whip back in the closet.
"You're too good to me, sister." Kate says.
"If I ever hear you call yourself stupid again, I will beat you bloody." Esther says.
Kate just looks down at the ground and walks out of the room as Esther closes her closet.
Mitch wakes up and doesn't know where he is.
He thinks he's back at home somehow, until he hears Sister Esther's voice.
"You're awake. What a relief." Esther says.
"What's going on?" Mitch asks.
"You had an accident." Esther says.
"Somebody attacked me." Mitch remembers.
"You writers with your very fertile imaginations." Esther laughs.
"You took a tumble." Esther says.
"Get me out of this thing." Mitch says.
"No. You mustn't move. You've got a long recovery ahead of you." Esther says.
"You can't keep me hear. There are people who will come looking for me." Mitch says looking into Esther's eyes.
"Do you think so?" Esther asks.
"You said he was hurt?" Austin asks Sister Esther who was sitting right next to him.
"While trespassing." Esther says.
"You and Mr.Grassi have a cramming home here. It's very cozy." Esther says looking around.
"I need to see him." Austin says.
"But surely you're not his family." Esther says.
"Mitch's parents don't speak to him." Austin says uncomfortably.
"Oh." Esther says nodding her head.
"I'm practically his family. We're very close." Austin says.
"Are you now?" Esther says.
"Like brothers." Austin says.
"But point and fact, you're not brothers are you, Mr.Taylor? You have a legal standing." Esther says.
"A moral standing." Austin says.
"Moral? That's a interesting word." Esther says.
"You're a school teacher I take it?" Esther says pointing at a picture.
"Yes I teach the third grade." Austin says.
"Ahh. I admire that. The molding of young minds is a sacred charge. You would never do anything to put these precious youngsters at risk." Esther says.
"Of course not." Austin says.
"When you agreed to room with Mr.Grassi, you couldn't have been aware of his inversion." Esther says.
"I mean, you would never intentionally expose these little angels to a homosexual would you?" Esther asks.
"Are you threaten me, sister?" Austin asks.
"It's is I who have been threatened young man. Your friend gained access to my facility under false pretenses. He had no interest in our bakery. She wanted an inside look in a metal ward and I intend to see that he gets it." Esther says.
"You can't do this!" Austin says.
"Oh yes I can. I can do it either by exposing the shenanigans in this little love nest or I can do it discretely. But he will of course receive the finest of care." Esther says sliding a piece of a paper and pen over to Austin wanting him to sign it.
"I have no legal standing." Austin says.
"You are a respected member of this community at least for now. Just sign this statement and so the judge will hand him over into my custody." Esther says looking into his eyes to see what he does.
"Well, a scandal will work just as well. You'll be ruined." Esther says putting the paper away as Austin does nothing.
"Wait!" Austin says standing up gesturing Esther to give him the paper to sign.
"And we both know what that 'little monster in the closet' is really called now don't we, Mr. Grassi?" Esther asks.
Esther shows Mitch the paper that Austin signed for her to give the judge permission to take Mitch into her care.
"Me and you are going to slay that little monster together you and I." Esther says looking at Mitch who is almost in tears.
Esther gets up to walk out as Mitch yells at her, "No! Let me out of here! Come back here you bitch!"
"See? We're going to get you cured." Esther says closing the door.
"Help me!" Mitch yells hoping someone with common sense in this place will hear him.
Sister Kate walks into the ward for Sister Esther.
"Did you get it?" Esther ask.
"Yes I did, Sister." Kate says handing over a jumble of keys.
"Good. I this is the only commandment you had to break to get these keys." Esther says walking on of the ward.
As Esther walks down the hallway, she walks up to the door where that hand was that attacked Mitch the previous night.
She unlocks the door to find Dr.Koop cleaning the inside of the room.
"Ahh, Sister Esther. Come here to lend a hand?" Dr.Koop asks.
"What's going on in here?" Esther asks.
"Just a little spring cleaning." Dr.Koop says.
"The odor what is it?" Esther asks covering her nose.
"Disinfectant. Standard sanitary procedure. Cleanliness after all is next to Godliness." Dr.Koop says.
"Something's been living in here." Esther says pointing at the scratch marks on the wall.
Dr.Koop stops in his tracks and thinks of something to says.
"That's absurd. This room has been closed for years. I'm in need of some extra storage space and I think this will do." He says.
"Don't think you can pull one over on me, doctor. I'll figure it out. Whatever it is that's you're up to." Esther says.
"The ferret. A delightful creature. I use to keep one as a pet until it bit me. And I broke its neck." He says looking into Sister Esther's eyes.
"You brought me my keys?" He says sticking his hand out for this.
Esther hands them over angrily as Dr.Koop says, "Thank you." And walks out of the room.
"You may think my mind is closed, doctor, but my eyes are wide open. I can promise you." She says yelling at him down the hallway.
**Fastforword to present day**
Leo is laying in the middle of the floor bleeding out from where his arm was hacked off waiting for Theresa to come back to get him.
Theresa runs down the death shoot to try and escape to get back to the car and call for help, when she's stopped in her tracks by no one other than Bloody Face.
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