"There he is! Let's go." Tae yells the moment he sees Jimin, so the three of them finally leave the luxury villa to grab a cab back to Tae's.
"Guys, could you drop me off at my apartment, cause I have an early morning class..."
"No." Tae simply says, interrupting the confused Jimin.
"But... My class..." he stutters.
"No. I need cuddles and Jungkook doesn't want to cuddle me so you'll have to do it." Tae explains, Jungkook chuckles.
"But I hate to cuddle." Jimin whines.
"Then I'll just cry myself to sleep..." Tae sniffs.
"Fine! Ughhh I hate this."
Jimin crosses his arms and pouts, Tae and Jungkook just laugh at his cute reaction.
The moment they enter the apartment, Tae yells that he's grabbing a shower first and that the two of them should make them something to eat.
"Make us something fast, warm and comforting, I'm up for something like that." Tae said before entering the bathroom, so Jungkook immediately went into the kitchen to prepare some ramen.
Jimin just kept staring at him, feeling confused and a bit awkward cause the thing that happened just an hour ago was still vivid in his head, and he feels a bit hard to concentrate on anything else.
Jungkook looks pretty unbothered, pouring water into some pot, picking all kinds of different ramen flavors, spoons, chopsticks, preparing plates and shit.
"Is he ok with acting like nothing happened? Should I behave like that too? Is that even fine?.. Should we talk about that ..."
Jimin answers literally the second that Jungkook calls him, and feels like a dumb fool.
"Which ramen flavor do you prefer?"
He asked about the fucking ramen flavor so Jimin scoffed.
"Domestic chicken is my favorite." he answers truthfully and goes upstairs to get the shirt and sweatpants Tae prepared for him to sleep in.
Tae finishes soon, so Jimin goes to grab a quick shower too. He is being careful while washing his dick, not to touch it too much cause the thought of Jungkook's kisses and his own hand on his neglected dick, is not the smartest and easiest thing to do without waking his cock up all over again...
After finishing with cleaning, he comes inside and sees Jungkook pouring some ramen for all of them in bowls.
"Smells so nice." Tae says so Jimin hums.
"It really does." Jimin agreed so they sat down to eat in peace.
"So my baby Minnie, Sujin ha? I'm actually impressed." Tae teases so Jimin blushed.
"Ah... It's not like that... We just talked and he actually seems very nice."
"He is very nice, and single, and loaded and hard working and has a nice dick."
Jimin's eyes widen.
Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"Really Tae? What's up with you knowing every man's dick size?"
Jimin is honestly confused.
"I sucked his dick, that's how I know."
"Oh..." Jimin is shocked.
"Really?" Apparently Jungkook is too.
"Yes. It was a long time ago and we did it a couple of times, you know, just casually."
"How do you suck someone's dick casually?" Jimin blurts out.
"Well you do it with no strings attached. You just do it cause you're horny and the offer is there, so you have fun while it lasts..." Tae explains, so Jimin nods.
"Something you definitely don't want to do when you're trying things out for the first time. As we already discussed, you need someone who's nice and will guide you through everything and help you figure things out." Jungkook explains a bit further.
"Just don't start with Lay Zhang dude again I'm begging you!" Tae scoffs so Jungkook goes to the sink, trying to wash his bowl clean.
"Still the best option in my opinion." The younger one says before going to take a shower too.
"Let's prepare the bed." Tae jumps off the chair, and tugs Jimin upstairs.
They put some extra pillows and blankets, and Tae turns the TV on, trying to decide what to watch before sleeping.
"Tae Tae, are you ok?" Jimin asked while sitting on the big, comfy bed.
"I'm fine. Just need some cuddles, and since Yoongi hyung is not here..."
"Could it be that he's so clueless or he really doesn't get his feelings for Yoongi hyung?"
Jimin thought about it for a second, but decided not to prod too much about it, figuring that Tae will talk to him when he feels like it.
"Dirty dancing it is!" Tae said as soon as he saw the movie playing, so Jimin clapped his hands enthusiastically.
"Yes please. I love that movie."
They laid down, Tae making himself comfortable in the middle of the bed, Jimin laying on his side, cuddled on Tae's right side.
They heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and saw Jungkook coming into the bedroom too, wearing white tank top and some gray oversized sweatpants.
He looks good.
Jimin is drooling.
No he isn't. It was just the excess of saliva that was produced by his mouth and...
Fuck it, he is drooling.
"What's with the cheering and clapping? Are you watching Iron Man or something?" Jungkook says while laying on the bed, on Tae's left side, making himself comfortable, putting both of his hands behind his head.
"Are you gonna stay and cuddle me?" Tae turns to face the younger, nuzzling his face into the crook of Jungkook's neck, so the younger just makes loud snoring sounds.
"Aish, he's always like this. You're not a good friend you know." Tae says while returning in the middle.
"But don't you like to cuddle?" Jimin asks, remembering all the times he woke up with the younger glued to his side.
"No." Jungkook simply says, so Jimin frowns.
"Well not with Tae anyways..." he adds so a small smile creeps up on Jimin's face.
"Will you at least hug me tonight?" Tae continues whining.
"I hate needy people." Jungkook says annoyed, but comes closer to Tae.
"I'm not needy. I just sometimes need some extra attention." Tae explains while turning the volume on the TV down a bit.
"That's the literal definition of a needy person." Jungkook says with a smirk.
"Just shut up and come closer!"
An hour into the movie, Jimin leaned closer to Tae's side, and put his right hand on top of his stomach, feeling a bit sleepy, but still trying to watch the movie until the end.
Tae has been peacefully snoring since half an hour ago, and his snoring only makes Jimin more sleepy.
He closes his eyes shut, enjoying the comfortable bed, and then feels a weight shifting, and a hand positioned right on top of his,that was still on Tae's stomach.
Maybe Jungkook missed the spot on Tae's stomach, and put his hand on top of Jimin's by mistake.
Jimin is definitely not gonna make a huge deal out of this...
Jungkook's hand moves, and starts caressing Jimin's hand slowly and gently, going all the way down to his fingertips, and back up almost to his elbow.
Maybe Jungkook thinks that he's caressing Tae instead of Jimin?
The older has his doubts, and decides to just glance at Jungkook and the moment he does, he meets with the younger's dark orbs, looking back at him, so he knows this touch is anything but unintentional.
Jungkook smirked, and closed his eyes shut, so did Jimin, enjoying the soft caressing and Jungkook's deliberating touch.
Nudge, nudge, nudge...
Jimin feels a slight nudge all over his body, and when he opens his eyes, it took him all the will in the world to not scream at Yoongi who is standing right above him.
"Go downstairs, I prepared a bed for you. I need to get some sleep."
He whispers so Jimin looks to his left where Jungkook is waking up, probably being nudged by Yoongi just as he was.
"Ok. Thank you hyung..." Jungkook whispers back, and slowly gets up, extending his hand for Jimin to take.
Jimin grabbed his hand and got up, and before going down the stairs, glanced at Yoongi, who was slowly laying next to Tae, being careful not to wake the younger up, caressing his hair softly.
Jimin still didn't wake up entirely and was kind of dazed by the unexpected awakening, so when he came downstairs, he was happy the bed was already prepared for them to just jump on it.
He laid down first, and moved to his side of the bed. Jungkook was just standing next to it.
"So how many pillows you wanna put between us?" the younger whispers, and only then Jimin remembers that that's what he said he'll do, last time when they were sleeping together.
"Um... It's fine. We only have two anyways, and we need them to sleep on." he whispers back, so Jungkook lays down next to him.
"Just don't get too close." Jimin whispers while looking at those broad shoulders, tattoos on Jungkook's arm looking beautiful under the dim light.
"What's too close?" Jungkook asks while coming closer to Jimin, turning on to his right side to face him.
"Um... Just when our bodies touch..." Jimin whispered while observing Jungkook's smug face.
"Is this too close?" the younger asks while moving flush against Jimin's body, their front glued together like one, their faces only an inch apart.
"Yes. That's yeah... Close." Jimin stutters while looking at Jungkook's pretty lips.
"How about this?" Jungkook asks and puts his left arm around Jimin's waist, pushing him even closer to his body.
Jimin sighs.
"Definitely way too close..." Jimin whispers so low that he's not sure the younger even heard him.
"Do you want me to move away?" Jungkook whispers into his ear, kissing Jimin's earlobe right after, making the older shivers.
After a second of thinking about what Jungkook asked him, he shook his head and licked his lips while looking into the younger's dark eyes.
Jungkook slowly moved on top of him, pressing their bodies together, leaning on his forearms, giving Jimin a second to breathe.
Then he nuzzles his head in the crook of Jimin's neck, and smells him with a low hum so the older tense underneath him, unable to do or say anything back.
He thanked God for Tae's and Yoongi's loud snoring cause he was pretty sure Jungkook could hear how hard and fast his heart was beating in his chest if there was no sound in the room.
Jungkook leans down, his lips against the older's cheek, brushing it lightly, and still that light touch sent shivers through Jimin's nerves, shivers that made his whole body tremble...
"If you want me to stop, tell me now..." Jungkook whispers, his breath hot against Jimin's skin.
When the older said nothing, Jungkook brushed his lips against his jaw...
"Or now..."
No response.
Then he traces the line of his cheekbone. "Or now..."
Jimin felt hard to breathe.
Jungkook's lips are an inch away from his, and he is burning with desire...
Jimin reached up and pulled the younger down to him, and the rest of his words were lost against the older lips.
He kisses him gently, carefully, knotting his fists in Jungkook's tank top, pulling him harder against his own body.
Jungkook kissed him like he wanted to be kissed, like no one's ever kissed him before. Soft and moist, hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle, but seeking union and closeness, and a sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment.
The heat rose in Jimin's cheeks as his tongue touched Jungkook's wet tongue, quick and electrifying and delicious, then firmer, more determined, more curious about the heat that lay within, seeking to chase down that elusive liquid lightning that reached through both of them.
Jungkook tastes sweet, but the way his body moved felt spicy.
It causes shivers from the top of Jimin's head to the bottom of his feet.
It literally made his toes curl...
Jungkook's kisses make him unsteady and once one kiss is over, all Jimin wanted is more...
The thing that Jimin loved while kissing Jungkook is how he kissed him slow and soft in one moment, and then rougher and teasing in another...
And the biting...
Why is Jimin enjoying the biting this much?
It's like Jungkook has no fear of biting his lip roughly, he knows exactly how hard to nibble to make his head spin.
And the way the younger tastes...
It feels like an explosion of the best flavors in the universe all at once mingling together and creating the best taste and sensation he ever felt.
The soft sound that escaped from the older's mouth felt like he's not in control of his own body anymore and is just in another universe, floating... He got lost in another person, not sure how it happened, but when it did he felt alive and good...
Seemed that the sound he made, was something the younger likes to hear, so right after, Jimin felt Jungkook's dick twitching against his own hardening crotch, and the way Jungkook's hands squeezed his shoulder tighter is an indicator of how the younger is unable to control himself too.
"Shhhh..." Jungkook moved an inch away, just to scold Jimin for being too loud, so the older just bit his lip shyly.
They continued kissing like this, giving and taking more of each other with every passing minute, and at one point, Jimin felt way too hard and too horny, and when he rolled his hips upwards, meeting Jungkook's crotch, the younger tensed.
He let a small, barely audible 'Ah' moan, and abruptly moved away from Jimin's body, laying next to him.
Jimin could hear his fast breath calming down a bit, but he felt too shy and awkward to say anything at this moment.
"We should get some sleep." the younger whispers, so Jimin nods, thinking how he probably crossed a line and made Jungkook uncomfortable, but then the younger moves closer to Jimin's body, and tugs him to lay on his chest, and without a word, Jimin did so.
He positioned himself on Jungkook's buff chest, and loved the smell of a freshly washed fabric softener the younger is smelling of.
Jungkook puts his arm on Jimin's back and starts caressing it gently.
"I'm sorry..." Jimin whispers quietly, still thinking how his sudden horny move made the younger uncomfortable, and the last thing he wanted right now was that.
Jungkook moved Jimin's face with his index finger up, to face him, and looked at the older with a frown.
"What for?" he looks a bit worried.
"Well...making you uncomfortable..."
Jungkook cups his cheeks.
"Hyung, you didn't make me uncomfortable, just... way too hard. I couldn't continue kissing you cause it felt too hard to stop and not to do more, so I just didn't wanna make you uncomfortable with my hard dick on top of you, that's all."
Jimin felt better.
"Oh, ok." he says quietly, so Jungkook continues to caress him slowly...
"It didn't feel uncomfortable just so you know." Jimin says and feels Jungkook's hand stopping his movements for a second, and then just continues caressing Jimin's sides as slowly as before.
"Good to know." Jungkook smiles, so Jimin does too, right after drifting to sleep.
"Hyung your phone..." Jimin hears Jungkook's voice, but can't find the will to answer or move or do anything. He's pretty sure he's partly dead.
"Hyung, this is literally the tenth time it rings..." the younger continues, but Jimin just turns on his stomach and keeps sleeping.
Jungkook rolls on top of him, pressing his morning boner onto Jimin's ass, so he winces at the sudden feeling he felt in the pit of his stomach, and hears the younger chuckles behind him.
"Jungkook, if the thing that's touching my ass isn't a remote controller or the belt, you, for some reason have put in your sleep, get yourself off of me." Jimin says so Jungkook giggles while nuzzling Jimin's nape.
"I don't have a belt, and the remote is on the table." Jungkook says so Jimin started squirming around, under him.
"Hyung, you're only making things harder." Jungkook teased him, pressing his body firmer on top of him.
"I'm seriously going to kill you!" Jimin whisper - yells, so Jungkook rolls over, and lays on his back, still giggling, and looking so fucking cute.
Well his face looks cute, but when Jimin's eyes traced his body from top to bottom... his eyes just landed on the bulge that was formed in the younger's sweatpants, so Jimin licks his lips instinctively and scolds himself mentally for doing so, snapping his gaze away as fast as he could.
"My phone, my phone, I need my phone..." Jimin mumbles, hiding his face from the younger's nosy look.
"Did you just check out my dick?"
Of fucking course he noticed Jimin's curious gaze.
"Shut up."
Amazing strategy to defend his pride.
"You totally did. And you're the worst liar in the world." Jungkook just won't ever stop.
"I'm not a liar. I never said I didn't. Bye Jungkookie."
As usual Jimin is unable to lie to the younger, or hide his thoughts from him, so he just ran to the bathroom, to quickly change his clothes cause Hobi was outside the building, waiting for him to go to their dance class.
Just as he thought how the younger probably got back to sleep since it was pretty early in the morning, and Tae and Yoongi were still passed out in the bedroom, he came outside and bumped into the firm muscle of Jungkook's body in that stupid tank top.
"You...Why aren't you sleeping?" Jimin mumbled again, trying to walk past the younger.
"Are you leaving?" Jungkook simply asks what he wants to know.
"Yes. I'm late for my dance class..." Jimin walks to the door, but Jungkook follows his every step.
"I'll walk you there."
Jimin turns.
"Hobi hyung is outside waiting for me. He's driving us."
"Oh. Ok. Then you can go by yourself I guess."
Jungkook looks at him with some weird smile.
"What?" Jimin asks.
"Nothing." He smiles.
"You're acting weird." Jimin scoffs.
"Am not." Jungkook suppressed his smile.
"It's all cause of that stupid kiss. We'll never do that again." Jimin says while going outside, Jungkook just chuckles behind him.
"But you liked it..."
Jimin turns to face Jungkook with annoyance on his face, unable to deny the fact that he did, so he just storms out of the apartment, pressing his lips shut as hard as he can.
"I could literally hear your thoughts, 'Oh I loved it so much Jungkookie'..." the younger teased while imitating Jimin's voice, and Jimin just tried to run away.
"I hate my life." Jimin yells loud enough for the people on the floor to wake up.
"As long as you don't hate me..." Jungkook yells back, for Jimin to hear him even though he was already one floor below him.
"Sorry for being late, hyung. I fell asleep too late..." Jimin apologized the moment he got into the car, luckily seeing some compassion on Hobi's face.
"I'm no better. I just want to get over with the class and go back to sleep to be honest."
"Sounds like a plan." Jimin says and makes himself comfortable in the seat.
"So..." Hobi starts.
"Are we doing some hard choreo today or?" Jimin tried to make small talk.
"Oh just cut the crap, tell me all about last night."
He failed.
"Um... we... we kissed. It was some kind of game that everyone was playing, and Jungkook got chosen to kiss someone and he kissed me..."
"Oh...It was for the game... I thought you did it for fun or something like that." Hobi misunderstood things.
"Well, the first time we kissed was cause of the game, and then the second time, in the bathroom was, I guess for fun. I don't even know myself." Jimin explained a bit better.
"Oh! So you kissed two times last night?" Obviously Jimin didn't explain things right.
"Well, um... we kissed when we got back to Tae's too..." Jimin says shyly.
"What? Really? Three times? But why? Was it good? Were you trying to see if you'll like kissing another man more than once? How many times did he kiss you exactly?" Hobi is really into details.
"Well first of all, how can you count how many times you've kissed someone? I mean can you count one kiss as the beginning of a make out session and the ending of one, or like the small kisses you give to one another, cause I can't count those, like, I don't get your question..."
Hobi glances at him.
"When you say, you two kissed, do you mean like you kissed once and then talked about it and continue doing what you did before the kiss, or you kissed longer, you know, made out, had the whole kissing experience with maybe touching and everything?"
Jimin thought about it for a second.
"It was definitely more like that second thing."
"Oh my God! You made out with him??? But why? Weren't you like friends? And wasn't he supposed to find you a guy to have your first experience with? What's up with that?"
Well when Hobi said it that way...
"I don't know hyung. I just think that maybe we kissed for the first time cause of the game, but we liked it, at least I did, and then we kissed again in the bathroom cause we wanted to see if it would be as good as it was the first time, and it was. Even better, and then last night, well actually it was morning already, we kissed... I don't know... Cause we were too close? Could be that." Jimin tries to explain things to Hobi, but to himself also.
"Aish Minnie, you're gonna get in trouble if you continue doing so. You're still at the beginning of discovering that whole new world, and Jungkook is obviously 100% there, trying to help you, but I don't want you to catch feelings for the guy. I mean he's nice and everything, but he's your friend and you should separate those two. Lovers on one side, friends on the other. That's my honest opinion since in those cases like yours always one person catches feelings and gets hurt. I don't want it to be you."
Hobi made a point, and it was valid.
"Well we said that we won't do it again, so..." Jimin really thought they wouldn't.
"Ok. That's good. Keep him as a friend, cause it seems like he really cares for you, and date other guys you've met. That Sujin guy looks pretty cute."
"He's really nice too. I got his number. It was really cute the way he gave it to me..."
So Jimin decides right then and there, how this whole kissing thing with Jungkook has to end, and they just didn't mention it again. Hobi was right, and he knew it. It's the thing that the way Jungkook was kissing him, was a hard thing to forget.
What felt even more awkward than feeling Jungkook's boner every now and then? Not hearing from the said man for three days straight.
Jimin didn't get it.
It's not like he expected a love letter from the younger or anything like that, but not hearing from him at all? That's just not cool.
Jimin even reached out, and had sent him a message, two days ago, just a random thing about the new manga he was reading, and usually the younger would respond to this type of topic immediately, but nothing. Not a single word...
"That's weird..."
It was Thursday, 12 AM, and Jimin was usually sitting in the cafeteria, having lunch break, reading some manga he bought these days.
"Pretty hyungie!" he hears right next to his ear, and chokes on a sip of coffee he was having.
"Could you like, let me have a sip first before scaring the shit out of me? Thank you." he scolds the younger, but is really happy to see him again.
"I could, but it's more fun this way." Jungkook just casually sits next to him, and starts eating Jimin's fries.
"It's fun to see me dead? You are the worst. Remind me why do I hang out with you in the first place?" Jimin teases while pinching his arm.
"I don't know. Cause you love me maybe?" he cocks his eyebrows playfully at Jimin.
"Sure I do. Can't live without you. Where have you been these past few days anyway?" he starts shoving some food in his mouth, trying to talk less.
"I've been busy. I have some exams coming up and I need to study more, but I came here yesterday too, I haven't seen you though..."
"I didn't have a break yesterday. I worked so hard, trying to get as much done as I can. I really need to study too, but those manga, seriously, they're just pure evil I swear."
"And I don't want to say I told you so, but I really did told you so." Jungkook giggled, so Jimin rolled his eyes at him.
"Oh look who we have here!"
Both of them snapped their gazes to the direction of the voices talking, and saw Hobi and Tae approaching their table.
"Tae, Hobi hyung! What are you doing here?" Jimin got up and went to hug the boys he missed the past few days.
Jungkook didn't flinch.
"Hi Jungkookah, it's nice to see you too, jackass!" Tae scolds the younger so he just shows him the middle finger in response.
"What are you doing here? Did you come to grab a coffee or to see me?" Jimin bat his lashes at them.
"Isn't he the cutest? Seriously?" Tae coos at Jimin's sweet behavior.
"Of course he is. My precious little boy." Hobi says with a smile on his face.
"Don't you just hate when they're like this? All cheesy and annoying..." Jungkook asks, so Jimin punches him on the side.
"As if you would know? I literally never tell you anything nice, cause all you do is mock me." Tae says annoyingly so Jungkook grins.
" I really do. I love it."
Jimin just shook his head.
"What brings you here guys? I have only 10 minutes left, and I already feel sorry for not being able to drink that coffee with you..." Jimin fake cries.
"We actually just came to give you a gift." Hobi says so Jimin's eyes widen in excitement.
"Really? A gift? For me?" he claps his hands.
"We actually bought it together. It was a tough choice, but we think we made a good one." Tae says, so Jimin's eyes went from one to another, trying to figure out what they're talking about.
"What is it?" Jungkook asks, looking impatient.
Both of them glanced at the pretty empty cafeteria, and put the cute silver paper bag on the table in front of Jimin to take a look.
Not knowing what's in the bag, Jimin just grabs inside curiously and takes out the silver box with a purple toy in it. At least Jimin thought it was some toy he never saw before. Maybe one of those fidget spinners?
"For fucks sake, put it back in." Jungkook curses and only then Jimin read the sign on the box.
Rocks off petite sensations anal plug.
"What the fuck Tae?" Jungkook whisper yells.
"What? It's only natural for him to try these things, and we picked the best for you, it's small, but big enough to give you pleasure..."
Tae tried to explain.
"No. You're not doing this to my little Minnie. A-A. " Jungkook takes the bag, and puts it under the table.
"He's not just yours you know!" Tae fights back.
Jimin tries to snatch that bag without anyone noticing. "I'ma take this..."
"Well I found him first!" Jungkook bites back.
"Well I found him too!" Tae yells.
"I'm not a pet!"
Jimin finally speaks so all of them look at him.
"You're not the only ones who knows things... There's google, and Youtube, and porns. I'll just figure it out myself." Jimin says and takes that bag with him, holding it firmly against his chest, and gets up to leave.
He takes a few steps and then comes back.
"If it hurts that's bad right?" he asks quietly.
Jungkook slaps his face with both of his hands.
"Not necessarily." Tae says, so Jungkook slaps him too.
"I mean how hard can it be to stick something up your ass?" Jimin asks so all of them look at him with a lot of question marks in their eyes.
"Pretty hard." Tae says and gets up, coming closer to the confused Jimin.
"Just take your time and relax and use a lot of lube, and if you need someone to help you out, remember, I'm always here for you."
"What are you even saying? Oh my God! Your break is over. Come on, let's go!" Jungkook moves Tae away, and tugs Jimin to walk him to his office.
"Bye guys, and thank you!" Jimin yells while being moved around by a pretty annoyed Jungkook.
The moment they were outside, in the hallway, Jungkook grabs the bag and takes the anal toy out to observe it better.
"What are you doing?" Jimin asks.
"Ok, so the good thing is, they really got you a good one. It's small, and good for beginners. It has a narrow tip and it'll enter you easily. If you don't have lube, buy it. Don't even think about using this without lube. Buy a good one too. It has 7 speed settings that you can use, and just do it slowly, just go with what's most comfortable for you. I'm just happy they didn't buy you one of those huge dildos that are useless..." Jungkook says so Jimin's eyes widen.
"Should've brought a pen and paper with me..." he teases, so Jungkook shook his head.
"I'm serious. If you do this the wrong way, you might get the feeling that you could never like and enjoy something like this, so it's very important to go slow, and to just relax. Maybe drink some wine before doing this."
Jimin squinted his eyes on him.
"And how do you know all of this?"
"Aish... I use those sometimes with my partners. They can really enhance the pleasure if they're used the right way. " Jungkook explains shamelessly.
"Oh? You mean instead of just using your dick to fuck someone, you use these too?" Jimin asks, confused.
"Yes. If the guy's into that. Why not? Some people come easier with vibrators. Girls love those too. They really are a good thing."
"Oh. That's... yeah... Good to know. Thank you. I think I got it. Use lots of lube and relax as much as I can. That's pretty much it." Jimin says proudly.
"Yeah. Pretty much." Jungkook says still with a doubtful look in his eyes.
"I really have to go now. It was nice seeing you." Jimin smiles at him cutely.
"I missed you too." Jungkook smiles back.
The thing that Jimin didn't definitely do, was to think about that but plug all day at work.
He most certainly didn't read all the possible articles about using a buttplug for the first time, and didn't do the research about prostate orgasm too.
He didn't have a minor inner struggle about trying this out, and he didn't ask God to send him some sign and make his life easier, while encouraging him to do this.
After finishing his shift, he was ready to go home and finish some of his studies, but on his way out, Mingyu, the cashier guy, called him over.
"Is everything ok?" Jimin asks, thinking how the man probably had one of the usual problems with the cash register or their colleague Yihoo, who was getting on his nerves.
"Yes, it's just that I forgot to give you this..." and Mingyu extends a hand with a bag in it, so Jimin peeks inside.
"A friend of yours dropped this few hours ago. I told him how you're working and that he can't go to your office since you don't like to be disturbed during your working hours." Mingyu says so Jimin gets even more confused.
"Thank you. Do you know the name of that friend? How did he look?" Jimin asks curiously.
"Jungoo something, um...dark hair, big eyes..."
"Oh. Jungkookah." Jimin figures it could only be him.
"Yes. Jungkook. That's the guy." Mingyu says happily.
"Ok. Thank you. Have a nice day." Jimin goes away, trying to see what was in the bag.
One thing he noticed is a bottle of some wine he never tried before, and a smaller box that was wrapped in some black paper.
"Agghhh I'm dying to know..."
The moment he enters the apartment, Jimin gets the little box and tears the paper off hurriedly.
Pjur, back door, anal silicone personal lubricant with jojoba.
"That's the sign I was looking for."
Jimin felt encouraged and hyped up about this whole thing, so while taking his clothes off, he put some music that was meant to relax him even more, and took the biggest wine glass he had, to start his private little anal party.
He showers first, cause he read that his muscles will relax even more under the warm water, then drinks another glass of wine while reading the description on the box of that lube and his anal toy.
"I should probably say thank you to Jungkookah for the lube..."
I got your gift. I'm enjoying it now.
The second after
What? What do you mean? How are you doing it?
I'm drinking wine fool. I don't mean the lube!
You almost gave me a heart attack!
I'll try the lube after I finish another glass of wine.
Snfknfbfjakneldndncoofndnanfuckmylife don't say that hyung!
Ok. I will not use the lube that you gave me with that anal toy that the boys bought to me. Happy?
Not even a little.
Wish me luck.
Fuck my life.
Jimin giggles.
This kind of helped him to relax even more, so with one thought on his mind, he drank that glass of wine bottoms up and went to the bedroom where he decided to do this.
After stripping down, he laid on his bed, legs wide open, bottle of lube in his hand, the cleaned toy right next to him.
He closed his eyes and hummed to his self pleasure soundtrack of choice.
Then he ran his hands over his tense body, rubbing his nipples as a foreplay, while remembering to breathe deeply.
After opening the cap of the silicone lube, he poured some onto his fingers, and splayed it around his fingers, feeling the thick liquid that felt moist, but not too sticky and greasy.
"Jungkook really picked a good one..."
The younger one popped up to his mind unannounced so Jimin smiled at the thought of him.
While spreading some of the lube onto his hole, he circled his clean, hairless hole with his index finger, and pushes just the tip slightly inside.
His dick twitched.
Why did this feel so sexy?
After putting the generous amount of lube on the purple toy, Jimin just decides to do this intuitively.
He reaches down, between his legs, while his semi hard dick is curling on his stomach, and tries to push the toy inside.
It was a bit weird to do it from this angle cause his hands were short and he really needed to reach down and push it from below, so after circling the toy all around the area, he decided to try it another way.
Attempt No. 2: After going on all fours, hand behind his back, lubed toy in it, and it's a success!
Once the tip of the plug made contact with his hole, he made small circles, almost rocking it side to side against the hole, trying to stretch it out a bit. It took about five minutes of wiggling to get the plug all the way in.
How'd it feel?
And 'stuffed' were the only way to describe the feeling at the beginning.
At first he didn't want to touch his dick too much, cause he wanted to feel all the sensations the buttplug could give him, but after a while of pushing the plug in, and then slightly out, his other hand instinctively wrapped around his swollen cock, and starts to pump it up and down slowly.
Since his hand was dry, he grabs the lube and pours some onto his hand, smelling the thick liquid first before smearing it onto his cock.
"Mmmmm smells nice. I wonder if Jungkook uses this one too. Maybe his cock smells like this..."
And why did he think of Jungkook and his dick all of a sudden, when he's stroking his twitching cock, while a buttplug was high up his ass?
And even worse, why did his dick reach full hardness just cause of the thought of the younger's nice smelling cock?
He spent some more time playing with the toy, adjusting to the new feeling inside him, pulling the plug almost all the way out, and then thrusting it all the way back in, twisting it around inside of his ass, and the feeling was kind of unusual, but not bad. He just needs some time to adjust more.
After some time of pushing in and out, his ass was fully accustomed to the size and girth of the plug that was now slipping in and out relatively easily. It's weird how hard his dick is and he didn't even think about anything sexually, didn't have any dirty thoughts, nor was he watching porn that he usually doesn't like to do, so while wrapping his hand around his hard dick, he thought about the thing that he could think about while trying to reach his orgasm.
The only thing that was still on his mind vividly were Jungkook's lips on his, but that would be wrong. Right?
Could he think about the younger while playing with his hole, stroking his dick faster now?
Is that too much?
As he worked it more and more and started to pull some of the plug out of him, then slipping it back inside, Jimin twisted the vibrating control on and felt it start to slightly pulsate inside of him.
That made such a big difference.
He pushes the vibrating plug as far into him as it would go and enjoys the waves of pleasure that start to float within him.
His other hand strokes his dick firmly, a bit sloppy, feeling overwhelmed and close to let go.
As his orgasm was approaching, he felt like he needed more. More of the anal sensation, more of vibrations, more of the fullness, more of everything.
Instinctively, Jimin pushes the plug all the way inside of him, then sits up on the bed, open his ass cheeks as wide as they would go, and starts riding the anal toy while stroking his cock faster.
This was a game changer. The toy hit deeper inside of his hole, and sent shivers all over his body like he never felt before. He was riding the toy wildly, trying to feel the same sensation he felt before.
The fullness he feels is good, but it kind of feels, not enough, and at one point he thought about how it would feel if he was riding a real cock, bigger and just better, and....
"I bet Jungkook's cock could fuck into me so good..."
His eyes widen at his thoughts, and he tries to stop that scenario from playing in his head, but the damage is already done.
He strokes his dick firmer and faster with thoughts of Jungkook's dick thrusting into him.
All of it felt too much, and he knew he wouldn't hold out long before cuming, but now he didn't even care. He had reached that point of no going back and he wanted to cum with this toy inside him, while his hand fist fucks his cock.
His breathing is now erratic and his body has lost total control of it's feelings, as the vibrations shot through him and the plug moves inside his hole faster, so finally he feels the first wave of orgasm build and then explode from his cock.
Shot after shot of hot cum exploded from his dick, his eyes rolled into the back of his head, his back arched and his mouth wide open, screaming.
As his orgasm started to subside and his back once again hit the bed, he could still feel the vibrations coursing throughout his ass. His dick was still hard, but had started to soften slightly.
Soon his body relaxed more,so he felt the plug start to slide out from his ass until only the tip of it rested against his wet, open hole.
He reaches down and picks up the plug, turns off the vibrating settings and places it on the bedside drawer. The way he felt right after is hard to describe... He was breathless, sweaty and totally spent, but knew he has to get up soon and clean up the sex toy and take a shower, but for just now, he wants to lie there and drink in the moment to its full extent.
He just had his first anal experience and it was good.
It was really good.
Everything felt right and hot well except the fact that the image of Jungkook fucking him hard was the thing that drove him over the edge.
Just that tiny little detail is confusing him, but he'll let it pass for now, cause he can't think about anything else than the hot shower he's about to get and some good sleep right after.
Seems like everyone was super curious about how Jimin's first anal play went, so the next morning, after an amazing sleep, Jimin woke up with a new message in his inbox.
Tae Tae
Babe, movie night tonight at my place. I called Hobi hyung too. He said you can't stay for a sleepover cause of the practice early in the morning, but we can still have some drinks, watch a movie and talk. Can't wait.
Couple of hours later, he was sitting in Tae's living room, three pairs of eyes staring at him curiously, so he gulped at their straightforward questions that he had no idea how to answer.
"So did you do it?" Tae asks.
"Did it hurt?" Jungkook asks.
"Did you like it?" Hobi asks.
"Fuck it, I'll just speak the truth...."
"Well, I did it."
The boys started cheering like he scored a goal at Super Bowl or something...
"And..." they looked at him without breathing, their heads coming closer, like the sudden closeness will make him speak faster.
"It was good."
"Woohooooo!!! My baby likes to be fucked! Tae says so both, Jungkook and Hobi look at him with disbelief.
"What? I just thought he's a perfect material for bottoming and I was right." Tae says smugly.
"He can try to top too. I mean the point is to explore, right?" Hobi asks, so Jimin shrugs.
"I would still like to try this. Maybe use some bigger toy next time..." Jimin says so, their mouths drop open.
"What?" Jungkook looks confused.
"Oh babe, we'll go dildo shopping tomorrow morning, I'm always up for that." Tae says excitedly.
"How did you use it, if I might ask? Was it hard to do it? If you're uncomfortable to talk about it, it's ok." Hobi wanted to know more, and actually, Jimin didn't feel uncomfortable at all. If anything, he wanted to share his experience cause he knew that would give him a chance to hear more about it and learn more too.
"Well, I tried to do it while laying on my back first. That was a bit uncomfortable. I couldn't kind of reach all the way down, and up..." he spreads his legs and tries to show the motion.
"Ah, yeah yeah... that's a bit tricky..." Tae nods.
"So I tried it on all fours. I just pushed my ass up, and went behind with my hand and it worked like that..." Jimin talked more, and again, tried to show them the movement he did.
He didn't pay attention to their individual reactions to his story, but he saw Tae and Hobi nodding curiously, while Jungkook seemed to be gulping hard, maybe even sweating?
"The vibrations really made the whole difference. I just used the first speed. I didn't need more. Well actually I wanted to feel the toy a bit deeper, so I kind of sat on it and i'm... just moved my hips like this (he sat on the couch just like he did on the toy, and rolled his hips a few times), Jungkook cleared his throat.
"Wow Minnie, you rode your toy just like that..." Tae says dazed.
Jungkook gets up, and goes to the kitchen.
"I did what?" Jimin asks, confused.
"You rode it, like you would ride a dick you know, like a cowboy..." Tae explains.
"Well at some point I kind of wished it was a dick to be honest..."
Jungkook drops some bowl.
"I just wanted something bigger, and better and just responsive, you know... "
Jungkook trips on something. His own feet probably.
"Ah, I think I would really enjoy being fucked hard."
"For fucks sake!!!" Jungkook curses so all of them look in his direction.
"You good?" Tae asks, while looking at the younger opening the fridge.
"Yeah, just... there's no beer, and I would really like some, so... I'm gonna go real quick, and buy some... Ok? Do you need something from the store?" Jungkook asks, so all of them shook their heads.
"We're good with the wine. Thank you." Hobi says so they get back to talking about Tae's favorite toys, while the younger storms out to buy beers.
"Did Jungkook feel uncomfortable with me telling so many details about last night? I'm such a jerk!" Jimin thought how maybe this was too much, and since Jungkook was a bit more reserved than Tae and Hobi, he probably didn't want to hear every detail about Jimin's first anal experience.
Around 20 minutes later, Jungkook comes back, with empty hands and enters the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water.
Jimin goes right inside, leaving Tae and Hobi cuddled on the couch, watching some movie they picked.
"Hey you. Where's your beer?" Jimin enters slowly, not wanting to startle the younger.
"My what?"
Jungkook looks confused.
"Beer? You went to buy a beer..."
"Oh, yeah... I forgot my wallet."
Jungkook says and shrugs right after.
"Listen, I'm sorry if telling that story about me being fucked with the toy made you feel uncomfortable or uneasy, you could just tell me so I could stop. It's just that they wanted details, and I wanted to know if I did it well, so... I'm sorry." Jimin says straight forward, so Jungkook turns to face him finally.
"I'm not uncomfortable. I'm hard."
Jungkook says so Jimin's eyes widen and he glances down at Jungkook's crotch instinctively.
"Oh...Oh..." he couldn't find the right words to answer that.
"Yeah, so please could you not talk about fucking on that God damn toy anymore, cause the images in my head (he hit his forehead few times) just won't go away..."
"I thought about you while doing that."
Jimin blurts so the younger's eyes widen. Jimin's widened even more, cause why the hell did he mention that?
"What??? Oh fuck!" Jungkook put both of his hands on his, what seemed like a hardening dick, and pushed it aside, walking left and right, bouncing up and down a bit, obviously trying to calm down his awakening member.
"It's just cause you're the last person that I kissed, that's all, I think... It won't happen again... I didn't want that. It just happened..." He tries hard to justify himself, so the younger did some breathing exercises. He just breathes in, then out, deeply...
"Fine. That's fine. Just please, don't say such a thing like that ever again. Ok? Thank you."
Seems like Jungkook calmed down a bit.
"Not even if it happens again?" Fucking Jimin and his blabber mouth.
"You're killing me. Let's just watch the movie or I'll die." Jungkook says after adjusting his dick gracefully, and goes into the living room to watch the movie,that he couldn't really focus on.
Jimin sat down on the floor as far away from him, thinking how he should at least make it easier for him to survive the next hour and a half until the movie is over.
"Thank you for tonight Tae and for yesterday too. I hope I'll see you soon." Jimin says on his way out, an hour after they watched the movie and played some cards and of course Jungkook was right next to him, walking him home as always.
They walk silently, just enjoying the chilly night, glancing at each other from time to time, their hands brushing while crossing the streets, and Jimin really doesn't want them to feel awkward around each other. They're friends and they should be comfortable while being together. With that in mind, they got in front of his building, so Jimin decides to have a small talk.
"The movie was nice." he says out of nowhere so Jungkook chuckles.
"I really couldn't tell. Haven't watched any of it." the younger says and scratches his nape , Jimin follows his move while staring at his arm and his beautiful tattoos.
"What were you doing for the past 2 hours?" Jimin asks curiously.
"Trying to delete some images from my brain. Unsuccessfully." he says honestly, smirk on his face.
"Aish, stop it with that... We talked about that and everything is ok now. Right?" Jimin says so Jungkook sighs loudly.
"All I can think about is kissing you again... And we shouldn't do that anymore. Right?"
Jimin's mouth felt dry. His heart was beating faster.
"I'd like to kiss you again actually."
There it was. The truth. And Jimin just said it so casually.
"You're not helping."Jungkook scratched his face with his palms.
"Sorry." Jimin says while pouting.
"Stop pouting."
"Sorry." Jimin purses his lips, like he's making a kissy face.
"What are you even doing? Stop being so cute." Jungkook huffs.
"Do you wanna come up and read some manga?" Jimin asks without knowing why? Did he really want to read manga with Jungkook now? Or was there something else to do...
"I don't think that's such a good idea."
"Why? We both like manga."
"Cause I don't think I can restrain myself from kissing you again." Jungkook says while looking at Jimin's eyes, his daze dark and inviting.
"Let's read some manga Jungkookah..." Jimin comes a step closer, looking at Jungkook's lips, being spit slicked and just so,so beautiful.
"Ok." the younger gave in, so Jimin took his hand and without another word, walked with him to his apartment.
The moment they enter the apartment, Jungkook closes the door behind them and cups Jimin's cheeks before leaning down and kissing him softly.
Jimin kissed back.
Jungkook's lips brushed his, softly, delicately, just long enough that he could inhale his breath, feeling the warmth of the younger's skin...
They moved towards the bedroom still kissing, Jimin led them, knowing every corner of his apartment even with his eyes being closed.
When they entered the bedroom, the spacious, plain white room, they separated for a brief second, still not saying anything yet not knowing what to do next.
"So... The manga..." Jungkook says while eyeing the older.
"I want to kiss you more." Jimin admits honestly, biting on his lower lip.
"Come here." Jungkook tugs him flush against his body, and starts moving backwards towards the bed.
When his calves touched the bed, he laid down on it, pulling Jimin down with him, making the older to lay on top of him.
Jimin is the one to lead the kiss now. He is in control and loves the feeling.
While pressing his lips firmer on the younger's, Jimin spread his legs on each side of Jungkook's body and positioned himself on top of the younger's crotch.
They didn't need much time for their kisses to become rougher, sloppier, wet sounds audible in the room, and when Jungkook bit on Jimin's bottom lip teasingly, Jimin moaned desperately, feeling horny and way too hard for the younger not to notice.
His hands roamed over Jungkook's buff chest, fisting onto the younger's shirt, and when he unintentionally brushed Jungkook's nipples, the younger growled low while turning them around so that he could be on top of Jimin now.
Jungkook's hands find its way in Jimin's hair, so he pulls on it lightly, making the older to open his mouth wider, for Jungkook to explore the warmth inside of it.
Jungkook's tongue is warm and wet, and Jimin couldn't stop licking over it, sucking on it, enjoying it fully.
While trying to catch some breaths, Jungkook moves away from Jimin's face and latches his lips onto the older's neck instead, sucking on it deliciously so Jimin moans like he usually never does.
"Ahhhh...mmmmm, so good... " he encourages Jungkook to do more, and seems like his words turned Jungkook on more than he wanted, cause he went with his hands up Jimin's thighs, and then behind Jimin's back, positioning his hands on top of his ass, which he squeezes roughly.
Jimin winces at the sudden grind of Jungkook's hips onto his crotch, and a firm kneading on his ass, feeling overwhelmed and uneasy...
"Wait..." he whispers breathily, but Jungkook hears him clearly, so he rolls off of him immediately, apologizing right after.
"Sorry, sorry... I shouldn't have touched you like that... It's just... I guess I couldn't control myself..."
He really looks sorry and Jimin feels kind of bad, so he sits up and moves forward, caressing the younger's cheek delicately.
"It's fine. I just... It felt too much. Good, but too much to take. If you did that for a second longer, I think I would come. Is that even possible? How could that even feel so good?" Jimin struggles with his own body responding to Jungkook's touch, and finally the younger smiles.
"You're one horny little chick, that's why." Jungkook boops his nose cutely, and tugs on his hand, making Jimin to lay on his chest.
"Am not." Jimin whispers cutely, wrapping his arm around Jungkook's middle. It felt natural and good.
"Mhm, you are. I could feel your dick being really hard underneath me. I loved it." Jungkook teases while his fingers traced some patterns all over Jimin's back.
"Shut up! You're the one to talk... Your dick almost stabs me to death when you grind on top of me." Jimin fights back.
Jungkook laughs loudly.
"Unfortunately, it's still as hard."
They both giggle.
"This isn't weird right? Us talking about our hard dicks? It doesn't feel awkward..." Jimin looks up at Jungkook, trying to see his expression.
"It's fine. I mean, I did get hard cause you're an amazing kisser, and damn it, that ass... I swear to God I could get lost in it. I remember it looked so good when I saw you in those tight jeans, but to touch it... Woah... That's a totally different thing... So firm and hot, I'd like to bite those cheeks and play with your... "
Jimin's dick twitches.
He put his small hand on top of the younger's lips. Making him shut up.
"Don't say things like that. We're just friends who kiss sometimes. You can't speak like that. It makes me...you know..." Jimin props on his elbows, trying to look at the younger while he talks.
"Hard? Horny? Needy?" Jungkook teases so Jimin pinches his waist playfully.
"I mean you said it yourself. You're supposed to help me find a guy to explore those things with. Right? We're friends and friends don't do those things. Sure we can kiss sometimes, but we're not supposed to do more. I mean, we don't like each other like that. Right?" Jimin asks more cause he needs some sort of confirmation that this, what they're doing is actually normal, and since Jungkook did try to find him a nice guy to figure out his sexuality, that was obviously a sign that Jungkook didn't feel anything more towards him than friendship and a will to help him out.
"You're right. It's just that, that ass of yours is so damn fine I just wanna play with it... Kiss it..Lick..."
And Jimin rolled on top of Jungkook while grabbing a pillow, trying to suffocate the younger, but as soon as he hopped up on his crotch, he felt a hidden, hard bulge under said ass, so he jumped off of it with a small scream.
"Yeah, I wouldn't climb up there again, still hard..." Jungkook smirks.
"I'll find another way to kill you if you don't shut up!" Jimin slaps his chest playfully.
"Can it be with your ass on top of my face? I know you'd love that."
Another dick twitch.
"Just shut up! Let's read some manga ok? Please?! " Jimin finally suggests before he considers killing the younger for real.
"Yes. Let's read."
Jimin got up, and after looking for some manga, finally found one for them to read.
"Hey Jiminah..."
"Can you lay on your stomach so I can use your ass as a book stand?" Jungkook giggles.
"Ha ha. Use your dick instead. It sure is hard enough." Jimin teases back.
"Good one, good one. Now come here."
They laid together, mingled on the big bed, both of their dicks still pretty hard, but they didn't mind it. Jungkook is holding the manga and flipping the pages, while Jimin is laying comfortably on the younger's chest, looking at the characters in it.
"Jungkookah... Wanna hear something funny?" Jimin asks so Jungkook closes the manga to pay his full attention to Jimin.
"Promise not to laugh." Jimin says while looking at him with curious eyes.
"Ok. I won't."
"I think Piccolo is sexy." Jimin says and his eyes widen, mouth pursed, trying hard not to laugh. Jungkook's expression went from curious to disgusted in a second.
"What??? The green thing? Are you kidding me? What about Vegeta? Goku? Seriously, I can't with you." Jungkook tries to push him away from his chest, but Jimin just claws harder onto him.
"It's weird I know, but... he's so hot..." Jimin continues so Jungkook rolls his eyes at him.
"Thank you for making my dick soften in no time." the younger teases so Jimin glances down, to see if he's telling the truth.
He wasn't.
"Do you think his dick is green too?"
Again Jimin and his stupid questions.
"What in the world are you talking about?"
"Like, would it stain my mouth if I sucked him off?" Seriously, what's up with Jimin's brain?
"Wow you're unbelievable! And I'm jealous of a manga character. It's all your fault!" Jungkook scolded him, and so began the almost one hour discussion about the best dick among the Dragon Ball characters, that somehow ended up in Jimin nuzzling Jungkook's side, the manga somewhere on the bed, long forgotten, just them breathing together in sync, sleeping soundly while feeling warm and so, so close.
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