He really had no idea how he got to this state.
Being drunk in the mall half an hour past midnight, riding around in a shopping cart, but either way, he's just gonna blame it all on Jungkook when he sobers up.
"Hyungieeeeee can I eat all of those gummy bears that exist in the mall? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I?" Jungkook is a pain in the ass while being drunk.
"I really don't know Jungkookah. Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you?" Jimin teased him, so the next thing he knows, there's some serious running through the entire mall, Jungkook trying to catch the older with all kinds of gummy worms in his hands, trying to feed him to death.
"No. I don't want that... Jungkaaaa...."
"Jiminie hyung?"
"Are there cameras around?" Jungkook asks all serious.
"Yes. Way too many for us to be fooling around like this."
"Oh my God! Are you gonna get fired?" Jungkook's big eyes got even bigger, so Jimin just laughed loudly.
"They're all turned off silly. As if I would drink a bottle of vodka in front of the cameras. Please..." Jimin said, sounding all confident, and continued.
"We did throw that bottle away, didn't we?" he asked, all the confidence leaving his body.
"I think we did..."
"Imagine the look on someone's face if they buy that bottle, and just when they're supposed to drink it, they figured it's empty." Jimin said through giggles.
"But hyung, they would notice it before buying it."
"No they wouldn't silly. Vodka is see through."
"I hate to admit it, but you got the point."
Seriously, dumb and dumber.
That's just one of the funny things they discussed about, after drinking that bottle, which was Jungkook's idea of course, but Jimin gave in easily.
"Hyung, I have the best idea ever!" Jungkook yelled, while walking down the stairs, Jimin in tow.
"Coming from you, that's highly debatable." Jimin teased so the younger fake cried.
"Let's go to home goods store. We can pretend to shop for our house, and pick out our favorite furniture."
"It's this way." Jimin shows the big open store space, with all kinds of furniture in it.
"Hyungie wanna try the beds?"
Jungkook goes straight to the biggest one he found, and after taking his sneakers off, started jumping on it as if he was on some trampoline.
"Hyung, this is so much fun. Come join me." Jungkook really looked comfortable and like he's having the time of his life.
"I can't.... What if breaks? What if... aghhh fuck it, it looks too good."
Again, Jimin gave in and followed the younger onto the bed.
They jumped and jumped, until the bed was looking like a real mess.
"Look at us being actual animals in bed." Jimin said, after looking at the messed up sheets, pillows thrown all over the floor.
"We really made a mess." Jungkook added.
"We should clean up. Right?" Jimin started picking up the silk covers, trying to make it better, and the younger just burst into a laugh.
"I just realized how dirty that sound. You know... Being animals in bed, cleaning up afterwards..."
"That's just your perverted mind, now bring your ass back here and help me out."
Jungkook is already destroying another bed.
"Hyung? Wait for me there. Ok?" Jungkook yelled after seeing something that made his eyes sparkle.
"Look, I got it from the bookstore. Dragon ball manga I always wanted to read. Can we read? Please?"
Jimin hated those puppy eyes. He really did.
After patting the spot on pretty, soft pink couch, Jungkook came and lay down, his head nicely fitting on Jimin's lap.
"Do you read mangas?" Jungkook asked, after looking at Jimin who is flicking through pages curiously.
"No. Unfortunately my father didn't let me. He said that those could only make me stupid or something like that... And then I grew up and thought how there's no point in reading them now." Jimin shrugged so Jungkook got up, and move closer to the older.
"There's nothing wrong with reading mangas. I read them my whole life..."
"That's not the encouragement I needed..."Jimin teased the younger so he pinched his arm playfully.
"Seriously hyung. Just read this one. Please. It's so good, and then we could watch this anime too, cause it's one of the best."
So the half an hour of convincing started. Jungkook explained all about reading mangas to Jimin, gave him a short feedback of every manga he read, and only after the older promised he'll read at least one, Jungkook is happy and satisfied.
"But I'm not taking this one. I'm gonna buy the first edition tomorrow and find time to read it these days. Ok?"
"Did you even get the film shots you needed in the first place?" Jimin asked while they were both walking down to the first floor.
"I did. It took me 20 minutes to get it all done."
"Then why did we stay for this long? It's.... (Jimin looked at his phone) Oh God, how come it's almost 2 in the morning?"
"Time flies by when you have fun. Come here, let's do this one thing before we go. I promise. Come on hyung, when will we ever get a chance to be alone in the mall and do whatever we want to..."
Jungkook yells while entering one of the cosmetics & drugstore, and Jimin, as usual, followed.
"I can do it actually whenever I want to but that's not the point... and why are we looking at all kinds of make up?" Jimin looked at Jungkook who was looking at all kinds of make up products, taking some brushes, smelling perfumes, lip glosses...
"Can I put some of it on you?" the younger asked so Jimin frowned.
"Ah hyung pleaseeeee, comeee on... this will be so fun. No one will see us, after I finish with you, then you can do me too...actually that sounded wrong, but you know what I mean... Pleaseeeeee."
Jungkook is so annoying when he wants something.
Like super annoying.
He would literally bat his eyelashes ridiculously fast, and smile cutely, and those eyes do not fit on that face cause they are so fucking big, and...
"Fine! Oh God I can't believe what you made me do in just one night. I should really stop hanging out with you. You're no good for me."
"Jiminah, stop whining and close your eyes."
"Then I'm gonna put an eye shadow inside your eye."
Jimin closed his eyes immediately.
It feels horrible. It feels like Jungkook is putting way too much of everything on his face.
The brush is constantly being pulled away, only to be put back on his eye lids again, and Jimin already thought how he must be looking like a clown.
Then he feels a couple of movements of a brush on his cheeks, and at the end he felt something on his lips. That made him open his eyes.
"What's that?" he asked while looking at Jungkook.
"Just some lip gloss to finish the whole look."
"I don't want that. I hate lip glosses. I hate this..."
"You'll like it I promise."
Jungkook teases him and then takes a step back. Looking at Jimin with some dazed look on his face.
"Nothing. I finished. Now you do me, and then on count of three we'll look at ourselves in the mirror. Ok?"
Jimin took some brushes, actually he had no idea which brush is for what so he used two of those. One for applying some neutral beige eye shadow on Jungkook's lids, and another pretty big one, to put some rose blush on his cheeks.
"I'm not putting any lip gloss on you cause I hate them, so you can thank me later. There I finished." Jimin said unenthusiastically so Jungkook jumped off the chair they were sitting while doing their make up.
"Ok, so on the count of three, we'll turn around and look in the mirrors."
Jungkook said so Jimin nodded.
"One..." and Jimin turned around.
"Hyuuuuung...." Jungkook whined.
"Come on Jungkookah...What is this???"
Jimin comes closer to the mirror to observe his face, cause there is some glitters on his eyelids, cute pink blush on his face, but his lips were bright red, and he will never admit it, but he looks gorgeous.
"Hyung, don't freak out. It's just for fun." Jungkook came closer to observe his make up that was barely there.
"Jiminah, you really look pretty. Tell me I'm pretty too." Jungkook says while giggling, his hands under his chin, acting cute.
"You're pretty freaking annoying. How could you do this to me?" Jimin pouted and looked even cuter.
"I think you look gorgeous."
Jungkook objected so Jimin took one of the brushes again, and told the younger to close his eyes again. He did.
After taking some of the darkest purple and bluish eye shadow, Jimin put way too many of it on Jungkook's eyes and cheek bones.
"There. Now you look like something I would die to do..." Jimin said so Jungkook looked at his purplish and blueish face and laughed.
"You mean you want to beat the crap out of me."
"Exactly." Jimin said with excitement, and finally they get out of the mall, both of them carrying some wet wipes to clean their faces on their way home.
Of course, like always, Jungkook follows Jimin home, and this time he doesn't even try to stop him. It was 2AM and he actually feels better with him on his side.
"So hyungie. Thank you so much for this. I really owe you big time. I would get an F if I didn't do this tonight." Jungkook said when they arrived in front of Jimin's building, looking really happy and smiley.
"No problem. I hope you'll get an A and we can celebrate it with some good food and cold beer." Jimin said and noticed how he would actually like to see the younger again. This whole new friendship thing was getting more and more interesting to him.
"I would love that. but before we get to that, there's this opening of some new club in Itaewon, Soap, tomorrow, and me and Tae, probably Yoongi hyung too, are going, so if you want to come with us, we would love to see you again." Jungkook said so Jimin thought about all the studying he has to do. He's been really neglecting his student obligations these days, but it's Friday tomorrow, and he doesn't have to work on Saturday, and he could ask Kangae to cover some of his meetings on Sunday so that he could study more that day....so...
"Sure. I'd love that actually. Text me when and where we're meeting and I'll come."
"We'll probably go to Tae's before the opening and grab something to drink and then we'll go to the club all together."
"Sounds great. See you soon then." Jimin waves goodbye.
"Good night hyung."
"Oh fuck, sweet mother of God...shit!" Jimin yells the moment he met his reflection in the mirror, cause the red color lipstick, that he thought he had removed, actually was still on his lips, as vivid as the moment Jungkook put it on him.
"It's one of those long lasting shit..."
Jimin thought and decide to scrub it off of his lips with a sponge if he needs to.
Luckily for him, he succeeded in removing almost all of it. Well maybe all of it, and the reason his lips were still a bit red, was cause of all the rubbing and wiping he did to those poor pretty thing...
He lay down to sleep after finishing his night routine, and cursed on the inside cause it was 3 AM, and he had a contemporary dance class in 7 AM, and even if he falls asleep immediately, which is impossible, he would yet, not get the enough amount of sleep, that he was used too. He just prays to God that he'll be able to wake up and make it to the class somehow...
God didn't hear his prayers so after a 5 minute alarm snooze, there's another 5 minute alarm snooze, and another 5 minute alarm snooze, until eventually he couldn't hear the alarm anymore.
It did feel good to sleep for a bit longer than he usually does, so when his phone starts to ring, and in his head he could still hear the loud pounding, Jimin knew exactly who was calling him.
"Hyung..." he answered without even looking at his phone.
"Where are you Jiminah? The class started half an hour ago. I thought you were being late, but then you never came...Are you ok?"
Jimin feels like a jackass. He never sent a message to Hobi, to tell him he's not coming, and since the only time he couldn't make it to the dance class, was when his father was in town and they had some breakfast reservation, he figured the older must be worried to death.
"I'm so sorry hyung. I really forgot to send you a message last night, but it was so late that I didn't wanna wake you up in case you were sleeping..."
"Where were you? Hanging out with that girl from the other night again?" Hobi asked, curiosity filling his voice.
"Not a girl..."
"No hyung. I was just out with a friend. He had some assignment for University so I tried to help him..."
"Oh. The guys you're hanging out with these days? I have to admit, I'm kind of jealous. I mean it was always just the four of us, but now you're hanging out with some new people." Hobi whined so Jimin laughed.
"You're still my No.1 hyung." and he really is.
"Thank you. That's nice to know. Ok Jiminah, go and get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow morning for our hip hop class."
"Thank you hyungie. See you soon."
The moment he hangs up, Jimin continues sleeping for what seemed like forever.
Jimin is a simple man when it comes to clothing. He likes his shirts and pants too big, so he can feel comfortable all the time, but now, when he's looking at himself in the mirror, he doesn't like what he sees.
His hair was a bit longer, messily spread around his forehead, his favorite glasses covering parts of his eyes and eyebrows, the black buttoned up shirt that he usually wears for some meetings and night outs, looked way too wide and washed out a bit, and his pants, well... They just looked like his usual work attire. Wide and not fitting at all. He hates to admit it, but Tae was definitely right about that shopping thing, and he'll ask him to do it as soon as possible. For his tonight's look, it is what it is. He has nothing better to wear, or...
A thought crosses his mind, and he decides to look deeper in his closet, trying to find a pair of dark jeans that he loved as a high school kid, and never had a heart to throw them away.
"Maybe it'll still fit me..."
After finding the said jeans, he tries them on, and voila, it still look good on him.
It's not too tight, definitely not the skinny jeans a guy wears these days, but it's not as wide as all the other clothes that he wears. The jeans is nicely fitting, hugging his hips and ass just on the right places.
This new look gave him some instant confidence, that he didn't know he even needed.
"Hyungie." he heard Jungkook the moment he exited the building.
"I thought we're meeting at Tae's at 10." Jimin looks a bit surprised to see the younger here, cause he texted him that they'll all be at Tae's at 10.
"Well I was on my way so I decided to wait for you."
"You don't have to walk with me every time you know."
"I know. I just like to."
Jungkook smiled, so Jimin smiled back, actually enjoying the younger's company.
"I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it, I like toooo move it..." they heard Tae's singing the moment they entered the apartment, knowing very well the party has already started.
When they walk inside a bit further, there are Yoongi and Tae, both looking pretty drunk, dancing on the couch, bottle of tequila on the table with some sliced lemons.
Half empty bottle of tequila that is.
"Minniiiiieeeeee!" Tae yells and walk to the boys, giving the older the biggest hug, not even noticing Jungkook next to him.
"My pretty baby, you look so cute." he said while cupping Jimin's cheeks, squishing them with his long fingers, making Jimin's lips to pout even more.
"Look at this little fishy. Adorable."
He kept playing with his cheeks, and the worse thing is, Jimin doesn't feel bothered at all. He got used to his touchy outbursts.
"Leave him alone, come here let's have some shots together." Jungkook yelled so they finally sat down and started drinking while talking about their night out expectations.
"I just wanna get drunk and chill out a bit..." Yoongi was simple as that.
"Yeah, I hope the music is nice so that we can dance a bit..." Jungkook was into dancing.
"I have one mission, and one mission only. I wanna find a nice guy for my Minnie to flirt again." Tae had a whole different plan.
"Don't force him into doing something he's not comfortable with. Look what happened the last time with Eunwo." Jungkook scolded him.
"I'm actually ok with trying that again. I just want it to be someone more gentle and nice." Jimin decided to speak his mind, or maybe the fourth shot of tequila spoke for him.
"Did someone say Lay Zhang? Am I hearing this right?"
"For fucks sake Jungkook! Forget about that 4 inches short dick and let me pick a decent guy for him. We don't want small dicks!" Tae scolded him as always...
"What about my 6,5 inches with nice girth dick?" Yoongi added so both of them started hitting him with pillows, and all Jimin could do was laugh out loud.
He loves them. Love how crazy and fun the guys are, and he's really enjoying their company.
"Babe, before we go, can I give you another shirt cause that one needs to be burned down in flames." Tae said while pointing at Jimin's black button up shirt so he just nodded.
"Sure. I don't really care." Jimin agreed so after drinking one more shot, both of them head upstairs and after some searching, Tae pull out two shirts that are looking pretty good.
One is gray with a bit deeper neck line and LOVER written on it's back, and another white with some stripes all over it.
"Ok, so they're both pretty fitted, so if you feel a bit uncomfortable..."
Jimin took off his shirt.
"Holly shit!!!! What the fuck?!?!" Tae yells loudly, so the boys got nosy from downstairs.
"What's going on??"
Only then Jimin realized that he stripped down in front of someone casually, and exposed his firm abs and big tattoo.
He grabbed the gray shirt immediately and put it over his head as fast as he could. Tae's eyes not leaving his frame for a second.
"Wow Jimin you look hot!" he said, but Jimin blushed, feeling a bit exposed and ashamed.
"Don't tell anyone, please..." he whispered and pointed at his tattoo, so Tae zipped his mouth, pretending like there's an actual zipper on them.
"Why are you yelling???" Jungkook and Yoongi barged in without breathing, obviously too curious to know what the big deal was.
"Nothing." Jimin said pretty fast. His eyes going to Tae's face, then the others like ping pong ball.
"I just had no idea how hot our Minnie is. If I had a body like that, I would wear those crop tops all the time." Tae said and came closer to Jimin, looking at the way that gray shirt fitted him perfectly.
"Don't even bother with trying the other shirt. This one look too good." he said and smiled fondly, so Jimin nodded.
"I think you should try the other one too..." Jungkook added.
"Yeah, yeah, and try it out here, now, and we'll tell you our honest opinion."
"Go away pervs. He'll wear this one." Tae said so the boys go down with sulky faces.
"Thank you." Jimin mouthed to Tae, so the older pinched his cheek cutely.
Maybe it was it the good music, hot atmosphere, or too much alcohol, but Jimin is feeling confident and good.
They came into the big, dark club, which is filled with young people just dancing around, making out, drinking, and Jimin doesn't felt weird.
It's weird that he doesn't feel weird, as weird as that sound.
He's enjoying himself while listening to some songs the DJ is playing, and he even danced a bit. Usually he'd feel way too shy to dance this freely, but they are more jumping and fooling around, and Jungkook is always next to him so he feel kind of safe and good.
After realizing that his bottle of beer is empty, he told the guys that he'll go to the bar and grab another one.
That's when he noticed a long line of people standing at the bar, waiting for their turn, so he instinctively came to one of the good looking man, who's wearing some tight t-shirt that shows his muscular arms.
The guy is a bit short, but Jimin is no giant either, so even though he would maybe like if the guy's a bit taller than he is, his muscles paid the compensation.
He just kind of scooped in, and let the man's buff body rub onto his while they were waiting for their drinks, being constantly pushed a bit by the crowd.
"I'm sorry, I kept pushing you, but it's too crowded in here..." the man turned around, and Jimin likes what he sees. His face is cute, and he looks kind of genuine and nice.
"It's ok. I liked it." Jimin blurted so the man chuckled.
"You liked being pushed around?" he asked a small smirk appearing on his face.
"I think your arms look good. Can I touch it?" Jimin had no idea what came over him, but he just wanted to wrap his small hands around that huge biceps and squeezed it a little.
"Sure thing." the man said and flexed his arm, making it look even buffer so Jimin squeezed it tightly, and felt some tingling heat down in his pants.
"Wow, it's so big..." he mumbled, but before he could speak more the guy grabbed Jimin's ass cheek and pushed him towards his body, so the smaller gulped at the said action, feeling another wave of tingles inside his jeans.
"I'm sorry. I'll be right back." Jimin pointed with his index finger up and walked back to where him and the boys were standing minutes ago, and only saw Jungkook there.
"Hyung, Tae hyung and Yoongi hyung went to say hi to some friends..." Jungkook said, but Jimin was still dazed by the previous event.
"Jungkookah, I think you guys were right." he said, still a little confused.
"About what?"
"Me being attracted to men." Jimin said so Jungkook's eyes widen.
"I just touched someone's biceps and I think my dick twitched."
"What???" Jungkook's eyes got even bigger.
"Yeah. That's the signal I was waiting for, right?" Jimin said enthusiastically.
"Wait what? Slow down... Could be something else..." Jungkook put his hands on Jimin's shoulders, but the older was still hyped about this.
"No. No... Then the guy grabbed my ass and my dick was happy again."
Jungkook frowned.
"He did what?!?!"
"He grabbed my ass and squeezed it roughly." Jimin yelled, thinking the younger didn't hear him the first time.
"I got it the first time, but why would he do that? He just saw you for the first time..." Jungkook looked like he's in some deep thoughts so Jimin snapped his fingers in front of his face.
"You're missing the point here..."
"Who is it?" Jungkook asked with a frown.
"The guy. Who is it?" he asked again, his face expression still as hard as before.
"I-I don't know his name." Jimin said a bit shyly.
"He didn't even tell you his name, but he got the nerve to grab your ass? Show me who it was?" Jungkook said and tugged Jimin by his arm. The pressure he used always light as a feather.
"That one, but Jungkookaaaaah..." Jimin showed him the muscular guy, and whined, the younger walked over to the said man, Jimin's hand still in his.
"Hi Wonho." Jungkook said the moment they were in front of the guy, Jimin just smiled nervously.
"Hi Jungkook, hi sexy..." the man, Jungkook obviously knew, cocked his eyebrows at Jimin, so he tried to suppress the silly smile threatening to come, and said a shy little hi. It was his attempt of flirting.
"What are you doing? Do you know Jimin?" Jungkook asked the man whose expression turned from flirty to confused.
"No. What's the problem?" Wonho asked, now turning his focus to Jungkook.
"The problem is, Wonho, that you can't go around grabbing people's asses without even getting to know them first."
The man looked at Jimin even more surprised.
"I thought he liked it..."
"I did." Jimin bats his lashes.
"Shut up Jimin."
Jimin rolled his eyes.
"What's going on? Are you jealous? Is he your boyfriend?" Wonho asked while looking at them both.
"So what's the problem?"
"What do you mean 'what's the problem'? Don't you have some manners?" Jungkook asked so Jimin scoffed.
"You're the least adequate person to talk about manners."
"Shut up Jimin."
Jimin rolls his eyes with a huff.
"I'm out of here... It's not worth it..." the buff man said and just left.
"But I wanted to flirt with him, maybe even do something more." Jimin whined.
"Oh God, let's go." Jungkook tugged him back to a quieter place, next to the entrance.
"What's wrong?" Jimin crossed his arms on top of his chest, looking at the mad younger.
"You can't do things like that." he said and crossed his arms too.
"Cause he's a bad guy, probably with a lot of STD's too, and not to mention an asshole who would only hurt you." Jungkook said being all serious, so Jimin sighed.
"But Tae says it's ok if it hurts a bit. Afterwards comes the pleasure." Jimin said and put his hands up, his palms facing the sky, like he has no idea what he even just said.
"What the fuck? When did you even talk to Tae about sex?" Jungkook made a grimace.
"Well tonight and the other day, he just always talks about sex actually."
That was true.
"And he told me to be bold and to just go for my first flirting with guy experience, and you just ruined it for me so thank you." Jimin frowned so Jungkook rolled his eyes at him.
"Hey you two, what's wrong? Sehun and Chen are here, they wanna call it the night and leave so we can catch up somewhere little quieter, so I suggested we all come back to my place..." Tae said and looked at Jimin and Jungkook, both looking annoyed.
"I'm fine with that. I'll be at our table ready whenever you want to go..." Jungkook said and left, so Jimin felt weird. The younger felt like his safe place in situations like this, so now that he's gone, he just feels a bit lost.
"What happened?" Tae came closer to Jimin.
"He just prevented me from having my first flirting experience with a guy cause the guy grabbed my ass without getting to know me first." Jimin said it all, and made a 'you better believe that' grimace.
"What? How? Why? Who?..." Tae had too many questions, and look a bit confused.
"Well I finally grew some balls and went to some guy that I think looks good, and after I touched his biceps, he grabbed my ass, and I think my dick twitched." Jimin said the last part a bit shyly.
"Congratulations my baby. You just got your fist dick twitch from interacting with a guy. That's amazing. And Jungkook is going to hear from me, let me tell you. He has no right to choose who's good and not good enough for you, especially since you liked the guy. He's acting weird and I need to remind him that not everything can be according to Jungkook."
"He's just trying to help. I know that. But I need to do this by myself, and he's been too tough when it comes to anyone around me. Well except the Lay Zhang guy. Maybe I should just settle down, and try my luck with him..." Jimin said with deep sigh.
"Nope. Not the small dick guy. We've discussed it. Let's just go back to my place. I would love for you to meet our two friends from Uni. Maybe you'll even like one of them." Tae said and cocked his eyebrows at the older, but Jimin just shook his head.
"No. I really can't. I have an early hip hop class and a lot of studying to do, so I'd rather go home and sleep a bit before, if you don't mind."
"Sure baby. I get it. It's pretty late. Do you want me to call you a cab or something?"
"I'll do it. Thank you for inviting me Tae. I hope I'll see you again." Jimin said and hugged the younger tightly.
"You can count on it babe."
"Say I said bye to Jungkook and Yoongi hyung. I really don't wanna go through the whole crowd, and then come back here again." Jimin looked at the way too crowded space, and just shook his head.
"I will. Bye my little precious Minnie." Tae waved him, so he finally went out to catch some air.
"Hello, good evening, can I have one cab in front of the Soap club. Thank you." Jimin finished his call, and waited for 5 minutes for his cab to arrive.
"Hyung... why are you leaving already?" he heard the familiar voice, and after turning around, saw Jungkook coming out with short breaths.
"I have an early class, and it's pretty late..." he explained, so Jungkook nodded.
The cab arrived.
"I'll ride with you home." Jungkook said so Jimin turned to face him again.
"No. There's no need for that. I'm gonna go with the cab all the way to the entrance of my building, besides, there's two of your friends that Tae had invited to hang out at his place, so you should really stay here." the cab driver pushed on his horn, so after wincing, Jimin finally went inside.
"Text me when you come back home, please." Jungkook mouthed, so Jimin nodded.
While driving back home, Jimin couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the club.
Did he really like that guy?
If Jungkook didn't interfere would he flirt more, or try to even have some physical contact with the guy?
He had no idea.
The will was there, and after some shots, the courage was there too, but somehow it felt like something was still missing... He couldn't figure it out.
The moment he got home, Jimin tried to sleep, but his mind was still a bit hazy, so he decided to send Jungkook a message, and read that manga the younger asked him to, before falling asleep. Books always helped him to fall asleep faster.
I'm home.
Ok. Sleep well hyungie.
I'm trying. Can't tho... I'll read that manga and then try to sleep.
Dragon ball? Don't read it now. You won't be able to stop until you finish. Aaaggghhhh I wanna read mangas with you now.
I hoped it'll help me to fall asleep faster. Why would you read instead of partying? Are you still at the club?
Yes. Tae and Yoongi found some studs to flirt so we'll stay a bit longer.
Well find someone for yourself too. Don't be a third wheel.
Not in the mood.
Well, go and dance then... I have to go back to my manga. It's really interesting.
I'm telling you, you're gonna regret this. You won't be able to stop. Good luck.
I'll read just one more page. Bye Jungkookah.
Except he didn't.
After 3 hours and 16 minutes later, when the Sun was almost visible on the sky, Jimin glanced at the phone, so after seeing that it's 6AM, he took a deep breath, deciding how he's not capable to go to the dance practice which was scheduled for 9AM, and before falling asleep, he sends a message to the younger.
I hate you and your stupid manga.
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock...
"Oh God what kind of nightmare is this?"
Jimin thought after hearing the loud knocking on his door.
"Who is it?" he yelled while coming closer to the door, his eyes still closed, barely able to peak a bit.
"It's me." Hoseok sounded worried, so Jimin scolded himself mentally for not texting him before falling asleep.
"Hobi hyung...." Jimin tried to be all cheery and cute, but the yawn couldn't leave his face.
"What's going on? You never miss our practice. You said it yourself, it's the way to cope with all the stress in your life? What are you doing now to handle the stress? Is this about that new girl you're seeing? Oh my God is she here?" Hobi talked and talked, and Jimin's head was only getting bigger with every word he said.
"It's not a girl hyung. I hang out with some new friends... They're all men..." Jimin said so Hobi frowned.
"Oh... So it's like that... Now you have another friends and you won't be able to hang out with your old friends, and go to practice..." Hobi whined.
"It's not like that. We met at the mall, and then I started going out with one of them and then I met his friends that are the coolest and funniest guys I ever met...(Hobi gave him a death stare) after you a-and Joonie hyung and Jin hyung of course, so we just sometimes go out together and have fun I guess... That's all." Jimin tried to explain, but Hobi's face got suspicious.
"So what are they doing? Where do they live? How old are they?"
"What are you, like my mom?"
"They study, well two of them. One is a music producer. He's super crazy. The other two are both in Seoul's University of Arts just different subjects, and Tae lives 5 minutes from my place so we hang out at his apartment usually."
"I wanna meet them." Hobi said. Sounding still doubtful about all this.
"Um... They actually said the same thing about you."
"Really? Then set a date. We can even invite them to one of our movie night or game night. Do they like that kind of fun? What do you do with them usually?
"Smoking weed, talking about dicks, drinking shots, cuddling..."
"Just play some games, watch animes, read mangas. That's what kept me busy for the night. I couldn't stop reading, so I ended up sleeping at 6. I'm so sorry hyung. Won't happen again." Jimin pouted and and looked at Hobi with those puppy eyes so he finally smiled at him.
"It's ok. Just don't let it happen again cause you know we have a show in a month and we really need to practice more."
"I know, I know. I'll do my best." Jimin said and yawned again.
"Aish... Go back to sleep now. I'll see you in few days. Ok?"
Hobi got up, ready to leave, so Jimin hugged him tightly on his way out.
After finishing his first Dragon Ball manga, Jimin really couldn't wait to read more. He got a bit addicted, so he spent almost all of his Monday morning reading the new manga that he bought instead of doing some preparations for meetings he was supposed to have.
Was he feeling sorry? Not even a little. Kangdae could really work a bit more...
While grabbing his lunch at the same cafeteria as always, he couldn't get his eyes off of the new manga, so when he heard a loud AHA! behind his back, he almost chocked on a piece of fries he was eating.
"What the actual!!?? You almost scared me to death! Or choked me to death... God you're insane!" Jimin yells while Jungkook only laughs at him with his hands on his stomach.
"Hyung, you should've seen your face..." he barely muted.
"You should've hear my heart rate. You almost gave me a heart attack."
"Are you mad at me?" Jungkook asked with pout.
"No." Jimin answered with frown.
"What are you reading?" Jungkook asked with smirk on his face.
"You know damn well what I'm reading, and I hate you for it, just so you know." Jimin said and closed the manga dramatically.
"I told you not to do it. Have I?"
"Yes." Jimin said shyly.
"And what did Minnie do?"
"I still read it." he said while putting his hands on his lap, looking like a small kid who got scolded for doing something bad.
"When will you learn to listen to me? Hm?" Jungkook teased so Jimin finally looked at him.
"When you grow up." he said and smiled so Jungkook pouted.
"Well that's not happening. I don't wanna be grown up. I wanna be your baby forever." Jungkook said with the sweetest little smile, batting his eyelashes cutely.
Jimin rolled his eyes at him.
"What do you want?" Jimin said annoyed. Wanting to get back to reading the manga.
"I wanted to apologize." Jungkook says and looks at Jimin with serious expression.
"It's fine. It's my fault for reading too much..." Jimin tries to speak, but the younger interrupts him.
"Not for that. Um... For that night at Soap... I shouldn't react the way I did..." Jungkook looked super uncomfortable and shy.
"It's ok. You just wanted to protect me. I get it. And you were kind of right." Jimin really hated to see the younger so weak and just unease.
"Really?" his eyes sparkled again.
"Yeah, I mean, I was obviously way too drunk, and if I wasn't, I wouldn't let that guy grabbing my ass, even less I would enjoy that kind of behavior. I guess it was alcohol's fault. Either way I'm thankful that you didn't let me have that first experience just like that. With someone I don't even know, and who's probably a jackass, at least you said so and I believe you..."
"You're right, but still, I had no right to interfere too much, so I won't do that again. It's just that you deserve more than just a nice looking guy who wants you for your beauty and knows nothing about you. You should really find someone who's nice, good looking, smart, careful, respectful and has good manners." Jungkook said so Jimin shook his head with a smile.
"I don't actually. I just need someone with good dick."
Jungkook's eyes widen.
"That's what Tae says. I'm just kidding. I think the guy you described, doesn't exist, so should I stop trying right from the start or?
"Of course he exists, and I'm gonna help you find him. And from now on, you won't listen to anything Tae says. Ok? Cause Tae's standards are not good enough for you."
Jimin smiles.
"Ok. I believe in your choice." and he really did. There was something about Jungkook that screamed honesty and softness under that tough mask that was mostly on his face.
"Good. I'll leave you now cause I can see you're dying to read more."
Jungkook got up, so Jimin grabs that manga again.
"I really do, and I still hate you for making me a manga addict now."
"No you don't." Jungkook smirks.
"I really don't." Jimin says shyly, averts his gaze, still unable not to say the first thing that's on his mind when he's with the younger.
The list of things Jimin never thought he would ever wear:
Skinny jeans
See through shirts
Leather pants
Colorful boxer briefs
Shirts with too deep V neck line
Crop tops
From all the things listed above, only crop top wasn't it the room he was currently in, trying those things for the first time in his life.
"Show me that sexy body."
Tae was obviously having too much fun.
"Are these jeans really supposed to be so tight. I mean I feel naked while wearing those. Literally, they are like my second skin." Jimin whines, but Tae isn't having any of it.
"Just come outside and stop being a wuss."
"There....It's weird...Feels weird..."
The way Jimin looks while getting outside that fitting room, doesn't match the way he was looking in Tae's eyes.
"Oh my fucking fuck... Minnie, seriously, where did those legs come from? How can you be built like that. Come here." Tae just ignored Jimin's doubtful look and instead started looking at the older while walking around, lifting the silky shirt with a bit deeper V neck line,that Jimin also tried on, and in time, Jimin actually got used to the new feeling he felt around his body.
Something was actually fitting. Fitted clothes. He finally get's it. Maybe a bit too tight for his liking but he definitely get's it now.
"I dance a lot. Like A LOT."
"I can tell. I wanna dance too. When are we meeting your best friend? Ask him to come with us this Friday, there's a live gig at Once In A Blue Moon, and I actually have a surprise for you." Tae cocks his eyebrows at Jimin who hates to admit, but loves surprises.
"What is it?"
"The band that's playing, is so good, and I know the guys, and I think you'll like the drummer, so I thought, there's your chance to flirt, maybe make out a bit."
The grin on Tae's face was ridiculous.
"Was this the right time to tell him how Jungkook said that the guys Tae picks are not good enough for me? Nah... Probably not."
"I'll decide when I meet the guy."
"That's the spirit. Now let's go and fix those roots. I need new hair color ASAP!"
Two hours later, lighter blond color than what he's used to, 5 heavy bags in his hands, Jimin finally came back home.
"What the hell just happen?"
He couldn't believe that he gave in so easily to every suggestion Tae made, and now, he was looking at himself in the mirror, being totally blond, with some nicely done hairstyle.
"I can pull this off. I'll try to pull this off. Oh just fuck it... Fake it till you make it..."
He really had doubts about his looks, but now was not the time to question himself.
He had a lot of things going on in his life, such as studying for exams that he neglected these past few weeks, and preparing for some new meetings cause his father should come in town soon, to check up on the situation at the mall.
He was feeling stressed out and grumpier then usually, and the only thing that kept him sane were all those manga's he read and talking to Jungkook actually.
He was also pretty busy with his studying, making some films, going to classes, but every night around 11PM he would find time to talk to Jimin about the new manga the older was reading, and they kind of got used to it.
On Thursday night, around 10:50 PM, Jimin grabbed some fruits, layed on the bed, and prepared his new manga to read.
Sharp at 11PM his phone rang and he answered it immediately without even looking at the screen.
"Hi Jungkookah, how was your day?" he asked knowing very well who was on the other side.
"Good. I finished 2 projects and can't wait to celebrate it properly tomorrow. What are you doing?"
"You know... Just reading. Goku can be so naive sometimes I swear..."
"Pfff tell me about it, I always thought how I wanted to be just like him when I grow up, but fuck it. I'll be Vegeta. That's my man."
Jimin laughs.
"I've never been to that bar, The Blue Moon, is it good?"
"Yeah, amazing actually. It's not as crowded as in clubs, and you have your own table and chairs, but there's still room to dance. It's really good. Tae said you'll come earlier at his place. I have classes till 8PM so I'll be a bit late. It's that ok?"
"Yes, of course. I haven't seen you in days. It's weird."
Jimin thought about how easy was to get used to seeing the younger more often, and now that both of them had their obligations and Uni assignments to do, he missed being around him.
"I know. I miss you too."
They both giggled.
Just when Jimin was about to tell the younger all about his and Tae's little talk about the hot drummer that Jimin was supposed to flirt with tomorrow, Jungkook had someone on another line so they finished their call with 'see you soon'.
"Tae, I bought all of those things and I still have no idea what to wear." Jimin whined to Tae who was just giggling on another side of the phone.
"What a real life crisis. Just let me remember all of the things we bought the other day..."
"Those dark jeans, black jeans, ripped jeans, two button up shirts, those two shirts with deeper neck line, leather pants..." Jimin kept counting the things, until Tae figured.
"I know, I know... No need to tell me more. Well, since this is just a casual Friday night out at a bar, wear that white loose shirt with deep V neck line, but cause we have a mission to complete, which is flirt with a hot drummer, wear those skinny black jeans that show off your ass perfectly, and come to my place earlier, I wanna do your hair a bit differently. "
"Um... Ok. I'll be there in 20 minutes."
One of the things Jimin also never thought he'll experience, having a curling iron in his hair, making some waves that actually looked super cute on him.
"I knew that giving you some volume will be the best thing ever. Babe you look good. Look at you." Tae said and moved away from the mirror, for Jimin to look at himself better.
"I... I actually like it."
"Of course you do. Now let me put some make up on you. Take those glasses off." Tae said and grabbed some concealer, but Jimin moved back.
"No. I don't like make up." he waves his hands in front of that bag.
"But I'll just use some concealer to cover those dark circles under your eyes. Have you even been sleeping last night?" Tae said and already put some of it on the soft sponge.
"I did...just not enough..."
"Fucking mangas."
"There... Just a tiny bit of blush here... And a natural shadow on your lids for some depth in those eyes, and just a tiny bit of a lip balm to make your lips pop."
"Why should they pop?"
"It'll make you look more kissable." Tae said why applying the balm with a brush, Jimin hated the ticklish feeling on his lips.
"There. Ready for some action." Tae reveals his final look while moving away from the mirror, so Jimin took a deep breath, and put his glasses back on.
"I look so different."
"Good different or bad different?"
"Just... Different. I don't hate it. But I usually like the way I look, and this is different than that."
He said while observing his plump, shiny lips, and fluffy wavy hair.
"And do me a favor. Take these off only for the night. Please." Tae said while taking Jimin's glasses off.
"But I won't see anything then..." Jimin whined, squinting his eyes.
"Even better."
"How come?"
"Than you'll lower your standards." Tae cocks his eyebrows at him.
"Ugh... Fine..."
"Let's grab some shots and talk about some dick hunting strategies." Tae suggested and Jimin loved the idea.
"So... What would you say your ideal type is?" Tae asked before they drank their first shot.
"Someone nice and caring..." Jimin said so Tae scoffed.
"I thought about physical appearance..."
"Oh... That... I don't know. Maybe someone with nice body. Muscular, taller than me... Something like that." Jimin shrugged.
"Well Gikwang is your man then. I'm telling you, he's hot as fuck and the moment you see him, you'll feel your pants tightening around your crotch area. I should wear something wider too." Tae said so Jimin just shook his head.
"Craziest man ever..."
An hour after, few more shots and both Tae and Jimin were laying on the floor, going through pictures from Tae's exes, commenting their appearance, and rating them by their looks.
"I still think Minho was the hottest from them all..." Tae whined.
"And his dick... Just perfect 7,5 inches with some girth to make your mouth hurt."
Jimin blushed at the beginning of their conversation, but now those comments just seemed like the most natural thing in the world.
"I don't know... He's hot, but I still think that Siwon guy and you were a better match." Jimin said while going back to yet another shirtless pic of Tae's ex.
"I know, but his dick and my ass didn't match. So... No."
Jimin laughs so hard his stomach huts.
Both of them did.
And they laughed so loud that they totally missed Jungkook and Yoongi coming inside, looking at them while they were rolling on the floor, laughing uncontrollably.
"I guess they started drinking without us."
Finally, Yoongi's words made them to look up, registering their presence, and the moment both of them laid their eyes on Jimin's face, they kind of froze.
"Jimin you look hot as fuck!" Yoongi's first words.
"Tae hyung why is Jiminie hyung looking like this?" Jungkook's words.
"You don't like it?"
Jimin was drunk.
"Of course I do, it's just... You're wearing make up, and those clothes... And where are your glasses?"
"Tae said I should take them off to lower my standards. You know, cause I won't be able to see people clearly and that will make me less judgy or something."
Jungkook frowns and looks at Tae.
"Please, stop trying to corrupt my Minnie. He's not you."
"He's not only yours you know." Tae came closer, showing off his fierceness.
"Well I found him first." Jungkook made a step forward too. Both Jimin and Yoongi just observing them like they were some rare species.
"Well I don't care." Tae bit back.
"I'm not a pet." Jimin interfere so they glanced at his actual puppy pouty face and finally all of them laughed.
"I was seconds away from screaming Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry... You know those lunatics who fight over nothing at Jerry Springer Show. You looked exactly like that." Yoongi said and moved on to drinking some shots himself.
An hour after, they finally arrived at the pretty crowded place that looked amazing on the inside.
There are high tables and stools all around the place, and some dim lighting is illuminating the open space. The stage is located on the far back, and Jimin loves how Tae reserved them the closest table to the band, cause he was really interested in seeing that drummer Tae couldn't stop talking about.
"So, this is our plan for tonight." Tae starts talking the minute they sat down at the table.
"What plan?" Jungkook asks, looking confused.
"Well for Jimin to get that stud, Gikwang, the drummer..." Tae explains briefly like it's something they all know about.
Jungkook frowns.
"Why him? You like him?" he turns to face Jimin, who was biting his lip nervously.
"I don't know him, but Tae says I might like him."
And Jungkook scoffs, his face showing signs of disappointment, cause how could Jimin forget about the thing they talked about?
He leans closer, whispering into Jimin's ear.
"I thought we discussed about Tae's pick for you, didn't we?"
"I know, but he said that this one could be the one... I don't know... Doesn't hurt to try? Maybe?" Jimin says, still sounding indecisive.
"Do you have something to say Jungkookah? Something wrong with Gikwang? If anything you should be encouraging Jimin to go for it, since you know the guy better than rest of us. They went to some taekwondo classes together..." Tae interrupted their whispering.
"Actually he's pretty ok. Nice and looking good. I'm not sure if he's dating that guy he was in love with for years, that's all." Jungkook said, looking around the place.
"He's single. I asked Baekhyun hyung. Don't worry, I did my research." Tae winked, and continue with the plan.
"So... he should see that you're hot, single and ready to mingle. The best thing to see all of that, is to see you dancing around and having fun. Maybe you should share some glances, you know, like while you're dancing, look at him a bit sexily, bit your lip, or lick those plump, soft cushions, just the usual stuff to get someone's attention. There's too many hot guys here tonight and you don't need competition, so it's the best to just follow your gut instinct and be a bit dirty." Tae said so Jimin gulped.
"I should just give up right away..."
The band enters the stage.
"Or not... shit, he looks good."
Jimin noticed the drummer cause he was wearing a button up black shirt, and only one button was buttoned. His face was framed in stylish black coconut hairstyle, and when he smiled, two deep dimples were visible on each cheek.
"Cute..." he thought, but might have said it out loud too.
"Thank you guys for coming to hear us play tonight, we'll do our best to entertain you and make you feel good. Let's get it!" the singer announced the beginning of the show, so the boys started dancing immediately.
Jimin loved the smooth and sexy tunes by Arctics Monkey, Muse, Queens of the stone age, and many other artists he admired, and soon he felt comfortable enough to let his body move instinctively, swaying in the rhythm of the songs.
"You're doing great babe. Just keep dancing like that, but maybe come on the other side of the table so that he could see you...I'm gonna go and say hi to their manager, it's a friend of mine, and I'll be right back." Tae said, but at this point Jimin was more interested in dancing than flirting cause the music was really really good, and he was still drunk.
He came to the spot where Tae showed him, which was next to Jungkook. Yoongi was next to them but he didn't dance. He actually prefers to sit and watch the show, which was fine too.
"You look good." Jungkook leaned closer and whispered yelled into Jimin's ear, so the older smiled, feeling his cheeks getting hotter. Hopefully that concealer could hide it good.
"Thank you. I love the music they're playing. So good, and so inviting to just dance..." Jimin said and without realizing it was there, he felt Jungkook's hand, on his lower back, and before he could see it, he felt the younger's hips moving to the rhythm of the slow, sexy song the band was playing by Arctic Monkeys, and all he was able to do at the moment, was to follow.
Jungkook danced good.
He moved his hips deliberately, manly and sexily.
His hands were roaming over Jimin's lower back and waist, and some of his too light moves, made Jimin's skin to create the inevitable goosebumps rising through his whole body.
Yes. Jungkook knew what he was doing, and it shows.
It's noticeable on his face too.
Jimin's eyes switched their focus from Jungkook's smug face, to his tattooed arm, which was holding him a bit too tightly to breathe normally, so sometimes he needed to take a deep sigh to be able to continue dancing with this kind of pace...
"Relax hyung. You feel so tensed under my hands..." Jungkook whispered, and instead of feeling better Jimin just feel worse.
"It's cause you're so close..." even if he doesn't wanna admit it loudly, that's still the truth, and he could sugar coat it maybe, but he was too drunk to do so at this moment.
"But it's just me. You can relax when you're dancing with me. Gikwang should see you bringing your A game, and let me tell you something. He's looking all the time." The younger cocked his eyebrows, smug expression never leaving his handsome features.
Jimin glanced on the stage, and Jungkook wasn't lying. The hot man was really looking.
"You're right. So, can I dance more freely... Is that ok?"
How polite is Jimin? Seriously? The bestest boy ever.
"Sure you can. Bring it on." Jungkook had that sexy half lidded eyes look and Jimin liked it. He was definitely enjoying this, so Jimin should too.
It's not big of a deal if Jimin moves a bit closer to the younger's buff body, right?
And it couldn't harm to put his arms over Jungkook's neck to pull him even closer?
Why would it be weird?
They're doing it for the totally innocent cause. Almost.
It's not like they're focusing on their crotches rubbing one against another, or their hands now roaming a bit more riskier than before.
Jimin's soft fingers tracing Jungkook's tattoos, and squeezing his shoulder's a bit more roughly than he would usually do, but it was ok. Jungkook said that it's ok.
Their thighs were brushing one against another and Jungkook is thick. How did Jimin never noticed just how thick those thighs are... Deliciously thick.
The way their breaths got a bit shorter, and their lips a bit dryer, indicating their need to lick their lips more, but it wasn't like they were doing it on purpose... to tease each other...
No. It was cause of the too dry air in the room... That's got to be it. Right?
And when Jimin felt Jungkook's strong arms grabbing onto his hips just a bit rougher than before, he didn't even blink cause all Jungkook wanted to do is to turn Jimin around, probably to face that drummer, guitar player, or violin was it? Jimin could care less, cause right now, Jimin could not focus on anything else than Jungkook's hot body, being flush behind him, holding him tightly, like he's afraid if he looses the grip, Jimin would disappear. The fear was mutual.
So instead of maybe moving a step back, or just moving away, Jimin swayed that round ass of his right in front of the younger's crotch, and it seemed that every time Jimin would bounce with his ass back, Jungkook would follow his moves by pushing his hips forward, meeting Jimin's inviting and teasing action.
While leaning his back on top of the younger's chest, Jimin could feel Jungkook's heart beat. He could clearly hear how fast his heart was beating, like it was reflecting his own...
He closed his eyes, enjoying the movement of Jungkook's hands over his sides, and the swaying of their still tightly pressed bodies together... until it was gone, and all he could feel was a hand tugging him away, so he opens his eyes abruptly, only to be met with Tae's furrowed eyebrows.
"What the fuck do you think you were doing?" Tae yelled at both of them.
"Well helping Jimin. We were just dancing, you know... to show Gikwang how good of a dancer Jimin is... and that he's comfortable to dance with men... that's it."
"And this is your way of showing that? By literally being all over him? You're being the worst wing man ever!" Tae scolded him, but Jimin was still dazed by their dancing.
"I liked it." he blurted out so they both looked at him with two different expressions.
Tae's face was furrowed, and Jungkook's smug.
"I mean the dance...dancing...I like to dance, and Jungkook can dance good..."
"Just stay away from each other for the rest of the night. Soon the boys will make a short break and they invited us to grab a drink with them backstage. Don't ruin this for me?" Tae says so they nodded quickly.
Turns out, Gikwang looked even better from up close and Jimin had a really hard time with looking at his face for too long.
That could be the reason, but also, Jungkook was sitting on the opposite side of the backstage, talking to the keyboard player and they looked really flirty.
"So how come I never saw you with Tae before? I'm sure I would remember that pretty face." the man was a natural flirt. Jimin wasn't.
"It's cause we just met, maybe a month ago or something, and I don't like going out or hanging out with people." Jimin said and look at the shocked expression on the hot man's face.
"I'm weird." he just decided to be honest. Fuck it.
Luckily the man seems to dig this whole thing so he laughed cutely at Jimin's outburst and instead of freaking out, he just grabs Jimin's hand in his, and looks at him with a smile.
Jimin gulps, and his eyes instinctively drop down to his hand between Gikwang's and it feels weird and unusual, but he'll just suck it up and not glance at Jungkook right now cause that's just weird.
He glanced at Jungkook and voila, Jungkook was already looking at his direction.
"Well, weird, cute person, can I get your number so that maybe we could hang out or go out sometimes and do all the things you hate to do?"
Bruh! He was good.
"Sure. I'd love that." Jimin said shyly, and typed in the number on Gikwang's phone, and soon, the break was over, so they got back to their table, enjoying the new set of songs the boys were playing.
"I'm tired guys... Could we go back to Tae's?" Yoongi yawned, so all of them instinctively yawned too, and laughed right after.
"I'm ok with that. How about you Minnie?" Tae asked so Jimin nodded.
"Totally fine."
"Jungkookie?" then they asked the youngest, so he agreed too.
The moment they entered the apartment.
"Did I, or did I not see my Minnie giving his number to his boy crush?" Tae teased so Jimin covered his face with both of his hands.
"Even if I said some stupid things, he still wanted my number. He's really, really nice. I'll definitely consider this."
"I'm so happy and excited for you baby. And just so you know, after the date, you're always welcomed here to have some steaming sex. My place is your place..." Tae continued, but Jungkook interfered.
"What are you talking about? As if he's gonna have sex on the first date..."
"Why not? Those happen, you would know better than anyone..."
"That's true, but not for his first time. He'll probably want privacy and everything..."
"Are you still talking about my sex life? I think we're over that..." Jimin scolded them so they stopped with their crazy arguments about the topic and soon, all of them were on the couch, eating some left over pizzas, looking like some hungry animals.
"This was so good. I think I'll pass out the moment I lay in bed." Yoongi says while patting his stomach, so Tae leans down and kiss it softly.
"Are you saying no cuddles for me tonight?" he pouted so all of them giggled at his cuteness.
"I'll cuddle you anytime. Come here..." Yoongi gets up, and Tae does so too, so they walk upstairs together, hand in hand, and Jimin thinks how cute they look together.
"I want my cuddles too, just so you know." His thoughts got interrupted by Jungkook being all clingy, crawling on the floor, getting closer to where Jimin is sitting on the couch.
"No. No cuddles for you!" Jimin waved his index finger in front of the younger's face, but he just came closer, and wrapped his whole body over Jimin's leg, looking like a koala hanging on a tree..
"You heard him. Leave my poor baby alone. You can't cuddle!" Tae yells from upstairs, so Jungkook frowns.
"And it's ok for you and Yoongi to cuddle. I hate double standards!" he pouts.
"Well we fuck too, so..." Tae says so Jungkook looked at Jimin and the shock on their faces was funny.
"You're the worst!" Jungkook said and got up, deciding not to indulge into Tae's provocations.
"Before you fall asleep, could I have something comfortable to sleep in?" Jimin asked so Tae threw them some shirts and sweatpants, and Jimin couldn't thank him enough. He would hate to sleep half naked next to the younger again. Once was traumatizing enough.
After brushing his teeth and washing his face clean, Jimin came outside and the couch is already made, Jungkook laying on his stomach, going through a pile of all kinds of mangas spread on the couch.
"Wow, there's so many..."
Jimin looks in awe.
"Yeah, Tae has a lot of them. I got even more than this though. We really love to read those. Wanna read some before going to sleep?" Jungkook whispered.
"Is that even a smart idea?" Jimin looked at Jungkook cause the younger knows how addicting those mangas can be, and they could easily spend the night reading.
"Maybe just one?" Jungkook says cutely.
"Ok. Just one." Jimin agreed.
"You pick which one while I brush my teeth."
Dragon Ball, Naruto, Akira, One Piece, Hunter x Hunter... There were so many, that he felt like there's no point in choosing like he knows which one is the best, so while closing his eyes, he just picked one randomly, and hoped it'll be a good one.
"Naruto?" Jungkook laid down, pushing his body on the pillows up.
"Is it good?" Jimin came closer, sitting next to the younger.
"It is. Hopefully we could get some sleep."
They made themselves comfortable, Jungkook holding the manga, and Jimin leaning his body onto his, their sides and shoulders touching. It didn't feel awkward. If anything, sitting this close feels normal and nice.
An hour into reading, Jimin finds the younger stop flipping the pages, so he looked to his left, where Jungkook is sitting and sleeping soundly, the manga still in his hands.
He carefully took it out, and put it down on the floor, and looked at Jungkook's peaceful face.
He's pretty like this. Calm, soft and cute.
Jimin kept thinking how to not wake the younger up, but manage to make him lay down more comfortably, cause sleeping in some sort of a sitting position is definitely gonna give him a neck pain.
"Jungkookah, lay down..." he whispered so the younger stirred and slide down a bit, turning his body towards Jimin.
"Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles..." He mumbled while nuzzling his face into Jimin's side, looking like some furry, cute pet.
Jimin just stayed lying next to him.
He looks at the younger's hair that was splayed all over his face, and Jimin's arm, so instinctively he put his right hand up, and put it in Jungkook's hair, trying to pushed it off of his face.
The younger just nuzzled into his touch, adjusting his head so that Jimin could pat him more.
Jimin rolled his eyes.
He moved all of the messy strands away from his forehead, and tucked them nicely behind Jungkook's ear. His fingers move lightly, barely touching the younger's face.
When he moves his fingers away, Jungkook's reaction was instant.
"Mmmmm more..." he growled, so Jimin winced a bit.
"Oh shut up you clingy baby." Jimin scolded him while whispering, but returns his hand right where it was a moment ago, touching lightly at Jungkook's scalp, making both of them to fall asleep faster.
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