"I'd like to welcome everyone to the meeting in which we learned our lives were devastatingly ruined by people who decided it was fun to stick their noses in our business. Now—"
Samuel protested as Scarlett snatched the rubber toy hammer away from him with a glare.
"Thank you guys for coming, honestly," she said, turning to the others, "I know what's happening isn't ideal and you guys don't really have much of an idea of the situation. We explained as much as we could to you yesterday, so I'm hoping that you have a small sense of what's going on."
"We're all matched with the wrong person. We have to work together to get back with the right match by spending time with each other...right?" Jenevieve said.
"That's as good an explanation as any. So, I texted Kaia ahead of time and asked if it'd be okay for us to bring our Agents and they're here to answer any questions you guys have."
"What is this, a panel?" Dawson interrupted.
In fact, it was pretty much exactly that.
After Scarlett and Sebastian had shown up with their Cupid Agents in tow, Kaia was so excited that she ended up shifting everything in the living room around so that the U-shaped couch was facing a long table that sat in the center with two chairs behind it. She'd even gone as far as putting little pink paper plaques that read "Cupid 1" and "Cupid 2."
Kat was adamant that she be Cupid 1.
"Okay, let's get this started. We have to get back home soon."
"Actually," Kaia piped up, "I took the liberty to write down the questions everyone had—"
"More like the questions you squeezed out of us," Abel muttered.
"And I thought that'd be easier for you guys instead of plying you with them all at the same time," she finished cheerily.
"Oh! Thank you," Kat said, taking the piece of paper she offered her. "Okay, well I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Cupid Agent 004 and this is my partner, Agent 005. We're here to clear up this situation as much as possible, but please keep in mind that we might not be able to answer all your questions in accordance with the laws and guidelines of Midfólkvangr."
"Wait, if you showed us your wings and we know who you really are, doesn't that kind of ruin the point of laws and guidelines?" Liam asked.
"Don't get smart, kid. Anyways," Dawson plucked the paper out of her hand, "let's start with the first question! We won't be able to stay long, but we'll answer what we can."
Are we able to know who our match is?
"Ooh, unfortunately that's a big no-no. Our apprentices, as the lovable little idiots they are, did get you matched with the wrong person, but they are unable to tell you who your true match is due to occurrences that could possibly happen between the process."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that your match isn't permanent. Humans fall in and out of love so much and so easily that there's no keeping up with it. To tell you who your match is would completely throw off the connection—we do what we do to help the connection grow, not make you mad in love with your match from the get-go."
Do Cupids have souls? Are they angels?
"Well, as far as I'm concerned, I'm the closest Midfólkvangr will get to having an angel." Kat swatted Dawson in the arm and snatched the paper back.
"Cupids aren't angels—we're a separate realm. There's Heaven, there's Midfólkvangr and there's Hell. Next question."
"Hold up," Asher raised his hand, "have you been to Hell?"
"My dear, I have my own personal hellhound. I don't need to go to Hell."
The teenagers laughed and Dawson scowled at his partner.
"Ha ha. Laugh it up, but when you guys end up there, I hope you'll still be laughing!"
"You're not going to Hell, Kaia. I'm pretty sure out of everyone here, you'd be the first one to go to Heaven!" Jenevieve reassured the girl as her eyes darted around the room nervously.
What was your past life like?
Kat paused.
For a minute, the room was quiet and they began to look around at each other in mild confusion when Dawson cleared his throat.
"Uh, well for me, my past life was busy. I was really all over the place. Kinda like I was on drugs, but I promise I wasn't. Don't do drugs, by the way. But, uh, I had a brother and...we spent a lot of time together. He was my best friend. So, a word of advice? Live everyday like it's your last. Don't be afraid to express yourself and tell people how you feel—your feelings are important no matter what others say, so speak your truth."
"That got intense really fast," Logan murmured.
"Well, it's good for you guys to know and be reminded that your feelings are validated." Kat chimed in. "Love is such a powerful emotion that should always be taken seriously. It's a big thing to love someone and it won't always be ideal. There will be bumps along the road, but remember that communication is key. Always tell your partner how you feel. Don't beat around the bush as that will frustrate not only yourself, but your partner as well. A healthy relationship is a happy one."
"Are you in a relationship?"
"Uh—well....well that's—next question, please."
Are all Cupids as pretty as Scarlett?
"Skip," Sebastian muttered, glaring around the room before his eyes landed on Samuel who was trying his hardest not to laugh.
"Hey," he said, his voice shaky from trying not to cackle aloud, "I was just curious, no need to look at me like that."
"I'm not looking at you like anything." He scowled at the boy and Scarlett giggled, patting him on the back.
Is there a way for us to know who we'll end up with long-term?
"That is a question with no answer. Like Dawson said, humans fall in and out of love often. We Cupids have no way of knowing ahead of time who you'll end up with as your long-term partner. It takes a lot of careful eval—"
Dawson nudged her.
"Uh, right. That's an off-limits process. Going deep into how our universe works is something that we can't discuss with you. I hope you all die soon. I'd be more than happy to teach you then." She gave them an encouraging smile that turned into confusion at the slightly horrified faces in front of her.
"You just told them you hope they die soon," Dawson mumbled.
"Oh my Cupid, I didn't mean it like that!" Kat said hurriedly. "Just, ya know, that when...or if—I mean—never mind. Next question."
"I'll take this one," he laughed.
What is proper love?
"Hm...well, there's many qualities defining love, but there are many different kinds of love, too. What we encourage is the kind meant to last, meant to be eternal between you and your companion, but it's always both of your decisions to carry that out. Love is patient and kind—it's being able to connect with someone both physically and emotionally." Dawson glanced at Kat. "I'll admit it, love is scary. Being completely vulnerable with someone and sharing your deepest flaws and imperfections with them will never be easy, but it is a level of trust you allow yourself to have with your partner when you truly and properly love them."
Abel slowly raised his hand.
"What if...the kind of love you have is...different?"
"In what way?" Kat asked, furrowing her brows.
"I mean, the world's got this picture perfect view of what a loving couple is supposed to be—a guy and a girl. Is the idea of love made to fit that image?"
"Love fits whatever image you want it to fit," she said firmly. "There is no going over, under or around it. No matter what anyone tells you or what the world is made to think, love is love. It is universal. Cupids take great care in retrieving data based on one's interests in order to correlate with another match or even not at all."
"Not at all?" Jasper echoed.
"Well, there are some who choose not to love despite containing the natural chemical formula made for you to do so. We distinguish them differently from those who allow themselves to love."
"That's pretty cool," Logan chirped.
Kat smiled.
"I'm glad you think so."
Can we get officially matched to our mismatch?
"That's a good question, but unfortunately it's not in the cards. There are detailed specifications for each match and because this case is a first—and hopefully the last of its kind—none of you will be allowed to feel real love as you aren't paired with your real match, so what you're feeling is merely a misconception."
"Dang." Liam looked at Asher. "Sorry buddy, but I don't actually love you. Can we still be friends?"
Are you guys actually dead? And if so, does this mean I have a corpse wife?
"Jasper!" Scarlett growled. The boy cackled and hid behind Jenevieve as she threw a pillow at him.
"Kaia said I could ask any question I wanted, so I did!"
"Yeah, I did say that," the girl shrugged.
"Technically, yes. We are dead. But, our souls were given a second chance before moving on in the definite sense of the word and when we arrived in Midfólkvangr our bodies and souls were reunited in order for us to complete what tasks needed to be done," Dawson explained.
Melanie wrinkled her nose.
"Teenagers? Then, why do you look so old?"
"Hey, I look very young for my death age," he snapped.
"Your death age?"
"I died when I was 16 and chose to age to 24. Kat here died when she was 18, but she's 24 now, too."
"She looks younger than you," Melanie said flatly and Kat chuckled as Dawson glared at her.
"Cupids, after going through and completing their training, have the opportunity to age if they would like. Our Head Cupid and Elysian Court as well as various other important members of Midfólkvangr all chose to age. And no, Scarlett isn't a corpse nor is she your corpse wife."
"Awww," Jasper said in disappointment.
"Okay, we have two more questions before wrapping this up."
How is it that you're able to make people fall in love?
"That is also something we won't be able to fully explain to you, but just know that what we do, we do because we believe in it. It's not just a job to us—it's a great thing to see when our work flourishes into a healthy and positive future for our clients, but it doesn't always work out and that's okay, too. Sometimes, you have to hurt before becoming whole."
If we work hard enough, can our true match be the one?
Kat smiled at the piece of paper before looking up at the teenagers who were all sitting quietly and awaiting her answer.
She only worked with High School Sweethearts a few times and it was always a challenge, which made it all the more better for her, but it never ceased to amaze her how much love young people had for each other and how openly they expressed it. They were just beginning to figure out what love was, barely scratching the surface of something so deep and intense and passionate. Her eyes wandered over their faces, one by one before coming to Sebastian and Scarlett.
The corners of her mouth lifted into a soft smile and she nodded.
"Yes. I believe that once you are all truly matched, you can make anything happen for you—the ups and downs of a relationship, the struggles and the imperfections, it is all an opportunity for growth. But, remember this. Before you love anyone, it is important to first love yourself. Have love and kindness and patience with yourself. Okay?"
They all nodded, murmuring in agreement as Dawson tapped her watch.
"We gotta go, Kitty Kat."
"Right," they both stood up and pushed their chairs in, Kaia doing the same with a big smile and prompting the others to stand up as well, "this was our first time speaking to clients so it's a little strange, but it was very nice to talk to all of you. And thank you for having us in your home."
"Oh, no problem! Thank you for coming!"
The teenagers uttered their goodbyes to the Cupid Agents and Sebastian led them over to the front door.
"Wow, I feel like I just got taught a lesson about love," Melanie sighed, flopping back onto the couch.
"Isn't it interesting?" Jenevieve said as she sat beside her with shining eyes. "If Cupids are real beings, who knows what else is out there!"
She gasped.
"I bet mermaids are real!"
"Mermaids have always been real!" Asher said loudly from where he and Jasper were taking down the table.
"What time is it?" Kaia looked at her phone. "Everyone got here late, so—"
"I told you she was gonna hold it against us," Samuel laughed.
"Okay, so it's 1 o'clock right now and the party starts at 7! So, all of you go home and come back around 5:30, 6. That should give us enough time to set up what I can't by myself—"
"By yourself? What are you—"
"Just go!" Kaia shooed them towards the door, whacking Melanie's legs off of the couch as she muttered in protest.
"I'll set up what I can and I'll see you guys tonight! Oh, and don't forget to remind Miriam and Anastasia about the party—and someone drive Logan home, he's acting like he's okay, but I can see your face!"
"Shove off," he mumbled.
"I'll give you a ride," Jasper offered, "and one to the party if you need it."
"Ah, thanks, but I don't think I'll—uh, I probably won't be able to come."
"Uh, no." Stella rubbed the top of his head roughly. "You're coming and that's it, even if I have to drag you away from that computer of yours!"
"Ow, okay, alright! Stop!" He pushed her hand away and she grinned.
"Then, it's settled. Jasper will drive you and me to the party! Oh, by the way can I catch a ride? Thanks."
"Sounds like I don't have much of a choice."
Kaia herded them all out onto her doorstep and gave them an excited smile.
"Okay, so I'll see you guys later! Don't be late! Love ya!"
She carefully closed the door, the teenagers calling out to each other goodbyes and last minute insults as they moved into the large driveway and to their cars, some catching rides and others driving themselves.
Sebastian suddenly pulled the keys of the Impala out of his pocket and twirled it in his hand with a mischievous grin.
"He's actually letting you drive her?" Scarlett asked in disbelief.
"I did a little convincing, a little begging...okay, I begged a lot, but I managed to convince him I could handle it. I told him I took my driver's license test before I, ya know, died:"
"What did he say?"
"Not much," Sebastian moved to get into the car as Scarlett climbed into the passenger seat, "just that if I so much as scratched it, he'd make sure I never see the light of day again."
Scarlett laughed as he started up the Impala, the smooth rumble of the car making her sigh.
She glanced at Sebastian.
"Do you really have your driver's license?"
"I said I took the test," he grinned at her, "not that I passed it."
☀︎celine's corner ☀︎
bet y'all thought i forgot about this applyfic, huh?
i know it's been awhile, but i did run out of juice, so i'm trying my best to get it done :) thank you guys for reading and sticking around! please enjoy and i love you guys sm!!!
xoxo, celine 🧸
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