portrayed by Margot Robbie
portrayed by Scarlett Johansson
portrayed by Jensen Ackles
Superior Cupid Agents in charge of Case 848,
in which they are to supervise the training of
Scarlett Beaumont & Sebastian Kilbourne
at personal request of the Head Cupid.
"All I ask is for you to shut up and let
me finish telling them the rules!"
"Alright, Grouchy Pants. No need to get
your bow in a twist!"
"Today we'll be learning the basics."
Scarlett watched as Cupid Agent 004 tapped the blackboard with a long stick where the words "CUPID 101" were written in pink chalk. She sighed, an almost dreamy sound if it weren't for the indifferent expression on her face.
"What's got you lookin' so down, Billygoat?" Sebastian asked, reaching over to tug on her braid. She swatted the boy's hand away and he snickered before leaning back in his chair. He wasn't too bad, she supposed, but he was also the only normal aspect of the situation she'd found herself in—if she would call waking up in a completely foreign place with the only other person being a tall, dirty blond, hazel eyed idiot hellbent on annoying the crap out of her normal.
"What's going on over there?"
And Cupid Agent 004?
Oh she looked normal, with her wavy blonde hair floating right above her denim clad shoulders and sharp green eyes that could pierce your soul almost as much as a butcher knife could. Very attractive, but then she assumed everyone in the "foreign place" was except they weren't allowed to leave their room so how would she know? Even Cupid Agent 005 as he burst through the door with his eyes of the palest blue and carefully structured jawline to collapse in the seat next to Sebastian.
"Dawson, what do you want?" Cupid Agent 004 demanded. "I'm teaching a class."
"Oh, come off it, Kat." Cupid Agent 005 stretched his arms over his head and let out a big yawn before settling back in his chair with a Chesire-like smile. "You never did like teaching."
Yes, they would indeed pass as normal if it weren't for the wings that protruded out of their backs, spanning from their shoulders to just below their waists. Cupid Agent 004 had ivory colored wings, her feathers a tad bit darker than Cupid Agent 005's, whose own were such a pure white that it was almost difficult to look directly at them.
Two days ago, Scarlett and Sebastian had woken up in the same room with a space of exactly four feet between their beds. There were no windows and the walls were glowing like they were built in night-lights.
She was sure, and this she admitted to Cupid Agent 004 just moments after, that if Sebastian wasn't leaning over her when she woke up, she wouldn't have screamed as loud as she did for as long as she had. And then she probably wouldn't have fainted if Cupid Agent 005 hadn't walked in with his wings out(which is what she had also told Cupid Agent 004 once she regained consciousness).
Sebastian wasn't exactly her favorite person since then, describing their current situation as "being in the service of bow handling love freaks that go around and shoot people up on high amounts of dopamine."
Cupid Agent 004 had given them the 'required' 24 hours after explaining that they had both met their physical life's end and they were now to be reinstated as cupids-in-training. Scarlett thought that it would have to take her way more than 24 hours to get over the fact that she had died, left behind her family, and was now surrounded by winged people that called themselves agents.
Or, according to 005, the Agents of Love.
But, 004 had reassured her that by the end of the day she would come to terms with it. They both would, even though Sebastian had looked wholly unhappy about the situation and kept calling her names like "Sleeping Beauty, "Dopey" and "Billygoat"(she'd also unfortunately head butted him in the process of waking up, but it was the idiot's fault for standing so close).
She was right, though. The feelings of confusion and panic and worry had all but disappeared for both teenagers, replaced by the comfort of knowing their families were still alive and that at least they hadn't ended up in Hell which was of a more personal relief.
"When you become a Cupid," Agent 004 had said, "you have nothing to worry about except finishing what you were brought here to do. Your previous life, although precious in a sense, does not matter here."
So, there in the little white room with three chairs attached to three desks and the beds pushed up against the furthest wall, Scarlett Beaumont and Sebastian Kilbourne began to learn the basics of Cupid 101.
"Rule Number One: Never fall in love with a human."
"Recipe for disaster. There was this one fellow, poor guy fell right head over heels—"
"Ahem." A sharp and very pointed look was given. "Rule Number Two: Never use your powers to make a human fall in love with you."
"I saw that happen once. Nasty accident that one was. Cute redhead wanted to stir up trouble and—"
"Dawson!" Cupid Agent 004's voice thundered through the little room, the troublemaker merely tilting his head in faux confusion.
"What's wrong, kitty Kat?" His attempt at innocence made her roll her eyes and turn back to her dutiful students.
"The required 24 hours of coming to terms with your inevitable death aren't rule book per se. It's more that within that time frame, those earthly feelings eventually fade once your purpose here is mentally grasped."
"I have not mentally grasped anything," Sebastian said with a raised hand.
"That's because you don't have a properly functioning brain."
"Good one," 005 chuckled.
"Look, I need you two to be serious." 004 sighed.
"Serious? You want serious?" Scarlett threw her hands up in the air with dramatic exasperation. "I still have no idea what the hell I'm doing here—"
"Second that."
"Plus, you've adamantly refused to tell me the name of this place. Is it Heaven? Is it some sort of Purgatory on drugs? Wha—and what makes it even worse is I'm not even freaking out. I literally can't. You can say all you want about your "required 24 hours"—"
"We've gone over this." 004 interrupted with a sharp tone. "What happened on Earth does not apply to what is happening here. You won't be able to feel grief for your death or your family because it doesn't align with your duty."
"Align? This is forking—what the fork?!"
"Are you doing that on purpose?" Sebastian asked, cocking his head in sudden interest.
"That's enough!"
Scarlett opened her mouth to retort when she was suddenly pierced by those emerald greens that hardened with annoyance. 005 was adding nothing to the conversation, but looked terribly amused.
"I can't teach you anything if you refuse to learn." 004 said stiffly.
"Look, you don't offer much explanation in what we're doing here. Yeah, we get it. We died horrible deaths, we're now Cupids or some short like that—"
"But, anyways," Sebastian continued, "you've been pretty vague. All you've really told us is that we're gonna get over our horrible deaths really quick, which we did, and now you're telling us we have duties? I thought we were supposed to, ya know, rest in peace and all that."
"You two are quite the pair." 005 got to his feet, his wings trembling before folding perfectly against the mold of his back. "But I'd listen to Kat. She's not as nice as she looks."
"I'm nice!" 004 caught herself and took a deep breath before plastering a big smile on her face. "Okay, let's start from the beginning then."
"Sounds good."
"You are both deceased." Her words were drawn out and long as though they were small children incapable of paying attention. "You both died at the exact same time in the exact same way: a car accident, and you've arrived here. Now, before you trout mouths say anything, this is a case never before heard of. Both of your fates here are intertwined meaning your duties are locked together as well. Because we," 004 motioned to herself and 005, who winked in a comically seductive way, "are Superior Cupid Agents, we've been tasked to not only teach you, but supervise you as well. This doesn't mean we'll be with you around the clock while you two are out in the field, but we will be tracking your progress."
"Progress for what?"
Sebastian's interruption earned him a tweak of the ear from 004 and he rubbed it disdainfully as she moved back to stand at the front of the room. She seemed to be satisfied with the small action because her wings extended slightly before dipping back into place.
"Progress as cupids-in-training. You've heard, I'm guessing, of an inkling here or there about what Cupids do. Well, it's mostly true. We help all kinds of people. Not all love is perfect and neither are those we help to find the kind of love suited for them."
"And what if they're not meant for each other? What if they get divorced? Does that mean we failed?" Scarlett asked curiously.
"That's no mistake on our part. We fuel the love between them, helping it to be recognized or grow. If that love fades into nothingness it is the fault of both persons. A relationship cannot work if there is no effort. Some people are meant for each other. Some aren't. You just have to be careful in finding the right person for, well, the right person."
"That's so much to think about in one day." Sebastian mumbled, rubbing his temples.
"Don't worry, you'll get used to learning fast. And speaking of learning, let's get back to our lesson. Once your duties are complete, you'll have the options of Reincarnation or Ascension. Most usually Ascend, but there are some who stay here to continue their work. Cupids that have fallen in love with love itself or other Cupids."
"So, Cupids are allowed to engage in relationships with each other, but not humans?"
"Correct. There is," 004 hesitated for a moment and looked at 005 who was quite occupied with the pink chalk, "another option for Cupids who decide to have a relationship."
Scarlett leaned forward, eager to hear what she had to say because of the slight uneasiness on her face, but before she could speak, the doors opened and 004 quickly drew away to stand beside 005. A pale pink glow overwhelmed the little room as the newcomer arrived and Sebastian's mouth dropped open like a cartoon character.
A beautiful woman with long blonde hair, straight except for the two braids near her cheeks that were flush with color, and steel gray eyes that shifted to sky blue to pale green to molten gold before she blinked and they were gray once more. Her wings, of a cream color and much larger in span, fluttered softly as she stepped into the room with a warm smile on her face.
004 and 005 bowed their heads respectfully as she approached the teenagers with such a deep look of curiosity and content on her perfect features that Scarlett thought it would hurt to look as gorgeous as she did. Sebastian, on the other hand, was still sitting in a daze.
"Scarlett Beaumont and Sebastian Kilbourne," her voice was soft, gentle and with the smallest of echos; not too loud and not too quiet, but it was there, "at last. It's so good to meet you."
004 cleared her throat as the teenagers could only stare, dumbfounded and speechless.
"Sebastian, Scarlett. This is Freya, the Head Cupid."
"I hope I'm not interrupting your lessons."
"Oh no, not at all!" 005 said hurriedly. "Please sit!"
"I wish I could stay," Freya tilted her head, studying both teenagers intently, "but I have a few things to attend to. I just wanted to welcome them to our home."
"Home? Like Heaven?" Scarlett asked. She'd been desperately wondering where they were exactly as if she could pinpoint it on a map and Freya looked almost surprised.
"Heaven? Oh, my dear, this isn't Heaven."
"Then where..."
Freya laughed, a chilling sound that sent a warm tingle down Sebastian's spine. She extended her arms invitingly and the glow she emitted grew brighter.
"Welcome, my children, to MidFólkvangr."
im totally in love with this book.
Also, the name "MidFólkvangr" I partially made up so its really just the first three letters which is the beginning half of "middle".
Fólkvangr is actually the meadow of the Norse goddess, Freya, who is very fond of love, fertility, beauty etc., etc. It was created for Viking warriors who died in combat, half going to her and the other to Valhalla, where Odin ruled.
The whole word put together represents the realm I created between Earth and Heaven which is—surprise ! the middle.
The Head Cupid is not being portrayed as the goddess herself, rather taking on the name for her purpose and not her title.
So, I thought that was fun to play with !
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