23 Kavi
Is was their one year dating anniversary. Avi was taking Kirstie out for the entire day. First, they were going to get a couples massage. Then for lunch they were going to Ruby Tuesdays. In the afternoon they were going on a horse trail tour of their local zoo, and for dinner they were going on a picnic.
"Avi, you really don't have to pay for all of this. Let me pay for some. Please." Kirstie begged
"No. Today, I'm paying for everything. You can pay next date. But today, I'm paying."
Kirstie sighed heavily. "Fine. But you're stubborn."
"But you love me."
"You know I do." Kirstie sassed.
They had just had their couples massage which lasted two hours.
"Wow. That was good." Kirstie said.
"Yeah. Very relaxing."
"Mm hm" Kirstie said thanking Avi by kissing him.
"Okay Miss Maldonado. Time fore lunch. I'm starving." Said Avi.
"Of course you are. You always are."
After lunch they had to drive all the way across town, which took almost an hour, to get to the zoo. But that's okay because they just jammed to their favorite music.
When they got to the zoo they still had 30 minutes until their horse trail tour began, so they just walked around for a bit and looked at all the animals. Then they heard a call for "3 o'clock horse ride and trail tour"
"Op! That's us babe." Avi said pulling Kirstie away from the baby pandas to the horse tour section.
"Hello and welcome to the horse trail tour. If everyone would please follow me over this way, then we can get on our horses and begin the tour." Said the tour lady.
There were only two other couples, so it was a small group. They got on their assigned horses and followed everyone else, saying as they had chosen the ride in the back.
The horse trail tour was one of the prettiest things Avi and Kirstie had ever seen. Everywhere they looked were the most beautiful flowers. But, nothing truly lasts forever, and so the horse trail tour came to an end.
"Wanna go back to my house for a bit and make some sandwiches for the picnic?" Avi asked.
"Yep. Sound good." Kirstie said transfixed by her beautiful boyfriend. They walked back to his car and drove and hour back to his house. When they arrived they immediately got to work making sandwiches since it was already 5:30. They packed them in a cooler with some chips, wine glasses, and wine.
They put the cooler, and a blanket in the car and then got in themselves. It only took about 25 minutes to get to where Avi had picked for their picnic. When they got there Avi insisted on carrying the cooler, the blanket and holding Kirstie's hand. He refused to let her carry anything.
They placed to blanket on the ground, which Avi didn't let her do either, and sat down on it. After they ate, they just laid down on the blanket, put their heads together, looked at the gorgeous stars, and enjoyed each other's presence and existence.
"Kirstie. I love you so much. And...I want to ask you something, but I'm not ready yet. But can you promise me that when I do ask you..you'll say yes? Because, if you love me as much as I love you, or even half as much, then I'll know you'll say yes. I just want to make sure. Can you promise me that?"
"Av...of course I can promise you that. And I do love you as much as you love me, maybe even a little more if that's possible-"
"-I don't think it is-"
"And.. Well I don't really know what I was going to say next, but, all you need to know, is that I love you. And I'll never stop loving you. So wait as long as you want. I'll always be here when you're ready."
"Baby thank you so much. This means so much to me. And I love you too."
And that, was the end of their amazing day.
I don't know what time I'll be able to update tomorrow, so it may be at like, 6am or 10pm. But I just wanted to warn y'all.
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