12 Kavi
Kirstie's POV
"We've been best friends for six years. Why the hell is he all of a sudden acting nervous around me?" I asked Kevin, the man always ready to give advice.
"Kirstie, I'm going to keep saying what I've said before. He-"
"Does not like me Kevin!" I said cutting him off.
"Well that's the only reason I can think of him being nervous around you. And only you. If you really want to know, go talk to him." Said Kevin trying to be helpful.
"I can't."
"Why not?"
I didn't want to say this, but I did. "Because... If I do, then I know it will slip that.... I...I like him. More than best friend." I said looking up at Kevin and blushing. My secret is out. Now I'm not the only one who knows. What if Kevin goes and tell Avi?! No, he would never do that. Or would he? I thought to myself as Ieft the restaurant.
Avi's POV
"How am I supposed to tell her, Scott? You've done this with so many more people than I have. Just help me out? Please?" I pleaded.
"Man, I don't know what you want me to say. But what I always do, is just be honest. Just tell her. I mean, who knows. She may like you too."
(This next part is texting)
Kevin: Why does everyone have to come to me for advice?
Scott: cuz your like the smartest dude alive. who this time
Kevin: I am not. Kirstie
Scott: oh no. i think I have the other half of the bargain
Kevin: What do you mean? ....Avi?
Scott: yeh Avi. he came 2 me earlier 2 ask how 2 tell kirstie he likes her cuz he doesnt think she likes him
Kevin: ...Well he thought wrong.
Scott: WHAT? kirstie likes him?! i have to tell him!
Kevin: NO! Don't! Let them work it out in their own.
Scott: uhg fine. but make a bet with me about who will make the first move. i choose avi
Kevin: Fine. If that's what it takes for you to not tell Avi then I'll do it.
Kevin: I guess I get Kirstie then. Let's make it $20
Scott: sounds good
Avi's POV (At Mitch's birthday party!)
Every one else was singing happy birthday to Mitch. But I could help but think about one thing. Kirstie. She was just so beautiful in that black maxi dress. I guess she found one short enough for short girls. And that eyeshadow so on point. Look at those lashes though. And those dark lips. I just want to slam mine into them. Okay I need to stop this. But Damn she's cute. Okay Avi! Stop! Everyone is getting cake now. I WANT CAKE. Then go get some idiot. Stop thinking about your crush.
I finally snapped back into real life.
Kirstie was trying to get my attention.
"Oh sorry ba-Kirstie. What's up?" I was so embarrassed I almost called her babe.
"I need to talk to you." Was all she said before she motioned for me to follow her inside. I closed the door and turned around.
Next thing I knew I was pulled into a very passionate kiss.
I was shocked. I didn't know what to do. Pull away from the kiss? Kiss her back?
After about 30 seconds of passionate kisses, Kirstie pulled away.
"Oh my god. I'm sorry. I've ruined everything. Shi-" I cut her off by kissing her some more.
After about 30 seconds of more kissing, I pulled away. Worried about what she would say, so I let her talk first.
"Um... So I guess... The feeling is mutual..?" She asked.
"Well," I said, "all depends on what your feelings are." I smirked, trying to flirt. But it wasn't working out too good for me.
"Well, if I said 'I love you, more then best friends' would the feeling be mutual?" She asked me. I tried thinking of some way to respond in a cute, flirty way, but I was brain dead. "Yes" I said simply. We were both so happy to finally have our best friends know our true feeling for each other, that we were smiling too much to kiss. We were just staring into one another's eyes. But finally I built up enough courage to ask her a long awaited question.
"Will you be my girlfriend Kirstie?" I said.
"Yes" she said and pecked my lips.
"Well, I guess we should go tell the others...?" "Yeah. Let's go."
Everyone was so happy for us. But we had one odd question from Kevin and Scott: "Who made the first move?" And discriminating my manliness, I had to say "Kirstie" twice. Kevin looked happy and Scott was kind of bummed. Did they make a bet or something?
Scotts POV
"Hahahahaha! That's what you get for choosing first, loser" Kevin said to me.
"Now give me the 20 bucks we planed on." I handed over the money and he walked away. And even though his back was towards me, I could tell he was smiling.
Third person POV of Avi and Kirstie
They cuddled on Avi's couch for the rest of the night kissing, and occasionally taking breaks to pay attention to the movie that was playing in the background.
"I am so glad we finally found out our true feelings." Avi said looking at Kirstie who was transfixed by the current movie. "Yes. I am too." She said turning from the tv to look at Avi.
"I love you so much kit."
"I love you too Avi."
And with that, they kissed and fell asleep.
I really need to work on my endings lol.
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