"Holy crap, have you shown Pops yet?!"
I had only ever seen one Devil Fruit in my life, and that had been my own. The mysterious purple fruit in Thatch's hand looked as though it was made up of swirling tear drops, layered one on top of the other.
"Yep! He said it's mine if I want it! I haven't quite decided what I'll be doing with it yet. Powers sound tempting, but I kinda like being able to swim." The man was beaming brightly, and I couldn't blame him. His find was only adding to the high spirits of the ship. "Well, I shouldn't be keeping you. Big day, and all! I just wanted to show it off!"
If I had been honest, his distraction was a relief. I had been pacing back and forth, filled with excitement and anxiety ever since I had woken up that morning. It was the day of my wedding, and now, with less than fifteen minutes before the ceremony, I was trying to keep my cool.
"I'm so happy for you, Thatch! Hey, to celebrate, why don't you let me-"
"Don't push it. I'm considering giving you your kitchen privileges back as a wedding present, but if I hear you ask even once, you'll end up with fish tails and carrot tops instead." He warned, but it was filled with a type of playfulness I had grown accustomed to over the past weeks. "You look gorgeous, (Y/N). Ace is a lucky man."
I wanted to hide my face behind my hands due to his compliment. I felt gorgeous, for the first time in my life. My dress was plain and simple, an off-white ruffled dress, cinched at the waist, the front of the skirt hitched up to just above the knee. Boots in a matching colour, reaching just below my knees, and some fine, sheer lace pinned into my hair for a veil.
Whitebeard's men - my crew - had gone above and beyond to try and make our wedding seem as conventional as possible, and I could never even begin to thank them enough.
"Alright, off ya go, yoi. The bride needs to finish getting ready. Congrats on the find, though, man." Marco shooed the ecstatic cook out of the room and shut the door, quickly returning to me and motioning for me to sit down. "Now, what are we missing?"
Looking down at myself, I tried to figure it out. I had something old, which was a string of golden beads Whitebeard had gifted me. He had told me they had once sat atop a hat he had worn in his younger days, and I had gladly doubled them around my neck.
I had something new in the form of lacy white undergarments, gifted to me by Ace. It was obvious it had also been a gift to himself, but I wasn't complaining at all.
"We're missing something borrowed and something blue." I announced, tapping my chin to try and think of a solution. I wouldn't have minded if we didn't have anything, but considering both Ace and Whitebeard had mentioned the tradition, I wanted to at least try.
"Hold that thought, yoi. I'll be right back." Holding his finger up for me to wait, Marco grabbed something and dashed out the door, leaving me to my thoughts.
I'm nervous, but not in a bad way...
I had never been as sure of anything in my life. Ace was the man I wanted to marry and spend the rest of my days with, but I was still anxious. Was it truly what he wanted? He wouldn't have been going through with it if it wasn't, but it was still a nagging thought in the back of my mind.
All of a sudden, Marco burst back through the door, a pair of scissors in one hand, and a clump of blue in the other.
"Ta-da! Something blue!" He grinned wide, and I had to squint my eyes to figure out what he was holding.
" that a chunk of Deuce's hair..?"
Nodding proudly, he tossed the scissors onto his desk and approached me, kneeling down to begin threading it through the eyelets of my dress middle.
"It was the only blue thing I could think of that wouldn't take away from the dress, yoi." He explained with a snort, and I couldn't help but laugh. Poor Deuce.
"I hope he wasn't too mad." I chuckled, and Marco glanced up at me with a cheeky smirk.
"Well, we'll find out when he notices it's missing." I almost fell out of my chair, cackling like an idiot whilst Marco stood up and studied me. "Now we just need something borrowed..."
Carefully checking my face to make sure I hadn't smudged my light make-up, I looked up at him.
"I could always just borrow someone's handkerchief or something." I suggested, but when Marco snapped his fingers I knew he had thought of something.
Crouching back down, the man fiddled around with something before patting his knee, motioning for me to give him my leg. Curious, I did as he instructed, eyes widening when he slid his straw ankle cuff over my boot to sit just above the top.
"I've had this for years. If you're interested, I'd love for you to wear it today, yoi."
I almost gave myself whiplash with how fast I nodded, barely giving him a chance to stand before I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.
"Thank you, Marco. For this, and for everything."
Marco held me back, making sure I was steady on my feet and not messing up my dress.
"Don't thank me. Just get out there and marry that dork so you two can have your happily ever after. That's thanks enough for me."
It was finally time to start things up. My heart began to pound, and I checked myself one, two, three more times in the mirror, just in case I had suddenly turned into a hideous beast. All I had to do was walk out that door, and the aisle was right there.
Keep calm. This is your final step towards freedom.
"You said you know who you want walking you down the aisle. Want me to go get them for you?" Marco offered, standing ready at the door, hand poised to knock and give everybody else the signal.
Shaking my head, I smiled softly and swallowed my nerves.
"No, he'll be along shortly. I'm ready." As Marco knocked, I took a deep, composing breath and closed my eyes. Feeling the cold tingle curling around my arm, I turned to look up, having to will the tears threatening to spill down my face away.
You were always going to be the one to do this. You said so yourself.
Corazon smiled down at me, his arm hooked with mine and his fingers twined with my own. I knew it wasn't the real Corazon, but he was there in spirit. That was what I needed.
"You really do look incredible, (Y/N), yoi."
I turned to Marco, who had his hand on the doorknob, and returned his kind, gentle smile. I was grateful that he didn't ask about the man I had summoned.
Music began from outside the door, and the two of us shared a nod before Marco opened the door, stepping out to hold it open and reveal me to the awaiting crew.
Ace was the first thing I saw. The only thing I saw. He seemed so far away, at the end of the makeshift aisle, dressed in the most clothes I had ever seen him in. Fitting black pants, and a top not at all unsimilar to my dress, with slightly puffed sleeves, reminiscent of what fairytale pirates wore in story books. He had, however, left a few buttons undone, as was his style.
Our eyes met, and I fell in love all over again. The way they glimmered, and looked at nothing else but me as I began my advance towards him. Corazon stayed in perfect step with me, and I felt my arm tightening around his. I was excited.
All eyes were on us, but that was fine. It wasn't negative, in any way. Honestly, I swore I heard a few sniffles and nose blows, but what mattered was Ace, and by the time I reached him, all I wanted to do was kiss him.
Tearing his eyes from mine, Ace gave Corazon his attention, and bowed his head, palm facing upward. Knowing he didn't have a will of his own, I directed Corazon to hand me over to my betrothed before bowing back, disappearing into the ocean breeze.
Ace's hand was hot, but that was just how I liked him. He was real, he was there, and he was mine. I was his. We stood before each other, and Whitebeard cleared his throat as he sat there, ready to begin.
"We are gathered here today to bless the joining of these two young lovers, Ace and (Y/N). Pride doesn't begin to describe what I feel in this moment, witnessing such a union." He spoke loud and clear, every word filled with the pride he had mentioned. "Before I officiate, (Y/N), do you have anything you would like to say?"
Letting out a shaky breath, I gave Ace's hands a squeeze, hoping it would keep me grounded so I wouldn't get too emotional.
"Ace...when we first met, you saved my life. You showed me how much I had been missing out on, and now, once again, you are doing just that. You're saving my life and setting me free, but this time it isn't just temporary. I love you, and I will love you, forever and always, until the end of days."
It wasn't anything special, and I hadn't prepared it. It was just the truth, and I knew he appreciated that with how warm and loving his expression was in those moments.
"Ace?" Whitebeard motioned to his adopted son, and the ravonet did the same as I had done, releasing a calming breath. His palms were sweaty, but mine were, too.
"(Y/N), it took me too long to realise that I was in love with you. I knew when we were kids, but it wasn't until our time back then was coming to a close. It's safe to say that I was a total asshole to you at times," He laughed, as did I and most of the crew. "but now, having you here, hands in mine, willing to let me be yours...I couldn't even begin to imagine a time when we weren't together. I love you more than life itself, (Y/N)...and I swear to you, our lives will be the happiest anyone has ever known."
There were the tears. They were inevitable at this point, and all I could do was smile as Ace reached to wipe them away, his own eyes glistening with emotion he was much better at wrangling.
"Do you, Portgas D Ace, take (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife, as long as you both shall live?" Whitebeard began the final stage of the ceremony, as we had requested it to be done as quickly as possible.
"I do." Ace's voice quivered when he spoke those two confirming words, and he took a step closer to me.
"Do you, (Y/N), take Portgas D Ace to be your lawfully wedded husband, as long as you both shall live?" It was my turn to answer, and I almost forgot to speak as I nodded hurriedly, pressing my chest to Ace's.
"I..I do."
"By the power vested in me, by the air, the sun and the sea, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" Whitebeard's booming finalé had nothing on the beat of my own heart as Ace and I clashed together in the kiss that sealed our fates. His arms curled around me tight, and I clung to him as though he may disappear.
Whoops and hollers filled the vast, empty ocean as the crew shared in our joy, and we didn't even part when we were pelted with hard, uncooked rice. We were finally married, and that was it. We could spend our lives together, travelling the sea and finding our own adventures. True freedom like no other.
The festivities carried on long into the night, where we ate, drank and sang our merriment. I was on cloud nine, and nothing could ever bring me down. Thatch had let me into the kitchen not long after the ceremony to try some of the food he had prepared, Marco and I engaged in one hell of a dance battle, and Deuce gave a toast that was filled with words that none of us understood.
"Bottoms up, cuz I'm a married man!" Ace shouted out for the umpteenth time of the night, knocking back the booze that filled his tankard as he leaned against me. He'd lost the fancy shirt long beforehand, but I didn't mind. I was happy, he was happy. Everyone was happy.
"I'm gonna go see if Thatch wants to lose at cards again." I went to stand, but Ace pulled me back down into his lap, his lips and chin wet with alcohol when he kissed my neck.
"I'm your wife, (Y/N), love! Gotta at least give me a kiss before you go!" He was drunk alright, but I found it endearing.
"Ace, I'm the wife. You're my husband." I giggled, giving him the kiss he so wanted and deserved, earning snickers and teasing wolf whistles from our friends, lead by Marco.
"Damn straight I'm your husband!" Ace guffawed, finally releasing me as he was poured another drink.
Tipsy, but not as drunk as my husband, I wandered around in search of the cook, starting to head down to the galley. Just as I was about to go inside, the door opened, and out of the shadows stepped Teach, startling me for a moment.
"Well, if it isn't the bride of the hour." He grinned down at me with his cracked teeth, and I smiled back once I realised it was just him. "You were absolutely radiant today, missy. Ace is a lucky guy, I'll tell ya that."
Waving off his compliment with a bit of a fluster, I took a step back, glancing to the sack he carried in his hand.
"Thanks, Teach. What'chya got there?" The hulking man lifted the sack and jostled it a little.
"Just some scraps from the kitchen. Thought I'd go grab my fishin' pole and see if I can't catch something for later."
Nodding along, I peered around him again, hands behind my back and a little wobbly.
"Oh, cool. Hopefully all the noise hasn't scared everything away. Hey, is Thatch in there? I wanna whoop his ass in a game of snap."
With his much larger hand, Teach ushered me a few steps back and turned me around, laughing as he did so.
"He said he'd be up in a bit. You know how he is. Gotta have everythin' all ready for breakfast, and all that." He explained, but I was adamant.
"Well, I'll just go down and hurry him u-"
"There you are! Come on, (Y/N), you and Ace haven't had your first dance yet!" Dashing up to me, Haruta grabbed my wrist and started dragging me off. I just let it happen, turning over my shoulder to wave to Teach.
"Nevermind! Hey, if you catch something cool, come show me!"
I was lead to the middle of the deck, where I was thrusted into Ace's waiting arms. We nearly fell over each other, but we managed to stay upright. His eyes creasing, Ace gave me the biggest, cheesiest grin.
"Care to dance, my dear?"
Stepping back, I curtsied, making sure I was being overly dramatic as I did so before I returned to his arms.
"Why, I would be delighted, my love." A familiar tune began to play. Every pirate knew the song Binks' Brew, and as we danced, everyone sang along, us included.
🎶Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho,
Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho,
Gather up all of the crew!
It's time to ship out Bink's brew!
Sea wind blows. To where?
Who knows?
The waves will be our guide!
O'er across the ocean's tide,
Rays of sunshine far and wide,
Birds they sing of cheerful things, in circles passing by!🎶
Our dance steps were messy, uncalculated and likely just downright laughable, but it was perfect. We were having fun, not a care in the world. Nothing could ruin our happiness.
As everybody around us belted out the lyrics, joining our stopgap dance floor, Ace leaned in close to my ear, his hands moving to caress my waist.
"So...everyone's having a blast...why don't we go and consumate this marriage while they're busy..?"
His words were a little slurred, and his scent was mixed with the bitter tang of booze, but he still made my heart skip a beat, my hands finding a home on his bare chest as I stood on my toes to reach his ear.
"It's tradition for the husband to carry his wife over the threshold..."
Before I knew it, I was slung over Ace's shoulder, cackling like a maniac as he began to sprint towards our bedroom, our crewmates catching on quick and cheering for our upcoming 'activity'.
"Remember! I'm not ready to become an uncle for at least a year!" Marco called out, and, in perfect unison, Ace and I both affectionately flipped him off.
Everything is perfect. I've never felt this happy. Nothing can ever bring me down again...
Sorry I neglected this for a while. I reached Wholecake Island arc and fell deeply in love with T̶h̶e̶ ̶P̶o̶w̶e̶r̶p̶u̶f̶f̶ ̶G̶i̶r̶l̶s̶ Ichiji, Niji and Yonji. I'm up to Wano now, and I miss them.
I started a fic for them, called Tempestuous. It has some harsh themes though so if you decide to check it out, make sure to read the warnings.
Next Time: Crashing Down***
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