A week passed by, and I quickly learned my place amongst the Dadan Family.
I happily completed any chores that were given to me, be it sweeping, laundry, collecting water for baths, or helping prepare dinner. It was definitely more than what the three boys did to contribute. They often jetted off early in the morning, leaving me behind to take on their work load.
I didn't mind earning my keep. It was fair, and relatively easy, but it really ticked me off that whenever I so much as questioned where they were going, Ace would tell me to shut up, or that it was none of my business.
Sabo and Luffy were nice to me, for the most part. Sure, at times they followed along with whatever Ace said, but I could tell they didn't resent me like he did. Luffy even picked out which of his shirts I would wear each day, which I found funny.
One morning, I woke up before them, as usual, heading out to feed the dog and get some me time in before starting my chores, but it seemed we had company. A large, intimidating looking man was standing out front, conversing with Dadan. I recognised his uniform immediately.
He's a Marine...
Hiding in the doorway, I peaked out, trying to avoid making myself known, but his eyes quickly darted to me, and he pointed a finger.
"Who's the girl?" Freezing, I looked to Dadan, who motioned for me to approach, and I hesitantly complied.
Had she called him to take me away? No, she was a criminal. There was no way she would have willingly invited a Marine here. Were we all in trouble?
"Garp, this is (Y/N). She's the one the boy's brought here that I mentioned before. (Y/N), this is Garp. Luffy's grandfather, and a royal pain in my ass." She poorly covered that last part with a cough, but the man ignored it, nodding to me.
"Heard you were in quite the mess. Where'd you come from?" It wasn't unlike a Marine to start with questions off the bat, but I stuck to my story, despite him being intimidating.
"Here and there." I didn't owe him an explanation, and he seemed to catch on to my secrecy, though he didn't hound me about it.
"That so? I'm a here and there man, myself. Are the boys awake? It's time for training."
Glancing back over my shoulder to the house, I shrugged, eyes lowered to his knees when I turned back.
"They weren't when I came out. I don't really wanna wake them because Ace'll yell at me." I responded, scuffing the ground with my bare foot. "Uh, Dadan, do you want me to go start on the laundry?"
I just didn't really want to be around anyone like Garp. Considering he was related to Luffy, I was sure he wasn't all that bad, but he still scared me a little.
"How about you come watch me whip those brats into shape instead, huh? I'm sure Dadan wouldn't mind you shirking your duties today?"
Oh, I saw the look on his face when he turned to the woman for confirmation. It was an 'I'm not asking, I'm telling' kind of look. I knew that well, and it seemed she did too with the way her jaw tightened.
"Meh, why the hell not? You've been working harder than all of us, anyway." She sighed, waving the two of us off before turning to head inside. "I'll get the little shits out of bed."
Now alone with Garp, I didn't know quite what to do or say, so I stood there for a while until I decided upon something.
"You, um, said training, right? What are you training them for?" I asked, mildly curious, and his sterness gave way to a proud grin, one which made him seem far less frightening.
"To be Marines, of course! Runs in the family! I drop by every chance I get to make sure they're on the right track." He explained, and I nodded along awkwardly. Did he know they all planned to be pirates, or..? Something told me that he did, considering it was all they ever really talked about.
"Just thinking about them being in the Marines is worrying..." I mumbled, and Garp let out a booming laugh, his hand coming down to almost swallow my scalp whole.
"As they are now, they'd be more trouble than they're worth! With enough training though, that can be fixed!"
Yeah, no, something tells me that even with the most extensive training in the world, those three won't be changing their minds...
On cue, Dadan returned, carrying the trio by their scruffs. They were still in the process of waking up, but once they realised who was here for a visit, I could see the colour drain out of their faces.
What's so bad about a little training..?
Now I understood why they had looked so concerned.
Garp's methods of training were, to say the least, unprofessional. It really seemed like it was more of an excuse to beat up kids. Though, I would admit, it was entertaining seeing Ace being taught a lesson.
"How many times do I gotta drill it into you boys?! Your stances are all wrong! You'll be tipped like cows on the battlefield!" The elder man barked, completely exasperated as he sat beside me on a fallen tree. He was trying to have them work on hand to hand combat, but they weren't really following his advice.
"Grandpa, we're hungry!" Luffy whined in complaint, plopping down on the spot and clutching his stomach.
"Yeah, and tired! Sore, too!" Sabo added, wiping sweat off his brow with his palm.
"Why the hell do we have to do this crap, but she gets to just sit there and watch?" Ace shot a nasty glare in my direction, and I mirrored it perfectly.
"You don't let me join in when you guys go off and do whatever it is you do, so why should I join in with this?" I spat back, poking my tongue out for emphasis. "Besides, I know this stuff already." Realising what I had said, I immediately glanced to Garp, hoping he hadn't taken notice.
Of course he had. There was a curious glint in his eye as he looked at me, then he motioned his head for me to stand up.
"Come on then, show em how it's done."
Me and my big, fat mouth.
Puffing out my cheeks, my only act of defiance, I jumped up and took a few steps out from the log before turning back to face him, getting into my stance. Feet apart, my right fist near my jaw, my left slightly lower, and further out. Tucking my chin down, I waited for confirmation, already knowing I had it right.
"There ya have it, boys! That's what I need to see!" Garp stood up to join me, clicking his fingers so the trio would pay attention. "Notice how her hands are at offence and defence? The staggered position of her feet? The chin tuck is important, too. I'm impressed, girly. Where'd you learn this so young? What are you, like six?"
Narrowing my eyes, I relaxed from my pose and folded my arms.
"I'm eight, not six. A...friend taught me, ages ago. It's really not that hard to pick up."
Yeah, the only good Marine I've ever met...
The familiar clicking of a tongue made me whip my head around, glare already set towards the freckled boy.
"So? You can stand right. Big deal! I bet I could drop you on your butt in ten seconds, easy!" If I had any majorly defining personality trait, being stubborn was it, and I fully turned to face him properly.
"Ten seconds, huh? You're on! If I win, I get to hang out with you guys next time you go somewhere!" It wasn't that I wanted to spend time with Ace, but I wouldn't have minded getting to know Luffy and Sabo better. To actually forge a proper friendship.
"Tch, okay. When I win, you've gotta get lost, and not come back. Deal?" Oh, how I wanted to punch the teeth out of that damned smirk of his when he reached his hand out, but I held it in, slapping my hand into his and shaking once, withdrawing quickly so I didn't have to touch him longer than I needed to.
Garp sat back down on the log, joined by Sabo and Luffy as we readied ourselves, Ace just standing there whilst I took a proper position.
"Aaaaaand, go!" Garp called for the start of the fight, and the freckled boy took no time in charging straight towards me.
I knew he had me beat in physical strength. He was two years older than me, after all, and as much as I hated to admit it, he was at an advantage being a boy. Still, I had other tricks up my sleeve. When he got within striking distance, I slid my feet across the ground, dodging as quickly as possible.
You may be bigger, but I can be quicker!
"Gah! Stay still!" Ace snapped as I moved out of his range again, starting a short back and forth of him trying to hit me and me slipping out of his way.
"Why would I stay still, dummy?!" I bit back, yipping as his fist came dangerously close to skimming my nose. My fingers twitched into odd arches as I tried to concentrate. A habit of mine.
I had underestimated how fast he was, too, and it didn't take long for him to grab me by the collar of my shirt. Refusing to go down without a fight, I kicked out at his legs, but it didn't do much due to our difference in strength. With a harsh shove, he had me toppling backwards, and I landed on my back with a yelp. It was still sore from the cuts and bruises.
Placing his foot on my stomach to pin me down, I despised his smug expression as he looked down on me.
"Easy. I win." He chuckled, but it quickly faded when he realised I wasn't looking as upset as he expected.
"You said ten seconds. That was longer than that, so I win, pepper face."
Ace's face dropped instantly, and he spun to look to Garp, who nodded in confirmation, though he seemed to be deep in thought.
"That was the deal I heard. (Y/N) wins." Whilst Ace was in a stupor, I pushed his foot off of me, which caused him to lose his own balance and fall on his rear in front of me.
"That was so cool! You gotta teach me how to do that slidey dodgy stuff, (Y/N)!" Luffy bounced around us excitedly as Sabo helped both me and Ace up in turn.
"A deal's a deal, man. Don't be a jerk to (Y/N) when she comes and hangs out with us."
Don't think he's capable of that.
If Ace hadn't hated me before, I was sure he did now, especially by the way he scowled at me in that moment.
"Whatever...I'm tapping out and getting something to eat. Come on, guys." Luffy zoomed after Ace the moment he mentioned food, and Sabo quickly followed after giving me a friendly smile, leaving me to dawdle back towards the house with Garp.
"I noticed something when you were dancing around with Ace." He spoke up, his face a lot more serious than it had been before.
"What was it?" I asked, a little wary of the tone of his voice. Glancing down at me, I noticed he focused on my hand.
"You were flexing your fingers in very specific ways. It seemed almost familiar."
Trapping my tongue between my teeth, I pulled my hand up to my chest, covering it with the other.
"H..huh? Oh, that? It's just a habit of mine. Not sure why I do it..." It wasn't a complete lie. It really was a habit, but I definitely did know why.
Choosing to leave it at that, the man walked in silence beside me, but I no longer felt comfortable.
If he finds out why...then he might take me away...and I'm not ready to leave just yet...
***I lost motivation near the end there. My bad.
Anyone have any idea who the mystery dream dude was from last chapter?
I have a couple of doodles done for later chapters - consistent art style? Who's she? Never heard of her.
Next Time: Anything You Can Do***
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