"So...this is the place..?"
I tapped my fingers distractedly against the Striker's mast as we approached an island, Ace's posture straightening as he nodded.
"Apparently so. Keep your eyes peeled." All traces of his playful personality had disappeared, and all that was left was a man out for revenge.
Steadily along our journey I had grown more and more fearful of what we would find. No matter how confident I was in Ace's abilities, Teach - Blackbeard - was a complete wild card. There was no telling what he had stuffed up his sleeve over the past months.
"Should...we maybe call Pops and get some backup? Just in case?" I leaned a little closer towards Ace, the hot hair from his burning feet rising into my face.
"Don't need backup." He really was on a mission, and much more focused than I had ever seen him.
If he's sure...
My legs felt stiff once we reached the shore, and it took me a while to disembark, peering around the empty coast. As far as our intel had told us, the island was populated, but not by many. The risk of Marines was low, but who knew what else was ready and waiting?
"Ace...I don't like this..." Something felt off, but I couldn't tell what, exactly. There was a heavy, foreboding feeling weighing down on my shoulders, and it just kept getting worse.
"Don't worry, I'll be in and out quicker than you think." Ace adjusted his hat and took a single step before I reached out to grasp his arm, eyes narrowing.
"Hold your horses. What do you mean you'll be in and out?"
Raising a brow, Ace turned a little, not trying to pull from my grasp.
"You didn't think I'd let you fight him, did you?" That stung. Did he think I was weak? Sure, I wasn't as seasoned in legitimate battle like he obviously was, but I knew how to hold my own. He knew that.
"Why the hell else would I have come all this way?!" I snapped, offended that he thought I'd just sit back and watch him. "Thatch was my friend, too! I'm not gonna wait and-"
"Your safety is my number one priority." Ace stated firmly, taking the hand I had caught him with in his own, removing it from his arm but not letting go. "You said so yourself, we don't know what that Devil Fruit was, or if he's eaten it or not. Your ability still deals you damage. Mine doesn't."
He was right, but that wasn't enough to deter me. Over the past weeks I had thought of every single possible way I could make Teach - Blackbeard - pay for what he did to Thatch. Ways that would likely set my one way ticket to hell in stone, but it would be worth it.
"I can fight. You know I can fight, because I would've handed your ass to you a million times over if you didn't have that damn logia-"
"That's just it. If. I'm not risking you for revenge. I would never." He just kept cutting me off, but I wasn't having a bar of it.
"It isn't your risk! It's mine! I thought I had free will now?!" The second I said it, I realised how harsh it likely sounded, but Ace didn't seem upset by it. He looked worried. Nothing good ever came of Ace looking worried.
Both of his hands encased mine, larger and much warmer than the cosiest of hearths. He wasn't often so serious, and it did nothing to ease the zoo in my guts.
"Teach was under my command. I was the one who wasn't paying attention. This is my duty, to Pops, and the rest of our family. To Thatch." He explained, looking me dead in the eyes. "You came with me because you love me, and I can't thank you enough for that. Sticking with me when nobody else agreed...but I can't let you fight him, (Y/N)."
This isn't fair...
"Please, let me do this. I need to be the one to fix this mess." He was pleading now, with such sincerity, it hurt to hear. He still felt like he was at fault, but it wasn't just him who hadn't been paying attention. None of us had. Blackbeard had lulled us all into a false sense of trust. Nobody could have seen that coming.
"What if I refuse? What if I tell you to suck it and go fight anyway?" I was just being stubborn now, I knew that, but I couldn't help it. This island, and knowing who was likely on it, gave me such an uneasy feeling. I hadn't felt this sick since the morning after our wedding.
Ace narrowed his eyes just like I had done before, his hands squeezing mine harder.
"Then, as much as I'd hate to do it, I'd probably have to knock you out."
Is he for real?!
No, of course he was serious. Every playful bone in his body had gone dormant, I could see that. If I tried to join him in this fight, he'd go to any length to stop me, even if it meant knocking me unconscious. He was entirely capable of it, too.
"Ace...I..I really don't like this..." I swallowed, letting go of my pride once more. If I couldn't fight alongside him, I didn't want this to happen at all. It wasn't jealousy, or pettiness. It was just plain concern. If he didn't want me to do this, then it was obviously warranted.
Sighing, Ace pulled me into his chest, stroking the hair on the back of my head. His pulse was strong and steady, but definitely not relaxed. His body was tense, and a lot hotter than it usually was.
"As I said, your safety is my priority. If Teach could do what he did to Thatch, think of what he could do to you..."
Pulling my head back from his chest, I frowned.
"But we're prepared! It's completely di-" Ace grabbed my chin in his hand, but he didn't apply too much pressure. Just enough to keep me still and ensuring he had my eyes on his.
"Please, (Y/N)."
I hated this. As strong-willed as I had become, he was always going to be my weak point. There was no chance he was going to back down, so what could I do? We could stand there on that beach and argue all day, and still not get anywhere. Somebody had to give, and it sure as hell wasn't going to be him.
"You're cruel..." I murmured, letting my head fall back against his chest. I felt his lips against my crown, tender and sweet.
"I know...but it'll be fine. You'll see. This'll be all over soon, and we can go home, have zero brats and move on."
I still don't like this...It doesn't feel right...
I had to give him what he wanted. He wasn't giving me a choice, and that was that. I didn't like it one bit, but I loved him. I trusted him, and his abilities. He knew what he was doing.
" safe, okay? Don't try to show off..." I pulled back a little to readjust the cord of his hat, my throat tight with worry. No, he had this. He was Firefist Ace, after all.
"When am I ever not safe?" Ace zipped his lips the second he saw my expression, leaning to press his forehead against mine. "Okay, I promise. Quit worrying, would you? Just stay here and watch the Striker."
Nodding slowly, I welcomed his warm lips to mine. A short, sweet kiss of 'see you soon'. It wasn't my favourite type of kiss, but it would do until he came back to me.
"You've got this." I nodded firmly as I stepped back completely, fists balled so I wouldn't try to reach out and stop him again. "I love you. Hurry back." Ace smiled and tipped his hat as he took a step in the opposite direction, the sun reflecting off the metallic embellishments atop his head.
"I love you too. Be back in a flash."
***Next Time: Hurry Back***
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