"Thanks again! Travel safely!"
That had certainly been an ordeal. We had found the self-proclaimed bounty hunter, along with his two young children, and a big bird. It hadn't exactly been in the way we had planned, but at least we now had the intel we needed to continue our hunt for Teach.
But, sadly, that meant having to part ways with Luffy.
"Can't you just come along with us a little longer?!" Luffy whined, taking it the hardest out of the three of us. Ace didn't seem phased in the slightest, and whilst I was upset, I wasn't viewing it as a permanent farewell.
"Sorry, Luf, but we have our own mission, and you have yours. But here, take this." Ace pulled a sheet out of his pocket and handed it to his brother, the younger boy cocking his head.
"It's just...blank paper?"
Whilst Ace avoided explaining the very simple use of a Vivre card to the young captain, I turned to the rest of the crew smiling to them.
"It was great to meet you guys. Hopefully the next time we meet it'll be under better circumstances."
Nami and Vivi were about to move in for a hug, but a flash of blond zipped in front of them, downing to one knee and taking my hand.
"Ah, parting! Such sweet sorrow!" Sanji quoted the famous literature and I silently prayed he wouldn't kiss my hand. At the very least, Ace was distracted.
"Check yourself, Sanii. Married. Woman." Usopp was the one to drag him away this time, rolling his eyes at the obviously frequent antics of his companion.
"Maybe next time we see you you'll have a mini Ace or (Y/N) tagging along along you?" Nami jested, giving me a wink which really threw me off.
"Oh, ahahaha...yeah, I seriously doubt that..." Coughing awkwardly into my hand, I was about to say something else when I was jumped from behind, rubbery limbs wrapping about my torso and hips.
"Last chance, (Y/N)! You always promised you'd join my crew, so how about it?!" Luffy offered, Ace grabbing him by the scruff.
"Oi! Quit tryin' to recruit my wife!" He half laughed half scolded, which caused me to laugh. Once Luffy had released me, I turned and gave him a proper hug.
"It's tempting, but I think I'll stay with Ace and my current crew. Maybe next time, yeah?" I only threw that last part in to mess with Ace, who pouted like a child.
There had been some sense to Sanji's quotation. Parting was such a sweet sorrow, but not in the way he had meant it. It sucked, having just found Luffy again after so long and having to part ways so soon.
I knew we'd see each other again, but it didn't make it any easier, especially after the last time I had left. We had our own missions now, our own lives to lead, but I'd miss him.
"When you see me next, my bounty will be way higher than yours!" Luffy called out as we set off in out own direction, back towards where we had left the Striker.
"Keep dreaming!" Ace called back in response, snickering when he turned back around and took my hand. "Nah, he's right, it probably will be the way he's going."
It took a lot to stop myself from shedding any tears. It wasn't forever, but it was rough, especially since I was already in a fragile emotional state after Thatch's murder.
"It definitely will be." I said surely, trying to hide my sadness behind a jab at him.
Ace gave my hand a firm squeeze, the warm afternoon glow of the sky making him look soft and sweet, like he had been dipped in honey.
"Chin up. The second we do what we need to do, we'll catch up with them and visit for real, okay?"
Humming, I nodded in approval, turning one last time to catch the Strawhat crew walking in the opposite direction.
"Yeah, that would be nice..."
"Young Master, I have news! Big news!"
Trebol burst into my quarters without so much as a knock, but I didn't budge from my place upon my bed, sprawled like a dying starfish.
"What?" I didn't want to hear any more trivial bullshit about festivals, or trade deals.
"It's the Young Mistress! She's been sighted in Alabasta over the past couple of days!" The moment she was mentioned I sprang upright, life returning to my weary bones.
"Are you sure? Positive? Don't toy with me, Trebol."
She's safe? Thank God...
My advisor nodded enthusiastically, clapping his hands together.
"My sources are reliable, Doffy! It's definitely her!" He confirmed, but suddenly he looked a little less enthused. "Although..."
Rising to my feet, I took two paces towards him, and he took one back, shrinking under my shielded stare.
"Although what, Trebol? Although what?" The inside of my cheek was quickly becoming raw from being chewed. I needed him to spit it out already.
"Well, uh, it seems as though she's travelling with Firefist Ace...that spunky little rookie who was rooting about when she disappeared..." Trebol looked further concerned when I didn't react. I just stood there calmly, letting his words sink through my skin. "From what my sources tell me, they seemed particularly...close..."
Don't lose your cool. You've been doing too much of that lately.
Taking a deep, composing breath, I let it all out along with my growing anger, wanting to spare Trebol from another rage induced fit.
"Keep close tabs on her." I turned and made my way to my window, hands in my pockets so I wouldn't feel the urge to break something.
"You don't want us to go get her?" Trebol sounded perplexed, and I couldn't blame him. Honestly, I was surprised with my decision as well. It wasn't like I didn't want to go fetch her myself, and bring her home where she belonged.
"This is just like last time. She'll realise her mistakes soon enough and return home. Just keep an eye on her." I waved him off with a limp wrist, wanting to he left alone to process. Trebol mumbled something quietly before slinking out, shutting the door behind him.
The moment he left, I began to pace, erratic and agitated. Was she playing adventurer with that hot-headed scoundrel? I knew he had been the same brat she had been hiding away with when she was young, but surely not? Had she been that desperate to run?
Step step step scrape, step step step scrape, my feet dragged each time I stopped to turn before hitting the wall, one hand over my mouth and the other clawing at my bent elbow.
Was she healthy? Scared? Did she miss me? I had given her everything her heart had ever desired, as long as it had been within my grasp. I had loved her with every fibre of my very being. Had that not been enough?
Keeping her within Dressrosa had been to keep her safe, but if I had known she had been willing to run away I would have taken her wherever she had longed to go. Had I frightened her off with marriage? No. She'd accepted my proposal without pressure. Then why?
"Why did you leave me..?" I asked aloud, stopping by my bedside table and pulling the draw open with my index finger. Pulling out the contents, I flopped back down upon my bed, lifting the crisp photograph above me.
(Y/N)'s face was a flawless vision, perfect in every way to me. I had told her that often, but had it been often enough? Where had I gone wrong? I had taught her so much through her formative years, kept her safe, warm and loved. I had returned to Dressrosa not only for my own gain, but for her comfort.
I had literally given her a kingdom, yet still, she preferred slumming it with some scrappy, junkyard bastard? Was this what they called a rebellious stage? Wasn't she too old for that?
Pulling my shades from my face, I continued to stare longingly at the photograph, brushing my eyes over each strand of her (H/C) hair, peppering her lips with imagined kisses.
Blindly reaching for the other item I had pulled from the drawer, I dragged it to my face, inhaling deeply. Her scent was faded, but still noticeable on the dress. It had been the very one she had worn the night of our engagement, and it made my head spin.
"Why did you leave me? You promised you'd never leave. It's not your fault. I'm not mad. I just need to know...why..?" I asked as though her photograph could give me some kind of answer, the dead silence following my question causing my heart to ache.
For some reason, my lips began to stretch into a wide grin, forcing her smell deeper into my lungs with each inhale. I longed to hold her in my arms again, to sweep her hair from her face and to kiss her cheeks. To fulfil her every want and desire.
She'd return to me soon.
It had to be soon.
We were bonded. Our souls linked in a way that not many would ever begin to understand. I loved her enough to be patient. She could get this rebellion out of her system, because I knew she would keep her promise. That was the type of woman she was. Loyal to the core.
That's how I had taught her to be.
Rolling onto my side, I clutched the wrinkled dress close, staring deep into the unblinking eyes of her photograph, yearning for the day they looked back at me with the love and affection I so missed.
"I'm waiting for you, (Y/N), my love...Hurry on home to me..."
***Doffy, please, you need therapy.
I'm making some more designs for my Redbubble (and soon Etsy) store, so what kind of characters/images would y'all be interested in? I need to remake my Thick & Fluffy Doffy stickers, and I have some planned for Crocodile, the Vinsmoke brothers and Chopper, but what else?
Next Time: What I Want Most***
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