Chapter 30: The threshold
"Well… I guess you are the only exception."
The car stops outside Dexter's former home. He looks out of the passenger window at the rather unassuming gate and path leading up to his door. "Are you sure you're gonna be ok, do you want me to come with you?" He hears Jack's voice cut through his thoughts.
He turns to face the man looking at him all concerned. "I can do this Jack." He graces Jack with a smile before once again looking back at the house. "I just wish I could do this with nobody home, but I have no key. I just don't know who I'd rather see on the other side of the door. My mother, or my brother." Dexter feels a hand on his thigh. He looks down at the hand, before looking up at the man.
"I will park just up the street ok?" Dexter knew by the tone in which Jack had said the words that there was no room for negotiation.
"Since when did you become the protective boyfriend?" Dexter laughs as he lightly pinches Jack on his left cheek.
Jack takes his hand to his face, placing it over Dexter's which was still residing there. "Say it again." He says as he holds the hand against his skin.
"What? What did I say?" Dexter says with amusement.
"Boyfriend." Jack says grinning.
Dexter matches the grin. "Jack Doherty, my boyfriend." He pulls the hand away as he feels a blush to his face occuring. "I have never said that of anyone would you believe."
"Seriously?" Jack is surprised to say the least. "I thought you would have been someone's boyfriend."
"I'm a total arsehole to everyone I meet Jack, you of all people know that. I don't let anyone in."
"You let me in." Jack says, leaning in and kissing Dexter's forehead.
"Well… I guess you are the only exception." Dexter grins as their foreheads press together. "But don't let people know this side of me. I have an image to uphold."
"That's the beauty of you Dex. You show people what you want them to see. You give people what they desire. You are a master of disguises, but promise me this…"
"Be yourself with me… unless we are y'know." Jack pulls away, making eye contact with Dexter.
"Just let me get my passport first and then we can explore all our wildest fantasies." Dexter smiles as he turns to exit the car. Soon the door is closed and he can hear the car pull away behind him. Dexter is now faced with the walk to the front door.
"Here goes." He utters under his breath as he puts one foot in front of the other. He raises a finger and presses the doorbell. He lets out a sadistic chuckle at how he had to ring the bell of the place which has been his home for so many years, now he was forced to address it as a stranger.
Dexter takes a step back, wondering who he would be faced with on the other side. Both his mother and his brother didn't care for him that much, they had both hurt him in different ways and one was as bad as the other. But as he hears the handle turn on the other side he is surprised to see neither open the door to greet him, instead there is a sight of a little girl.
"Who are you?" Are the words which greet Dexter as she looks up at him with a pair of brown eyes not too dissimilar to his.
"... I'm Dexter, who are you?" Dexter returns the question to the little girl who looks Dexter up and down as if possibly thinking like she may know him although she isn't too sure.
" I'm Ruby." The little girl announces to which Dexter then has an inkling as to who she is.
"Well Ruby." Dexter says with a grin. " is your, uh… is Brian in or Mrs Chan?"
"Ruby! What have I told you about opening the door!" Dexter now hears the familiar sound of Brian's voice soon approaching. She steps back to make way for the individual now staring at Dexter.
"Hey Brian." Dexter smirks knowingly as once again he looks across to the little girl who is standing just a fraction shy of his brother.
"Ruby, go back inside and watch tv." Brian says, his body portraying a calmness about him, but Dexter could tell by the look in Brian's eyes that if the little girl wasn't present, the greeting would be very different. She disappears out of sight, leaving the two males alone. "Why are you here Dex?" Brian asks through gritted teeth.
Dexter's demeanor seems relaxed as he now leans against the doorframe, hands in pockets. "Ruby huh? I'm guessing nine years old. Oh…lemme see… Her mum is Gemma right? Seems she wasn't using protection after all."
"Shut your fucking mouth!" Brian grabs at Dexter's jacket collar. But Dexter knows that Brian won't go any further with a child in the house. He slowly releases the grip. "Ruby doesn't know yet."
"What? It's obvious! Even I can tell you both look alike, plus, I was there at the conception." Dexter smirks, possibly earning him a delayed punch in the face a little further down the line. "But why now? I've never seen her before."
"I didn't know Gemma was pregnant, let alone had a kid. She was with another guy and moved away…"
"So now she's back and single and you have to take responsibility." Dexter concludes. "That's fucked up on every level.
"It's not Ruby's fault. How can I be part of someone's life if I don't know they exist? Plus I know what it's like to live without a dad." Brian adds.
"You've finally grown up Brian and it took a child to show you that." Dexter says as he raises an eyebrow.
"What do you want Dex?" He asks again.
"My passport."
"What for?" Brian wonders as he tilts his head to the side.
"Look, just because we just had a semi-decent conversation, doesn't mean I have to tell you shit." Dexter attempts to push his way past Brian in the doorway, but he holds out a hand to stop him.
"Uh uh no. You're not coming in unless I know exactly why you need your passport." Brian smirks. He was just playing now. More true to form. He didn't need to know, but just wanted to prolong Dexter's agony.
"I take it back. You're still a fucking child." Dexter retorts and he again tries to push his way past. But Brian had always been the stronger of the two, stopping Dexter from passing once again.
"I'm not letting you in unless you tell me." Brian repeats. A merciless grin spread across his face.
"He's coming with me!"
A voice can be heard behind Dexter as Jack now walks towards them…
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