Chapter 29: A new future
"Sometimes Dexter, I wonder if you have ever grown up."
Dexter rolls onto his back in the comfort of Jack's king size bed. He could get used to this. With his eyes still closed he breathes out a contented sigh, as his hand brushes against the white sheet, but when he feels nobody laying by his side, he opens his eyes. "Jack?" He calls out as a moment of panic sets in. Had this all been a dream?
"Relax, I'm over here." Jack says, his voice feeling a comfort to Dexter's ears as Jack looks over at the naked man on his bed as he fastens his tie. "I didn't want to wake you."
"So I missed you showering?" Dexter pouts as he stretches under the sheets.
"You know I wouldn't be showering if you were in there with me." Jack says laughing as he sits on the edge of the bed. He places a hand on Dexter's bare thigh. "I need to be up and on time in the mornings for my line of work. No distractions."
"And what are you the big boss of exactly?" Dexter wonders as he runs a hand up Jack's shirt covered arm.
"I'm head of overseas imports of software installation of our branded computer systems." Jack says, the words rolling off his tongue with ease.
"You work in IT?" Dexter says smiling.
"I work in IT." Jack matches the laugh.
"Figures. You always liked gaming and such." Dexter concludes.
"And you always had an urge to get yourself off. Seems we both have our dream jobs." Jack says as he raises an eyebrow.
Dexter sighs as he looks up at the high ceiling. "I think I may have lost my job."
Jack sits up a little straighter on the bed, his smile fading a fraction at Dexter's words. "Is this because of me?"
"It's probably because I told the client last night to go fuck herself." Dexter looks at Jack with a grin, to which Jack just rolls his eyes.
"Sometimes Dexter, I wonder if you have ever grown up… So what are you gonna do?"
Dexter now sits up a little, leaning on his side as he rests on his elbow. "Well, I've been thinking about doing my own channel for a while now, you know? Then I can at least be my own boss, and…" Dexter takes Jack's hand in his. "You can obviously watch me as well as millions of others as I do my thing, even from across the water." Dexter grins at his potential future plans.
"So I guess you could do this from anywhere. It wouldn't have to be London. '' Jack says as he looks a little in the distance, suddenly deep in thought.
"Absolutely! I wouldn't have to dish out tons of rent for a tiny bedsit, I could live in Manchester…or Wales or…"
"What?" Dexter now sits bolt upright in the bed.
"You heard me. I said. L.A. Come back to the states with me." Jack now beams at Dexter who still can't get his head around what he just heard.
"Do you mean to move to America permanently?" He questions.
" Well, kind of. I spend half my time here and half my time in America so it would be 6-months here 6 months there. So you're not gonna emigrate, but we would be together and that's all I want." Jack is convinced that this is the perfect answer to all of their worries. But when he sees Dexter's face not looking quite the same as he had anticipated, he wonders if he has made a mistake. "Isn't that what you wanted? I thought when we spoke over the weekend that we said we love each other. Showed each other how much we mean to each other. I don't understand how we can love each other but not be together?"
Dexter looks into Jack's eyes and he can see how much Jack is wanting this. He gives off a weak smile. How can he explain? "It's not that simple Jack, there are things that I need to do first."
"Like what? You said so yourself that your brother hates you and that your mother pushed you out. You said you had nobody, what are you hanging on for?" Jack doesn't realise that the grip he has placed on Dexter's arm is tightening a little even though Dexter can feel it. He takes it because he knows that things are not as bad as they seem.
"My passport Jack. It's still at my house and I haven't been back since I was thrown out. I've not even been allowed to walk down the same street as my brother and my mother. How am I supposed to get a new one within a week?"
"I will go for you." Jack offers, but Dexter shakes his head furiously.
"Oh no, I'm not letting my brother anywhere near you, not after what happened last time."
"That was 10 years ago Dexter! And I'm sorry for that, it was stupid. Wait… are you jealous?" Jack smiles at Dexter who suddenly pulls his arm from his and folds them in a huff.
"Of course I'm not jealous of that piece of shit. I just don't want him anywhere near you, there's nothing wrong with that is there?"
Jack leans forward and kisses Dexter on the cheek. " You are quite cute when you're jealous, you know."
"I just said I'm not fucking jealous. Anyway, you're missing the point. I want to come with you to the states Jack, I would obviously be an idiot not to, but we just need to get my passport. And when I say we I mean I. I swear you're not going near him ok?"
"Whatever you say Dexter." Jack puts his hands up in defence still amused at how the other guy was jealous over something that happened such a long time ago to which Jack would regret until the day he would die. "I'm going to visit my mum before I leave at the end of the week, so come with me and I will drop you off on the way."
"And we are really going to do this, yeah? You really want me to come with you to the States?" Dexter just wants to make sure, the whole thing just seems so unreal to him it was like his dreams were coming true.
"On one condition." Jack says as he bites slightly on his lower lip.
"What is that?" Dexter says, possibly hazarding a guess as to what Jack was implying.
Jack leans over Dexter a little more, making him lay back on the bed. "Let's never hurt eachother again."
"Never." And with that, their lips meet...
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