"Are you really sure that it was Wendy?" Jihyo asked Dahyun for the nth time. Two days have passed after the incident yet they were still figuring out who was the damn driver. They were told that it was Wendy, but the girl told them that she didn't leave their dorm that day.
"I didn't get a good look on her facial features but it looked like her." Dahyun replied. "Some features were the same as hers." The driver had a similar face shape and the same hair color. "The car was too fast."
"Hm. If it wasn't Wendy.. then who was it?" Chaeyoung asked. "And why would she try to hit you with the car anyway? It's not like we've done something bad."
"That's the problem. We don't know." Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.
The six of them - Momo, Mina, Jihyo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Jeongyeon - were gathered in Dahyun's room to discuss what happened. The two girls told them about the texts and now they were all taking precautions in case something similar happens again.
"I've got this idea on my head for a while now but I think I might be wrong." Mina spoke after minutes of silence.
"Go on." Chaeyoung nodded at her direction.
"To be honest, I think Wendy was lying." Mina held her hands. "Okay, okay, before you start attacking me, listen first because this is huge."
She took a deep breath and continued. "I know that they had a day off that day but... something just feels odd. Ever since we had that dinner and Tzuyu... died." She shook her head. "Then when Nayeon and Jihyo had lunch with Irene and Joy and Nayeon disappeared."
The other members started calculating everything she was saying in their heads.
"Now this is where it gets a little tricky." Mina sat up straight. "No one from Red Velvet went with us to the mall, right? But..." She looked at Momo. "Tell them."
Momo pursed her lips. "When the thief spoke, the voice seemed familiar. I didn't recognize it first but I really thought about it and I realized... it was Seulgi."
Gasps were heard around the room.
"Oh my fucking... are you sure? Are you really sure?"
"I am! She talked a lot while we were in that alley and I'm a hundred percent sure that it was her. I'd know her voice anywhere."
Jihyo cleared her throat. "Um.. guys." The attention focused on her. "I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner but... Nayeon. She texted me something before she disappeared."
"I told Irene and Joy that she said she had a business to attend to but that wasn't really it. It was just a poor excuse." Everyone anticipated her next words. "What she really texted me were just seven simple words. I didn't understand it at first, but now that Mina has got this crazy theory, I'm starting to believe it."
"What did she say?" Jeongyeon asked.
"Red Velvet is behind all of this."
"All of this.. as in what's happening now?" Dahyun asked, confused.
"Oh my gosh." Mina's eyes widened. "Guys! I think Red Velvet is trying to kill us off one by one!"
Everyone looked at her with wide eyes.
"Come to think of it. Yeri was the one who gave Tzuyu the codfish. But are we really sure that it was the restaurant who poisoned it? The place is one of the most famous restaurant here in Seoul. They have got to be stupid enough to poison it." She explained. "And Nayeon. Joy probably did something to her, as to why she sent Jihyo the text. Seulgi was probably supposed to kill Sana, Momo, and I but only got Sana. And do I even have to explain Wendy?"
"That is one crazy story." Jihyo spoke after a few minutes. "We've got to go to JYP now. The CEO has to know about this."
They all stood up until Chaeyoung noticed something.
"Guys." All of them stopped and looked at her. "Do you smell that?"
"Smell what?" Momo asked, inhaling deeply. The other girls did the same.
"I don't smell anything." Dahyun shrugged and inhaled even more.
"Yeah... I think there really is something." Mina nodded. "But we have to go. There's no time." But before she turned the knob, a loud noise spread througout the room.
"Guys! Chaeyoung collapsed!" Dahyun screamed from behind them.
The six of them immediately rushed to the fallen girl with worry etched on their faces. They tried to carry her, but it wasn't until Jeongyeon noticed something at the corner of the room.
"Isn't that..." She gulped, feeling dizzy. "-a sleeping gas?"
The last thing she saw before sinking into the darkness were her members, who were falling one by one on the stone cold floor.
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