Momo's gut feeling sometimes turn out to be true.
So when her, Sana, and Mina arrived in Korea, she knew something was bound to happen. Of course, she ignored it at first, thinking it was just paranoia because of Tzuyu's death - which was still fresh in their minds.
Sana was craving for some Korean food and invited the rest of the girls to come but no one - except the her and Mina - was interested. It seemed like they got tired of the usual food at the dorm.
Nonetheless, they still went to the nearest mall from their dorm.
"Should we eat first or do shopping?" Mina asked as they stepped foot inside the place, with disguises, of course. "I'm not really that hungry."
"Me either." Sana replied while the security was checking her bag. "We should go shopping first. That okay with you, Mo?"
The girl nodded. "Sure." They went to the second floor and explored the usual stores - Gucci, Chanel, Burberry, etc.
"Hey, why don't we invite the other girls?" Sana suggested while holding at three thousand dollar dress. "Like Seulgi or Wendy. It'll be fun if they're around."
Mina scrunched her nose. "I don't think that's a good idea." Sana raised her brows at her. "It's just... whenever they're around, something weird happens. Like when Tzuyu... died... they were there. When Nayeon 'went to her family' they were there. That seems odd, don't you think?"
Momo laughed. "You're just overthinking, Min. They're our friends, remember? They'd never do that."
Sana agreed with her. "Mhm. In fact, whenever they're around, I feel comfortable. Plus, they help us cope with Tzuyu's death."
"That's how I really feel." Mina responded while shrugging her shoulders. She then grabbed a shoe from the display and asked the saleslady for her size.
"You don't... suspect them, do you?"
Mina froze. "I promise that I don't but... I've been getting weird vibes from them, especially Irene."
Sana rolled her eyes. "Okay, okay. We won't invite them then, if that helps you sleep at night." Mina sighed. "Anyways, does this dress look okay?"
"Yeah. Get it. It suits you." Momo replied and walked away to see the other clothes.
"Wait! Wait..." The girl trailed off. "My bag... where is it?" Sana asked frantically. It was just with her minutes ago, where did it go?
"What? Maybe you left it somewhere." Mina said, coming closer and inspecting the other racks.
"No, it was just right here." She pointed at the shoe rack that was now empty. "I left it there while talking to you. I promise I didn't put it anywhere else!"
Suddenly, Momo noticed a figure clad in dark clothes leaving the store. She stood on her tippy toes and saw that it was holding Sana's bag. "There! That guy has it!"
Sana immediately ran to the security that was at the entrance of the store but Mina stopped her. "What? We have to tell him so he could help us!"
"No! We can't." Mina shook her head. "People would recognize us." She looked around the store and saw a bunch of girls staring at Momo who looked obvious with her short hair. "The CEO would be mad if they do. If you tell the security, scandals would once again rise."
"Let's chase him them." Sana interrupted. "Mo, come."
They ran-walked to where the guy went. He was already at the exit which caused them to run faster.
"Faster, we're almost close!" Sana encouraged as they went out of the mall.
They ran...
and ran...
and ran...
until they finally realized they were surrounded by unlit buildings and dark streets.
"Sana.. we should go back." Momo said, her voice shaking. "We don't know this place."
Mina pulled Sana's arm. "Let's just go back. You can buy a new bag anyway."
"No. We have to get it back. It has my-"
"Looking for this?" A voice echoed throughout the alley way next to them.
They turned their heads and saw Sana's bag, being held by the same person who stole it.
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