Chapter 2 Welcoming
I parked my car in the offices' parking lot. I smiled at the building.
"It's good to be home."
I walked inside the building and zig zagged through the hallways. I walked up the stairs that leads to the offices. Emily sat at the front desk. She smiled when she saw me.
"Natalie! I missed you!" she said as she gave me a hug.
"I missed you too. Having trouble controlling the 'men'?" I said smiling.
She shrugged. "Eh, it's been okay since Melody is here to help me, but she's been really focused on building her channel."
I nodded. Ever since I left for college, Melody has been focusing on her channel. It's great for her to start fresh, instead of as an editor.
Barney walked in. "Emilys, I has a question on- Natalies? Your back!" he said and gave me a hug.
"Hey, Barney! I missed you in New York." I said to him.
He laughed. "I missed you, too."
I walked into the main room. All the editors noticed me. "Hi, Natalie!"
I said hello to all of them and gave them hugs. "Where's Adam and them?" I asked Tim.
"They're in the film station. We took a break from shooting a challenge." he replied.
The editors gathered back into the film station to finish filming. Emily came from behind me and gave me a pair of headphones. I looked at her.
"Ready to check audio with me, like old times?" she said with a smile.
I nodded. "Of course."
I walked into the film station and took a seat next to Barney. The camera was in my way so I didn't see who was doing the challenge video.
Suddenly, Adam came from behind me. I looked at him and smiled.
"Adam!" I said kind of loud.
He smiled and put a finger to his lips. "We're starting."
He sat on the other side of me and gave me a hug.
"How's college?" he whispered.
"Believe it or not, difficult. We have to make sound ranges for Lil Wayne's next album and Lil Wayne is a picky person." I said.
Adam chuckled. "That's hard to believe."
I put on my headphones and grabbed the device used to check the audio. I was kind of looking around for Ross.
Even though he visited me for a couple months, I haven't seen him in three. He took a break from visiting me for a while since work got busy, which is fine but I missed him.
Tristan started to roll the camera again. I waited for a voice to ring.
"Alright, so Barney has two, Max has one, and I have two. How many points do you have, Ross?" Red said.
I looked up. Red, Barney, and Max were standing on the set looking at Ross.
The challenge was actually Do Not Laugh. And Ross was in it.
"Um two, I think?" he said.
I smiled at him as they continued with the game. Yes, I still watched for the audio. I'm not that in love. What. I mean.... Nothing.....
After the recording was done, Ross immediately got a call so he walks out of the room before he noticed I was there.
I saw Max and Red putting away props along with Barney then they grabbed water bottles. Red saw me afterwards and smiled.
"Aye! There's Princess Leia!" he said extending his arms for a hug. I hugged him back and smiled.
The reason why he calls me Princess Leia is because last Halloween, I dressed up as "Princess Natalia of the Offices" and Melody was "Warrior Princess Melody of the Offices." Melody wore a purple gown and had a helmet with a sword and I wore a white gown and my hair in two buns with a silver sword and crown.
Red saw me and laughed. "Aye. Princess Natalia? You look like Princess Leia."
Then I saw myself and realized I did, although I don't know what I was going for in the first place.
But anyways back to reality. (oh there's go gravity! :3)
Max noticed me next to Red and smiled. "Hey, Natty the Kitty!" he said.
Long story short, I wore cat ears to work for a long time.
I smiled and gave him a hug.
"So how's college?" he said.
"Good. Busy, but good." I said to them.
I looked at Max. "So how's Melody?" I said with a smirk. Red smiled and took a sip of his water.
Max rolled his eyes and smiled.
"Good." he said.
"Did you do the business, yet?"
Red practically choked on his water and rolled on the floor laughing. Max face palmed himself and chuckled.
"Oh, how I miss that curiosity of yours." he said sarcastically.
I smiled then heard screeching. Melody.
There she was, running towards me like a mad woman. I prepared my self for the leap.
"Natalie!!!" she yelled. She jumped on me and luckily I was able to carry her.
"Oh! You got heavier since I left!" I said and let her go.
"Actually, I thought she got lighter." Max said and put his arm around Melody.
I shook my head and stuck my finger in my mouth. "Gag me."
I looked at Melody. "Anyways, college is good. Thanks for asking. However, after I come back from summer break I have to jump back on a recording project that's due in the fall."
Melody nodded. "Oh! The one with Lil Wayne?"
I nodded. Max stared at me. "You're working with Lil Wayne?" he said surprised.
"Uh, yeah? We work with a lot of artists, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Blake Shelton, Drake, and recently I had a meeting with The Weekend."
Max's jaw dropped. "I'm so jealous. While you're recording with Lil Wayne and The Weekend, I'm making Minecraft videos."
Melody interrupted, "Ahem. We are making Minecraft videos."
He smiled and kissed her. As they started to make out, I rolled my eyes and walked away.
The walls were newly decorated with fan art now, most of Melody and Adam's skins. I kept on scanning through the drawing until one caught my eye.
I stopped in front of a picture. "Oh my god."
A real life drawing of me, Melody, Max, Ross, Red, Barney, and Adam sitting in the conference room was laying in a picture frame. The drawing was so detailed and accurate, it was amazing.
I stared at the drawing in awe, until another drawing beside it made my heart melt.
It was Ross and me, sitting on a bench, holding Slurpees. I was laughing while Ross stared at me smiling. How do these fans have this much talent?
But it wasn't the talent that stunned me. It was the accuracy in it, the joy of me and Ross together. That's what made it stunning.
A smile came over my face. I miss that moment.
"You like that drawing, too?"
It was him.
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