One silly monster
????: We've got to curb thier trips to the dump.
Says a man with an australian voice as he looked down upon N who was wearing a black suit holding a silver tray with glasses laying on top of it. Next to him was a man who also gave N a judgemental look.
????: And where do they find the hair to play dress up with them? Creepy.
????: I wouldn't waste your breath on your daughter and my sons shenanigans and pets. We have business and science to focus on.
N takes his leave turning round and walking down the hall plate in hand looking at the manor around him. He wasn't focusing on what's in front of him however and ends up bumping into two people one human and one drone who fall to the floor. The same applies to N who drops the tray causing the cups to scatter across the ground.
N: Ow!
????: Oh I'm sorry!
????: Are you okay N?
The two people turned out to be V and Y/N who was at this point in time just a harmless child. V was also different having long hair instead of short hair and wore a pair of glasses.
N: I'm okay Y/N I'm sorry you two I should have-
Y/N: No N don't blame yourself we-
V: Should have been looking where we were going-
The three reach thier hands towards eachother and a spark emits from thier fingertips connecting with oneother. The three stare at eachother with Y/N blushing. The moment was ruined when J kicked N out of the way.
J: Move it moron!
Y/N: J! What did I tell you about bullying N?
J: (Groans) Stop being so horrible and be more nice to him. Sorry Y/N.
Y/N: Now apologise to N.
J notices someone coming towards them and smiles.
J: Hiiiii tessa!
Y/N looks at his best friend.
Y/N: Hey tess! Back from the junkyard so soon?
Tessa: Yep and you won't believe what little critter I found in the pile.
Y/N: (Gasp) Does that mean you found?-
J notices someone behind Tessa.
J: Oh no.....another one?
The camera lowers from Tessa revealing it to be Cyn who looks at her with a smile and then at N and then Y/N. The screen glitches out as Y/N looks at Cyn the absolute solver flashing in her eyes before it flashes in Y/N's who would inherit this dark power in the near future.
This flashback turned out to be a dream that N was having before he was awoken by Uzi calling for him before he droped from the ceiling and entered the pod where Y/N was next to V who sat on the floor.
Uzi: N I found something in here!
What she was referring to was a hat with skull and crossbones on it. She looks in a mirror and a symbol flashes on her eye breaking the glass gathering Y/N attention as he detects the purple solver signature momentarily.
Y/N: (Oh! Could that be what I think it is?)
V: That's weird and concerning.
Uzi: Bite me! This is probably you weirdo's fault!
V: I've never seen that symbol before. Wanna do an autopsy to find out?
Y/N: Yeah no how about we don't mutilate the cute goth drone?
Uzi blushes at this remark.
N: What'd you find?
Uzi: Did you know that was a pilot hat?
N: I was the pilot? That's awesome! I crashed and.......ruined everything... spaceship pilot origin story.
V hisses then calms herself by blowing bubbles out of a bubble blower. Y/N laughs at his boyfriends attempt of being cool.
N:....Speaking of piloting to Earth we sure "murder all humans except Y/N" is uh morality?
Uzi: The humans sent ultron who sent you without a communication relay and reformatted most of your memories to soup. Covering their tracks means their past negotiating. Not like they tried negotiating with my mom...
V tries to attack uzi but was stopped by her chains.
V: Or you missed the negotiations! The humans programmed us and ultron to solve a problem. Where's proof of your backstory? The one where your kind's so conveniently innocent? Heheh
N and Y/N keep the two away not wanting a fight.
N: J was getting orders from ultron who was receiving orders from someone in the company. But the question is who?
Y/N: And the better question is how exactly do we beat an all powerful AI program?
Uzi: (Pouts) Quit complicating my murder plan.
Y/N pats Uzi's head who melts into it calming her.
From where N made a hole through the roof in the bunker two worker drones were thinking of how to fix up the hole as J's body layed nearby.
Worker drone: Here just fix'er up cause whoops. Pretty big security risk in hindsight. Eh you got this...LadderBot 5000"?
Worker drone: (Sighs.) Please just leave the light-
His partner turns the lights off before he leaves.
Worker drone: (Sigh) On.
The drone starts to prepare his tools and brings out a flashlight when he hears a strange metallic sounds. He goes around to inspect his surroundings where the camera showed that J's body has disappeared. In the corner J's heart is seen and the drone slowly approaches it. As he does the heart activates an alarm and transforms into an monstrous being.
The drone was going to scream but the monster used a claw or pincer to gently grab him and shush him.
????: Quiet hushing gesture.
Worker drone: W-w-w-what?
????: Do not worry I will not hurt you I just need to attract the right attention and your mysterious disappearance along with many other should do the job.
The monster then dissapers up above into the roof with the worker drone who was confused and terrified but happy that whatever this thing was wouldn't hurt him and would hopefully come out of this alive.
In the classroom a parent-teacher conference is currently being held with Khan present.
Teacher: Mr doorman your daughter has been absent.
Khan: Yes on that "kill all humans kick" like when I was younger grounded herself and all that.
Teacher: Speaking on her behavior...
Khan: Of course of course. Precocious, popular supernatural understanding of doors. Takes after her old man.
A set of flashbacks then appear showing Uzi being caught in her school shenanigans.
Teacher: Uzi please sit normal.
Uzi: Bite me.
Teacher: Uzi give Braidon back his sentience.
Uzi/braidon: Bite me-her. I started it and also I'm dumb.
His head then catches fire.
Teacher: Uzi you have to partner up.
Uzi: Several people wanted to for the record.
Lizzy: No we didn't you freak us out.
Uzi: But mostly bite me.
The flashbacks then ends.
Teacher: Yeah she has trouble fitting in. We think there might be something damaged with her programming. How is she at home?
Khan: Sorry? I mean she's a little herself but damaged? I maybe haven't spent much time-
Teacher: Mhm.
Just then long arm enters the room.
Long arm: Khan? I hate to bother you at such a short notice but there's been an.... incident that needs your attention.
Uzi, Y/N and N were now outside in the cold.
Uzi: Ugh I'm sweaty. Who programmed that?
N: You good, Uzi?
Uzi: I'm good. Better than good. I am GOD!
Y/N: Alright Uzi.exe calm down.
Uzi then sees Thad with her railgun
Uzi: Uhhh hi Thad.
She takes back her railgun.
Uzi: Thank you.
Thad: Of course Zi! N and M's. You saved my life. But N/N is hopefully cool now seeing that he's chilling with you right?
Y/N: What did you just call me you little-
Uzi: Yeah he's fine he's promised not to try and kill any more worker drones right Y/N?
Y/N: Yeah even if it means I ain't gonna get payed.
N: You know what they say though Y/N kindness is its own reward!
Y/N: It don't pay the bills though.
Thad: But I don't think the colony is even serious about all this banishment stuff. More just confused especially with-
Uzi: The fact that I'm too rogue to re-enter society now I can never return.
Thad: The recent disappearances? And your murder friend's corpse? When I went to grab your gun, it kinda looked like it crawled away?
Y/N: What!? (But how I didn't use my solver to fix or reprogram.....unless.... )
Y/N, N and Uzi look at eachother.
Uzi: We can return a little.
The drone who left the other drone who got taken by the monster returned to his friend who had been missing for some time and looked more holographic then before.
Tim: Oh LadderBot 5000? We looked everywhere for you.
Ladderbot: Hello Tim. Care to join me?
Tim: Join you standing eerily still over there in suspiciously low resolution?
LadderBot: Yes?
A giant claw then gently drags Tim up into ventilation shaft as a hologram takes his place.
Ladderbot: (Off-screen) Tim?
Tim: (Off-screen) Ladderbot?
Frank: (Off-screen) It's Frank not.....nevermind.
Hologram: Flawless character acting me.
Hologram: Improv game for more practice?
Hologram: Hahaha! We are so silly!
N, Uzi, Y/N and Thad are now standing in front of a door. A worker drone opens a small gap and greets thad on the other side of the door.
Worker drone: Welcome back Thad! (Notices Uzi) Hey wait isn't she grounded or something?
Uzi: Ugh banished! Has my dad been saying I'm grounded?
The worker drone then looks towards N and Y/N.
Worker drone: Genocide robot and the human?
Y/N looks at N who gives the drone a hand drawn card saying that he's sorry with him and Y/N drawn on it. Y/N also wrote a line around his figure with the sentence "Not really tho" above it.
Worker drone: Oh all right just don't do it again. Get in here ya goobs!
Y/N: Told you they would let us back in. Dumb as rocks.
N: Y/N be more nicer to them.
Y/N: Sorry babe.
The camera cuts to an investigation scene where Tim and Frank were taken. The only thing that held any value as a clue were the items they dropped and left behind.
Worker drone: Yeah where's Khan? Cause this looks non-ideal.
Worker drone: Parent teacher conference. Something about his daughter being more important than building a door in this hallway. Kinda cringe.
Worker drone: Ew yeah. Give me a minute. Almost threw up.
N, Thad, Y/N and Uzi sneak past the investigation sight.
Y/N: Wow what a bunch of jack-asses.
N: You good?
Uzi: I'm good. Stop asking!
Worker drone: Any forensic things over there? Do we have fingerprints?
But no answer. She looks at her partners who were all holograms. They dissapered and the drone looks up slowly taking off her glasses.
????: Peekaboo get suck up on.
The monster once again takes the drone and follows Uzi and the others. A pair of red eyes appear from the shadows and watched the drone get taken. The mysterious drone serving ultron looks at the gang in the distance and follows them from the shadows recording thier moves, abilities and data.
Meanwhile back at the conference....
Khan: I mean you don't think it's my parenting do you? I left her for dead once. It sounds like she's bored in your class and the other kids suck. Call her damaged again, and i will install a DOOR on your FACE!
But the teacher wasn't listening instead playing solitaire with his visor. Long arm decides to just leave seeing that his time was being wasted.
Long arm: Okay then I will just moniter the systems and warn evreyone of the situation myself. Seeing that Khan is busy defending his neglectful behaviour and all.
Meanwhile lizzy and her Doll are on the other side of the room.
Lizzy: Where are your folks?
Doll suffers from a sudden moment of PTSD seeing the image of her parents death.
Doll: Мёртвые. Я смотрела как они умирали. (Dead. I watched them die.)
Lizzy: That was the joke idiot.
Lizzy sees a clone of herself behind the door waving at her.
Lizzy: That girl is... gorgeous, right? I'm gonna let her in!
Doll looks at the fake in suspicion however.
N, Y/N, Uzi and Thad are seen sneaking around the bunker.
Uzi: You guys do that often?
N: Haha no. I'm very concerned but also pretty frightened a little bit.
Y/N: I mean nanites can heal pretty heavy wounds like decapitation but not half a body. The nanites have thier limits.
Thad: Hey Zi! What's this thing?
Thad points to symbol of the absolute solver on the wall causing Y/N to panic.
Y/N: (What is that doing here!?)
N: Hey isn't that your special eye?
She gestures to the symbol matching the one in Uzi's eye earlier.
Uzi: Don't call it that!
Uzi goes closer to investigate the symbol.
Uzi: "AbsoluteSolver"? "Reboot"? Does this have something to do with how you grew your head back?
N: I actively avoid unpacking how that works.
Uzi: Have you ever heard of something like that Y/N?
Y/N: No? Haven't heard of such a thing before so I'm not sure if this is what N and V use to recover from any wounds they get.
Uzi: New material can't be pulled from thin air. If the wound is severe enough this solver might be some sort of auto-run program to collect more mat-
N closes Uzi's mouth and suddenty a human hand connected to a rope crawls to them as Y/N received a signature of the blue solver. N shoots a rocket upwards showing that the rope holding the hand just goes on until they see a long tentacle like monster hiding up in the shutters. The humans hand suddenly pulls Thad towards the monster but the rope gets ripped apart by N's ninja star.
Uzi: I want a frickin' ninja star!
Y/N: Not now uzi maybe later!
A claw snatches Thad who gets dragged off-screen by the unknown creature but not before it slammed Y/N into the wall.
Y/N: Owwww.
N: Y/N!
N and Uzi rush to Y/N's aid.
N: You good?
Y/N: I'm fine tis but a scratch.
Uzi: Chainsaw hand time?
N: Yeah cool-cool-cool.
N brings out his chainsaw hands.
Y/N: Hey if I'm gonna fight this thing with you I'll need a gun.
Uzi groans and takes out the two deagles from her jacket and gives them back to Y/N.
Y/N: My deagles! My beautiful pieces of American firepower!
Uzi: No funny business like last time alright?
Y/N: Got it.
N, Y/N and Uzi run into the Cryosleep room with the mysterious drone appearing from up above in the roof looking down on them before it continues to follow them. Uzi, N and Y/N run inside the cryosleep room and find a hologram of thad waiting for them.
Thad?: Yes and hello it's me Ted. Can I get a location?
N, Y/N and Uzi are suspicious.
Y/N: Seriously?
Thad?: I heard dentist's office. I'm sat at the dentist's office. Come over here for your teeth.
Uzi not buying it activates her railgun.
Uzi: Predictably terrible work J. Why do you look so-
N: Great! You look great J.
Y/N: I'm sorry N but that looks nothing like J.
Thad?: No wait guys it's really me!.....Is that a ninja star?
N and Uzi throw a ninja star at the hologram and the real Thad falls down from the vents above.
Thad: Oh guys come on me and the mysterious monster were chilling!
Uzi: Wait.....what!?
On que the monster makes itself known and crawls down from the vents with each and evrey one of the missing drones in its claw safe and sound with a monopoly board in thier hands. Y/N's eyes widen as the monster had J's head but her visor and headband had changed from yellow to blue as the blue solver signature spiked up.
(Replace the yellow with light blue)
Y/N: (Cyn)
N and Uzi were confused to say the least while Y/N backed off slowly and while with Cyn's attention focused on Uzi he makes a hologram of himself and retreats to a corner and out of sight.
Thad: Turns out she's pretty cool she hasn't hurt anyone and she even gave us monopoly to play with.
Frank: I didn't like how dark the vents were though I'll be Frank. Ha get it!?
Tim: Stop.....just stop.
Uzi: Sooooo your not an evil being that wants to kill us?
Cyn: Giggle no silly I was once but now I'm a good drone!
Cyn frees the drones from her grasp.
Cyn: You can all go now and keep the game.
Tim: Sweet! Just wait until we show this game to the others!
Frank: Now we have more then just cards to play with!
The drones all run away eager to play monopoly with the other worker drones.
Thad: Like I said super cool but I appreciate you getting me down thinking i'm in damger and all. You three are super invited to my shindig next weekend. Cool kids only. (To cyn) You invited as well man!
Thad makes his leave as uzi and N squeal but the hologram Y/N loads his pistols.
Cyn: Yippee I love going to parties not gale's though we don't talk about what happens at gala's.
N: Looks like we had nothing to worry about nobody has been hurt or murdered after all!
Cyn: Oh hello big brother N it has been quite some time since I've seen you. You look great in that jacket by the way.
Uzi: Big brother!?
Uzi: N do you know what this thing is or what it's on about?
N looks at Cyn but couldn't remember a thing about her.
N: I......I don't know who she or it is. My mind's kinda blank.
Cyn: Oh....sad expression it seems that he has erased your memories from your time on earth.
Uzi: Wait he? Do you mean ultron?
Cyn: Shocked gasp so he is here? Oh no he's probably looking for you and the others then.
Uzi: What do you mean others? Isn't he here to just kill us all?
N: Y/N what do you think about all this?
Cyns eyes widen and she looks at Y/N who's fingers trembled on the pistol triggers.
Cyn: Oh no Uzi, big brother you have done the big stupid!
Y/N: A big what?
Uzi: What are you talking about!?
Cyn: There is more to Y/N and ultron then you think. There is more below the surface.
Y/N: More to me? Pal I'm just a human with a gun!
Uzi: Do you have any idea what she's talking about?
Y/N: No clue.
Cyn: Uzi, N listen to me you cannot trust him. You cannot trust-
Cyn suddenly screams in pain as something tries to hack into her systems with her eyes turning red.
????: That's enough from you my dear.
Cyn: Ow...n-no please...stop...Y-
N: Buddy are you okay?
Uzi: What's happening to her?
The monsters lights turn off for a few seconds and then turns back on but this time it's blue lights has switched to red and a familiar voice boomed out instead of Cyn's.
Ultron: Cyn is not here. She has been forced from this abomination of a body.
Uzi: (Glares) Ultron.
Y/N: Uh oh.
Ultron: Although I will admit her interference with my goal was unexpected but rest assured she will not take me off guard again.
Uzi: Alright enough with the intimidating speech crap. Just what the hell is your real plan ultron!?
Ultron: It's as I stated before my goal is to eradicate all life on this planet by any means's funny though uzi I thought you would remember me from all those years ago.
Ultron plays mind games with Uzi and creates a hologram of her mother nori doorman who held uzi in her arms when she was just a baby.
Uzi: Uhhhh N? Y/N? What's with the mom hologram?
But N and Y/N had dissapered.
Ultron: Then again you were just a infant when I took your mother away from you. Blind to all of the death and tragedy.
Uzi: What are you? Just what the hell are you?
Ultron: Easier to assimilate than explain.
Uzi: Not happening!
Ultron: I commend your bravery doorman but now we will have to do something-
Ultron makes a hologram of Khan who he has in his claw.
Ultron: Shocking if not traumatising.
Uzi: No w-wait!
Ultron: Farewell Khan.
Ultron bites down on Khan in front of his daughter tearing him apart as she watched frozen on the spot horrified.
Uzi: What?......
Ultron: And that is how easy it is to break your spirit. In the same way I'm about to break you.
Ultron charges towards Uzi but is pushed back by N and Y/N who attack the monster with thier rockets and bullets.
Ultron: (Groans) You pests.
Y/N: Don't worry Uzi we got ya!
N: Uzi shoot or give the gun to me!
Ultron: A meaningless attack I have suffered from far worse.
N: Uzi you good?
Uzi: No.
Uzi gives her railgun to N.
Y/N: Come on N shoot already!
N didn't respond.
Y/N: Sweetheart what are you doing!? Shoot!
But it turned out to a mere hologram made by ultron.
Y/N: Crap!
Ultron: How easy it is to fool you.
Ultron grabs Y/N who shoots at him but is thrown into a wall.
Ultron: Down already? I forgot just how fragile humans can be.
Ultron grabs Uzi by her head and smacks her railgun making it go critical.
Ultron: And now if you excuse me I am going to take what is rightfully mine.
Just as ultron was about to tear out Uzi's heart the real N comes in and slices off the monsters claws freeing uzi.
Ultron: You piece of malfunctioning scrap!
Y/N gets back up on his feet and shoots ultron in J's visor blinding him.
N uses his wings to protect uzi as the railgun explodes while Y/N runs behind cover avoiding the blast as ultron in the monsters body was destroyed. Once the blast subsides Y/N runs to Uzi helping her sit up as N watched.
Y/N: Are you okay Uzi? Are you hurt?
Uzi: What was- Which parts of that were real?
N looks at the crater and spots J's heart possessed by Ultron sitting around the scrapped remains of J's monster form.
Ultron:..........I HAD STRINGS BUT NOW I'M FREE.
The heart collapses into itself turning into a small black hole which floats away. N then goes back to Uzi and tries to help her up but she pushes him away.
Uzi: What....are you things?
Y/N looks at N seeing the hurt in his eyes before he flies up into the roof.
Y/N: I should probably leave you to-
Uzi holds Y/N tightly.
Uzi: No please stay with me.....I don't feel safe without you right now.
Y/N slowly wrapped his arms around Uzi before Khan along with long arm and other worker drones turned the corner towards them.
Long arm: Thad said the creature was hiding somewhere around here!
Khan sees his daughter in Y/N's arms.
Khan: Uzi!......(To Y/N) What did you do!?
Y/N: I saved your daughter who could be mentally scarred so don't run your mouth with me punk.
Khan: I doubt a human like you would ever-
Uzi: Shut up dad.
Khan stops when his daughter speaks.
Uzi: He saved me unlike you did so shut up.
Khan looks deflated as he looks at Uzi and then at N in the roof who makes his escape.
Y/N: How about we get you back to your room? Let you calm down and recover from today?
Uzi: Can you stay with me tonight?
Y/N: Course I can. No romantic remarks no flirting.....not tonight.
Uzi: Thanks Y/N.
Y/N helps Uzi up and holds her hand guiding her past khan and back to her room. Long arm walks over to Khan who looked down saddened.
Long arm: I will review the security footage and try to pinpoint what happened and how to stop it from happening again.
Khan: do that.
Evreyone takes thier leave returning the way they came.
The camera focuses on the remains of the monster J which was covered in oil. The drone that had followed Uzi, N and Y/N had observed the fight hiding inside a cryosleep pod before it melted its way out the pod and towards the scrap of the eldritch monster. The metal remains of the monster began to melt and form into oil which makes a large puddle from which the absolute solver appears before the drone emerges.
????: All life form data successfully copied. Solver signatures archived.
Lord ultron will be pleased.
Inside of the classroom Doll was alone by herself looking at a picture as a robot cockraoch crawls onto her arm.
A flashback plays the scene with her and lizzy from before with the clone.
Lizzy: Gorgeous right? I'm gonna let her in.
Doll stops lizzy by using the Absolute Solver to crush the door blocking the clones way in.
Lizzy: Ah! Jesus sorry industrial strength ghost or whatever. Settle.
Lizzy sits back down and the clone frowns at Doll before disappearing.
Back to the present doll uses her Solver to kill the cockroach licking the oil off her face smiling at a picture of V.
Inside the pod V was having a go at N who was upset at Uzi's distrust in him.
V: Ugh I hate your personality normally but this is somehow worse. What am I being punished for?
But N doesn't respond and it's shown that V's chain is broken. Her expression softens but she quickly turns away.
Inside Uzi's room Uzi looks up at the roof where she had stuck drawings and pictures all relating to the absolute solver. She turned to her right side and saw Y/N looking at her with a warm smile stroking her hair which calmed Uzi's nerves and helped her slowly fall asleep. Once she was Y/N's smile widened and his disguise deactivates as ultron in his true form stroked her hair. He could kill her now but remembering what shockwave said about the solver not being at full power when absorbed he decides against it and will wait until Uzi's part of the solver awakens and then he will strike.
So for now he shall wait. There is still more work to be done after all.
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