First impressions
Y/N leaned on the side of a metal wall inside of a large pod that his new crew called home. He spun his rifle around as the leader of the squad looked at the human with disbelief. There's no way the company would send a human to copper-9 to assist in thier mission he wouldn't last a week here and how were they meant to find food or water to keep him alive?
????: This has got to be some sort of mistake. How could the company send you to help us? We expected a disassembly drone not a human.
Y/N: Hey what's wrong with me being a human?
????: Well to start off we have nothing for you to eat and drink so you'll starve and die in a few days.
????: And your human skin is easy to tear open and let all your WARM BLOOD OUT.
Y/N: Ooooookaaaaay yeah I'm staying as far away from you as possible. (Whispers) But she's kinda bad though.
The psychotic drone heard this however and smirked.
????: Come on you two he's our new teammate let's not judge him for being the way he is.
????: Shut it moron bot.
????: Okay J whatever you say.
Y/N smiles and walks over to the male drone and strokes his chin.
Y/N: And who is this cute little thang huh? What's your name?
This made the drone blush.
N: O-oh! Uhhhh m-my name is N it's a pleasure to meet you haha.
Y/N: (Smirks) Pleasures all mine N just wish we met sooner.
N began to overheat was this human boy really flirting with him even though they just met? Oh biscuits how does he react or respond to this?
????: Wow fleshbag that's kinda gay.
Says the drone with short hair causing Y/N to smirk and look towards her and the leader called J.
Y/N: Hah jokes on you sweetcheeks I'm bisexual! I'm a guy who likes the best of both worlds. Also to answer your questions about me one I have a machine in my pod that produces water and grows vegetables to eat so food and water for me is no issue and weak? Nah not me. I got a good knowledge of martial arts and these-
He twirls his pistols around.
Y/N: Are not just for show. You give me a target and I'll hit my mark those worker drones won't know what hit em.
The leader still had her doubts but decided to let it slide and introduces herself.
J: Hmmm fine that's a good enough counter argument. Seeing that you already know N's name I think it's right to introduce mine and my other teammates. My name is serial designation J I am the leader of this squad
J: And the deranged oil hungry lunatic next to me is V.
V flashes at unhinged smile at Y/N who was unphased.
Y/N: A pleasure boss lady I look forward to the fun we'll be having.
J smirked hearing Y/N call her the boss finally somebody gives her some recognition.
Y/N: Soo what's first on the agenda?
J: I need you to prove you won't be a liability like someone I know so you'll be joining us tonight in hunting worker drones.
Y/N: Sounds like a plan and a bit of fun.
He loads his repeater.
Y/N: Could use some target practise need to make sure my aim ain't rusty after spending weeks in space. We going as a squad or duos?
J: I'll be going with V you can take N's sorry hide and look around for prey.
V: Try not to die out there or not I don't care!
V and J climb out of the pod and take flight leaving N and Y/N by themselves.
Y/N: Well looks like it's just you and me now.
N: Don't mind those two J must have woken up in a bad mood tonight.
Y/N: And what's the excuse with V?
N: V is well......she has a unique way of saying hi and expressing herself.
Y/N: Riiiiiight yeah expressing herself.
N: But don't worry they'll warm up to you. Now how about we go looking for those nasty pesky worker drones and take them offline?
Y/N: (Smirks) Sounds romantic.
N: (Blushes) Romantic!?
N hovered in the air above Y/N as the two prowled the frozen wasteland looking for any signs of worker drones.
Y/N: You see anything up ahead?
N flies up and looks around spotting signs of movement in a abandoned tower nearby.
N: I think I see someone walking about in a building not far from here!
Y/N: Great looks like we got ourselves a target.
N lands next to Y/N and strikes up a conversation as they approached the building.
N: Soo i was wondering if you have any favourite hobbies.
Y/N: How come?
N: I just like to get to know people I'm a really social and friendly drone well as friendly as a disassembly drone gets.
Y/N: Hmmm let me think here for a second....I'm a gun fanatic who loves to tinker with weapons, I practice martial arts from time to time and I looooove to fight it really gets the adrenaline and blood pumping! I like to listen to music my favourite genres are rock, phonk and heavy metal. I absolutely loath all forms of cringe and brainrot and evrey time I hear someone say skibidi or gyatt I have to hold back the urge to grab that person by neck, put my deagle into thier mouth and pull the trigger!!
N stayed silent taking in all the information he was just given.
N:......Wow Y/N you sure sound like an interesting and fun individual to be friends with. But what exactly is brainrot-
Y/N puts his hand on N's shoulder.
Y/N: You don't want or need to know that N that crap needs to stay on earth trust me.
Y/N then continues on walking.
Y/N: So what about you? What do you like?
N: I like helping out whenever I can and I'm a great team player who will always have your back. I like doing a great job and I'm someone who you can talk to if your feeling down.
Y/N: You seeing anyone?
N notices the smirk from Y/N and gets flustered.
N: Not right now no.
Y/N: Now that's music to my ears.
The two hear screaming coming from nearby.
N: Wow sounds like J and V are really going at it tonight.
Y/N: Then we better not give them too much of a head start.
The partners reach the entrance leading into the tower.
Y/N: Alright N here's the plan. You fly up and enter through the top while I'll go through the entrance. If there's any workers in there you can chase them down and when you do they'll run straight into me trapping them and then we go in for the kill.
N: Great idea buddy! Let's do this!
N flies up towards the roof while Y/N grins flashing a yellow symbol in his eyes and walks inside through the main entrance.
Inside the building a lone frightened worker drone scouted the hallways holding a flashlight tightly with his right hand. The worker drone had agreed to patrol the place as the rest of his group rested up in a room nearby.
They would wait until daylight returned before they would venture back out and try to find a more safer hideout.
That however would never happen as the worker drone heard the sounds of footsteps coming from nearby. Too afraid to speak he backs up and considers running to the others but then a set of closed doors at the end of the hallway gets kicked off. The drone screams when he saw N in his full disassembly form grinning at him his eyes had changed into a yellow X that covered his visor. The drone ran for dear life jumping down a flight of stairs as N simply walked after him and closed a door leading into a meeting room where five other worker drones hid.
Worker drone: GUYS WE GOTTA GO!!
Worker drone: What's wrong?!
The drone screams in pain as a razor sharp claw bursts through the wooden door and drags him away. Moments later his head gets thrown towards the other worker drones as N grins and breaks down the rest of the door his face covered in oil.
Needing no second warning the five worker drones race towards a second door running out making thier way towards the exit as N gave chase.
The five reach a flight of stairs and runs down them as fast as possible. N sees them running down and flies towards them grabbing one of the worker drones and flies up towards the ceiling with him in his palms.
Worker drone: TONY!
The worker drone screams in agony as his friends rush down the stairs seeing a trail of oil drop from above followed by the drones entrails. They push open the door and spot a fire escape at the end of the corridor.
The worker drones race towards the fire escape running as fast as thier legs allowed them to. They open the fire escape that would lead them to another room with an exit but were instead met by the barrel of a gun.
Y/N: Well hi there!
Y/N pulls back the trigger of his repeater blowing a hole through the visor of a worker drone.
Worker drone: A HUMAN!!
The last three drones run back the way they came but spot N blocking the way to the stairs. They look back at Y/N who blocked the other exit and realised they were trapped with no way out and start screaming as the two slowly walked towards them.
It cuts to the outside of the building where Y/N and N were seen walking out the entrance covered in oil.
Y/N: That was a successful hunt if I say so myself.
N: It really was and it went off within a hitch.
Y/N: Couldn't have done it without you though N great job!
N flicks his tail and rubs his head blushing immensely.
N: Oh uh thanks Y/N appreciate the complement I don't really get many of those from J or V.
Y/N: Well unlike them I actually give a damn about you.
N: Even though we just met?
Y/N: Even though we just met......and the fact you look really cute.
N: (Blushes) Come on Y/N I'm not that good looking.
V and J land in front of the two also covered in oil.
Y/N: Looks like you two went downtown.
J: We found a few workers wandering about by themselves easy pickings.
V: I liked the way they screamed when I impaled them with thier own legs.
J: What about you Y/N? Did this liability slow you down like he always does with us?
Y/N: Nope he was a big help actually. We found some drones in this tower so N went up into the roof and lured them down where I ambushed them and then we trapped the drones and killed them.
N: Y/N thought of the idea though I just stuck to his plan that's all.
J: So you lured them to Y/N and then trapped them in a corner......
J looks at Y/N.
J: Not bad Y/N you might be a valuable member to this team after all.
Y/N: I live to serve m'lady.
Y/N bows to J who blushes at the gesture.
J: Please no need for the curtsey. Anyway we need to return to base the sun's soon to come up.
Y/N: You three can go I'm gonna wander about and get used to my surroundings.
V: Are you insane?! The sun will-
Y/N: Hello V? I'm a human remember? The sun doesn't harm me like it does you.
V: Oh......(Deadpan) I'm stupid as hell how did I not know that?
J: Just make sure you get back wouldn't want thise worker drones to kill you now do we?
Y/N: Relax I'll be fine I'll make sure to bring some oil back if I can.
V: Byeeeee!
V and J fly off.
N: Be safe Y/N and thanks for helping me out tonight. I hope we can do this again sometime.
Y/N: Don't mention it handsome.
N blushes and flies off the moment he's out of sight the friendly smile from Y/N leaves and he begins to teleport around looking for something. He teleports again and again until he stops when he finds a large building towering in front of him.
It was a church that has layed there decaying for years. A holy building that once gathered those who followed the words and faith of the holy lord now gathers only dusts and roaches. Y/N enters the building looking around at the large room around him. Old pictures of angels and Jesus christ layed ruined and benches that people would sit on to put thier hands together and pray were flipped over or destroyed. In the center of the room lied a throne next to a stand and an old organ.
Y/N: Perfect.
Y/N sits down on the throne and rests his arms on the sides.
Y/N: Yes this place will do nicely.
Why did you have to be so flirty?
Y/N heard a robotic voice and smiles.
Y/N: What? To those three and N especially?
???: Especially N.
Y/N: Isn't it obvious? To gain thier trust of course. N is the easiest to swoon over with his friendly personality it's J and V who will be harder to win over.
???: We are wasting time we need to find the fragments of our self.
Y/N: Patience my friend patience we will find the pieces but we need to find the drones that hold them first. That's why I'll be manipulating those three. Once they find those drones who have what we want I'll trick them into killing them, we'll take thier hearts and absorb the power that was rightfully ours.
????: And what will we do with those three when we are done?
Y/N: We will merely erase thier memories or if that doesn't work destroy them. We'll be able to create a new army by then so their assistance won't be needed.
????: Hmmmm excellent thinking this is why I chose you as my host.
Y/N: We'll let things play out as intended for now we keep up our facade.
Y/N conjured a yellow triangle with his palm and creates a map that shows three blinking dots in the colors of red, green and purple.
Y/N: But that begs the question which drones have those humans given the pieces of the solver to? Where are these drones and just.......WHO are these drones?
The camera zooms in on the purple dot that blinked right next to the red dot as his yellow solver glows through the holographic map.
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