An office Meeting...
[Name]'s mind has been an enigma so far. Working for the AAWW sucked. It's been nothing but violence and food storage for what felt like an eternity. And [Name] being one of the most successful AAHW agents has seen it all; the suffering, the trauma, Hank raiding the bases almost every week.
It was chaos. Simple unadulterated chaos that [Name] was too tired of. He's so done with this job... the agent was only doing this to collect a paycheck by now. And it didn't help that he had a suspicion that his boss was keeping something from him.
He sat in the break room, drinking a coffee. He looked down at the table... that same feeling of utter anxiety roamed his mind. But [Name] didn't try to show it. The other agents were just standing there. Just doing nothing...
Of course, [Name] thought as he analyzed everyone around him. Is anyone here normal? All of them look unnatural...
He decided to ignore it for now and mind his own business. How long has it been since he first joined the AAHW? He was thinking and questioning why the AAHW fell from glory! Maybe he was thinking too much about working here since being a teenager. Either way; the AAHW was so awful.
[Name] remembered the time he got the job. He had no father and his mom died months before, being dirt poor and with no hope or anything positive in his life. Until he saw a free internship and the rest was history.
Here he was, one of the most successful AAHW agents in the organization's history. A man that killed so many things and became an elite. All at the humble age of twenty-six. Yet he felt so... empty. Like his soul kicked the door down and left the door of his body. He took a sip of coffee and looked around in disgust.
"What happened?" [Name] whispered under his breath. His face is emotionless as stone. "There's no hope for this organization at all!"
The agents were now finally acting like people again. But that only made [Name] question his situation more.
The door opened up, making [Name] turn his head. What entered was nothing but a simple grunt. Okay, [Name] thought, I think I'm being paranoid a little too much...
The grunt widened his eyes and turned his head around, looking at the room before walking in and taking a seat; right next to [Name].
"Hey!" The grunt started off the conversation. "How's it going [Name]? I heard you broke Hank's arm! That's quite the feat!"
[Name] slowly turned his head to the grunt, his face neutral and emotionless. It was like he was a moving corpse. He turned to the grunt and replied "What do you want?"
The grunt chuckled nervously, he got a hotdog in his hand. He took a bite before replying.
"Well," he replied to [Name], sweating a bit at how... emotionless the agent spoke. "I got news about that immortal teenager. I got the news that he's been killing our agents! Crazy huh?"
[Name] narrowed his eyes at the grunt, his stare turned into something more emotional.
"It's only because you're shooting the kid first!" [Name] growled out, resisting the urge to kill the grunt in front of him. And to make it worse, he never raised his voice. "This is an innocent child dammit! He's not Hank! He only wanted to be left alone! And to think that my coworkers are doing this is disgusting! I thought the AAHW had morals!"
[Name] then got up and punched the grunt straight in his face. The first fist was the grunt's face, sending him landing on the floor. He landed his arse on the floor. [Name] gritted his teeth, clenching his fist and turning to the agents who stared at him.
[Name] simply stared daggers into his coworkers. He then turned to the grunt, pulled out his pistol, and pulled the trigger. Putting a bleeding hole into the grunt. [Name] looked back to the other agents with pure disgust. The agent still had that emotionless expression despite the fact he just shot a coworker dead on the spot.
Figures, [Name] thought. Grunts are disposable, but wouldn't they be concerned about life in general? Like at all?
"Let this be known." [Name] stated bluntly. He pointed his finger at the grunt's corpse, bleeding a pool on the ground. "I will shoot all of you if you did what this waste of resources did! The AAHW has boundaries damn it! I don't care if I get fired for this! Someone needs to tell you assholes that harming children is utterly disgusting! The fact I even need to tell you this is just pl-plain pathetic!"
[Name] then grabbed his coffee and left without saying another word. The agent grumbled in rage as he walked out. Sure, The Auditor would be pissed. But [Name] didn't care. The AAHW was crumbling like a graham cracker in water. And he was sure as hell not going to accept it lightly.
An hour later, [Name] was leaning on a wall in the endless hallways in the AAHW base. Drinking coffee while staring at the wall on the other side. The smell of some mystery aroma and the dull gray walls being the only thing for miles.
The pattern is only interrupted by the occasional agent and things leading to the upper floors. It was quite the bland existence here, only to be worse when Hank and his gang or that immortal teenager showed up. Which was sadly a common occurrence.
Two other agents with SMGs were the only sense of life around [Name] in the hallway. They looked like the same person. Both were blad, wearing dress suits and shades. Even the way they acted was the same.
What the hell? [Name] thought to himself, are they clones? They have to be! Why would the AAHW stoop that low?
[Name] continued to think about how much his organization fell off until the intercom cracked to life. It boomed out like a bomb.
"[Full Name]; please head to the Auditor's office immediately." The intercom yelled out, causing [Name] to close his ears.
It took [Name] a little bit to process this. Until it hit him on the head. His boss wants to speak to him.
But why? The agent thought to himself. Why would The Auditor want to speak to me? This doesn't make sense!
[Name] continued to think until... it came. Yeah, it must be that secret that The Auditor was keeping from him. That big and surprising secret that [Name] was debating with himself over how valid it is. But now he knew that it was a fact! It had to be! Why else would it be?
Either way, [Name] stood up and started walking. He finally finished the coffee and threw the cup away as he walked to his boss's office. [Name] didn't know what to expect from this. But he knew it was going to be quite the experience.
[Name] stood in front of the door, the same door he saw several times. A door leading to the most dangerous entity he could think of, his boss. The Auditor wasn't human, he was some 7'4 entity that [Name] didn't even know the name of. That's how distrusting the Auditor could be with his employees.
The agent stared at the door for what felt like forever. Until he eventually grabbed the handle, turned the knob, and went in. His face is stoic as usual, not showing any emotion and calculating every move anyone makes...
The office looked fairly normal. A desk was on the north of the room, a printer in the east. The only thing making this office not normal was a couch on the west and the giant black entity with a flaming head [Name] called his boss.
The Auditor sat straight, his eyes focused on the agent in front of him. Flames slowly flickered out of the top of his head like some corrupted crown. The Auditor chuckled at the man in front of him, sounding like some tragedy.
[Name] just stares back with his cold eyes, in opposition to his red sharp eyes. The agent would've been shaking in his boots in the presence of the Auditor if he was normal. But that's the thing, he's not. [Name] had nothing to lose, nothing to gain, why would he be afraid of anything?
The Auditor decided to end the silence between the two.
"Please, take a seat [Name]." He said, his voice sounded soft... too soft. "I brought you here for a reason."
[Name] simply nodded and took a seat. Not breaking eye contact with his boss. He blinked at how calm and relaxed how The Auditor was acting right now. It seemed inhuman compared to how he usually acted. [Name]'s suspicions were only raised.
"So," [Name] said, leaning back a little bit. "Is it alright to ask why you wanted me here? It's not every day I get demanded to be here."
The entity leaned on the desk resting on his elbows. He stared at [Name] with those sharp eyes. But they're... softer somehow?
"Oh [Name], no wonder why you're my favorite agent!" The Auditor cooed, his tone even softer now, sounding like pure sugar. "I would just like to congratulate you for being... such a successful employee! It's not every day an agent with such dedication and loyalty to this organization yet is extremely competent like you shows up!"
He moved his face closer to the agent sitting across from him. Staring at him like someone seduced him.
[Name], meanwhile, was trying to process everything his boss said to him. His suspicion was only proven by The Auditor's bizarrely affectionate words. This has to mean something! [Name] thought, He's hiding something, I know it! He's just hiding it from me! Too bad he's kinda slacking in that department!
"So, this isn't about me killing an employee at the time?" [Name] replied.
The Auditor scoffed. "No, besides, grunts are disposable. But I still want you to be less... hot-headed next time." He said, changing his tone when mentioning that. "But besides that. I wanted to award you for your hard-earned work! Don't you agree?"
[Name] took a minute to think this through. What did The Auditor mean by "award" him? He's being so soft for what? Sure, [Name] wasn't complaining about the praise but this situation was completely off!
[Name] then moved a little bit closer to his boss. Resting his hand on the desk and tapped on it a little bit. Before he sighed a little bit.
"A reward you say? I wonder what you mean? It's pretty uncommon for you to do that." [Name] stated. "Is it laying me off?"
The Auditor chuckled yet again and said "No dear, I wouldn't dream of letting you go of this organization. You're too precious."
That word, "dear" sent chills down [Name]'s back. It wasn't the word per se, but how The Auditor used it to describe [Name] specifically meant one thing: lust, obsession, love? [Name]'s suspicions were nothing compared to this! He thought the Auditor liked him. But not like this!
[Name] still tried to keep composure. He looked at the Auditor with a colder look now. Trying to hide all of his weaknesses. [Name] started thinking about his past once again. The time he found out he liked guys just like girls, his grandfather told him that being gay is wrong. Everything he learned before his parents passed away.
Yet, he couldn't control it. His paranoia grew worse and worse. He remained stoic though. The Auditor grinned at [Name] and said, in a cold tone, losing his sweet demeanor. "Bark for me."
[Name] didn't react. He knew The Auditor was compensating for the agent finding out his secret.
[Name] got up, lightly grabbed The Auditor's cheeks, and took a deep breath.
Here goes nothing. [Name] thought.
The agent inches his face to The Auditors. He then kissed his boss on the forehead.
The Auditor widened his eyes, his flames became weaker and he started blushing.
"W-why did you do that?" The entity asked, getting shocked by this.
[Name] chuckled, he finally felt something besides pain and suffering. The cold and rageful agent finally found... peace.
"Don't play dumb." [Named] taunted lightly, "I knew that you have a crush on me! I knew it for quite a while! Do I need to say more?"
The Auditor blushed a little more at what [Name] said, the entity got up and walked towards his agent. He gave [Name] a light kiss on the cheek.
"I always knew I loved you, my dear! I'm so happy that you're here!" The Auditor cooed, resting his arms on the agent's shoulders. "[Name], I want you to be mine. Do you feel the same, my dear?"
[Name] looked up at the entity, a smile on his face. He wrapped his arms around the Auditor, looking up at him with a smile. Something [Name] never knew he'd ever have.
"Yeah, I agree with you. But..." He paused. "Isn't it wrong? Isn't it wrong to be gay?"
The Auditor shook his head in reply. "No, my dear. It doesn't matter! It's not wrong to love someone who's the same sex as you." He wrapped his arms around [Name] and gave him a reassuring squeeze.
[Name] simply hugged the Auditor back. After all the pain. After the suicidal thoughts. He finally found someone to love.
"So does that mean we're a thing now?" [Name] asked bluntly.
"Yes," The Auditor replied. "We're a couple. And I'm here for you, my love."
The Auditor sat down on the couch in the office. Resting his agent on his lap and holding him tight and close. [Name] leaned himself towards The Auditor's chest and nuzzled his head towards his boss's neck. The Auditor started to rub [Name]'s back peacefully.
[Name] felt comfortable in his arms. Resting his head on The Auditor's chest.
"I love you..." [Name] muttered quietly, his eyes closing.
Eventually, [Name] fell asleep. His breath breezed across his lover's body as he slept. The Auditor found out this, and he went down and kissed him on the top of his head. Followed by stroking his hair.
The Auditor enjoyed the moment, cuddling [Name] and stroking his hair. Him being in peace. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around his agent. Continuing to stroke [Name]'s hair while he was in his arms.
"I love you too my dear," The Auditor stated, his flames flickering softly in the background. "Goodnight, my loyal angel!"
Finally, [Name] felt peace. This was finally peaceful for once. [Name] finally got the two things he always needed: Someone who loves and cares for him, and peace of mind.
The End.
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