2 - Thinking Out Loud
I keep on making the same mistakes,
Hoping that you'll understand.
Pax walked into her mother's house, careful because she knew she and Tanner would be asleep by now. Or, at least one would be. See, with her mother and Tanner, only one was ever sleeping. If her mother drifted off, Tanner would lay by her and watch Fairy Tail with his earbuds in. If Tanner fell asleep, Eliza would usually sit up in bed and play with his hair as she stared at whatever was on her computer. Pax saw a glow coming from their bedroom, which meant someone would be awake to greet her. She quietly entered their bedroom and saw her mother staring at the laptop with her other hand in Tanner's hair. She looked up and smiled at Pax. She closed the laptop and quietly shook Tanner awake.
She now stood in the kitchen with her mother and her step-father. Both were in their early forties, and both had been previously divorced. The two had married maybe two years ago. Theirs was a long and complicated history which Pax was not ready to explain at this time of night. "I'm very glad you came to see us, love, but why this time of night? Shouldn't you be at home?" Her mother asked. "No. Lilianna has Travis over again, and I just hate being there in the morning when he's wandering around in the nude, looking for his pants." The two nodded. "Well, if it bothers you so much, you should talk to Lilianna about it," her mother suggested. "No, I've told you she never listens." "You should make her, just like your mom did me when we were eleven," Tanner said. The sound of his voice startled Pax, seeing as things were still awkward between them, and he normally kept his mouth shut when Pax was around. "You're right, I should," she said, beaming inside because, hey, she got her step-father to speak. "I don't ever remember actually making you listen to me. I remember trying." "You just didn't think I was listening." Her mother kissed him, something that still disgusted Pax, though she was a grown woman and saw kissing on a daily basis. "Have you spoken to Misty lately?" Tanner asked. "Yeah. She finished veterinary school and she started working for the pet clinic downtown." "Wonderful. If Peek is ever sick, we'll take him to her," her mother said cheerfully. The couple's fat pug, Pikachu, came waddling around the corner at the mention of his name. Pax leaned down and petted the overweight canine. "Well, I'd better be going," she said, picking her purse up off the counter. "Goodbye, love," Eliza called after her daughter. "Do you think she's warmed up to me yet?" Tanner asked. "How could she be? You hardly speak to her, dear."
This chapter's song : Thinking Out Loud, Ed Sheeran. It's more the lyrics I provided that fit this chapter. Tanner hopes that Pax has warmed up to him, but he is not being easy to warm up to.
Love you all bye.
- KindOfAnAlien
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