13 - The A Team
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly.
For the second time in 24 hours, Pax was sobbing. She stood in a black dress, Lily beside her.
Despite everything, Pax couldn't help but notice that Lily's hand (always so warm and soft) was painstakingly close to hers. Pax shook her head slightly and rubbed her hands together.
A hand was on her other shoulder, a hand that belonged to her mother. Though the divorce had been rough, Eliza and Asher had stayed good friends.
Misty stood there, too, her eyes glistening. One thing Pax loved about her step-sister was her empathy.
The funeral director spoke, but Pax wasn't really listening.
At the final viewing, Pax was disgusted. This man in the coffin did not look like Asher Gordon. He looked like a wax copy, with his face done up, his clothes ironed, and his arms at his sides. And his eyes were closed, which Pax hated beyond belief.
Pax stayed behind longer than everyone else, her hair whipping in the harsh wind. Lily ambled over to her and grabbed her arm, forcing Pax to look at her. "Hey." "Hey," Pax said, sniffing. "I, um, heard you talking to Molly last night." Pax froze. This could not be good. "Y-you did?" "Yeah." Pax's cheeks heated up to the max. Lily smiled a bit and leaned forward. Pax panicked as their lips met.
Suddenly, rage coursed through Pax. Lily knew this would ruin their friendship! Pax broke off from the kiss and yelled, "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Lily looked shocked. "But, Pax-" "Leave me the fuck alone."
Ok, haha, yay. Conflict already! But, the song is 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran. The lyrics presented :
Angels - their relationship
Too cold - not ready yet.
In other words, they're not ready to have a relationship together.
Questions for this chapter :
1. Are you at all interested in Lily's backstory?
2. Thoughts overall on the funeral?
3. AAAARGGHHH THE FEELS. Is that accurate?
4. Pick one emoji to describe this story.
5. Give your best guess what happens next.
6. Do you prefer Asher or Eliza?
7. Asher or Tanner?
8. Is Pax being too harsh?
Ok love you all so much! Bye.
- KindOfAnAlien
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