11 - I'm Not In Love
I'm not in love,
So don't forget it.
Don't get me wrong,
Don't think you've got it made.
Lily was shocked. You shouldn't be, she told herself. Friends fall in love all the time. And you're hot. How can she help herself? Lily thought back to when she had joked that Pax was turning into a lesbian. She realized now why Pax had been blushing. Come to think of it, Lily had probably been ignoring this for years.
Three years ago, Lily remembered. They had been simply strangers. Pax had lived all alone in the apartment after a bad breakup. Lily now remembered that it had been a girlfriend. They had met in a diner, where Pax had advertised that she needed a roommate. Pax and Lily had become friends fast. Lily had never thought that maybe this caused Pax to fall in love with her.
And the thing that really, really scared Lily about this new development was that Lily was almost sure she could say the same.
Dun dun duhn!!!!! Haha yay.
This song is I'm Not In Love by (How the heck would I know, I only know it 'cause of Guardians of The Galaxy!) Anyway, it symbolizes how, if Lily is in love, she's not just going to admit it. It also kind of sounds like, taking the lyrics literally, Lily is just telling Travis 'Honey, I only like having sex with you'. XD
Questions, yay questions!
1. Which has been your favorite chapter so far?
2. Are you interested in more details about Pax's nasty breakup?
3. If Travis were to find romance after Lily, what do you think she'd be like? (Hint? Question? You'll never know haha!!!)
4. Travis's womanly grip- so true or leave the poor guy alone?
5. Is Lily really in love?
6. Lily thinks she's hot. Your thoughts?
7. Molly is being so fluffing loyal. Your thoughts?
8. Was this sucky writing on my behalf?
Thanks, guys, I love you. Bye.
- KindOfAnAlien
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