•Chapter Thirty-Six•
=Chapter Thirty-Six=
The stranger
Saturday, 28th of September
Yes I brought a stranger home. I'm an idiot.
Did I feel responsible for him because he stepped in to help with something he didn't know he couldnt help with?
On our walk home, I managed to get a name out of him. Apparently he goes by Red Hood, he's some sort of vigilante like Batman or something.
He also refuses to let me remove his helmet- and let's not start with the endless flirts he's thrown at me since the moment we started walking.
If he weren't injured, I'd have flip him over my back by now.
Now he's sitting on my couch, shirtless as I attempt my best at first aid.
Where in hades is Jason?
He'd probably be furious if he knew I brought a stranger home.
"So, you live in a book store?" He chuckled nervously as I pressed an anti bacterial soaked towel against his battle wound of a scratch, and the torn up flesh of his upper arm.
"Yeah.." I said softly, focusing on my task at hand.
"So where did a beautiful girl like you learn all this?" He breathed in sharply, holding in a wince.
"Summer camp." I answered. "Look, I'm not a doctor, I don't really know how to do all this, just the basics. I really think you should go to the hospital.."
"No.." he repeated with a groan.
"Your.. summer camp skills are just fine.. until I can get back home and do it myself.."
I raised an eyebrow, taking a look at his bare chest and arms. "You're not doing it yourself."
"Look sweetheart, you're the one stupid enough to bring a guy like me into your home-"
I raised a hand. "And if I were smart i would've left you out to fend for yourself?" I scoffed.
Red hood leaned his head back against the couch. "Look, I appreciate that you brought me here.. but I can't stay long."
"You'll stay the night, its.." I hesitated, realizing I didn't actually know the time. "I donno what time it is. But it's still early in the morning. Stay a few more hours. I.. don't know what this kind of wound does to mor.. to.. people." I corrected, almost calling him a mortal and outing myself to this random flirt.
I didn't need random people knowing of my demigod status.
"What kind of dog was that anyways.. it was massive. I thought it was a wolf but it's more shaggy than that.."
I winced. "I donno," I lied. "Strays.. I guess."
"Never seen strays that big.." he paused. "Where did the two you were fighting go?" He hesitated again, and while I struggled to find an explanation, he continued. "..where did the one I was shooting go? It vanished."
"You probably hit your head." I lamely replied.
"Those gunshots should've killed it." He muttered.
"Don't.. think too much about it." I wince. "Uh, what were you doing out so late at night?" I asked, changing the subject,
"This is my job, I fight criminals.. however I was planning on saving a damsel in distress.. now it seems I've become the damsel."
He started laughing, however he winced in pain as I'm sure the sting hit him.
I didn't really know what to do with his wounds. Normally one or two cubes of ambrosia would fix him right up, but he was mortal. And he seemed determined to get out of here the moment I allowed him to.
I was worried he wouldn't go see a doctor and let his wounds get infected, I mean it looks absolutely awful.
I crack a nervous grin. "Haha.."
"Don't be worried about me sweetheart, I'd rather see your smiles than frowns." His voice indicated a grin.
I roll my eyes. "Stop calling me sweetheart."
"Sure thing, doll."
Ew. "Don't call me that either."
"Alright, Angel."
"Call me Percy! Good grief.." I grumble.
"Finally. A name. But I think I'll stick with sweetheart." I bet he winked under that stupid helmet.
"Ugh." I threw my rag at him, not caring if it hit the part of his chest that was badly torn up.
In fact, I grinned and reveled in his wince. Take that.
"Alright, Percy. I'm on a tight schedule.. so I should go. Will you bandage these things or will you pass me a roll and let me do it myself?" He started to reach for the medical kit but i snatched it away.
"No, you're not leaving right now. Wait until morning. And yes, I'll do it myself." I waited for his conformational nod, which came reluctantly.
"So what are you." He asks as I start wrapping his arm.
I froze. "What do you mean?"
"Meta? Are you a meta? I saw you controlling water earlier."
Schist. "Uh.. yeah. I.. don't like to talk about it." What on mount Olympus is a meta???
"So what do you do with it?" He asks.
"What is this, a bbq? I don't appreciate being grilled." I wrapped the bandage a little tighter.
"I'm not grilling you. Merely asking what seasonings you use."
"I do.. normal things. Wash my dishes.. stupid things like that." I replied shortly.
"You don't go out and fight bad people? Don't do.. the bad itself?" He asks, although it seemed as if he already knew the answer.
"No. I don't do anything with it. I'm not.. a threat. If that's what you're worried about."
"I know. It's.. just protocol." He sighs.
"I'm with the bats, you know. As much as I hate having to work with them.. they have all the technology a guy could ask for. So.. in return I gotta cooperate with them."
I hummed. "You're not gonna tell anyone, will you?" I asked.
The last thing I needed was the weird bat guy called Batman after me for more.. interrogations.
"No. Of course not. Not you." He hesitated, and coughed. "I mean, it can stay between us, love. I don't plan on betraying my water girls trust."
"Your? I'm nobodies, thank you very much. And I'm not helping you with anything." I glared.
"Whaaatt?" He fake gasped.
"Not even if there's a massive fire.." he playfully whines.
"I might..- ugh. Stop it!" I stand up. "You're a vigilante? Right?"
He nodded. "Kinda. I like to think of it as professional butt kicker."
"That's cheesy."
He huffs. "I kill people." His tone went serious.
I blink, not sure what to say.
"Yes, I kill bad people, and that's not what the bat wants. Batman's definition of a vigilante is.. someone who enforces the law without killing... a glorified cop, more or less."
"And I take it you're not a vigilante in his mind?" I ask, eyebrows raised.
Why is he telling me this?
"Exactly. So... to some, I'm not a vigilante. I'm a criminal who likes to kill only bad people.. and to others, I'm the real vigilante that actually does what has to be done for a city like Gotham to actually move forward."
"Removing the evil from the streets permanently." I finished.
"Exactly." He seemed to stare at me for a moment. "What are your thoughts?"
I blink. My opinion on this? "I.. don't like that you kill people. It horrifies me to a degree. However.. sometimes there isn't much you can do, and death is the only outcome." My mind drifted to the first war, where demigods were on both sides.. and forced to kill each other.
"If there's a way around it.. I would always choose that." I finished.
He sighed. "Okay. So you understand?"
I nod. "To a certain degree.. why do you care about my opinion?"
His voice, still slightly robotically altered changed to be amused. "Your opinion is very important to me, sweetheart. I just needed to know."
"Okay.. well I hope I didn't disappoint." I shrug, finishing bandaging both wounds.
"No. Not really... it's.. better than I hoped."
What was that supposed to mean.
"Well.. do you want anything to eat while you're here?"
He shook his head, "no. But if you're really insistent on me staying.. perhaps some pain killers and a nap would do me good.."
I nod. "Yeah. Let me go get some." I stand walking to my kitchen and rifling through my cabinets.
I pull out some pain killers and poured him a glass of water.
"Here." I set the items on the coffee table.
"Thank you, Percy, I really appreciate it. You're.. too nice to strangers." He took the pills and laid down.
"You're welcome I think." I shrug, settling in the arm chair beside the couch.
"Do you plan on sitting there all night?" He asked.
I nod. "You'd run if I didn't."
He laughs. "No, I wouldn't. But if you choose to sit there then i have to sleep in this helmet."
"Well whose costume design flaw do we blame for that?"
"Mine.." he grumbled.
"I'll go to another room. I sighed.
"Thanks." He yawned, the voice changer making it sound almost musical, which made me giggle.
"Shut up, princess!" He called after me as I walked into my room and shut the door.
The guy was nice, thankfully. A flirt and very dangerous, but nice enough to the right people.
I locked my door.
Just to be safe.
Yooooo can you believe it? I said I would and I delivered! We're officially caught up, yay lol.
Hope you like this chapter and have a *phonetastic* day!
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