•Chapter Thirty-Five•
=Chapter Thirty-Five=
The second attack
Saturday, 28th of September
4:23 am
"Wake up! Hahaha! See what I've sent now, miserable little demigod!" The evil sounding woman cackled.
I shot up, gasping. "Oh- oh no."
It was happening again. They were coming. Why was it always at night too? Did they revel in ruining my sleep, hoping to catch me tired and slow?
I scrambled out of bed, slowing to balance myself as a bout of dizziness waved over me.
Dam monsters.
I was supposed to go get my phone back from Bella today. Now I had to go fight monsters.
The worst part- I'd have to sneak past Jason, who was sleeping on the couch.
"I hate this." I grumbled.
I put on some clothes and quietly opened my door. I creeped out and froze when I noticed the couch bare, only a blanket and pillow laying there.
I frowned. Where had Jason gone? There wasn't many places to be inside my apartment.
I shook my head. Now wasn't the time. I had monsters sniffing me out, and I obviously didn't want to cause any damage to the shop or my apartment.
I still opened the apartment door slowly- if Jason happened to be downstairs, I wasn't about to alert him of my apparent departure.
I closed it behind me, I cringed as the door squealed shut.
I froze at the top of the stairs, waiting for anything- Jason's voice perhaps- but there was nothing.
I cautiously proceeded down the steps, wincing as each awkward side step jolted pain in my side.
I might not have a choice. I might have to heal it. Hopefully when I do.. I can get away with Jason never knowing.
Would it be so bad if he knew?
I feel as if I've gone over this topic in my mind a million times.
I shake the thoughts from my head. It wasn't the time to worry about opinions and fears. Jason would probably have my back no matter how crazy my life was.
I unlock and push open the store door, closing it behind me softly. The moon was already out of sight, either behind clouds or just not there all together.
With that being so, it was very dark, and as I've said before, it's extremely dark on the streets in between the lamp posts.
...which aren't working.
Well that's wonderful!
I just love taking a walk in the pitch blackness of Gotham!
Especially when-
I dropped, sinking to the ground in lightning fast reflexes, an especially dark shadow leaped overhead, missing its target.
Which was me.
The hellhound turned with a growl, and i leap up to my feet, shoving my hand into my pocket, retrieving Riptide, my trusty pen sword that.. admittedly, I've been ignoring.
I uncapped it and brandished my blade, the hellhounds stance ready to pounce as I held my ground.
"Not as friendly as Mrs. O'Leary, huh?" I chuckled nervously.
Hellhounds were nothing. I could take down 10 alone but this was just one.
One hellhound couldn't have gotten in without help.
The hellhound leaped, and I sidestepped it, holding out my blade as the hellhound tore through it, turning into dust in the process.
I stood in the dark dirty street, feeling uneasy.
It was too easy.
There's something off.
I pivot, turning on my heel, looking around me, staring into the depths of the alleyways and open streets. All of which were cast into darkness.
The blast must have caused all the lamps to explode, and they were too lazy to replace them in a timely manner.
I take a second to think, wiping away the golden dust coating my clothing. I knew one hellhound wasn't it. I needed to be prepared for something else.
I started jogging in the direction I felt the nearest body of water was in, every lamp post was put out.
I used the moisture in the air to map out the streets, imagine that one beluga in finding dory using the echolocation, (yes 100 percent the reason why I tried this in the first place, what can I say, it's finding dory!) but in the form of water in the air passing along the direction to the nearest river or lake etc.
Before I knew it, I was standing on a dock, summoning the water up and flexing my fingers as I controlled a large amount of the liquid, the slightly murky water being slightly more difficult to control.. enforcing the theory that dirty water was slightly out of Poseidon's control.
I flicked my hand, sending the water into a spiral until it formed a sphere.
I forced the dirty water towards the outside of the orb, and pushed out the dirt and algae.
I grinned in victory. The water flexed around my palm invitingly, as if thanking me for freeing it.
My control of it was smooth, effortless, and exactly how I remembered water being before coming to Gotham.
As my back was turned, I felt the hairs on my neck raise, and I turn to greet 4 more hellhounds closing in.
"I think you dogs need a lesson in manners." I grin, finally.. for the first time feeling like normal. Feeling powerful and alive.
I waved my hand around expertly, the water following, I controlled the edges of the flow to form jagged ice on the ends.
The water circled riptide, creating a deadly edge.
The hellhounds whined slightly at the sight but they did not back down, moving to block me in.
"Well I suppose I'll strike first!" I lunged, aiming for the center hell hound, which growled and lunged to meet my blade, except I ducked and thrusted my blade up into its belly, causing it to explode in golden dust.
The other three hellhounds cared not for sportsmanship, and all lunged down at me at once, and I stayed in my crouched position, one knee on the ground.
In a desperate motion, I swing my sword around my head, the jagged edges of the ice water whipping out to help aid the cuts to all of the hellhounds.
However as it was not a deep enough blow, it didn't kill them.
They landed on me, yelping in pain as my sword and its bonus water whip cut deep, but still not deep enough.
I gasped as the weight landed on me loosing my sword as they shortly forgot their pain and howled in victory as they realized I was pinned.
I held onto my lifeline, my water, letting it heal every scratch and bite, and I struggled against the massive dogs. I reached for the larger mass of water, praying for it to come to my aid, disobedient and slow as it was.
"Please!" The water finally lurched to my aid, just as soon as something else did..
"HEY!" A gunshot echoed in the harbor.
The water poured over me, and one of the hellhounds growled and jumped for the second aid.
The water crushed the two hellhounds with its pressure, combusting into glittery dust, I got to my knees as I realized just who arrived.
A man in a red helmet.
But his voice.. sounded..
The man shot again, but it did nothing to affect the hellhound.
I stumbled towards him. He wasn't going to be able to defeat the monster without my help. "Stop! You're only aggravat-" he shot again, multiple times.
"Stop!" I screamed as I started to run, but i was too late. The hellhound had forced the helmeted man to the ground, and was now attacking with ferocious rage.
I threw my sword, (which I had retrieved back from my pocket) lodging it deep into the hellhounds neck, and it only took a moment before my sword clattered to the ground, the monster vanishing.
I eventually made it to the man, collapsing beside him in worry.
This is some unknown man. Be wary, Percy, why are you so.. worried?
"Hey? Can you hear me?"
The man was luckily wearing leather armor under his simple t-shirt, but even then, a few deep claw lashes made it through to his skin, and even his upper arm was a bit torn up due to the ferocious jaws.
The man groaned, his voice slightly robotic.
"Hello? Idiot helmet dude?"
"You.." he groaned again, "you're the one getting attacked by.. wolves.."
"I had it under control.." I hissed. "You went and put yourself in danger."
He sat up with difficulty. "I need medical attention.. ugh.. why didn't my bullets work?!"
I helped him up, lifting an arm over my head. "Let's.. go to a hospital."
He halted. "No. No hospitals." He said sternly.
"..okay. Do you live near here?"
"Okay.. my house it is."
Hi.. I'm so sorry I delayed. I was hating all my writing and didn't know how to make it work.
Good news is I am finally putting to writing the scene I imagined from the beginning!!
Anyways... I still kinda owe you another chapter, so I'll try working on it since the next flow of events I've got kinda planned in my brain.
Also I didn't proof read this so yell at me if you see something wrong lol
Anyways, enjoy this for now, hope to see you all again soon!
Have a *phonetastic* day!
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