•Chapter Thirty-Eight•
=Chapter Thirty-Eight=
Opening day!
Saturday, 28th of September
"PERCYYYYY!!" A voice yelled from downstairs and I froze.
Red hood must have looked up from his spot on the couch, mid pancake eating scarf session because he let out a muffled "huh?"
"My co worker is here.." I replied.
Yeah Mr bucket head isn't wearing his helmet, no I haven't looked.
Hey, I'm trustworthy!
As much as I'd like to see what he looks like under his helmet, I'm not going to.
"Peerrrrcyyyy..." Liz called from downstairs again.
"You'll have to stay up here, okay? Don't.. I donno... Go anywhere." I informed, going to my front door.
"Hang on, you still intend to hold me up here?" He said.
"I.. well you're free to go. But.." I hesitated, not quite having the words nor the reason why I wanted him to stay.
"I get it, you're worried I'm gonna go hurt myself, right?" He said.
I shrug. "Something like that."
"Fine. I'll stay for a little bit." He relented.
I smile, although he couldn't see it.
"Okay well I'm gonna go to work. The shop is officially opening today.. schist I didn't make cookies.."
He laughs. "Ooh no.. what a catastrophe.."
"Yes, it is..." I hummed distractedly.
The more I listened to his real voice, the more I felt like I had heard it before. It was so strange..
I didn't know many people right now. Perhaps he's like a regular customer or something.
I snorted, and Red hood choked on a pancake.
"Uh.. I'll be back to check on you soon." I slipped through the door and went downstairs.
"There you are!" Liz exclaimed.
"The store opens in 5 minutes and you haven't even done any of the opening work! If I knew I would've.."
I raised my hands to calm her down.
"I'm sorry. I slept in."
She'd totally freak out if she knew I was hiding a guy up there.
"Worst day to sleep in, Percy!" Liz laughed jokingly.
I smile. "Yeah... haha.."
"How's your wound doing?" She asks, busying herself starting up the register.
I blinked, realizing I hadn't felt a tiny bit of pain.
"It's.." I paused, recalling events from earlier this morning.
Whoops. I healed myself!
"It hurts, you know, like normal.." I lied.
"Aw. I figured but I also hoped it would go away faster.." she sighed.
I shrug. "Eh, I've had worse."
Liz raised an eyebrow. "Uh.. shall we discuss this?"
I laugh. "No.. not today. I can see some faces peering in already.." I glance to the door, seeing some familiar faces, regulars and some school kids waiting to have their study spot back.
"Oh all right. Go flip the sign." She smiled.
"On it." I walk to the door and flip the sign from sorry, we're closed! To yes! We're open! And opened the door.
"Hi guys." I smiled. "Hi ms. Percy!" A freshman in high school greeted. She was an adorable nerd who had trouble keeping still to study.
I of course resonated with her situation and did my best to provide her with a safe and cozy environment where she can snack, goof off and also get help with her school work, as well as reading fun books instead of doing said school work.
School was supposed to be a learning experience, not a stressful work environment. Someone needed to give these kids a break.
"Awh no blue cookies.." she said sadly after seeing the empty basket.
I winced. "Yeah I was kinda busy. I'll make some tomorrow!"
The kid perked up. "Yes!" She pumped a fist, and settled into a corner which was newly carpeted.
I smile and greet the next customer.
This was probably the most people we've had in the store at a time, it was pretty exciting.
"Where's Jason? I haven't seen him yet." Liz spoke up during a lull in the (very slow, albeit) rush.
"Hm.. I'm not sure." I said hesitantly. He hadn't returned after leaving my apartment at whatever ungodly time it was that he left.
I wasn't about to tell her that Jason was over yesterday, or that he stayed the night in my house.. purely because I thought he looked too tired to ride his bike home.
Or that he seemingly went missing.
I tried not to let the worry cloud my mind, I had a thousand different things to worry about, and Jason could handle himself, right?
"Well maybe he's busy." Liz finally decided.
I nodded. "Perhaps." Let's hope. He knows I don't have a phone right now.
He should've left a note.. or came back.. anything. But he didn't. And now I've got a random vigilante in my apartment that I feel responsible for since he got involved and hurt in something he had no idea he couldn't help with.
I'm assuming he is clear sighted for the most part.
"Hellloooo.." a hand was waved in my face, and I turn towards the arm to see an unfortunately familiar face.
"Bella." I greeted. "What are you doing here."
"I'm here for work, duh. I felt sick after lunch yesterday so I went home.." she excused. "Totally wasn't skipping." She smiled.
"Where's my phone." I demanded.
She raised her eyebrows in mock surprise. "Oh? You lost your phone. Sorry to hear.. I have no idea where it is. Anyways I'm gonna get to work byeee..." she started walking towards the back and I glared a hole into the back of her head.
I am so firing her.
I started to storm after her but Liz grabbed my arm. "Not now. There's too many customers. Don't make a scene."
She didn't even know what was going on! I hadn't had the time to fill her in.. but I suppose she kinda got the message that I was fed up with Bella.
And I suppose she was right. I shouldn't make a scene in front of our customers. No doubt Bella would start screaming in a hissy fit when I demand her to get out. And then that would put a damper on everyone's opinions about Mays book store.
I sat, schooling my emotions so I wouldn't be visibly seething at every customer that comes in.
"Perce, I gotta go use the bathroom, I'll be back." Liz whispered to me and as I nodded, she rushed to the back to go use said restroom.
"Hello Percy! So wonderful to be back in this cozy little place," an older woman greeted, placing a book on the counter.
"Hello Mrs. Gingler." I smiled back.
"Oh I see no cookies today. What a shame. Do you still plan to make them? I tell you my grandchildren love them.." she rattled on, and it did bring a real smile to my face, temporarily forgetting Bella as this older woman praised my cookies.
"Yes yes, of course I plan on making them! I merely ran out of time today while trying to get the store open." I apologized.
Mrs. Gingler nodded. "What a terrible explosion that was.. it hurt so many businesses.. I'm rather surprised to see you all up and going so soon! Everyone else is struggling to get new windows still.."
I wince. "Yeah I feel horrible for everyone else. Luckily May has a benefactor who donated those windows. We might've been operation with wooden plywood boards as windows without them."
"Ah I see. Well how lucky. I wonder who that benefactor is. I could use a couple dollars here and there if you know what I mean!" She laughed in jest.
I smiled and laughed with her. "Yeah no kidding. Wallets are quite empty around here that's for sure." I passed over her receipt, finalizing her transaction.
"Well I've got to go. Thank you again, Percy!" She waved as she left.
After Mrs. Gingler, there was only two other people in the store, a kid studying and a guy just perusing the isles.
Liz came back from the bathroom with a grim face, and I wondered if she had a Bella encounter that soured her mood.
"What happened?" I asked softly.
"On my way to the bathroom Bella was in the office.. and on my way out she wasn't there anymore. She's no where in the back." Liz whispered back seriously.
My eyes hardened. "I was too busy with a customer to see her leave.."
"Where did she go.." we both muttered, turning slowly to look around the store.
My eyes fell on the wooden stairway that led upstairs to my.. open apartment door.
"She wouldn't.." Liz said, seeing where I was staring.
"She might." I answered.
"She has.." Liz finished.
Schist the vigilante is up there
"Stay with the customers. Switch the sign to closed for lunch. I'm going to go deal with her." I said and Liz nodded in confirmation. "Got it."
She walked to the front door and I walked to the stairs, my steps turning silent as I avoided every squeaky step.
I pushed the door open an inch more and peered through.
I didn't see her so I slipped inside.
She better not be up here, for a good reason or not.
I don't want to see her face here again.
She is so getting fired.
Hiii :D
I love you all so much you have no idea..
Okay do you forgive me now? Yes? Aw thanks.
Sorry cliff hanger lols, I really wanted to switch to Jason's pov so we will see that next chapter!
Anyways I hope you all are having a totally *phonetastic* day!
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