•Chapter Thirty•
=Chapter Thirty=
Jason's POV
Thursday, 26th of September
"Will you please leave me alone.." I grumbled, gripping my book tighter.
"Come on Jason, can I not spend time with my brother? Maybe a little spar? A little game time?" Dick egged on with a goofy grin, nudging me with his elbow.
"I'm reading." I glare.
"I can see that, but you read all the time. And you're here on mandatory family game night, so you're gonna spend time with us." Dick turned and leaned back onto my lap.
"Please?" He grinned up at me
I shoved him away.
"I'm not participating." I glared, turning back to my book.
"Aw.. well it's too bad I recently beat your Mario cart Wii score.."
My eyes snapped up.
all books and a cozy day hiding from family were forgotten as I ran down the stairs to the entertainment room and started up the Wii.
Dick followed snickering. "You should hang around more often. I have all this time to myself.."
I spammed the 'A' button trying to get into the game as fast as possible.
My blood boiled as soon as I saw it.
Current record: 1:23:12–NightRacer!
"Dick!" I yelled. "You smug bird!"
Dick waved his hand dismissively. "Oh please. I know. I'm amazing."
I violently tapped into a new game and started racing the ghost of Dicks chosen character- Mario.
(Although sometimes he frequents Princess Peach)
I of course, use Bowser.
It took me 15 minutes to beat Dicks record, placing my ghost in place of his. Dick just shook his head, a sly grin on his face. "Aw. So sad."
I tossed the Wii remote aside and got up. "I'm going back to my book." I grumbled.
Dick raised a finger. "Nuh uh, it's family game day."
Damien suddenly appeared beside Dick.
"You're not going to chicken out on just dance, are you?" He taunted.
I raised an eyebrow. "The only chicken here is Dick."
Damien scoffed while Dick put a hand over his heart. "Ow- you strike me.. it hurts.."
"Shut up." I muttered, moving around the pair and stumbling into the replacement. "Tim." I glared.
"Jason. I expect to win Sabacc tonight." Replacement challenged.
"Nobody plays Sabacc without me." I glare.
"I thought you were going to hide away with your books." Stephanie slid in with a few Sabacc cards in her hand, waving them like a fan.
Is this an intervention?
"That was my intention.." I said guardedly, taking a step back into the entertainment room.
"I guess Tim might win this time. Surprising how rarely it happens.. although Damien actually won last time-"
That got my attention. "What. Last. Time." Damien never won the last time I played.
"Oops, well we really love playing Sabacc but you're never around.." Dick informed from behind. I twirled around with a glare. "You all betrayed me! You played my game without me?"
"No, we didn't, but we would like to hang out with you today, Jason. It's been a while since we all hung out." Stephanie said, and I was literally circled by Dick, Tim, Damien, Stephanie and even Cassandra, who appeared out of nowhere.
"I'm busy." I crossed my arms.
This isn't going to work. I'm not in the mood to play games right now.
*Sabacc is a gambling card game similar to poker, created in the universe of Starwars. It is a real game that can be played irl. I think it's a game they would love tbh 😂
I caved.
I sat around the giant game table, with the added members of Barbara, Wally and Bruce.
I agreed to spend the day playing games, so we ran around doing everything- Wii, Sabacc, uno, Poker, cards.. you name it.
I admit, it was fun. I genuinely do enjoy playing games. And as much as I deny it, I do love my family.
Just not Bruce right now.
I just have to keep up the bad boy appearance. Cause I look cool, of course.
I look down at my hand, currently I was stuck with 3 greens and one red.. and the chosen color was yellow.
"Okay someone needs to make sure Tim doesn't go out!" Dick announces, getting all of us to gang up on poor replacement Tim.
I knew from experience that Dick probably was close to winning himself, and the best way to win was to draw attention away so he could sneak in the uno.
Just for today, I would be Tim's savior.
"Draw 2.." I placed down my draw two as the color finally changed to green.
Dick gasped loudly. "Jay, you wouldn't.. I.. I'm your brother.. how could you do this to me.."
"Draw two.." I insisted with a smug grin.
Dick begrudgingly draws two cards, adding them to his deck, and the game goes on.
Finally, it made it back to Tim, and what do you know.. his last card was Green
"Ah ha!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Pay up!"
I rolled my eyes. "I let you win."
"Okay.. okay, what next?" Bruce asked, looking at his watch. "I have an hour or two I think."
The group discussed the next game as I looked down at my phone, noticing I got a text.
Book girl: I really hate you, you know? You're so annoying when you come to the shop and just hang around all day? Like seriously go away. Btw, Bella is too perfect. Like she totally loves you. You two are perfect for each other. I'm blocking you so byeeee
"What.." I frowned, immediately texting back, but getting an error.
I stand up, concerned. She wouldn't say that.
Something's wrong.
"Uh, Jason?" Bruce stood. "Everything okay?"
"I.. need to go." I said while shoving my phone in my pocket.
"Jason?" Dick stood also. "What's going on?"
"No time. Something.. isn't right." I hurried out of the room, the sound of chairs rolling back as I assume, everyone was getting up to chase after me.
"Jason!" Bruce was beside me in a moment. "What's going on."
"Text from a friend seems misplaced. I need to check on them." I said simply. "I'll be back later."
I was out the front door and mounting my favorite bike, Bruce stopping me from leaving completely while the rest of the gang piled at the door.
"Call if you need backup." Bruce said seriously.
"It's not that serious." I shook my head. "Thanks anyways, I suppose."
Bruce stepped back and I revved my motorcycle, speeding off towards Mays book store.
It's too weird of a text. She never texts me. Especially not to tell me she hates me. And I doubt she hates me so much to promote Bella to me.
15 minutes later I saw the store, and weirdly, there she was. Percy was just exiting the store as I came to an abrupt halt in front.
I jumped off my bike and took her by the arm, pulling her into the store.
Hi everyone!
was hating the chapter so I knew I needed to end it.
Anyways, hope you're having a good weekend, and have a *phonetastic* day!
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