•Chapter Ten•
=Chapter Ten=
They made it through
(Bit of a time skip)
Saturday, 7th of September
(Early morning)
"Watch out Perseus... we're coming.. you didn't think you could hide forever.. could you..?"
Dark shapes pushed through mist and seemed to fly at alarming speeds through dark streets, streets that gradually grew more recognizable as my own neighborhood..
I gasped awake, sitting up and immediately getting out of bed. In a panic I ran to my window and wildly looked outside, searching for the dark shapes.
There was nothing.
But dreams weren't nothing.
After scanning the nearly pitch black streets, I turned and threw on more comfortable clothes. If my dream was right, I'd never willingly fight for my life in pajamas.
I returned back to my window, trying to make shapes out of the shadows in the streets.
I checked for riptide, who always was at my side. I gripped riptide in my palm and moved determinedly down the stairs to the shop.
If some monsters made it through, they had to be strong. And if they were strong, they'd probably destroy Mays shop. And I couldn't have that, could I?
I cautiously opened the front door and peered out. It was dark, clouds covered the moon so the only source of light were the flickering street lamps that were so far apart you had to walk in dark shadows in between them.
I held riptide ready, uncapped and all, as I stood in the eerily silent and dark night.
My nerves were on end. Where are they..
I take a step forward, and before I could say: blue cookies, I was tackled to the ground, rocks pressing into my skin as a growl sounded above me, and my sword skidded away across the street.
"Perseus Jackson!" The heavy figure growled, seeming to be a lion with a very heavy French accent.
Of course I instantly knew who it was.
"Dr. Thorn.." I huffed, still trapped on the ground.
"Thought you'd had enough of me by now.."
Dr. Thorn, the manticore, was a lion with a scorpions tail.. and I really didn't like him.
He pressed his paws harder against my head and back, his claws digging into my skin.
"You thought you could hide so easily!" He laughed, although he sounded frustrated.
"..worth a shot.." I gritted my teeth, waiting impatiently for my sword to return to my pocket. It was frustrating to see it so close and yet unreachable.
Two other dark figures neared, one laughing darkly while the other hummed absentmindedly.
"Percy Jackson!" The humming one exclaimed. "It's a pleasure to finally meet again.. i do believe you never tried any of our complementary crispy cheese- ow!"
"Shut up Stheno.. enough with the food. That was a long time ago!" The more eviler figure said.
"Beano- uh.. Stheno and Euryale.." I groaned. Not the gorgon sisters.. anyone but them..
"Perseus Jackson, we've come to take revenge.." dr. Thorn said, releasing me.
"Oh yeah.." I grumbled while getting to my feet, swiping at the pebbles and dirt embedded.
"We will take you to our lair.. many more of us want revenge.." Euryale hissed. Or maybe her hair hissed, I donno.
"Great.. so uh.. I'm actually not available today.." I said hesitantly, raising my hands.
"Aw but Percy Jackson! I saved you a sample of the crispy cheese n wieners from-"
"Oh- gods no. Don't tell me those are from.. 3 years ago??" I recoiled in disgust.
Stheno looked extremely offended.
"You will try it." She hissed.
And suddenly, the more tame sister is more dangerous. Whoops.
The three monsters circled closer. I wasn't sure how they planned to kidnap me but.. I didn't really want to stick around to find out.
I lowered my hands, then quickly shoved my right hand into my pocket and pulled out riptide-pen form, duh.
I was probably the luckiest Demigod to exist right now to have a sword that always comes back.
I uncapped the sword and held my stance, searching for water nearby I could use to aid myself in this very unfair battle.
They all seemed to collectively get angrier to see I was armed again, and I mean.. I'm Percy Jackson. What did they expect?
Surprisingly Dr. thorn was one monster I did not actually kill myself so I wasn't really sure what his grudge against me was. Other than.. all that drama a couple years ago when he kidnapped my friends and.. yeah no.
"Well.. as much as I'd love to stay and chat.." I laughed nervously, then made a break for the gap they accidentally left in their weird little circling ritual.
I broke through, the trio immediately began to chase after me, and so then began the fun night run through Gotham streets with three only slightly dangerous monsters behind me.
Water water water water WHERE IS WATER?!
There was no way I could depend on my sword fighting skills alone, I needed all my abilities if I wanted to get out of this relatively unharmed.
I did actually see random people on the street while I ran, and they watched as I passed with whatever it was they saw.
Lion from the zoo and maybe some snakes or chickens?
I did a mental shrug. Who knows what mortals see.
"NO!" I yelled back.
I finally found the river, and grimaced when I saw how dirty it was. "Yeesh.."
I took the water and threw it at them, then went at Stheno, slashing at her hair, cutting off dozens of snakes.
She screeched and lunged, as well as Euryale and Dr. Thorn.
I took another slash and cut her clean through. She screamed as she exploded into golden dust, and I ran right through to let the others fall to the ground in the spot I would have been previously.
Euryale hissed as Dr. Thorn accidentally stung her, scratch that, he pretty much empaled her as they collided. I winced when she poofed into dust.
The manticore growled in frustration.
"You may have outsmarted those idiots.." his thick French accent voiced, "but I will not be so easy to defeat.."
I snorted. "Says the guy who got trapped in plants.."
He growled, then lunged, his stinger ready for attack.
I didn't have much time to think, I threw myself to the side, landing roughly.
Dr. Thorn turned, ready to leap again, a growl in his throat.
I stumbled to my feet, scratches burning my skin.
I pulled water from the river, throwing it at him in desperation.
He shivered in annoyance, shaking his mane angrily, giving me a moment to prepare.
I turned water into ice spikes and let them fall on him as he lunged again, and I targeted my sword at his chest, and as fast as it all started, it ended.
I gasped, stumbling backwards, the weight of the lion-scorpion baring down on me, before he exploded into dust, making me cough.
But something was wrong.
My vision blurred and I felt sick..
he got me.
I stumbled to the river, knowing my last hope would be its water, even though it was dirty.
I threw myself over the fence.
My body landed harshly before sinking.
I briefly felt my back hit the trash filled uneven river bed, and then my world went black.
I am so sorry guys, I should've updated sooner I was being lazy 😭 please forgive me.
I'm really bad at fight scenes so hopefully I won't need to write too many more.. I wanna have lovey dovey wholesome content not wars 😂
Reading all your comments was super exciting to me! So thank you for that :D
I'll try and incorporate some of the suggestions, and no worries, I'll have a Jason pov in the next few chapters!
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