•Chapter Sixteen•
=Chapter Sixteen=
Jason's POV
Wednesday, 11th of September
"So it seems the joker is back.. all that peace and quiet was too good to be true." Nightwing said to all of us gathered in the Batcave.
Batman nodded. "The Joker is never quiet for no reason. We can only assume he's been planning and has prepared the worse.."
Demon scoffed. "Obviously. He just needs to be killed at this point."
I nodded. "Yeah.." my hand moved to the gun on my hip.
Batman groaned. "No.. we don't kill.."
"Why not? Especially for this clown who's murdered tons including myself!" I hissed. "Cant you make an acceptation this time?"
"..look, I know this is a controversial topic for all of us, but those are the rules." Batman argues calmly.
"He breaks out of prison every time we ever get him in there! It's a never ending cycle!" I fume.
The rest of my "siblings" just nod in agreement.
Even Nightwing agrees with me, and he's the most like Batman.
Batman shakes his head. "No. We will try to detain him permanently.. in the meantime, we have missions we need scoped out..."
Batman continued for a couple minutes, listing all the missions he needed completed, more villains who escaped.. or plans for robberies or kidnappings to foil, and everyone took one to do.
"I have another mission, Red Hood, if you'd like to participate..." Batman said to me once it was just us in the room.
"Yeah? Go put criminals in jail instead of removing them permanently?" I sneered.
Batman sighed, and addressed me formally. "Jason.. my rules are important."
"Well Bruce, those rules are fine for kids and all, but I am an adult. Most of us are adults. We can handle killing now, and it's time to get these criminals dealt with." I stared him down.
"It is true that those rules originally started because Dick.. and you were children, and it isn't right for kids to kill, for their mentality and morality. And even now that both of you are adults, it's still not correct morally, as we are not apart of the law, although we... technically illegally help defend it." Batman explained. For once in his life he actually explained a literal valid- albeit frustrating- explanation.
I sighed. Even though I acted like I still held a grudge against Bruce, acted like I hated him, deep down I still wanted his approval. I still longed for a father figure, despite being an adult for so long already. I didn't really hate him, and I didn't really hate my siblings. I just didn't know what to do with my emotions. Everything after the Lazarus pit made me so.. disorganized.
I wanted vengeance. I wanted vengeance for myself, and for others who have been harmed. I could live with Batman's 'no killing' rule.. but only.. only if we could kill the Joker.
The one person.. if he's even a person at this point, the one person I hate and fear at times.
He didn't deserve to be alive. He's done far too much damage. Surely Bruce could see that.
"Bruce.." I said softly, almost in accident, before I hardened my tone.
"I want him dead. I will not stop until he is. You will not stop me. And I would take your help if you offered.. but please.." I sighed. "He can't stay alive."
Bruce nodded. "I know, son."
Behind my helmet my eyes almost started watering. Son. I couldn't show my weakness for the term of endearment.
Bruce cleared his throat after the second of silence and continued. "But I can't bring myself to kill someone. I'm sorry." His voice was fully Bruce, despite his mask and costume.
For once i wondered, is he still suffering from something traumatic?
I had never considered that possibility. It was true his parents were murdered in front of his own eyes, I knew that much.
But what if there was something deeper that he's kept hidden? It would make sense considering Bruce's image. He was a father. And I had never seen weakness in him prior to this.
"Okay." I said simply. It was a clear no. And this time, I'll accept it.
"So what mission did you have for me?" I said, changing the subject, for both his sake and mine.
Bruce returned to Batman, his deep voice coming back. "This might be a long one, there's..."
Percy's POV
Wednesday, 11th of September
(Later in the evening)
I was finally done with all of the closing tasks and chores, May had gone home, and I was left to do whatever I wanted. Which is such a unique feeling to me, considering most of my life was quests and "mom says to do this" tasks.
Last night, instead of calling Jason With the tea, I had saved his number and then fell asleep. I know.
When i woke up this morning I basically slammed my head against a wall.
Technically we never agreed to talk last night, but that's what made the most sense. Right?
Well it doesn't matter anymore. I'm calling him tonight! Right now...
Gods why do I feel nervous? It's not like I'm ordering pizza to a complete stranger.. this is Jason. A regular. A completely normal.. platonic friend.
I stare at my phone.
Maybe it's the monsters that might come from it
Yeah. That was it.
I took a deep breath and pressed Jason's name. Not his last, just his first name. I.. actually don't know his surname.
The phone rang a couple times, enough to make me wonder if he would pick up. After all, this was an unknown number to him.
I was half expecting to get his voicemail which sent absolute dread into my bones.. Olympus forbid I have to leave a voicemail
But thankfully he answered.
"Hello?" Jason's voice echoed over through my speaker, he sounded a bit distracted, and a little out of breath.
"Jason? This is Percy.."
I heard some faint scrambling and he replied: "Percy! Hi. How are you?"
"I'm good. I was calling to.. you know. Tell you the tea." My hand somehow found itself in my pocket, and pulling out riptide to fiddle with while I sat on my bed.
"Right. Barista." He chuckled. I heard distant car horns and wind through the phone, making me wonder where he was.
"Yeah uh.. you know baristas are known for coffee, not tea?"
He laughed. "I guess so. But I don't drink coffee. Only tea."
"Oh. I didn't know that. But weren't you having coffee the other day.."
"It looks like it for sure, but it's tea. In a coffee cup. Surprise."
and I hummed in response. It certainly made sense why Jason forgot that baristas were more of coffee makers and not tea, but I won't bother him too much, as tea was served just as much as coffee.
"So.. the girl? What was her name again?"
"Yeah, Bella. What was her deal?"
"She's been hired, apparently."
I could hear Jason's shock through the phone. "Hired? Didn't expect that but.. okay."
I nod, but remember he couldn't see that. "Yeah.."
"Maybe she's nice enough.." Jason said skeptically, and an especially vicious car honked, I had to pull my phone away from my ear.
"Ow.." I commented. "Where are you?" I asked.
"On my apartment roof." He answered.
"May I ask why..?"
"It's fresh air.. calm, and cold, sometimes."
"Hm.. but rain.. car horns..pollution"
He laughs at me. "Nah, Perce. I like it."
"Okay.." I smile while rolling my eyes.
Okay I was gonna send the chapter out tomorrow, but I hate being at work and wishing I could read all the comments when they come in, so I'm gonna post it today lol.
How does sundays sound? I could probably make that work..
🤷♀️ idk. Have a good day, and thanks for reading!
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