•Chapter Nine•
Forcing myself to update to celebrate 1K reads lol
Ty guys! :D
=Chapter nine=
Liz and her glitter
Tuesday, 6th of August
"You forgot to eat, didn't you." May asked that evening while we were closing together.
"It's not that I forgot, I was just busy and didn't have time..." I fiddled my fingers while May counted money in the drawer, i was still embarrassed about my encounter with that guy Jason, but I was also intrigued.
I wondered when he'd come back. Probably in like a month or two...
I drummed my fingers on the counter absentmindedly.
"Percy?" May asked.
"Hmm?" I looked up, she had finished counting money and had put it into the floor safe, and she was leaning on a stool sipping coffee, watching me.
"You drifted off again. Doing okay?" She asked in concern.
I nodded with a small smile, waving my hand at her as if to wave her worries away. "Oh yeah. Just got distracted.. you know me."
May nodded slightly. I havent told her a thing about gods or my abilities yet, and certainly not about the wars or friends I've lost before, but I could see she seems to be catching on to something, although I wasn't sure what it was I was accidentally revealing.
"Alright dear. But you know I am happy to listen if you ever need an ear." She gets up from the stool and walks into the partial kitchen/back room, and I follow her in. She sets her cup in the sink.
"I know May, and I appreciate it. There are things I'm not ready to talk about.. so I hope you understand." I replied gently, as I didn't want to hurt her feelings.
May nodded, closing the distance and giving me a warm hug, to which I melted into. It's been a hot second since I ever hugged someone.. and May reminded me of my mom. "I understand. Don't worry Percy, I'm happy to be here for you, even if all you want is a hug."
"Thank you.." I mumbled as she held me. I appreciated it. And it made me miss my mom so much more.
After a moment, I sighed and pulled away. "So.. how was Jessica? You never told me." I held my breath, trying to change subjects while my tears were contained. I never really was one for crying around other people, I needed to be strong, and this wasn't the time to let down my walls and overwhelm May.
"Ah, Jessica. She's doing great. She came to tell me she's expecting!" May smiled excitedly.
"Really? That's awesome. When was she due?" I leaned against the counter behind me.
"Oh in two months.. She's got such a motherly glow about her.. I'm surprised she made it all the way out here so late in her pregnancy..." May rambled about her daughter, which made me smile. May was always cheerful, but she was passionate about her family, which was admirable.
May paused, gathering her thoughts. "Oh and Percy? I'd like to go and stay with Jessica to help her with the birth and the first week, do you think you'd be able to handle the shop alone..?"
I nodded, confident. "Absolutely. I'll be fine, and I'll have Liz to help on the weekends. You have nothing to worry about." I assured.
"Plus that's in two months, I'm sure we can smooth out details when it comes."
May nodded, pleased.
I added excitedly, "May! You're going to be a grandma!"
Mays eyes widened as if she forgot that fact. "Why, you're right. What a thought." She sighed.
"Well percy, the shop looks good enough. How about you make yourself some dinner? I'll be heading home, I've got some tickets to plan. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"
I nod. "Sure thing May, see you tomorrow."
May smiles and slings her purse over her shoulder, and opens the door.
"Alright! Good night dear. Don't forget, otherwise I'll feed you myself tomorrow." She gave me a pointed look. I rose my hands in surrender.
"I'll eat! I'll eat." I smiled. "Bye may."
Saturday, August 10th
"Oh, my gosh. Percy, this book is to die for." Liz raved.
"Well.. it's a book, Liz. I hope you wouldn't die for it." I said in jest.
"Well maybe I will. It's that good." She joked back, a wide smile on her face.
The hyper red head was a junior in highschool, and only wanted a job for the weekends.. and nobody would hire her but May.
Liz brought lots of sunshine and sparkles to the store as she was insanely happy even on cloudy days..
And yes, I know we live under a perpetual cloud most of the time. Gotham was cold and rainy most seasons, and when it snowed, it blizzards.
So in the meantime, as it was almost fall, the weather was cool, and wet, and not much different than every other day.
"Hey Percy, I'm gonna go put some glitter on that shelf."
My head turned to Liz in an instant. "What?!"
Liz laughed. "You were zoning out again."
"You're not putting glitter on the bookshelves!" I scolded.
"Of course I'm not. I just wanted to grab your attention. Duh." Liz rolled her eyes.
"Hi kids." May said walking into the shop. "Sorry I'm late today. But, I grabbed coffee!"
Liz and I oooed at the statement, both grabbing our respective drinks from Mays drink tray.
"Mmm.. thank you May, this is heavenly." I breathed in the coffee and sighed, smelling the aroma.
"Of course. Now what is the plan today, girls?" May asked taking a sip of her own coffee.
I straightened up, holding my warm cup in front of me. "So we were thinking about either making or buying fall decorations, since you apparently never decorated for any seasons."
"Which is the most awful and sad boring thing ever, no offense." Liz added.
May nodded. "Unfortunately." She shrugged. "I don't mind. Do whatever you want, be creative. I'll give you a budget of 50 dollars, decorations don't need to be super wild, okay?"
We nodded eagerly. "Yes ma'am."
"And it's not going up until October first, got it?" May added, knowing we'd put it up right now, early August.
(Which to be honest, was far too early.)
Liz pouted while I nodded in agreement. "Okay."
"For now, I do believe we have a customer.." May turned and greeted a woman who walked in, and I shooed Liz to go put away her glitter stash.
Once again, sorry short chapter. Wanted to get it out lol.
Thanks for reading :)
Also if you have any suggestions for filler chapters and random things like that, please let me know!
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