•Chapter Four•
=Chapter four=
Trip to the mall
Monday, 5th of August
They're Dead!
Your fault!
It's all-
I shot up, gasping.
I sat up in bed, breathing heavily, almost wheezing.
"It's a dream. Nobody died.. it's okay.. it's all in my head.."
I rested my head in my palms, slowing my breath.
By the time I had calmed down, and the dreams.. nightmares.. finally faded away to the back of my mind, I saw the faint pink of a sunrise. It reflected through my window and onto my plants.
I smiled at the sight. It was comforting, and resembled a calm after the storm.
It also meant I slept like 6 hours! Yay!
Honestly that was too much. Back at camp we'd stay up late and wake up early, running on like 10 hours of sleep a week.
It was a nice feeling.
I stretched, casting aside my blanket and hoping out of bed.
I made my bed and made sure Mr Kelp was placed front and center.
I grinned cheekily and turned to the door.
Along with a smallish bedroom, the upstairs apartment had a kitchen, bathroom and a small living room.
Honestly it was perfect.
And most likely better than any other apartment I would've been able to procure here in this city.
I brewed up a fresh cup of coffee in the kitchen, and started up on the ingredients for blue cookies.
I mixed together flour, eggs, butter, Sugar and vanilla, and the other very secret ingredients that I'm not telling you!
And of course, blue food dye. The magic!
You know the drill, add chocolate chips then scoop into balls, place on a coated cookie sheet and pop in the oven for 10 minutes.
Scoop and repeat until you've got yourself a batch of warm gooey blue cookies.
I sipped on my coffee along with a bite of a warm cookie and packaged the cookies up individually for sale.
I carried the basket down the stairs and set them up on the counter.
I grinned at the wonderful aroma the cookies emitted, causing the whole book store to smell like a bakery.
The door unlocked and opened, and I turned to see May. She didn't look surprised to see me up so early anymore.
"Hello Percy, more cookies today?" May said with a smile.
"Yes ma'am, you know me." I returned her smile. "Store is almost prepped to be opened. Just need to turn on the computer and do a little stocking, as well as flipping the sign."
May nodded gratefully.
"Good, glad to hear my store is safe in your capable hands, dear."
I took a step to do the next task, but May stopped me with a finger.
"No, Nuh uh Percy. You're going shopping! you're going to get a phone, and some new clothes, and here," she handed me a wad of cash.
"Huh? May what is this for?" I said trying to give it back.
"For cookie supplies. You've gotten no profit from those cookies, and you're using your own groceries. So you're going to go buy fresh vegetables and whatever else you need on me. Okay?" May closed my hand around the money, and patted it like she'd pat a loaf of bread before you put it in an oven.
I mean, it's so tempting, who wouldn't wanna touch the dough?
Anyways, I graciously accepted the money, and no I'm not gonna be humble and tell her no a bunch of times. Let's be honest. I was running on instant ramen.
I checked the clock, noticing it was almost 8:30 anyways.
"Alright. I'll head out. You'll be okay with the rest of opening?" I asked.
"Of course. You know I will dear. Go. Have fun!" She took my bag from behind the counter and handed it to me, showing me out.
"I'm going, I'm going." I laughed.
I shut the door behind me, walking onto the sidewalk. The shop was located on the corner of an apartment complex and a store strip, which made it convenient for people to shop on their way home.
It was early morning, and the sun was now behind the clouds, and it looked like it might rain.
I knew the closest grocery store was down the street, on the other corner of the block.
The walk there would be absolutely frightening in the dark, where each lamp post is spread out far enough that you feel like something could hide in the shadows.
But in the daytime, it was pleasant enough. There were people out and about, some shady, others normal.
But everyone was always on their guard. that's just how it is in Gotham.
I strolled at a relatively fast pace, my hands in my pockets, my right hand instinctively closing around Riptide, the familiar object a comfort in a place so recently new to me.
Not that riptide would actually be much use against a mortal.
I could always depend on my strength and some hand to hand, however I wasn't sure how far that would get me. And yeah, I know. I could totally blast someone into oblivion with water if I had to. I'd be fine.
But I wasn't planning on using my powers here if I could help it.
Apparently, there were "superheros" or vigilantes that ran around protecting the people of Gotham, and some other city's nearby.
That was all pretty new to me, as my whole world was mostly Greek mythology and don't die when you're 16 kinda stuff.
Not to mention smelly Gabe always hogged the tv, and the news channels were never super important to me either.
Not that I knew when these superheros first appeared, but you know, if they were around I just wouldn't have known.
Eventually I made it to the store without any issues, and I pulled out a basket to buy some groceries.
I picked out some food, then materials for cookies, carefully avoided aisles with raging Karen's, and successfully navigating back to the register with my goods.
The whole trip was uneventful, and that I was thankful for.
After paying for the groceries, I booked it back down to the bookshop.
I felt it would be better to drop it off rather than haul food around all day.
I ran up the stairs and put the groceries away, then ran back down, stoping only briefly to let May know I was only there for a moment, before I was off again, this time in the opposite direction.
My next choice was to go buy a phone. I could go to the near mall and hit a phone store, then go clothes shopping after if I could afford it.
The walk to the mall was a lot further, and took me down sketchier roads, and I felt lost a few times too.
I had a map, of course, but man it's not fun to walk around with a map and have to be distracted from things around you.
That's something Liz told me about, phones would mean I didn't have to need a map thanks to gps. And I could call police in an emergency, and even talk to Mom and Paul, and hopefully video chat with Estelle too.
I'm sure they're worried about me. And I'll be happy to have a way to talk to them again, other than the dreaded option of writing letters.
Thankfully, once again, I got by without a hitch. I was not looking forward to being mugged, and I would very much so appreciate not being stabbed while on my dangerous shopping trips.
My step quickened as the big mall came into view, and I went past security and entered the tall bright building.
This mall was also a subway station, so it wasn't as dead as a normal mall in other places would be.
I had no issues finding a phone store and walking in, rows of phones and other electronics displayed neatly.
Most of the phones displayed were new, state of the art machines, and I definitely couldn't afford those.
But after going to a farther back row, I found some older models that were better priced for me. And there was
At that point I didn't care how much it was. I needed that phone.
Luckily it was a couple years old model, and a fraction of the price of brand new phones.
"Excuse me?" I said, walking up to an employee.
The employee smiled with one of those customer service smiles, "Yes ma'am? How can I help you today?"
"I found a phone I want. Can you help me figure out everything I need with it?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound too incompetent with electronics.
"Oh of course! Show me which phone you liked." The employee smiled.
I showed her, and she got me set up with a new awesome blue phone, along with a basic run down on how to use it, and set me up with a cellular provider for data and a phone number.
10/10 customer service, she was awesome.
I decided I'd call my mom as soon as I got home when I was in the comfort of solitude in my room so I can tell her about my month here so far.
But for now.. I had about 50 dollars to spend on clothes!!
That would probably buy me a new shirt. Or a hoodie. It was getting cold out... I nodded to myself as I walked along the hallway.
I should buy warm clothes. It would be pretty stupid of me to buy a regular shirt and be freezing in a month.
Now that I think about it, I should get a debit card set up. Now that I have a phone, I can order online instead of risking my life to go to stores.
Not a bad idea.
If I had time today I'd go do that too. I think there's a bank from the same branch that my mom went to in New York, where she set me up with a bank account for later.
I wouldn't be surprised if Poseidon has been secretly dumping money in it while my back was turned.
If that's the case I'd have to have a chat with him someday.
I entered a clothing's shop and looked around, hoping I'd find a blue hoodie or something that I could buy really quick, and then find a bank nearby I could also try and set up a debit card.
My eyes instantly landed on a cozy looking blue hoodie, with a orca whale like Mr Kelp on it. My eyes brightened and I made a b-line for it, snatching it off the hanger and running to the checkout counter.
"Find everything you need?" The guy asked.
I nodded happily, handing him the hoodie. "Yup. Thanks."
"Alright. This will be 26.84$." He said putting it into a bag.
I pulled out 30 dollars and handed it to him, and he gave me back my receipt and change, along with my new hoodie.
"Alright, have a good day." The guy said, and I walked off with my new prize.
I decided to put it on, to make sure nobody targeted me when I went back outside for holding a sack of store bought items. (Even though it was just a hoodie) I didn't want anyone thinking I bought something expensive and have my precious stolen from me.
So I went to the restrooms and I put on the hoodie, did a smol fit check, and trashed the bag.
I walked out of the mall, and onto the sidewalk.
Checking my phone, it was 10:40 am and I should have plenty of time to go to the bank and get back before lunch.
I pulled up google maps and looked for the yellow bank branches and found one nearby, so I started heading to it.
Unfortunately it was in a darker section of town, the tall buildings around it casting the short building into shadows, and the puny "yellow" color was chipped and painted over multiple times due to spray painted graffiti that I could still see peeking out underneath. I approached a little more cautiously, as I wasn't ready for any run ins. I desperately hoped I didn't have to come back here unless I had to. And even then, rarely.
I went up the steps and opened the door, walking in.
There was a hand full of people in the lobby, and two bank tellers.
I waited in line, the people who came to deposit or pay something went In and out fast, it was clear a bank was not a safe place to be, despite the two security guards.
Once it was my turn, I told the man at the desk about my request, and he said he'd be happy to help me get a card.
"What's your name?"
"Perseus Jackson." I answered.
"Date of birth?"
"August 18th, 2004."
(Yes I know, inaccurate year. Just have to stick with the time frame, sorry, we are currently in 2024 ig lol)
"Great. I found your account. All I need now is a phone number?"
"Oh, it's.." I looked down at my phone. "(000) 818-2004."
"And is the former address in New York still.. correct?" The man said with a raised eyebrow.
"Uh, no I moved. I live at: 1804 S. Allison street, Gotham, New Jersey. 45920." I said.
The man nodded, entering the new address into his computer.
After a dozen more questions, he finally said that they would send me my card and all I had to do was call the number on the back to activate it, and I should be all good to go.
I smiled gratefully, and as soon as I turned to leave, two masked people entered the building with guns.
"Everybody get on the ground!"
Hello.. how's it going. Good? Great. Bye!
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