A Day Off [Paper x OJ]
Not requested.
Mentions of Pickle x Knife.
Plot: Paper and OJ decide to take a sick day
Paper, who, at this point, is already OJ's boyfriend, and OJ, who, at this point, is already Paper's boyfriend, were not sick or ill in any way, shape, or form. They had both been in good health for 345 days and counting, as Paper, when he was bored, keep charts of some meaningless things, like, in this case, the last time they were BOTH sick.
Paper often gets sick and, when getting sick, gets sicker than OJ when he's sick, which is not often. Paper was last sick two months ago, but had spent the day working, even though OJ had repeatedly tried forcing him back into their shared bedroom, which connected to OJ's office.
Eventually, OJ got Pickle and Knife to pick up Paper, who weighed basically nothing, and carry him into the shared bedroom, which could only be accessed from inside of OJ's office using a key only the two of them had.
That finally convinced him to go to sleep.
Anyways, back to the two of them in their secret bedroom, cuddling with each other during a warm July day. Paper was immediately overwhelmed with joy when OJ asked him about his idea, which was taking a day off, which, as Paper had tracked, hadn't happened in over a year, as Paper loved doing anything with OJ. (a/n simp)
Paper and OJ had been dating for almost a year by this point, even though Paper had a crush for at least five extra years and OJ had a crush for at least an extra year. The only reason why OJ had found out was because Pickle and Knife finally got bored of hiding it after the years.
Pickle and Knife were also dating by this point, which only Paper, who they told, and OJ, (who they hadn't told due to Knife's fear of OJ accidentally revealing it (however, Paper told OJ almost instantly as they didn't tell him not to)) had known, even after their fifth month of dating.
Paper was still getting used to doing relationship stuff with OJ, even after a year of dating him, which made OJ only the tiniest bit annoyed, even though he found it cute how flustered he could make Paper by doing something so small and easy.
OJ had come up with the idea from Pickle, who was curious to see how Paper would react, as the two never really spent any time cuddling, as they were either busy with work or were sleeping at different times.
Pickle got the idea from Knife, who was curious to see Paper, who had regained friendship with Paper over the half-decade period they were in the hotel together. Knife was curious to see how he would react, considering the countless times Paper practically fainted from the smallest actions.
Knife didn't want to tell OJ about his idea, worrying that, due to Paper's rocky relationship with him, OJ would shrug off the idea or make an excuse to not do it. Pickle had a magical ability to find an immediate response for any excuses, which was helpful in this case, and Pickle had a better relationship with OJ and Paper, so OJ was more likely to use the idea then.
Pickle understood and went over to OJ, during the middle of yesterday's day (six in the morning to nine in the evening), and told him the idea, which, after only 10 seconds, he agreed to. He had always wanted an excuse to spend time with Paper, so he gave Pickle and Knife ownership duties tomorrow and went into his office.
OJ was preparing for the day by clearing both of their schedules for that day and replacing it with one event, which they would mark using Google Calendar. "Cuddle time :)", OJ inserted,knowing Paper would love seeing the special ":)" at the end of it.
Paper loved some very small, tiny, and forgettable things, but OJ didn't (and would never) mind. It was cute, at least in OJ's eyes.
Anyways, back to them cuddling on a Saturday morning in July...
The two had been up for only a couple of minutes, and, within those couple of minutes, OJ had to hold Paper's waist to prevent him from squirming out, just in case Paper decided to, but Paper didn't.
Eventually, they got bored of just sitting there forever, so they started talking about life and everything involving their jobs, their lives, their friends, their favorite things, and their least favorite things, and other stuff.
After a couple hours of conversation, they ran out of things to talk about so they started making jokes and making each other laugh. Paper wasn't easy to crack and chuckled to be nice, even when he didn't find a joke funny. Eventually though, OJ was able to crack Paper and hear a somewhat loud-pitched laugh through dark humor.
Surprisingly, Paper really enjoyed dark humor, which was surprising for OJ, as Paper came off as "sunshines and rainbows" and not "people on fire". Paper was also very ticklish, as OJ quickly found it during their friendship.
OJ decided to lean more towards dark humor and got Paper in hysterics after only a couple of jokes, eventually laugh crying into OJ's stomach, which made OJ somewhat flustered and also gave him a smile on his face, as Paper's laugh was very different and neat to hear, as laughter was surprisingly uncommon in the hotel.
Paper, feeling very gay (old fashioned term of "happy", but also works in this situation ig), decided to surprise OJ by pulling down the top of his head and kissing him, which worked in surprising him.
"I'm most definitely never forgetting this day~", Paper says, before leaning back in and surprising OJ with yet another kiss, before pulling apart and suddenly falling asleep. OJ chuckled, surprised at the sudden kisses and sleepiness.
OJ decided to embrace this randomness and fell asleep shortly after, leaning towards Paper, who had managed to surprise OJ greatly in the five hours they spent alone. OJ thought about doing it more often, like once a month or once every other month, as they had worked very hard for the half-decade they ran the hotel.
Eventually though, OJ fell asleep and almost immediately forgot about his ideas. They would wake up later that day to a normal hotel under great control, so they were happy they did what they did.
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