(Slight content warning)
Running over to the door, I flicked the lock, then turned. Panic raced through my veins as I heard the knock again, and Richard's darn bear kept pawing at his socks!
Without really thinking, I snatched a sock off the bears foot with a quiet growl. His beady little eyes rose to meet mine in an instant, surprise all over his fuzzy face. Then he leaned forward, obviously trying to get up. His body rocked, but he couldn't manage to get up. He tried again, but got the same result. Each time he moved his jaws reached for the sock.
You can't be serious.
He was though. Shaking my head, I waived the sock in his face, then moved it to his left. His eyes followed, then he fell onto his left side and slowly got onto all fours. Someone needs to work out a little.
I slowly walked backwards, keeping the sock just close enough to keep his attention. When I finally got him behind his huge desk I tossed the sock on the floor, letting him have at it as I ran back around the desk to grab his clothing. By now the knocking was getting persistent so I yelled while scooping his clothes up into my arms. "One mimute!"
Throwing the stuff behind the desk, I took one final look around, then yanked the door open with as big a smile as I could manage. Judging from the woman's face who was now staring at me, I probably looked awkward.
Well, this whole situation is awkward as hell!
"Excuse me, but I need to return these two so I can go to a meeting. Mr. Brandon sent them over for lunch."
I immediately took Coda into my arms, then motioned Jessica to come inside. My hopes were that the woman would just leave now, but she instead looked around the room, brows narrowing in confusion.
"Where is Mr. Brandon? He usually only sends his daughter over when he's extremely busy."
Brandon? Oh! Crap!
"U-Uh, he's busy. In the... Bathroom!"
Her eyes moved to a closed door, the light obviously off beneath it, then back to me.
"With the lights off?"
Why can't you just go!
Growling in my mind, I thought about what I wanted to say, then carefully steeled myself to speak correctly. "He hads a headache."
That was right? Right? That sounded right?
She gave me another look, then seemed to be thinking about what to do next. When I just stood there smiling, she looked away and sighed, then nodded. "Alright, let him know that Jessica ate, but she did give the puppy some of her food."
I nodded, waiting until the lady was gone before shutting the door and locking it. "Oh my god." My body slid to the floor as I leaned against the door, trying to keep myself from shaking. While I tried to keep myself together Jessica made her way around the back of her father's desk and then ran out from behind it with a half-eaten sock raised high above her head. I looked at her questioningly, then choked out a laugh when Richard's fuzzy bear hobbled out from behind the desk, trying to catch the sock.
"Daddy, you know you can't have socks!" Jessica yelled as she cornered around the desk again, trying to stay out of reach. Noticing the other sock abandoned on the floor a few feet away, I quickly snagged it up and waived it in the air when Richard's bear came back around. The animal stopped immediately, eyes going wide as a line of drool slipped from his panting jaws.
"You wants it, boy? You wants the sock?" I cooed, waiving the item in front of me. To answer my question, Richard's bear grumbled an excited roar and began to barrel towards me like an angry bundle of yarn with stubs for legs. It was a funny mental image but I didn't want this ball of yarn to catch me!
We raced around the room for at least ten minutes with him shambling after me for the currently unharmed sock. It wasn't until Jessica grabbed it from my hand and threw them both out the door before shutting it again, that Richard finally slowed to a stop, looking around in confusion.
"Papa, change back. You're ad work in going to gets in trouble!"
Realization seemed to dawn on him at her words and he slowly began to change back to his human self. When he was finished I sagged to the floor in relief, watching as he got up and began pulling his clothing back on.
"I'm sorry, Sam."
I nodded, not really sure what else to say. We had just spent nearly half an hour dealing with a sock-loving bear. When Richard was fully dressed he walked over, giving his daughter a hug and kiss on the forehead before asking her to go play with Coda. She did as told, leaving her father to sit next to me, both of us leaning against the door.
When he didn't continue speaking for a few minutes I chanced a glance at him, regretting it immediately when I saw his worried eyes glued to me. Shrinking back, my eyes found the carpet and I pretended that it was the most interesting thing in the world until Richard finally spoke. "Are you okay?"
My eyes rose to see him still looking at me, but I couldn't meet his eyes as I shrugged. "I guess. I-I can handling it." It wasn't nearly as bad as it had been earlier. Getting off several times had definitely helped. Richard smiled slightly at my response, then reached over and rustled my hair.
"Alright. If it gets bad again just let me know. And, um... If my bear comes out again, be sure to get rid of any socks in the area."
My mouth dropped open and his face burned red as he reached back and rubbed his neck. "It has a bit of an addiction to eating socks. If it manages to get one I have a lot of trouble controlling it until it's eaten the whole thing."
Oh. Now I get why his daughter threw them out the door.
It was pretty funny and actually made me smile. "Okay," I replied. Richard mirrored my smile, then got himself up and headed back to his desk. "I've got a lot of work to get done but if I go nonstop I should be done in about two hours. Do you mind just watching the kids?"
Of course I didn't. Getting myself up, I walked over and sat down where Coda and Jessica were now playing. Richard's tie had seemingly not made it back around his neck because Jessica was now using it to play tug-o-war with Coda, my little pup having quite the time tugging on the piece of clothing.
Since Richard didn't seem to mind I let them play, tugging on the item every once in awhile to get my pup to keep playing. The tie was thankfully more durable than I thought, because it wasn't even torn by the time Richard told us it was time to go home. I was all for that, but when I stood up to head for the door as the kids walked out, Richard's hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me back against his chest. I froze up immediately, gasping in a strangled breath as he whispered against my ear.
"You've got a very obvious stain on your pants. Perhaps you should shift and allow me to carry out your clothing?"
I didn't really need to glance down and check. I knew he was right. I could feel the awkward stickiness in my pants and felt my face burn. The idea of undressing in front of Richard made my heart hammer against my ribs, but if I told him to turn around he might take it the wrong way. We were both guys, so it shouldn't bother me. It shouldn't. Forcing myself to push aside my uncertainty, I stepped out of his arms and quickly yanked off my shirt, sighing when the air conditioning caressed my heated skin with a faint chill. It felt good and brought a small smile to my face which remained as I unfastened my jeans and began to slide them down.
A low, deep grumble had me pausing the second my pants bunched around my ankles. Whipping my head up, I saw Richard looking away, grinding his teeth together in obvious concetration. It didn't take me more than a moment to realize what was wrong. He was turned on. A lot. The smell of arousal infiltrated my nose, making my own body hum with simmering interest. I knew that I had to get myself under control quickly and shift though, or risk having another batch of puppies that I wasn't able to care for.
That got me trying to step out of my jeans, frustration making me growl as they got caught on my feet. When I finally got the darn clothing off and kicked it aside I was shoved back against the door and had Richard's mouth forcing my lips apart with his eager tongue. I couldn't fight it, even though I knew I should bite down or at least try to shove him away. The most I could manage was to keep my hands at my sides, which was hard enough as it was when he was kissing me senseless, his hands tightly grasping either side of my face to hold me still.
I was just thinking that if there was a bed anywhere near us I might be done for, but then I found myself moving backwards, being lead by Richard until the back of my knees hit something soft and I fell slightly to the side on the sofa I'd forgotten about. Before I even settled on the furniture Richard was back on my mouth while his hands found their way down my chest and grasped like clamps on my waist. Being in heat had my body extremely sensitive and I couldn't stop myself from writhing beneath his attentions.
The questioning voice came from just outside the door and thank god that it had Richard snapping out of his lust and rolling off of me and the sofa. The second he was squatting on his feet, trying to recuperate, I shifted into my canine form and rolled over onto my belly. Panting heavily, I watched dazedly as Jessica came back into the office carrying Coda in her arms, my pups legs swaying in the odd hold.
Richard managed to recover first and straightened up before turning to the kids with a smile. "Coming sweetheart." By the time he got to the door I was hopping off the sofa and stumbling towards them. I was glad to be a dog at that moment because if I wasn't, I swear I'd be redder than a cherry.
Thankfully we didn't get stopped for any reason while leaving, allowing us to get back home without issue. Because I was still on edge and a bit jittery from what we almost did, I made sure that I kept my distance from him and remained a canine.
It wasn't until after dinner was eaten and the kids were in bed that I finally allowed myself to return to my human form, feeling the need for a shower. When I stepped into the bathroom I checked the shower stall, relieved that it was clear and quickly got the water going. I scooted the chair in it to the back, feeling that I was okay on my feet for now. By the time I was beneath the hot water I was getting flustered again and, since I was in the shower anyways, I began to relieve the built-up tension.
I wasn't sure how long I was at it but the fire barely cooled after what had to have been at least thirty minutes of trying. Now it was just beginning to hurt from so much friction and frustration boiled in my overheated nerves. Grumbling to myself, I pressed my forehead against the cold tile wall and nearly came abruptly when a strong hand grasped my length and pumped once. A heavy gust of air wafted over my skin with Richard's strong exhale as he took in my scent several times while nuzzling against my neck.
Everything in me warned against staying. Screamed at me to get out of the shower and shift. His right hand wrapped around my chest and his body pressed me up against the cold tiles, forcing a shiver to slip down my spine. I groaned quietly, and he moaned loudly. I pushed my backside backwards and was met immediately with his hips thrusting forward. I knew he understood the risks of mating and wouldn't do it all the way. He had to care for his daughter, and for the time being, myself and my pup. That's why I let myself go, allowing him to rut against me as the heat in my body flared.
It felt so good. To have someone want me. Need me. Use me. He slipped inside and I screamed out in surprise, the sound muffled by his strong hand clamping over my mouth. He used me then. Over and over. Deep inside I was terrified of what the outcome would be, but as our bodies meshed together in heated bliss, I couldn't focus on anything besides the need inside of me being taken care of by a man I barely knew, yet somehow trusted with my life.
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