It Could Be a Home
Waking up to darkness was a bit surprising...until I realized we'd been watching Spirit and I had obviously fallen asleep. My lap was empty, but that was expected. Jess always left me on the sofa if I fell asleep, since I hardly got much these days. Stretching out, I yawned quietly and got myself up, intent on going upstairs to actually get in bed. Well, that had been the plan until I heard a worried, drawn-out howl come from outside.
I knew we had coyotes in the area but with my fence, there was no chance they would be so close. Walking over to the front door, I grabbed one of my winter coats hanging there and tugged it on, then headed out the back door. Immediately I got a smack in the face from the cold, whisking away any former thoughts of sleep. It had to be close to twenty degrees outside.
"Sam?" I shouted, unable to see him clearly through the gusting snow since the only light I had to use was from the television we'd left on after the movie had ended. By the time I got to the kennel he was in the entryway to the doghouse, his fur whipping about as the wind battered him. My eyes met his for a brief moment as I silently asked if I was allowed inside. When he took a step back I figured that was as good a yes as any, so I quickly undid the gate clasp and slid inside.
The snow had risen about half a foot and the storm showed no signs of letting up overnight. Perhaps that's what he was calling me about? It is almost up to the entrance to the dog house.
It took me a moment to get closer, but when I did Sam actually hopped out of the doghouse and nodded towards it. I noticed he didn't have his baby between his teeth, so I quickly hunched over and peered inside.
"Of course. Best. Timing. Ever."
Sighing, I sat back on my heels in the snow and looked over at a very wary Sam. I didn't blame him. I know I smelled like a predator, and hell, if this was the wild he'd be my dinner any day, but that's not how we were.
"I'm going to take him inside and get him warmed up, okay? You can come, but you need to keep quiet because my daughter is sleeping."
His eyes darted from my home to the doghouse several times before he shifted his weight in the snow and gave a worried bark. Taking that as an okay, I carefully got the little baby boy tucked inside my coat and inside the house. Sam was literally glued to my heels as I stepped inside and got the door closed. I knew he wanted me to sit his kid down now that he was safe in a warmer place but I wasn't going to wake up to urine and feces on the floor.
"i'm going to get him into a diaper and some warm clothes, then you can do what you'd like."
Sam seemed to scoff at that and jumped to try and grab Coda, but I was easily able to keep the kid just out of reach as I walked to my room and began digging through my closet one-handed.
"If you grab him too hard you'll make him bleed. He doesn't have a scruff or fur in human form."
Sam paused at that, though when I glanced sideways at him he still seemed frazzled. Going back to what I was doing, I grabbed a diaper and small onesie outfit from my daughter's old things and sat down on the floor.
"These are all left over from my daughter, so they might be a bit big on him but it's good enough for now."
As I got the diaper on Coda I didn't bother telling Sam that they had been saved for my wife's second baby...that never ended up being born. Shaking that thought from my mind, I carefully added the soft, dark green pajama over Coda's diaper. It was definitely big but it wasn't going to fall off. "There we go. Much better."
With a small smile I sat Coda up so that his mother could lick his face. The boy was definitely a cute one, which made me think about how his mother looks. Coda had messy black hair with splashes of brown here and there. His eyes were a light brown and his mouth seemed to be in an automatic pout.
"I gotta say, you made a cute kid."
Sam ignored my comment, which was expected. So, I just shrugged and pushed myself back to my feet and got down a few heavy blankets from the closet. After about five minutes I had a big, super soft dog bed made up for them on the floor.
He looked up, eyes widening slightly as he noticed the bed. I carefully reached over and took Coda, watching Sam's facial expression. He bared his teeth but as I set Coda down on the blankets his body relaxed again and he crawled in to wrap himself around the boy. When he was finally settled in I got myself back up and grabbed the last blanket, a lighter one, down from the closet.
"Do you want this one over you guys?"
Sam tilted his head in thought, then tapped his baby with a paw.
"Around him then?" I ask, getting a nod right away in response.
"Gotcha." I said as I wrapped the blanket snugly around the baby. Without honestly realizing I was doing it, I leaned forward once he was nice and tucked-in, and was about to press a kiss to his forehead. Sam was there in an instant, of course, his teeth snapping right in front of my nose. I stumbled backwards, landing on my butt as my arms kept me from falling over completely.
Dammit. That was stupid.
"Sorry... Old habit." I mutter before getting myself up and walking around the bed to get in on my side after shedding my heavy coat. Normally I told her good night before bed, but with Sam in the room, I wasn't sure that I'd be able to speak the words... although. He deserved a good rest as well.
"Good night."
I surprisingly got a response a few minutes later as I was drifting off. It was a growl, of course, but it still made the corners of my lips tilt up the slightest amount.
Waking up without a bundle of warmth pressed against my side was not good. Definitely not good. I jumped to my feet, eyes wide as they scanned the disturbed blankets around me.
My ears picked up sounds from the other room so I darted in there. My nose smelled several several different foods but mixed in with their scents was Coda's. The moment I stepped into the kitchen I felt my whole body sag to the floor with relief. A quiet whimper also sounded accidentally, making Richard turn around from where he stood near the stove and smile down at me.
"Breakfast will be ready in a minute. And sorry I took Coda, he was crying and needed changed, then wouldn't settle down so I brought him in here."
I grunted in response as I watched my boy playing with a wooden spoon, hitting a pan to make noise. He dropped the spoon several times but he still seemed to be having fun with the simple toys.
"Here you go, Sam."
A plate of food suddenly appeared in front of my nose, making me jump slightly. Richard chuckled and I rolled my eyes, settling down again so that I could see what he'd made.
Eggs, bacon, sausage, a pancake, and two pieces of toast.
Damn, I hadn't had anything like this in forever. My stomach rumbled in agreement, eager for the nutrition that came along with the calorie-dense breakfast. I began to eat slowly, watching as Richard blended something in a blender, then added it to a little bowl and sat down next to Coda. My instincts wanted me over there, baring my teeth in warning, but Richard wasn't showing any kind of aggression. In fact, he had a little pink spoon that had likely been another thing he had saved from raising his daughter, and was digging it into the little bowl of food.
"Coda? Hungry?"
My son glanced up at him, eyeing the spoon with interest. I doubted he would eat though, since last night it took me a good hour just to get him to take a few bites before giving up and letting him nurse. Richard let him grab the spoon, which had Coda squealing in delight as he smacked it against the pot and got food on the floor.
That's not nice, Coda. I tell him, but of course he doesn't understand. He does know what yes and no are, and a few other things, but he's definitely no where near sentences. He gets a stern look when he turns to glance at me, but then Richard takes his attention back with a new spoon of food and a smile. At first Coda wasn't very interested, especially since I'd just chastised him for wasting the food, but then Richard laid down on the floor and actually ate the small spoonful of food. Judging from the look on his face, it didn't taste all that great, but then again, it was a bunch of stuff blended together so I wasn't surprised.
"Mmmm," he cooed to Coda, who was now much more attentive. When Richard went to take another bite Coda pouted, reaching for the spoon. "Hm? Want some? Are you old enough to eat big boy food?"
Coda had no idea what he was talking about but he still gurgled in response and took the spoon when it was offered. This time it thankfully went towards his mouth, but a good portion of the mush missed its target and dribbled down his chin and onto his clothing. I thought Richard might get upset and got up, ready to defend my baby, but when the man just began chuckling as he got more food on the now-empty spoon, I found myself sitting down.
I knew he must have had acquired patience from raising his daughter but I was truly surprised by how well he handled my unruly puppy. Granted, he was in his human form right now, but that just made him even more messy. By the time the bowl was empty and half of it was in Coda's belly, Richard's daughter was awake and sauntering into the kitchen rubbing at one eye sleepily.
"Morning sweetheart. Here's breakfast. Go sit at the table," Richard said as he got up and grabbed a plate, then leaned over and handed it to her with a glass of chocolate milk. She gave a quiet "Thank you daddy," in response before disappearing back around the corner to eat. Speaking of eating... I glanced down at my own cold food, having completely forgotten about it as I watched Coda. Since he was back to banging at the pot with the wooden spoon, I quickly inhaled my breakfast. Even cold, it tasted like heaven.
"Watch out, Sam."
Hearing Richard so close rose a few of my hackles as I looked up at him, licking my lips in the process. I was on guard for obvious reasons, but when he just swapped out my now-clean plate with a new full one, I couldn't really think. I looked down at it, then back up at him, repeating the action several times.
"It was mine but you need it much more. I've got other things I can eat, so fill yourself up."
He gave my head a quick pat, likely having forgotten that I didn't want to be touched... but I felt myself leaning into his palm, even as it retreated and he got up to go fix himself something else to eat. I felt bad, but I wasn't dumb enough to decline the food. He was right, I did need it. So I ate as I watched him nibble at a protein bar and sip some orange juice.
After he finished his meager meal he filled up a small bowl of water for me, which I drank in one go. He then helped Coda drink a little from a sippie cup.
"I'm going to leave a small bowl of water down, just in case he happens to fall in it."
I would be watching him like a hawk, but it was still appreciated that there wouldn't be any risk in leaving water out. He told me that he was going to head to the store with his daughter and get some things for us. I just nodded and went over to lay down near my son. I still remembered how to use a toilet so he won't have to worry about me going on the floor... though it will probably be interesting to try and aim as a dog.
When they were both finally gone I relaxed and ended up playing with Coda. He kept handing me the spoon and tugging on my ears, his seemingly-new toys. He finally tired himself out about an hour later and ended up cuddling against me on the floor. He slept for another hour or so, then woke up to get closer and wrap his little arms partially around my neck. His fingers grasped my fur and his face snuggled against my own. The hug was short lived, but it had been badly needed.
I love you, Coda.
He giggled into my thoughts like he normally did when I told him that, then settled in against me for another nap. I had no intention of falling asleep, but I was out in minutes, actually comfortable somewhere I never thought I would feel safe in again.
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