Loose Ends
Macavich, Chase, and Marshall flew the Air Patroller to Barkingburg and scanned for the cabin that Resnov was located, and then they found it. "Chase and Marshall, we have to hurry! Resnov's DSM is at 60% complete!" said Macavich as the pups put their gear on and exited the Air Patroller.
Chase and Marshall ran to the cabin, but they didn't just barge through the door, otherwise, they would be dead. "Chase, I need you to scan the inside and see what's behind this door." said Macavich as Chase did what he was told.
He scanned the door and there were claymores waiting by the door and some of Resnov's men were guarding the computer. "Ok, I got this." said Macavich as he pulled out a device that can hack enemies' equipment. He hacked the claymores and then they exploded.
The door was breached and Resnov's men were dead. "Alright, Resnov is around here somewhere, find him and kill him. But first, we need to get this intel for ourselves. Who knows what he is gonna do with this." said Macavich.
Chase searched the left side and the upstairs, while Marshall searched the right side and the basement. "General sir! There's no sign of Resnov anywhere!" said Chase as he continued searching. "He's gotta be somewhere! He wouldn't leave the data here. Marshall, have you spotted anything?" said Macavich.
"Negative General, I don't see him anywhere." said Marshall. "Alright, well the data is at 87%. It's almost done, come back to the computer and guard it." said the general as Chase and Marshall ran back to the computer.
"I'm gonna take a look myself. Just make sure the data isn't going anywhere!" said Macavich. "Yes sir!" said Chase as he and Marshall stood in front of the computer with their guns ready. General Macavich searched around the cabin with his .44 Magnum.
He aimed it everywhere, just in case Resnov tried any tricks. But, little did anyone know, was that Resnov has been in the cabin the entire time, he was hiding in a secret compartment that the bookshelf was covering.
He waited for the right moment and then opened the bookshelf door and tackled General Macavich. "Hello General!" said Resnov as he pulled out a knife and was about to kill Macavich, but he was then kicked in the face by the general.
Both men went back in forth with punches, but Resnov then slashed Macavich's arm and then stabbed him in the stomach. Macavich winced in pain but then socked Resnov right in his jaw.
"The data is complete!" said Marshall as he unplugged the hyperdrive and put the DSM into his pup pack. But as they were about to leave, more of Resnov's men arrived. "Oh bark." said Chase as they aimed their guns at the pups.
"Just hand over the DSM and no one gets hurt!" said one of Resnov's men. "No!" said Chase as he and Marshall aimed their guns at the terrorists and started to shoot them, one-by-one.
Meanwhile, Macavich and Resnov were still going at it. "You don't quit, do you?!" said Resnov as he headbutted the general. "Negative!" said Macavich as he delivered a headbutt back and then pulled out his .44 Magnum and shot Resnov in the chest, killing him.
"Chase! Marshall! Report!" said Macavich through the communicator. "The data is complete, but we've got company!" said Marshall as he shot another one of Resnov's men. "Alright, I'm on my way! Resnov is K.I.A!" said Macavich as he ran up the stairs and arrived at the top floor and picked up an M4A1 from a fallen terrorist and began to join the firefight.
"Alright, we got to go!" said Macavich as he, Chase, and Marshall ran out of the cabin and began to run back to the Air Patroller. More of Resnov's men arrived and one shot Marshall in his left hind leg. The Dalmatian pup collapsed and Chase noticed this.
"Marshall!!" said Chase as he shot at the men that were still coming. "Chase, drag Marshall and move your tail! I'm gonna get the Air Patroller starting!" said Macavich as he sprinted to the Air Patroller.
Chase grabbed Marshall's uniform with his teeth and dragged him as he was still fighting the terrorists. "Come on pal! I got you!" said Chase as he continued to shoot the terrorists. But, one if the terrorists threw a C4 bear them and detonated it.
Everything went black but then Marshall opened his eyes and saw Chase still shooting Resnov's men. "All of the men were dead and Chase dragged Marshall to the Air Patroller. "Hang on Marshall, we're almost there." said Chase. "Thanks Chase." said Marshall.
Chase and Marshall made it to the Air Patroller and General Macavich opened the hatch and walked outside. "Do you two still have the DSM?" said Macavich through the roaring engine of the Air Patroller.
"We got it sir!" said Chase as he handed Marshall to the general. "Good. That's one less loose end." said Macavich as Chase tilted his head in confusion. The general picked up Marshall, but then pulled out his .44 Magnum and shot the Dalmatian pup in his side, causing him to collapse.
Chase couldn't believe this, General Macavich was a traitor. "NO!!!" said Chase as he aimed his gun at Macavich, but it was too late. The general aimed the .44 Magnum at Chase and fired, the bullet went into Chase's head, killing the German Shepherd pup.
"CHASE!!" said Marshall as he crawled over to the German Shepherd pup, but before he could, Macavich fired another bullet through Marshall's chest, killing him.
Macavich then opened up Marshall's pup pack and stole the DSM. He then went back into the Air Patroller and took off.
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