Her Achilles Heel (Part 1)
Chapters written by AspiringChrono
As hideous as a witch, as tough as a nail. A tyrant of unending thirst for glitz and glamour, unreachable like the sun. Terrible like the prickling thorns of a rose and as cruel as death to the dying petals it protected for naught, sitting proudly on a throne meant not to be hers.
Rumours spread fast when my time of control came on the board, and whether the whole world trembled in surprise or feared, I cared not. All I knew was that I had power. Not even the PAW Patrol can stop me now. Try as they might, they will fall to their knees under my rule. No one can oppose me, for I finally am the queen.
But as I sighed, the idea was a thought of the past. The team I once hated had disbanded for reasons I wanted not to be shared with. They're all pathetic. Truly are worthless, praised because they could do better than what a human could. Not like I could blame them, the same incapable humans are now bowing under my feet.
It was a spectacular view, on the terrace of the ground floor outside. The renovation on the castle's front was perfect, only allowing passage through the curving steps on each far side of the terrace. Two separate gardens were constructed and maintained by my workers, a fountain in the middle, and in front, the cemented barricade where I stood on top, peering down like the ruler I was to my soldiers in armour. They stood as statues in groups, facing me without a single flinch. The best of the best, The Princess left me with good maintenance.
"High time is nigh," I spoke to the commander of the army with a growing grin, who stood firmly by my side.
"Whenever Our Majesty wishes, we shall deploy. The word is yours."
His reply was most marvelous, I almost cackled in my tiny laughter. My snort never left me even to this day. Goes to show how years cannot completely change who one is.
I flicked a paw in the air, my small, emerald-coloured robe that can be seen as both for casual and royal use, gracefully following my movement. The commander upon seeing it headed away after a bow, leaving me and my tail excited for what's to come. A week-long expedition to find natural valuables and buy splendid items in every auction, I'll bathe in a tub of them. Oh, the thought just arouses my excitement!
But there was an annoying fact that I had to deal with daily.
"Is it really what you want?"
Hearing the voice, it was the most familiar. The one who foiled my plans better than any other. Despite being unable to see him, I could sense his cocky grin by my side, like a court jester whose requirement was to smile and please. However, I wasn't pleased at all, my mouth arching down.
"What do you know about what I want? Not a single one of you came to try and understand me, did you?"
No reply. Of course. It was the truth of their team, they show up to prove to everyone that they're good and others are evil, and no one would even give the smallest care to think about who was wrong.
I turned to my side, opposite of where the officer I was talking to was, and I saw no one. Maybe the invisible wind but other than that, nothing. There was not even a single trace of brown fur from the one who was talking to me, and so I raised a paw on my forehead, pressing gently.
The truth is, Chase isn't here in the first place. The voice was an illusion of my mind, shaped and molded into how he would act in this kind of situation, yet it felt like he was real. He was inside my head, for his words clung like an undying parasite.
I turned back towards the field of moving metal. It was almost time for the hunt. Not for beasts but for gold, pearls, treasures, riches. I will have them all. Those were the thoughts I honed at the moment, carried through my veins and around the paw I raised, which was the symbol of an upcoming command depending on how I would act.
Deploy them. A single nod. That was all I needed and my wishes would be granted. My eyes strain as I stare at my army, ready for the command of their movement, yet, I couldn't.
Somehow, the images in my head were blurry, for there was a more important thought that was crossing the boundaries of my wants. Something... no, someone. It's a curse.
It's my curse.
I feel my teeth gritting in sheer irritation at my failure to do the final step. All the years of preparation, it cannot end like this. What was the problem? Why can't I send them away?
Slowly, I feel my paw lower on top of the cemented blockage, tilting my head down the slightest. I want to beat myself up. Perhaps it was just the weather getting to me and forcing me to have such indecisiveness. Parching my desert of a throat would be a good thing to do before I send them away. After all, I need to feel my best when I actually go on to accomplish my goal.
I signalled the commander to wait for a while, for I had important matters to attend, and that was to drink some sweet nectar from Earth's underground that is to be filtered and poured into my bowl.
I turn around in a swift and hop down, taking my steps towards the inside, heading for the double doors. The freshly constructed wood and clear hinges, as well as the new outfits—like fresh paint—of the pair of butlers that opened the pathway all became drugs to my senses. Instead of the dying black, I required them all to wear a darker shade of lavender. A shade I've grown to enjoy. Fabulous.
With their heads lowering down for a bow, I gave a single nod, allowing them to return to their positions, and then I was in the large hallway, leading to no other but the room I favour the most. The throne room.
The pedestal held my crown within that tubular container, as if under a large, upside-down wine glass without the stand, and the sun rays further implied the beauty it harnessed. How every perfect golden corner and gems in design around the royal headwear reflected the flamboyant creation. A formidable opponent against the most costly items in the world, and it was mine.
But it wasn't enough.
I then found out I was standing in front of the pedestal, staring at the invaluable jewelry. My ears picked up the absent sound of guards who would come and try to restrict me from coming close to the crown before. It is something I need to get used to, although it isn't going to be hard. I have every right to approach it unlike in the past.
"Yeah, the past," I heard myself muttering, turning to the right to actually go to the kitchen, grab my water bowl, and pour the refreshment, needing to go through another hallway with a few doors leading to other rooms like the storage and the infirmary. On my way there, I heard, from the former room, the conversation of guards.
"I'm nervous, John. I don't want to mess up in front of Our Majesty."
You sure shouldn't mess up in front of me, I would have your head, I had to smile through the fear of those below me. They should know that their lives depend on my decisions alone, and if I feel the urge, they shall head straight into war and grasp flames. They will never refuse, and I just love that.
My overall control over the whole place had a tremendous effect on everyone. It cannot be helped, I can do whatever I want and not get in trouble for it anymore. They were my pets, like a lion tamer in a circus. Only, I am untouchable.
I reached the kitchen area and hopped over the sink. There, with tiles as clean as newly bought polished diamonds, my pinkish bowl, with curving laces of gold on the lower part, sat for it's picking up. I did so, turning the faucet on and reaching for the water as I waited for it to fill up.
As I did, I went into a little memory hopping. There was one time I actually beat the PAW Patrol. The pair of Orca's Atlantis, or rather, the most expensive earrings that exist in the world. They were made out of blue diamonds with hue going darker as it leads from top to bottom, with white, comma-like shaped designs that resemble Orcas, seeming to stare at the bottom of each one of the small earrings where a faint, miniature palace of blurred gold stood.
It was nighttime when it happened. No one expected me to act because The Princess thought I was tired after the late night party we had. It was an anniversary celebration. Honestly, I was tired, but my blood was pumping enough to keep my eyes open despite the sleeplessness.
I snuck my equipment out and headed over to Adventure City on a glider with tiny and silent jet engines. The night was colder than normal and I shivered when I was still in the air, but my mind was clear.
I landed on top of the museum, removed the belt of my glider, and put on my wall-walkers—or whatever that measly police pup called them—and began my descent down after cutting a hole on top with a laser and using a plunger-like gadget that stopped the cement from falling after getting cut. Wasn't used to being upside-down like a bat but when did I ever question what I can and can't do? I just wanted those earrings.
I actually thought expensive valuables were locked in tight security vaults but it seems like movie cliches are real. They aren't, and as I reached the floor after walking on the ceiling and on the wall, there was nothing stopping me. The laser beams that would trigger an alert were all in front of the earrings, but since I was on the side of it, I felt like the people that secured the place actually wanted me to steal it.
I scurried over to the jewelry trapped in that tough box and used the same laser in my pup-pack I used earlier to cut open a small hole, using the wall-walkers to get up the pedestal. Only a few seconds and there, my eyes gleamed. I'm sure I even let out a rather loud gasp upon seeing the item that my paw held near my face.
"I did it!" I yelled like a child finishing their first drawing, my breathing faster than before.
Yet, just as I proclaimed my victory and began descending down the pedestal, I heard a rather loud sound, moments before a loud crashing noise disrupted my sense of relief, and the engine of a bulldozer entered my ears.
"Rubble!" I hissed, "what are you doing here? You're supposed to be back at Adventure Bay!"
As the bulldog pushed his giant vehicle, capable of running me over if I were to mistakenly step close, he turned his head to me to utter the most unthreatening growl I have ever heard in my entire life. I lost every ounce of surprise after that.
"We were called for an emergency here so we had to stay. Ryder and the other team members left but we remained for cleanup."
"'We'?" Of course, after I said this, he appeared.
Hopping on over the side of the humongous yellow instrument of destruction, his confident, possibly smug grin met my own cocky smile.
"A young man called for us over the phone after seeing a suspicious activity on top of the museum. Guess he was right."
"Teenagers these days." I shook my head without leaving my eyes on the pup with the spy gear. "They ought to learn to sleep early."
"Says you!"
I immediately jumped back from a net that was launched at me, letting out a snort, but not without leaving an insult of how bad Chase's aim was.
However, there was no escape here. As a female, I don't have enough strength to take on two male pups on my own. All I had now was my smarts and wits, but I didn't come here unprepared, for I knew everything about the place.
I went on running towards the wall, and upon hearing the shepherd yell, "I don't think so!" I just wished for the bulldog to get off his bulldozer right now.
The net missed me, but it did hit something else, and that was the laser. Immediately, a loud blaring noise erupted, disrupting the two pups from their focus. But the most important detail of my plan was the shut down, because within the walls and ceilings of the place, there were in-built metal coverings that close when the alarm triggers.
I began running up the wall and towards the roof, my eyes watching as the bulldog's vehicle slowly got crushed under the force of the closing metal, but the pup seemed to have gotten away. Not like it matters, he was useless now that he was outside, which left one last pup.
"You're still trapped here, Sweetie. There's nowhere to go," Chase claimed, running towards the wall to follow me with his own special boots. I didn't want to look back to see him but as I did, I felt a bit terrified. In the dark where only his eyes were glowing, he looked like a sleep paralysis demon crawling after me, and this motivated me to get the absolute Barkingburg out of there.
I clicked a button on the small control panel on my wrist, and after a beep, the ceiling screamed with a large bang. The explosion shook the place, and perhaps everyone around as well. So much for being stealthy but it didn't matter. With the pathway open, I hopped out and ran towards my landed glider, holding on to it and starting the engine for my immediate take off.
"C'mon, c'mon!" I repeated until the engines whirred quietly with enough power, and so I felt my feet separate from the ground. I have won!
Reality had an immediate arrival back to me when my ears picked up an uncomfortable noise, waking me from my memory. A small cry, and my eyelids blinked rapidly before I looked down to see the overflowing water that sunk down the sink. I was quick in putting down the bowl and turning the faucet off, placing a paw on my forehead while I pushed my teeth together. I got distracted, that was a waste of water and money, and I didn't know how long I'd been doing it until the crying occured.
Wait... crying?
As I realized, almost slipping, I jumped down the counter and made a mad dash back into the hallway. I passed many workers who couldn't even greet me properly but it didn't matter. All that matters was that I got over to that one room.
With a butler about to enter through the same door as he opened it, I slid under his legs, leaving a harsh reminder by telling him to be faster next time right before I hopped over the bed inside the room, crawling over to one side to peek within the large crib where a tiny pup laid. Something was troubling her, or that's what I thought, until all I saw was a small, circular gadget that emits the noise of an upset toddler.
"What is this trickery–whoa!"
I felt a single push of a small paw on my back but it was enough to leave me falling down the same crib I peeked in to care. My landing was soft but my one-sided frown emphasized my increasing disappointment for myself and for the prankster.
I found myself yelling, "Abigail."
There, in my upside down position as I stared at the side of the crib where the bed was, a white pup with light brown fur around her neck and wrist peeked in with a giggle. This tiny scourge is my offspring, and lucky for her, I'm no bear, for I would eat my annoying child without a second thought right now.
"That's one rough fall there, Dear Mother."
"Hush, child. Learn to control your inner misfit, it would stain my reputation," I hissed in intentional crude, but all I got was a snicker, one I wasn't fond of nor ever will be. "The day is young, do you wish to remain insignificant in size for the future?"
"Sleep is boring," the pup prolonged her last word, stretching back as if to cringe away from the thought of continuing her rest. "And hypocritical for you to state, considering you aren't that too big as a pup either."
I swear, I'm gonna cut her tongue off one of these days. The way she pronounced her sentences were calm, sophisticated, even innocent, yet had an underlying tone of mischief with the higher pitch after every period she marked. For someone so little, she learned to be slick with her mouth—as she should. She was my child, I wouldn't settle for less.
I fixed myself and hopped out of the crib. The child wasn't as young as to need the large, barred bed but there were a plethora of reasons why her sleepwalking would (and had) cause trouble around the castle.
"If sleeping is such a bother then I shall not force you unto it. But I am busy at the moment and have no time to play with you," I said before padding away, hearing a small moan of dissatisfaction and the shuffling of sheets.
"You never have time for me."
My ears perking up from the audible mumble, I turned to my side to eye at the pup, who drew circles on the bed she was laying on, her free paw holding her head as she leaned on it.
It wasn't the first time I heard her saying the same sentence before, but it was clear she didn't want me hearing. Maybe because I am her mother and she knows the absolute respect I deserved, even when she was next for the throne someday, but I'll bask in my glory until then. However, I had no right to be mad at her for stating my lack of attention. I knew I was sacrificing time for my wants rather than for my own kin, and it reminded me of The Princess back when I first met the PAW Patrol. How it felt like to be unseen and unvalued by my mother, it wasn't the best feeling. Now that I think about it, when did I start acting like her?
"Well, if it'll keep you off my back, we can go to the village. Just you and me."
"Really? No guards?"
I nodded my head, hiding my growing frustration that rose much quicker than anticipated. I knew the risk of being alone with this abomination, the guards told me their literal trippy experiences. I just hope the information is enough for me to keep her... alive? It's the first time I'm doing this with my child and it sure feels more stressful than I thought.
Walking down the stairs of the same terrace I stood with pride that morning, I averted my eyes from my army. They stood straight and faced the castle, yet I knew that they were staring from the corner of their eyes through their helms, watching me, or maybe watching this little brat I'm with, who had a skip in her step. With her by my side, I noticed she was half my size already, which wasn't much but it was obvious of life that it wants me to be one of the smallest of my kind.
"Come on, mom. The village is just over there," the eager pup pointed towards the town, which was much farther than 'just over there'.
It was a place within the right side of the forest that surrounded the modern city, and the only reason we could see it was because of the height advantage from where we were. Abigail was somehow interested in it more than the fancy blings of the current era. A simpleminded pup, I can't even rate my disappointment.
After what felt like an hour, which it was, considering my feet were aching from the travel, we finally reached the destination.
Immediately, Abigail sprung up from my side and into the dusty soils of a pathway the town had. Buildings made of wood and stone, the lack of technology. I know I live in a castle and I appreciate my lifestyle yet to have completely cut off from the access to handy tools, I cannot even stress about how I wouldn't survive that.
Well, at least someone was having fun. I could even hear her making conversations with those around us. A part of myself told me to leave her there and just continue with my life. I'm just embarrassed, seeing how she goes up to strangers and just converse about unimportant and infantile topics like unicorns and dressing up for Halloween.
As I was just watching from the sidelines, she came over to me with her fur filled with brown specks, and it wasn't her fur colour. She had a smile but what good was that when she was anything but presentable? And the worse thing was that I had to clean her up, breezing my paw to get rid of the earthy powder on her face. Did some just get in my mouth? Eck!
"Can you be more... dignified?" I asked as if I was pleading, when I was just ashamed for being with this pathetic fool.
"I don't want to scare away my people like you do, Dear Mother."
Now that was crossing the line. She had the freedom to speak up when she made sense but she was just being crude now. She doesn't even know how to dress up properly, the maids are needed for her beauty, and yet she had the audacity to be this ill-mannered.
"Roll back your serpentine tongue you haughty juvenile. Remember who you are speaking to, I do not let slide any mockery towards me even if they are my blood."
Abigail took a step back from my reply as I sent her my signature smugness similar to when I get what I wished for. She understood what lands she was upon, and the reverence came back immediately.
"I apologize, Your Majesty."
Lacking a bow, I signalled to her with a paw that everything was fine and my anger was levelled. She slowly went away, heading back into the village. This time, the deeper part of it since we were just in the outer ring of the place. I do not like it here but it's a sacrifice. She keeps bugging me to go out and play as if I didn't have an important job, which was to literally become the sovereign of Barkingburg.
After about half an hour, the putrid pup had failed to return. I already told her I wasn't entering, and if she was to get into some trouble, that would be her fault. But even so, I couldn't help but take a few steps into the village, looking around in an attempt to find her somewhere, but I couldn't. What's worse was that I could feel the gossiping behind my back, or rather, out of my peripheral vision, and I was not a fan of that. I would tell them off but that would cause news and lower my character.
Another few minutes, I kept twisting my neck. I wanted to yell and call for the child for taking too long but why would I need to do that? All I need to do is use the mini crown I wore and call for some knights. With their horses, their arrival would be swift, and the problem would be solved.
I then heard a voice.
"Hey, give it back!"
It was Abigail. She sounded distressed. Accompanied with her call was laughter, and I figured out why I finally heard her. The few steps I took towards the village earlier was unknowingly already a long march to me, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was in the center.
I followed the sound, which led to a dead end path. There, I found a bunch of rascals, probably strays, throwing a collar with a ruby-coloured crown logo at each other, but not until my child attempted to reach for it.
"Stop it, my mother gave that to me!"
"The queen?" I heard one say, who caught the next toss. Instead of throwing it to another though, he lifted his forearm, and the height was enough to stop Abigail from reaching. "Your mother doesn't love you, 'princess'. Didn't you hear that she ordered a conquest for gold? You're merely a liability to her."
"She loves me more than anything in the world, and if you're not gonna give me my collar back, then you leave me no choice."
For a second, the response was scattered puzzle pieces for me. She's most likely to call guards and help her, yet without her collar, she couldn't.
Only, she didn't mean she was gonna call for help. No, what she did was a commoner's idea of solving a problem, and I had never seen something more barbaric. Well, I have, I just don't want to be reminded of who she got it from.
With a swift lunge, she bit the pup on his arm, her fangs digging into his bare skin and a loud yelp escaped from the victim. The cries were enough to alert the nearby passersby sickeningly better than when my child was the one needing help. This must be a side of town where royals were hated, or so said by the Earl shortly before his retirement after I was crowned.
"A royal mutt assaulting a villager pup? I knew they were cruel!" I heard one say among the crowding people, and then more hateful comments about the higher-ups were brought up. Now I was sure this was a place we didn't belong to. I need to pull Abigail out of here and head back.
"Abi—" I cut myself off, unable to continue. There was this fear inside my chest, and even as I watched the little one remove her hurtful hold from the pup as she held her collar, the trio of rascals running away, I couldn't speak up.
My mind was clouded by what others might say to me, but I think that was a lie. I think I was cautious of what they might say to—
"Mom!" My shoulders jumped from the call, lowering my head to face the pup. I didn't even need to glance to know the unfriendly gazes that peered at me, wanting us gone from there.
"Why didn't you help me?" she said, uninjured yet sounded as if she was in great pain.
I wanted to blame her, for she was far from me to have my help, but seeing her sniffle and holding back her tears, I kept my muzzle shut.
However, her sniffles weren't the only thing that entered my ears. There were also doubts. Doubts about my capabilities as a parent, and it came from the same people that surrounded us. They said that I wasn't fit for it. They grumbled I was a failure of a figure. But most painful of all, they whispered that I should've just aborted the child, for no one needed another me.
"It's all your fault!"
Everyone froze in their spots, taken aback, especially Abigail, who immediately went pale.
"If you weren't such a brat of a child, none of this would've happened!" I lashed at her.
"But Mom—"
I didn't let her finish, throwing a paw and slapping her to have her silenced for forgetting to speak only when permitted to. My heart broke from what I thought I had to do to end the doubts, watching as my own pup held her stinging cheek right before she looked at me, and her eyes said, "Monster."
She then backed away, quickly slipping into the crowd to run, and my angered call for her to come back was of no effect.
I did what the people wanted, and true enough, they were impressed. Although, I couldn't find the feeling of accomplishment. I did the right thing, didn't I? That's what they wanted, that's how I should've acted to my disgraceful offspring.
With the gnawing feeling of regret coming to me, I tried to follow my child, even bumping into an adult dog but I didn't mind it. I had to find her. I had to find Abigail and apologize, and quick. The dark clouds were rolling in.
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