Episode 7
Ryder: Welcome back to another episode of truth or dare! Today we have a dare from Yonathan Cap for all of you pups.
Pups: Ok.
Rocky: I wonder what it could be!
Ryder: He dares you pups to tell your most embarrassing secret.
Pups: *Gasp*
Ryder: Zuma, you go first.
Zuma: I'm afraid of birds.
Pups: *Gasp*
Chase: It's ok Zuma, we are all afraid of something, the important thing is to not let your fear get the best of you!
Skye: 😍😍😍
Ryder: Chase is right Zuma. Now Chase, why don't you go
Chase: Alright Ryder, sir. I have Skye's bathing cap in my pup house.
Tracker: Why do you have Skye's bathing cap?
Chase: Because it smells like her.
Pups: 😆😆😆
Chase: Yep, that is ok. I don't care if you guys laugh. Skye you can have it back.
Skye: That's ok Chase, you keep it😊
Ryder: Ok, now you Marshall.
Marshall: Ok, I also have a crush on Rocky.
Rocky: What??!!?!!!! Why do you have a crush on me you stupid creature?!
Marshall: Well, since Chase is obviously taken, I went with the second strongest.
Rocky: Well that is too bad you stupid excuse for a living creature.
Marshall: Waaaaaahhhhh.
Ryder: Rocky, that was not very nice, you have hurt that creature's feelings.
Rocky: I don't care, how would you feel if that stupid waste of space said that it liked you?
Marshall: Why don't you give me a try? I could taste good!
Rocky: Because you would taste like a year old Apple rolled in a pile of s***.
Marshall: That isn't very nice babe.
Rocky: Don't you ever call me that you disgusting f**.
Ryder: That's enough, both of you!
*Then, Everest took advantage of everyone looking at the argument and jumped on Chase and started kissing him. Skye looked over at Chase and punched Everest in the face.*
Ryder: Rocky, Marshall, stop fighting, you guys are friends and you shouldn't be fighting.
Everest: Why did you punch me you stupid rat dog!?!
Skye: Because you were kissing Chase.
Everest: Why do you care, it's not like he likes you or you like him. He would never like a pathetic excuse for a girl like you.
Chase: Yes I would. *kisses Skye*
Everest: Well you don't like him.
*Chase stops kissing Skye*
Skye: Wanna bet? *tackles Chase and starts making out with him.*
Everest: Well... How about you Rocky?
Rocky: No way! I am getting out of here!
Ryder: Rubble, why don't you go now.
Rubble: Sometimes, when Skye is asleep, I go in her pup house and take pictures of her and sell them online.
Skye: 😱😱😣😣
Ryder☹️☹️☹️ You should run Rubble.
Rubble: Why?
Rubble: What do you want Chase?!
Chase: You are never going to do anything like that again!!! Understood?!!!
Rubble: Nope. In fact, I'm going to go when everyone is asleep and get on top of Skye and r...
Chase: NO YOU ARE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you ever try to do something like that to poor, innocent, beautiful Skye, then I will literally kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rubble: 😭😭😭😭 Ryder protect me!
Ryder: No, you deserve whatever Chase does to you
Chase:😈😈 Your punishment is that you are off the team and you will be thrown down an empty well with only Everest for company.
Rubble: No *rubble takes out a gun and points it at Skye* if I can't have her, then nobody will
Skye: rubble, please, no.
Chase: Rubble, if you fire, then you will be dead.
Rubble: Chase, you cannot save her.
Chase: Yes I can.
*Rubble fires the gun at Skye and Chase jumps in front of her taking the bullet to the chest. Rocky uses his taser on rubble before he reloads his shotgun.*
Ryder: Chase!
Skye: Chase, no!!!! I never got the chance to tell you how much I love you!
Ryder: * in tears * That's all the time we have for today, somebody call Katie!
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