Chapter 4: Wicked Weather
Oh, I really hope Ryder's okay. It's been a week since he went missing. I lied down on the couch, bored out of my mind. But then, someone rang the doorbell. Huh? I wonder who that could be? I ran to the door and yipped. The door opened to my command (cool, huh) and then came in Alex. "Hey Skye! I'm really bored today, so can I play with you and the pups?" I nodded. "Of course, Alex! Come with me, the pups are at the park!" I ran to the park with Alex right behind me. "All right! Who wants to play ball?" We all cheered and played for quite awhile under the clouds. Then a gust of wind came and Alex's beach ball flew away. Alex starts running after it, but he rushed straight into traffic. "Arf! Net!" Chase's net stopped Alex from running. Then, Zuma jumped over the cars and grabbed the beach ball in his mouth, bringing it back to safety. "Thanks pups! You saved me!" Alex was cheerful. Chase made it look so easy. He saved the day with his net, and his smart, beautiful head, and his, deep, hazel eyes, and his- SWOOSH! Another gust of wind blew me right back into reality. We return to the playground and continue playing.
Katie sat right next to me. Sigh. I didn't feel any better than a week ago. It seemed like I was trapped in a time paradox that never ended. Katie hugged me and brought me a glass of water. I drank and thanked her. I took the tv remote and started going through the channels, until something caught my attention. It was a weather alert. Strong gusts of wind have been reported, and a tornado warning had been reported coming south from Foggy Bottom. Wait. A TORNADO?! I immediately take my pup pad and start calling all pups. "Everyone, get inside -cough- the lookout! A tornado is approaching!" My voice was raspy and quiet. Chase was the first one to answer. "Roger that, Ryder!" My pup pad then ran out of battery, and all I could was hope everything will go okay. Katie had a worried expression. I sighed and prayed that all would end well. Now, I'll just have to wait.
I was rolling on the floor. I was bored out of my mind. I really didn't want to go to the park today, and I stayed at the lookout watching TV instead, in the lobby. And for half an hour, all the channels seemed to have shut down. Not even I can fix that. I miss Everest so much! I wonder what she's doing right now. I was so distracted I didn't notice the other pups come in. "Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Tornado! Coming!" Alex was out of breath. "Woah there, slow down a bit. Tell me, what happened?" Alex took a few breaths and Zuma then explained the tornado headed towards Adventure Bay. "Alright, we need to do a check!"
"Skye!" Skye yipped.
"Zuma!" Zuma yelped.
"Rocky!" I waved lazily.
"Rubble!" Snoring was heard from his puphouse.
"Alex!" Alex jumped.
"Marshall!" Nothing. Where's Marshall? Oh crap. He must've ran away because of me. "Wait, Ryder always keeps an extra pup pad in the observatory!" So for the next fifteen minutes, we flipped the lookout upside down searching for a piece of metal. "Found it!" yelled Zuma. Chase proceeded to call Marshall. No answer. He then goes to the main screen and tracks his location. Oh great. Why couldn't of he had done that in the first place? He was strangely moving pretty fast, and, what? It showed that he was moving on the water. That's was confusing. "PAW Patrol, to the Lookout!" shouted Chase. I replied, "Uh Chase, we're all here." Chase looked at us all one by one. "Oh, right. Anyway, we have a situation! Marshall is apparently swimming in the middle of the bay! We must go and save him quickly before he gets hurt. For this mission, I'll need..." Please not me please not me I hate water. "Zuma!" Yesss. Thank the lord. "Let's dive in!" Zuma was eager as ever. "PAW Patrol is on a roll!" Chase and Zuma slide down as we all barked of joy (mostly because we weren't chosen to go out in the rain). The repetitive music that everybody heard a thousand times queued, and Chase and Zuma slid down. But when Zuma slid down, he hit the floor. "Huh, where's my hovercraft?" Zuma was perplexed. Strange. Chase and Zuma came back up the elevator. "Rocky, I need you to use your tugboat to drive into the sea until we find Zuma's hovercraft, okay?" I nodded against my own will. I hate the rain. It's like a thousand pieces of water. Water. WATER. Whoever had the idea of having water come out of the sky, let me just say that you're stupid. I get into my tugboat along with Zuma and we start driving towards the bay.
Quarter-mile through the sea, an orange blur was seen into the distance. The wind was really strong and it was stirring up the fog.
"Marshall!" I yell.
No answer. We approach it and find out that it's Marshall sleep-driving Zuma's hovercraft.
Zuma's POV
"Rocky, it's weally windy!" I shout.
"Zuma, you need to swim to get on your hovercraft and stop it! My tugboat isn't fast enough!" said Rocky.
This is it. I jump out of Rocky's tugboat, and doggy-paddled with all my might. The wind is getting stronger. I see an enormous gust of wind sucking up everything it makes contact with, not too far away. The tornado. I swam faster and faster and reached the hovercraft. I shook Marshall to wake him up and turned around, facing away from the violent swirl. As we raced back towards shore, the tornado was not far behind us. We reached the bridge, and the tornado was about 70 meters away, and the bridge started swinging violently. Right behind Rocky, I courageously accelerated towards the lookout. I heard the bridge breaking up behind me. We rushed and safely made it to the lookout, and all the pups were happy to see us.
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