Chapter 3
Marshall's POV
The German Shepard didn't recognize me at first, but after feeling my fur when I hugged him, he instantly knew who I was, and a slime formed on his face.
I was hoping the hug would last longer, but Chase lets go of me briefly.
"Where have you BEEN?" I asked. "Do you have any idea how worried I was?"
Chase shifts his head and gazes at the sky. "After the boat crashed, I got carried away by the current, but luckily it pulled me towards the shore. Later I woke up on the island and I tried to find my where from there." Chase pauses. Suddenly, he drops down to the floor, holding his chest and groaning in pain.
"Are you okay?" I ask, disturbed by Chase's agony. He nods, but doesn't say anything. He seems feverish.
As we walked back to our tent, I could barely see Chase shivering. The moonlight provided no warmth, and the chilly wind didn't help, either.
"Over here," I say in a whispering tone. I don't even know why I whispered that out. We were the only ones on the island, after all.
I walk Chase into the tent and have him sit down. The sleeping bags acted as a soft cushion and insulator for the both of us.
I tell Chase to wait for me here. I take my water bottle and step outside. The sand felt freezing to the touch of my paws. I wanted to go back inside. But I shake my head and try to ignore the feeling. I take a scoop of water in the bottle and take a quick sip.
I guess I forgot to filter the water before drinking it. I spit out the remains of the liquid and head back inside to filter it. Chase appears to look a bit better, but he still looked unhealthy. I give him the filtered water and he sips a small portion, before giving it back to me.
"Thanks," he says weakly.
"You're welcome," I reply. I don't want Chase to waste his energy. He's severely sick, and it can only get worse from here if he doesn't get more sleep.
"Chase, I'm gonna head out to find more resources. I want you to stay here and rest, okay? I'll be back soon."
Chase nods and rests his head weakly on the sleeping bag. I take a final moment to enjoy the warmth of the tent before heading out to the open world. I zip up the tent door and explore the area.
Chase's health is my priority. His entire life depends on me. I can't let him down.
The banana tree isn't too far from the tent, so I walk carefully without making a sound. It feels like I'm being watched, and something heavy is resting on my shoulders. I try to forget about it, but it just wouldn't fade away.
I've never been too great with the dark. Monsters could be hiding behind you at any time, and you never know when they'll be gone. But I got Chase by side to protect me. Seeing Chase just makes me feel happier. I just wished he felt the same way about me.
But his minds are on Skye. Can't he just get over the fact that she might be dead?!
But if she is... then so is everyone else.
Everyone is... gone.
I can't believe it. All my best friends... are dead?
A shiver runs up my spine at the thought of it.
No. They can't be dead. They have to be alive somehow. They're somewhere on this island right now, and I'll find them if it's the last thing I'll do. We'll all go home and forget this ever happened, then I'm gonna wake up from this horrible nightmare.
But I wish I could wake up right now.
Oh great. It's raining. I need to head back now. But which way is back?
Oh no.
I'm lost.
(A/N Hey guys! I'm so sorry for being inactive forever but I'll do my best to write regularly! Also I'm sorry that my stories have gone kinda boring, I'm getting used to writing guys, give me a break😂 but anyway let me know what you think of this so far! Thanks for reading!)
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