(S-3) Chapter 4 "Cut & Run"
Avery stared down the two, not trying to show any fear as he stood his ground. "What is it we need to talk about, Alistair?"
The man stood up, clasping his hands together and setting them behind his back as he paced back and forth in front of the Greyhound. "The little rat problem we seem to have."
"The rat problem?" The Greyhound's eyes rolled in an unamusing manner, grabbing an aged wine bottle from under his desk and sticking his teeth onto the cork. "Sorry to piss on your bonfire..." He spat out the cork and poured it into his bowl. "But I already handled it, so you can't act like your high and mighty self to me..."
"Is that right?" Alistair stood still, glaring down at the Greyhound.
"Yeah, it is." The Greyhound drank from his bowl rather quickly, clearing his throat and continuing his assurance. "You saw it, I know you did," Avery spread his arm across the air. "It was all over the news! 'Wild pack of dogs rampage through Stagg Hotel, tossing another dog off the rooftop!' I-I think that was the headline."
"Watch it, Avery..." Ajax advised as he sat down in front of the Greyhound, a stern glare almost piercing him.
"Watch what?" He took a drink from his bowl as he continued, "It's not my fault he's late to that whole thing."
"I'm not talking about the Shiba Inu that went splat. There's another one..." Avery took offense, standing his ground immediately.
"The hell do you mean there's another one? And what gives you the idea that it has anything to do with me or my crew? That's a serious fuckin' accusation you're bringing to the table." Avery continued, a theory popping up in his head almost instantly, "O-oh...oh, Chase? The fuckin' Shepherd whose paw you forced? Forced the pup to leave his owner and friends and...and you're surprised that there's a rat problem? You're more of an idiot than I thought, you stupid, suit-wearing motherfuc-!"
Alistair furrowed his eyebrows as he kicked the Greyhound, causing him to stumble back and lay on his side. "Shut it!" He leaned down and grabbed the dog by his neck. "I'm not talking about Chase, Avery..."
"Then who the hell are you talking about?" The Greyhound picked himself up, leaning against his desk.
Ajax stepped forward, laying the small wiretap across the coffee table, "Why don't we take a listen so you can find out?" A devious smile shined across Ajax's muzzle as he took off his collar and set it on the table, linking the wires together.
Nashi and the rest of the crew stood at the alleyway, still recovering a bit after Chase departed from them.
"Okay...we don't need the Shepherd. The plan is still solid - Elias, Sultan, you and your cats head in there, make a big distraction and look for Piper or whoever it is you're looking for, most likely, they'll be in the main building, same with Levi and the McAllisters." Delta explained as he kept an eye out, continuing with his explanation, "And we're not letting either of the McAllister's escape, you see them big Irish Wolfhounds, you stop them, no matter what. Any questions?"
"What're we waiting for...?" Nashi asked as the crew all nodded their heads, confident in their plan as they walked out of the alleyway, strength in numbers upon reaching the entrance.
"Get over here, now! You mick bastards!" Nashi yelled as he signaled for the cats to sneak around inside.
A few dogs walked up to the gate, chuckling as they saw the crew on the opposite side, "Get a load of this shite...hey, ya get lost?"
"Get a good look at the Husky, never seen one with an all black coat..." The strong accented dog continued, not knowing they were being stalled, "Did some lads spray paint your fur or something?"
"Trying to be all scary with your appearance? Good luck with that, you stupid-." The two dogs felt sharp claws dig into their necks as their bodies were pressed up against the gate.
"Unlock the gates now and we'll let you walk..." Sultan warned, digging her claws deeper into the dog's neck flesh as his paws slowly raised up.
"Take it easy, lass...just take it easy..." The dog tried calming as his paws reached for the locked gate, fiddling around for a bit before unlocking it. "There!"
As the rest of the crew entered, Sultan and Elias took back their word, taking out the two Irish dogs and quickly hiding them out of view. Panting from the struggle, Elias turned his gaze over to the main warehouse, "So that's the main building?"
"Yeah, are you all ready?" Delta asked, feeling his heart race with nervousness.
"We'll see if we can take out the power, at least for one side of the docks." One of the cats advised as they took a handful of others to back them up.
"I'll go with you, maybe one of the McAllister's will be there." Delta backed up as Nashi stuck with Sultan and Elias.
"Good luck, Delta." Nashi patted the Australian Shepherd's shoulder. "You take out the power and meet up with us in the main warehouse, alright?"
"Yup, let's go..."
Delta and the skeleton crew departed, heading to the other side of the docks as Nashi, Sultan and Elias pushed up towards the main warehouse, catching the attention of other crew members and standing their ground against them.
A bowl was handed over to the Foxhound as she sat down in front of her desk, standing before the Irish Wolfhound.
"Drink up, lass." Sean ordered, eyeing his collar as he turned it off and set it on the desk.
Piper obeyed out of fear, being one on one with one of the McAllister's would normally set the fear into any pup. "D-did the Malamute talk?"
"Of course he did, they always do." Sean let out a deep sigh as his gaze stayed on the Foxhound, "We're gonna be in trouble, lass..."
Piper stopped drinking from her bowl, "What do you mean?"
"The Malamute told us that his leader is planning on fighting back, don't know when though but it could be sooner than we think and when that happens, we're fucked...Gideon and I are fucked..."
"Now, hold on a minute, Sean." The dog raised her paws, trying to give the Irish Wolfhound better alternatives, "That's bullshit, come on! Hell, I say we head up to the Den and take out every one of those assholes!"
Sean scrunched his eyes, raising his voice at the dog, "Every lowlife cur that resides in that place smells blood in the water, my blood, you understand?!" Sean continued his rant, his claws digging into the floor out of rage as he began to sound like his brother, "And they'd step over their own mother if it meant they'd be the one to put one of us in the ground! I wouldn't last ten minutes out there!"
Piper's fur stood up from the aggression, her composure nearly slipping as she quickly recuperated, "We gonna let them take out what you and your brother worked hard for? There's got to be something we can do!" She slammed her paw on the small carpet.
"I'm not like Avery, don't have many favors and connections like he does, we might just have to-."
Within that moment, an injured Collie stepped in, nearly bursting through the door, "S-Sean, it's...it's Avery's crew from the Den...the-they're attacking the place!"
"What?! How the fuck?!" Sean quickly looked outside the office window, seeing the front part of the docks and the chaos that was ensuing. "Fuck!" The Wolfhound yelled as he snatched his collar and walked out to the door, turning his head towards Piper. "Come on! We gotta get down there!"
"What about the dog?" Piper asked with concern, hearing the painful whines and whimpers from the injured Collie.
"What about him? Let's go!" The Irish Wolfhound ordered as he went out of the door. "Gideon! Gideon! Avery's crew is here!"
"Tell me something I don't know! They're gonna try to get Levi, don't let 'em!" His brother barked over the call as Sean stopped for a moment to catch his breath. "Fuck's sake, forget the Malamute, Gideon! We need to leave! I'll meet you by the power station!" The call between the two ended as Piper caught up with Sean, their ears perking up as the lights went out. "Shite..."
Satoon's fur jolted up as the lights went out, his collar emitting a small flashlight as he turned towards Levi, heading over and assisting him.
"W-what's happening?" The Malamute wondered, feeling his restraints loosen up.
"Probably a power outage, whatever the case is, this could be our chance..." Satoon assured as he slowly but surely carried the Malamute up the steps.
"Wh-what if someone sees us?" Levi asked, not hearing an answer. "Satoon!"
"We're not getting spotted! We're getting out of here!" Satoon finally reached the top, gently leaning his head against the door to hear what was going on.
"It's the fuckin' dogs from the Den!" He heard one of the McAllister's yell out. "Come on, I ain't sticking around to get killed!"
"What about the Malamute downstairs?"
"Leave him, he's already a dead pup, let's go!" Satoon heard the sets of paws clack away rapidly, opening the door and checking his surroundings, not seeing anyone close by.
The injured Husky moved out of the door, limping away from the room as Levi held on, helping him keep a lookout. "I-if your friends are here, spot them for me." Satoon winced a bit in pain as he trekked forward, the light shining through the windows to help the two see through darkness. The Husky soon stumbled towards the ground, leaning to one of the kitchen counters and causing Levi to fall over. "S-shit..."
The duo heard one of the doors behind them being swung open, hearing unfamiliar voices call out of them. "Satoon, Levi? Where are ya?"
"They're probably still in the basement, ya moron, they were both fucked up when they got here, remember?"
Levi remembered one of the voices, it belonged to one of the dogs that roughed him up some more when he arrived at the Docks. He eyed Satoon who was across from him, raising his paw to signal him to wait.
"Shit, you're right, we can't even stay here long anyway, let's just fuckin' kill them both..." One of the dogs moved forward, reaching the counter where Satoon was hiding as Levi crawled around, getting out of view, "...Oh shite!"
Satoon got up as fast as he could've, throwing his body towards the dog and pinning him down, pressing his claws to the dog's throat.
Levi peeked over as he winced in pain, hearing the scuffling that was ensuing as he saw the exit door close by. The Malamute was hesitant, not sure whether to make a break for it or save the one who brought him there and killed his friend.
"Is something wrong? Second thoughts, maybe? They are criminals, low-life scum that will kill without a second thought. You are doing the right thing here, Mavis, don't forget that."
Ajax chuckled a bit as he leaned his paw against the Greyhound's desk, keeping his eyes onto Avery as the audio finally finished, "Heh...all makes sense now, don't it?"
Alistair leaned back against the wall as the audio stopped, soon looking at the Greyhound as well, waiting for his response.
"I guess I never thought. Never thought I would deal with this kind of shit..." Avery answered, his eyes looking towards the ground with a stern expression.
"Always should expect it..." The Great Dane itched his paw, showing his unsheathed claws towards Avery.
"That all being said...where's Mavis, Avery?" Alistair asked, standing over the Greyhound with his hands behind his back.
There was a long delay before Alistair received an answer.
"I...I don't know..." Avery ignored eye contact.
"Don't give us that, we know when you're lyin', we know you've grown soft for this crew..." Ajax inched closer, stopping and turning his head to his owner.
"Fuck you..." The Greyhound kept his eyes off of the two, seeing Alistair crouch down a bit, "Ain't getting soft for no one..."
"Sure doesn't seem like it." Alistair lent his hand out, lifting the Greyhounds' head and making the dog face him, "Tell us...and Ajax here won't put you out of your misery..." Alistair calmly threatened as his fingers gently scratched Averys' chin.
Avery jerked his head away, not uttering a word as he looked towards Ajax, a sly toothy smile being formed on his muzzle.
The Greyhound let out a chuckle, "You know you won't kill me, I've done too much for you two throughout all these years...so fuckin' what if the FBI are on our tail? You can rebuild, you sure as shit done it before!"
Alistair glared, letting the dog continue as he slowly stood up over him.
"Chase, Isaac, and Diaz stole your little pendant and that was your fuck up to begin with. Not Chase's, not Isaac's and definitely not mine!" Avery barked, his paw stomping onto the floor in anger as he vented out his frustrations.
"How is it not your fault? Ain't you the one who told them about the job..." Ajax added, seeing the Greyhound's expression change into fear. The Great Dane walked along in between the two, his tail swaying and nearly tapping Avery's snout. "It's almost like a repeat, ain't it, Alistair?"
"Yes...but this time he's not getting another chance..."
Satoon struggled with the McAllister hench-dog, swiping blindly as the other dog sprinted over to help, helping his friend pin the Husky down as the other stepped back to recover.
"Give me a second to catch my breath..." The dog advised, watching his friend pin down and attack the Husky.
As the dog watched, Levi managed to grab a metal pipe, slowly limping over to the distracted canine and readying his swing the best he could. The Malamute swung, hitting the McAllister dog across his snout as he turned at the last second, stumbling over to the floor while the other dog soon took notice.
"The fuck?!" Yelled the other dog as he quickly got off of Satoon and went to attack Levi.
The Malamute braced for the tackle, holding the dog back by placing the metal pipe in his jaws. The weakened state of the Malamute caused him to lose control and make the hostile dog pin him down. Satoon took a quick breather, seeing the struggle of the two dogs and getting up, rushing forward and biting down on the neck of the dog as hard as he could.
Levi took a moment to breathe as he watched the hostile dog struggle against Satoon, his gaze slowly turning back to the other dog he dispatched of earlier. He let out a painful grunt as he got back on his paws, wielding the metal pipe in a sluggish manner as he stood over the dog. "C-come on, Levi...j-just do it..." He whispered to himself as he heard the struggle behind him end, hearing Satoon approach him after some time. He turned his sight at the Husky, seeing the stern glare as he felt his grip on the metal pipe loosen.
The dog looked up at the two, whimpering with shaky breaths as his paw raised up in a defensive manner, "W-wait...j...just let me go...please..."
Satoon stared down, raising the metal pipe as high as he can as the pleas from the dog continued.
"Please! Please! L-look! I...I won-!"
The Husky slammed the pipe down on the dog, wanting to get it over with quickly as Levi winced and looked away, jolting as he felt the blood splatter onto his muzzle and fur.
Satoon caught his breath, as did Levi, his glance turning over to the injured Malamute as he dropped the pipe to the floor. "You hesitate like that again, it's gonna kill you."
"Let's just go, I don't have time for a lecture..."
"I don't think either of us have much time anyway...let's just hope whatever's going on is enough for us to slip on outta here." Satoon hoped as his ears perked up, hearing a set of doors open close by. "Come on, come on!" The Husky whispered as Levi soon stumbled to the floor, wincing from the immense pain. Not having enough strength to haul the Malamute anymore, the two slumped back behind one of the counters, praying that whoever entered would just walk past them.
Nashi and the two cats pushed open the main doors of the warehouse, their vision only being brightened by the sunlight shining through the many windows. The Husky pressed on his collar, calling Delta. "Delta, we're at the main warehouse, the lights are out, thanks to you, everything alright on your end?" Nashi moved forward with Sultan and Elias, his ears perking up with worry upon hearing the Australian Shepherd struggle over the call.
"F-fuck! N-not so much!" Delta yelled out, "Gideon is over here with a bunch of his lackeys, get Levi and yourselves out while we handle this bastard!"
"What?!" Nashi held one of the other McAllisters' still while Sultan went in for the kill. "Delta, you can't be serious!"
"Yeah, just hold 'em off a bit!" Sultan argued as she turned her head towards Nashi. "We'll help Delta, get your friend out of here!"
"I'll find you, just-...fuck!" Nashis' ears flinched as he heard his friend struggle before the call disconnected. The Husky rubbed his eyes with a free paw, letting out a stressful sigh as his eyes hit the corner, looking at the feline and letting out a deep sigh. "Fuck...alright! Go, go!"
The two cats left, running back out through the way they came in. The call ended, Nashi was now on his own to find Levi, cursing a certain Shepherd under his breath as he slowly moved through the building. The Husky shined the light from his collar towards the floor, guiding his way through the darkened building, light illuminating the building only by the sun rays from the windows.
"Levi!" He whispered, trying to keep his voice down in case any stray McAllisters were around. Nashi stumbled a bit, his paw making contact with a metal pipe as he quickly glanced down on it, seeing the blood stains on the metal as his nose soon stung from the terrible smell.
"Jesus...!" The Husky pulled his head back as the light from the collar shined upon the corpses of the McAllister goons. He moved past the dead dogs, seeing another trail of blood leading to the double doors that head out back. As he followed the trail, his ears twitched as he turned around quickly, receiving a slash across his face and hitting the floor almost immediately. "Fuck!"
Growling heavily, Nashi lunged his body towards the hostile, snapping his jaws at the dog as he felt another slash on his chest. Grunting in pain, his paws quickly wrapped around the neck of the dog, putting as much pressure as he possibly can.
"N-Nashi! Nashi, stop!"
The Husky looked up quickly as he recognized the voice, it was Levi. He looked down and saw the blood-stained Husky, breathing almost raggedly as he released the pressure on his neck. "Fuck! Levi! You didn't hear me? I could've killed you two!"
"H-hearing's a bit me...messed up..." The Malamute lightly chuckled, "That's...what'll happen when you get tortured..." Nashi got off of Satoon, his eyes staying focused on the gray Husky as Levi stood up with the help of the counter. "We'l...we'll talk n-names later...let's just get outta here..." Nashi hastily lifted the young Malamute, setting him on his back as the trio made their way to the back doors. "W-where's the rest of the crew?" Levi asked, wincing a bit from the motions.
Nashi kept his eyes ahead, "Don't worry about it..." He answered, perplexing and concerning the Malamute even more.
"W-what're you talking about? Wher-where's Delta? Where's...Mavis and...and Chase?" Levi shuffled as he held onto the Husky, tugging at his back.
"O-ow! Hey! We don't have time for this!"
"Where's...where's the crew?!" The Malamute demanded, losing balance and falling off of the Husky, being helped by him shortly after.
"It's just me, Delta and some damn cats, alright? They're giving us a chance to get out and we're taking it!" Nashi yelled, his voice almost cracking as he lifted the Malamute back onto him. "They're gonna find us, trust me, Levi..."
The young Malamute looked towards the ground with heavy concern, his eyes glancing back up as one of the buildings was emitting a dark, black smoke.
Delta winced as his back made contact with the steel wall, pushing out a grunt as he landed on the floor. His paw reached for his collar, whiffing at his neck as he soon realized that his collar was underneath Gideon's paw.
"Lookin' for this?" The Irish Wolfhound asked, tilting his head as he toyed with the Australian Shepherd. "You're not looking so good there...busted up eye, torn-up tail...a real mongrel you are..."
"Fuck you..." Delta winced more as he stood up on his paws, seeing Gideon order the others to stay back. "I'll take you on any day of the fuckin' week!"
"Heh...we'll see about that..." Gideon smiled as he tossed the collar to the side.
Delta bared his teeth and soon rushed forward, swiping his claws at the Wolfhound's throat but barely missing, feeling another slash hit his side as he tried retaliating with a quick swipe towards Gideon.
"Oh, ain't much a fighter, are ya?" Gideon taunted as his ears perked up from his name being called out. Turning his head, he saw his brother standing at the doorway, out of breath. "Ahhh, Sean, you're just in time to see this Den trash kick the bucket!" The Wolfhound smiled as he kicked Delta's chest, forcing a cough out of him.
"As much as I wanna see this trash be killed, we need to leave..." The Wolfhound's brother assured as he shrugged through the other dogs and approached his brother, the door soon closing on its own. "Now!"
"In a minute!" Gideon ordered as his eyes stayed focused on Delta.
"Gideon, Sean is right, we can't stay around much longer..." Piper stammered, trailing off and nearly cowering in fear as Gideon turned around and approached her.
Sean got between the two, sternly looking at his brother as both his paws were now placed on his shoulders. "Gideon. For once, can you set your damn bloodlust aside?! We need to leave! Are you too fucking stubborn to realize that this place is falling?!" The two brothers bickered for a moment, stopping as they heard a pair of knocks on the door.
"Gideon? Sean? You two in there?"
One of the voices called out as Sean gestured for one of the dogs to open it. As the door was opened ajar, it soon bursted open, hitting one of the lackey dogs on the snout roughly and knocking them down.
The McAllisters looked on, their claws unsheathing as they saw the two enter the small power station. Piper looked on, her expression quickly changing to concern as she realized it was the cats that were with Valentine.
"Heh...lookin' like you've seen a ghost..." Delta winced with a near bloody smile as he leaned against one of the tall switchboards.
No words were exchanged between the two sides, just deathly glares along with growls and hisses as each side waited for the first move.
Sultan and Elias rushed forward, swiping at one of the McAllister's eyes as they dodged and maneuvered around the various switches and power boxes. Elias dove off one of the switchboards and landed on Gideon's, leaning close and biting into his neck. The Wolfhound grunted in pain as he swung his body in an attempt to get the cat off of him, causing him to bump into Sean.
Sultan dodged and swiped her claws at them with every chance she got, hopping from power box to power box but feeling one of them grab onto her hind paws.
"Gotcha!" Piper barked as she soon pinned her down, snarling as her jaws were about to latch onto the feline's neck.
Delta rushed forward the best he could've, stabbing his claws into Piper's hind leg for a moment, causing her to jolt and give the feline a moment to get away. Piper quickly turned around, slicing her claws the Australian Shepherd's muzzle, letting her guard down as Sultan jumped forward, digging her claws into Piper's neck repeatedly.
The Foxhound struggled against the feline, growling and gurgling blood as she felt the claws dig deeper with each impact. She swung her body in a last ditch effort to save herself, slamming Sultan against one of the power boxes and breaking it open. The feline lost her grip and fell back, seeing the Foxhound turn and blindly swipe at her.
Sultan flinched from the sparks that bursted from the power box. As she looked on, she saw Piper on the floor, her blood slowly pooling up below her body as another set of sparks bursted from the power box. The feline spat on the Foxhound's body, her focus quickly turning towards Elias, who was barely dodging Gideon's slices. She sprinted towards her friend but got tackled to the floor by Sean, who recovered from being knocked down.
Delta looked on, trying to crawl to help one of the cats but was grabbed by the other hench-dogs, both of them quickly holding the injured Australian Shepherd against the wall. He watched on as the cats were soon pinned down, hissing and snarling as they tried to break free. "N-no! L-let go of me!" Delta snarled as he struggled against the two, catching the attention of Gideon, who had his paw weighing down on Elias's head.
Letting out a nearly crazed laugh, the Wolfhound started ranting, "Heh, ya damn bastards really tried it! I'll give you that much but getting fuckin' cats to even it out? Ha! Please!"
Sean let out a frustrated growl upon hearing his brother ranting. He pinned down Sultan, hearing her hisses and whimpers as his anger rose, placing his claws into her neck and sending them across her flesh. The squirming from the cat slowed down and eventually stopped, Delta's yells echoing in frustration as he kept trying to break free. As he got off of the now dead feline, Sean rushed towards his brother, shoving him aside and giving Elias a moment to break free. He sliced at Sean and scurried forward.
Delta noticed the two hench-dogs hesitate and move forward a bit as the Wolfhound was sliced. Feeling their grip loosen, he quickly fought back to the best of his ability, slicing the eye of the dogs and using whatever strength he had left to push the other towards the power box, causing it to spark more and explode upon impact, lighting the fur on the dog on fire as Delta fell back, quickly backing up as to not catch a light himself. Sean grabbed Elias's tail and pulled him back, pinning him down before hearing the screams of the dog and a bright flash. "Shite!" The Irish Wolfhound yelled as he got off of Elias, shouting at Gideon and making his way to the double doors. The Wolfhound panicked as the black smoke filled his nostrils quickly, seeing the doors get closer to his view before getting tackled by Delta. "N-no! Y-you're not going anywhere!"
Elias looked on with a worried expression, his eyes scanning Sultan's body and then the fire and finally towards Gideon, who was rushing to help Sean. With a hindered breath, the cat sprinted forward and latched his jaws onto Gideon's tail, pulling as hard as he could've. Delta pinned Sean down to the best of his ability, digging his claws into his chest as the smoke filled up around the room and fire covered nearly everything.
None of that mattered now to the Australian Shepherd, all he hoped was that this diversion bought Nashi and Levi enough time. He growled as he glared at Sean, who let out slow and ragged breaths. "I...I don't care if I don't make it...just gotta make sure...you don't!"
"W...wait!" Sean begged desperately as the fire crept closer to the four, Delta not caring as he slammed Sean's head into the floor.
"Gonna try to beg for mercy now?!" As the Australian Shepherd held Sean down, Elias couldn't hold onto Gideon's tail anymore. His jaws slipped out from the tail's grasp and the feline stumbled back a bit, narrowly avoiding the fire as Gideon sprinted forward. Sean kept trying to break free, feeling the fire creep closer towards the two as his eyes tracked onto Gideon, seeing him turn and run towards the only exit available. Delta looked on as well, steering his head back to the pinned Wolfhound with a bloody smile. "Heh...So much for brotherly love..."
Elias soon followed behind, stumbling out of the burning building and catching in the fresh air. He groaned in pain upon trying to use his paws to support himself. Ears ringing and chaos ensuing around him, the poor feline only moved a few steps forward before collapsing to the ground and blacking out.
Exhausted breaths escaped the two female dogs as they stopped for a moment, heading into an alleyway and leaning up against one of the dumpsters.
"S...shit..." Mavis cursed under her breath in a shaky manner. "Fuck!" The Retriever pressed her paws against the dumpster, trying to calm herself down as Mika nervously watched. "Okay...okay...plan is still good...it's all—it's all good..." Mavis was in shambles, leaning her back against the dumpster and running her paws through her fur. "I should've told them...I should've told them...I should've told them..."
Mika was starting to get scared from the frantic behavior of the Retriever, puffing up her chest a bit and placing her paws on the Retriever's shoulders. "'Mavith'! Calm down! 'Pleathe'!" Her paws tapped Mavis's snout, making the Retriever face her as her panicked breathing started to ease.
"I...I should've..." The optimistic dog soon had tears stroll down her face, pulling Mika into a hug as she held on tight. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."
Mika returned the hug, trying to console her friend as she cried into her fur. "F-for what? You did nothing wrong..."
Pushing herself off a bit from Mika, she lashed out. "I did! I did do something wrong! I lied! I messed everything up!"
"W-what?" The Bernese Mountain dog was shaking, fidgeting her paws as she kept her eyes on Mavis's broken mental state.
Taking in a few more seethed breaths and finally calming herself down a bit, she eyed Mika with a sorrowful look and laid on her stomach. "I know it's my fault..." She wiped the tears from her eyes as she continued. "You deserve to know..."
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