CHAPTER 1 | The Interview
3 months of tranquillity and delight filled the air of Adventure Bay. The events that took place during Humdinger's takeover were far from a joyous occasion. The Paw Patrol were claimed Hero's for their great deed to the citizens of Adventure Bay. Humdinger being sentenced to 7 Day imprisonment schedule to be voted innocent or guilty by you the people for not only breaking the law but destroying nearly half the town. Humdinger's head indeed filled with disgrace, being mocked and unpraised for his not so glorious actions. Apprehended in the police custody for his law breaking act, waiting for the years to surpass. As for the Paw Patrol, their heroic deed shall never be forgotten by the townsfolk of Adventure Bay. A statue being built for them in great honour, the Paw Patrol stands proudly overlooking the town and its people, awaiting the call of duty and as always exceeding beyond it.
But was it really happy ever after...
Ryder POV.
The TV screen flickered in the dim light. Suddenly, the TV flashed on, showing a firey blue light inflaming the screen. The TV introducer commenced the introduction.
'Tonight on FOX & Friends, The Adventure Bay heroes themselves, the Paw Patrol, have once again saved the day, not just for their town but for everyone around the globe. We show you the damning footage of Mayor Humdingers ruthless actions. We'll be speaking to the Paw Patrol themselves about how they were able to overcome this situation plus roving reporter Joshua Dekker joins us live from the scene of the crime scene in Adventure Bay. Join Ainsley Earhardt next on FOX & Friends.'
The TV screen flickers again, ending with the firey blue light, and turning off.
"Okay people, we're live in five," The director yelled.
'Coming up! It's the story that has been heard around the globe, the news that has shocked the world, the saviours that had come to the rescue of the people. Tonight we're joined by the one and only Paw Patrol, to discuss the devastating acts of Mayor Humdinger and the Heroic acts of the Paw Patrol. But first introduce our host, Ainsley Earhardt!'
Screaming and clapping erupted amongst the audience as a woman, in a red dress and black high heels strode across the huge stage to her desk.
"Hello and Welcome to FOX & Friends, I'm your host, Ainsley Earhardt, and tonight we'll be following up on the devastating tragedy in Adventure Bay," She said smiling, her bright white teeth shimmering in the light. "Alleged Mayor Humdinger has been accused of breaking the law, controlling civilians against their will and destroying nearly half the town. Over the week we will have a 6:00 pm showing of the latest show, Guilty or not? where you the viewer have the chance to vote Mr Humdinger Guilty or innocent. But before we invite our heroes to the stage, let's go over to our roving reporter, Joshua Dekker. Joshua over to you."
The Television screen switched to a young man, brown hair, pale white skin and a blue suit. "Thank you, Ainsley," He said grief and sadness in his eyes. "I'm here at the scene of the crime, where the alleged Mayor, tried to rein terror amongst the world. In his deceitful actions, he has destroyed many peoples houses, shops and businesses which the people of Adventure Bay live off of. The people of Adventure Bay would surely vote guilty towards Mayor Humdinger."
As I scanned his surroundings my heart dropped, only leaving a day ago, still makes me sad when you see the state of the town.
"Let's ask the people what they think of the situation," He said "Excuse me, sir! SIR!"
As Josh rushed over to the man you could easily recognise him. It was Cap'n Turbot recognisable by his fair skin and long, light brown hair. Also by Cap'n Turbot's main outfit which contains a red knit toboggan hat to cover his hair, a light blue-coloured polo shirt, yellow rubber overalls with suspenders and blue buttons, and dark brown boots with orange bottoms with his blue-tinted square eyeglasses with thick lenses.
"Hello, sir," Josh said, clearly out of breath. "What are your thoughts on the events of the past few days."
"Well the past predicament has particularly left participants prohibited from partaking in their personal jobs and services," Turbot said in his usual sophisticated manner.
"There you have it, folks, The Adventure Bay citizens are not happy with the ruthless actions from that evil Mayor of Foggy Bottom," He said. "Ainsley over to you."
"Thank you, Josh, for your wonderful report on the damage that was an outcome of Humdingers evil demise." She said, wiping a tear from her eye. "But now the moment you've all been waiting for, the one, the only, PAW PATROL!"
We headed across the stage, waving my hands in the air, towards the screaming and ecstatic crowd. The stage was a long black reflective surface, that was like a mirror. The lights blinded my eyes as I squinted against them. The pups followed behind me, the crowd erupting even louder than before, as we took our seats near, Ainsley's desk. The noise and cheering settled down slowly.
"Hello, Paw Patrol, it is our pleasure, from the team at FOX & Friends, to have you here for this special occasion." She said smiling, her pearly white teeth could've burnt a hole through my head.
"It is a pleasure to be here, Ainsley," I said, acting formally.
"Anyway, as you all know, the Paw Patrol and their heroic act have saved many people around the globe, from the possible mind control of the world." She pronounced."So, we, the people, would like to ask, how did this all begin?"
"Well that is a good question," I responded unsure myself of the answer. "It all started when Chase, he came home, angry and annoyed; triggered as Humdinger would say. He had been infected with some sort of triggering syrup, that as a side effect, was able to be controlled by Humdinger. From then on terror had struck Adventure Bay and we had to do something, to end Humdingers plan for world domination."
"Well, if he were able to get away with his plan, who knows what the world would be like, who knows how our lives would have been?" She said, quite creepily. "Anyway, some people also think that some of the Paw Patrol members should be at fault as well, as they helped spread the infectious poison to all of your home towns."
"Well, as I said earlier, the syrup was made to control the minds of people, meaning Humdinger is wholeheartedly at fault," I said confidently, affirming my stance.
"I know, they suspect they were doing it out of their own will, but how could such adorable and heroic pups do such a thing," She said, her eyes sparkling.
"Exactly!" I exclaimed.
"Let's go over to our reporter at the Police Station, Amanda over to you," she said.
"Thank you, Ainsley," The reporter said, wearing a black coat and a blue dress. "I'm here at the Police Station, where the alleged criminal himself, Mr Humdinger has arrived to be taken into police custody later today."
Humdinger could clearly be identified, with his purple hat and suit. I'm surprised to see he is still smiling.
"Mr Humdinger, why have you committed such a ruthless crime against the people of Adventure Bay?" Amanda asked him.
"What do you mean me?" He said as if he was innocent. "It was those wretched pups and their leader, they made me take the blame."
"Are you sure?" She said confused. "The footage clearly shows you were the one who committed the crime and tried taking over everyone's mind."
"Recheck the footage, I don't think so," Humdinger said.
The footage soon flashed on the screen, in the whereabouts of Humdingers cave. Suddenly, the screen went static and after a while, it quickly flashed on. To everyone's shock, it showed us, the Paw Patrol, using the serum to control everyone, even Humdinger. It was so well made you probably wouldn't even be able to tell it was fake.
"That's clearly fake, the video footage has been hacked!" I exclaimed in outrage.
"Don't worry, we know, but the police can't seem to find the original tape," Ainsley said to calm my anger.
"Come on Humdinger, get going!" One of the Police officers said. In the distance, you could hear crying.
"Hello, excuse me little boy, what's wrong?" Amanda said. To my surprise, it was Humdinger's nephew, Harold.
"My, Uncle, Mayor Humdinger, he's innocent," He continued his act, but I could see the fakeness in his eyes. "Thanks to those stupid pups, my uncle might eventually be in jail, and I will be all alone."
"Well, I don't know about you, but all these signs are starting to add up," she said. "Ainsley, over to you."
"Thank you, for your fantastic report, Amanda," Ainsley said smiling again. "And if you'd like to vote now, go over to our website and when our show screening every day at 6:00 pm, Guilty or not? join in on the action to vote Humdinger innocent or guilty, it is all in your hand's people."
"But, that's all the time we have today on FOX & Friends," The Ainsley informed us. "Thank you, Paw Patrol for your fearless act against that heartless mayor of Foggy Bottom."
"No, thank you for having us on your show and in your studio we've never been interviewed outside Adventure Bay and even so in NEW YORK!" I thanked them.
"Ha, ha, well I'm Ainsley Earhardt and this is the Paw Patrol," She ended.
"Ryder," I said. "And my pups..."
"Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Skye and, Everest," They each said respectively their own name said.
"See you next time," the interviewer finished. Well, that was a long interview, now time to head home.
"Come on pups, let's go," I said.
"Wait, don't go!" A faint voice yelled at us. "Hi, I'm Jimmy."
A little boy stood in front of us, out of breath. He was probably 4 or 5 and quite short.
"Hey, little buddy what's wrong," I asked awaiting his response.
"Can I get your autograph, please," He said adorably. "You guys are my Hero's."
"Sure," I said signing the poster of us as did the pups with there paw prints.
"Thanks, Paw Patrol!" He exclaimed giving me and the pups a hug. We watched the boy run away to his mum and turned around to the exit.
"Okay, pups ready to go back to Adventure Bay," I said to them.
"Well, we've never been to New York before," Rocky said.
"So what are you saying?" I asked them.
"Can we explore New York for the rest of the day," They all said in unison.
"Sure, why not?" I answered. "What could possibly happen if we were just away from home for a day."
"Yeah," All the pups face gleamed with joy.
-Little did the Paw Patrol know something terrible was coming...-
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