Welcome to my very first Paw Patrol oneshot, it's a spooky one, or at least I tried to make it spooky, anyway I hope you all enjoy it.
This One-Shot will have the characters with their normal appearances and will also have some disturbing scenes, read at your own risk.
Edit: [Fixed up the chapter placement, didn't know Wattpad was weird like that ^^]
It was a dark stormy night and the Paw Patrol just finished dealing with Sweetie once again in Barkingburg. Ryder and the pups were finally heading home after a long day.
"Oh man that must've been the longest emergency we've had yet!" Chase said to all the pups.
"Yeah, who would've thought that Sweetie would be so persistent?" Rocky said.
All the pups except for Marshall were laughing about their day. The Dalmatian still had some fear of the skies, they usually were in the Air Patroller when the skies were clear but they didn't expect a storm, the turbulence made Marshall feel uneasy.
The sudden feel of a paw got the pup back to the real world.
"Hey Marshall are you ok?" Zuma said to the Dalmatian.
"Oh...I'm-I'm fine, just a little nervous." As soon as Marshall said that, some turbulence hit the Air Patroller, causing it to shake a bit. "Is that supposed to happen?!" Marshall panicked.
"Marshall dude, this happens almost all the time, just chill out, we'll be home in no-." Zuma was cut off by more turbulence.
Marshall held on to the Labrador, fearing for his life.
"Uh Ryder sir what's happening?" Chase began to panic also.
"It's nothing pups, it's just the storm, it should pass soon." Ryder honestly didn't know what he was saying, he just didn't want the pups to worry.
At that moment, lighting struck one of the wings on the Air Patroller, causing it to fall towards the ground below.
"What the? Ryder what's going on?" Chase yelled out.
"Lighting just hit us, the controls aren't responding!" Ryder yelled out. "Everyone hang on!"
"We'll be back, We're going to look for help Ryder. Come on Rubble!"
Ryder woke up along with some of the other pups.
"Pups...are you ok?" Ryder said he slowly got up.
"Yeah...just about Ryder." Zuma said as he got up with Rocky.
"Wait, where's Rubble?" Ryder said.
"And where's Chase?" Skye said as she met up with the pups.
"Why would they leave?" Zuma asked.
"They probably went to look for help." Skye theorized.
Ryder took out his pup pad which was cracked but thankfully not broken from the crash. He called the two pups but there was no signal.
"We're lost and we can't contact anyone?! What're we going to do?!" Marshall yelled as he began to panic.
"Ok, Marshall I need you to relax, someone must've heard or saw the crash, if we stay near it maybe someone could find us and get us out of here." Ryder said.
"But what about Chase and Rubble? They're both out there and we can't just leave them." Rocky stated, worrying for the two pups.
"Rocky's right, if they're not back soon, we have to find them." Ryder advised.
The two pups walked through a dense forest in the dark, barely able to see anything aside from what Chase's light was showing.
"Chase...I'm scared." Rubble said as he stood close to the German Shepherd.
"I know but we have to find help for Ryder and the rest, they looked pretty hurt from the crash." Chase said.
The Bulldog continued to follow the police pup, eventually they found a small wooden shack with a light emitting from it.
"Rubble look! Maybe there's someone who can help us!" Chase said as he started to pick up the pace to the shack.
Rubble followed behind and the two were at the door to the shack.
"Hello? Is anyone here? We need help!" Chase yelled out.
As he finished yelling out, the door slowly opened, revealing that no one was inside.
Chase looked around the shack and noticed a cabinet with a first aid kit on it. While the police pup was getting the first aid kit, he didn't notice the light that was emitting from beneath it.
"Rubble give me a boost up." Chase gestured for the Bulldog to come to him, which he did.
The German Shepherd climbed on top of the Bulldog and tried reaching for the first aid kit, which was just barely out of his reach. He inched a bit closer and started to slip off Rubble, he grabbed part of the cabinet and caused it to fall down along with him and Rubble. The pup got up and saw a stairwell leading downwards. Chase was about to take a step until he was stopped by Rubble.
"What are you doing? We got the first aid kit, let's just go!" Rubble whispered.
"Maybe there could be something else that could help us down there." Chase answered back at the Bulldog. The Bulldog sighed knowing that he wouldn't get through with the stubborn German Shepherd and followed him down the stairs.
What they saw next was horrifying.
A room filled with hanging corpses, blood splattered all over the walls along with body parts littering the floor and there were bloody lockers with god knows what in there.
The two pups did the smartest decision they could make, they ran away from the shack, heading into a random direction and screaming for their lives. Unbeknownst to them, they were already being watched by someone...or something.
While the two were running, Rubble got his paw caught on something and began to scream.
His paw was caught in a bear trap.
"Ahh! Chase, help me please!" Rubble cried out in pain.
"Oh my god! Rubble just relax, I'll get this thing off of you." Chase was panicking at this point.
"Please hurry!" The Bulldog cried even more from the pain.
Chase began to quickly examine the trap, he noticed that part of the release latch was removed.
"Hold on Rubble, if I keep messing with this then it should release." Chase kept looking for a way to release the trap from the poor pups paw but it wasn't working. He kept working on it until he heard footsteps hitting the dirt behind him.
He quickly turned and shined the light at the trees behind him but saw nothing but when he turned around he saw a man with an axe right behind Rubble.
Chase stood in fear as tall man looked at him and the Bulldog, the man tilted his head at Chase and then struck the axe down on Rubble's paw, freeing him from the trap.
Rubble screamed out in pain and turned to see the figure that freed him. The pup was grateful but it didn't last long. The man grabbed Rubble by the neck and took him away, Chase snapped out of his fearful state, ran after the man and bit into his leg, the man threw an unconscious Rubble on the ground and managed to hit Chase with the axe, causing a gash on his side.
Chase realized that he was no match for the man and ran away, leaving Rubble to his unknown fate.
"I'm sorry Rubble." Chase said as he limped away in pain.
The pup continued to limp through the forest while still holding on to the first aid kit, the pup was hearing noises all around him and couldn't tell what was and what wasn't. Eventually he rested up near a big tree and opened up the first aid kit, the pup didn't know how he was going to patch himself up but he was going to try. The pup had to decide quickly, blood was coming out of the wound along with a orange glowy substance slowly dripping out. While the pup was deciding on what to grab first to patch himself up, he began to hear rustling in the bushes nearby.
"Who's there?" Chase said as he shined a light at the bushes. "Come out!" Chase said shakily.
The figures who came out the bushes revealed to be Ryder and the rest of the pups.
Chase didn't say anything he ran up to the boy and hugged him tightly. "Ryder, someone took Rubble, we-we tried looking for help but then we found a shack with dead bodies everywhere. Rubble hit a bear trap and I couldn't free him, I couldn't help him Ryder, I had to leave him!" The pup had tears in his eyes at that point. "A man with an axe came up to us and cut his paw off and took him away, I tried fighting back but I couldn't do anything. I'm so sorry Ryder!" All the pups looked at Chase with sorrow, they never saw the pup break down like that before.
"Shh shh, Chase it's okay, let Marshall patch you up and then we'll go find Rubble." Ryder said as he let go of the pup.
Marshall approached the pup and saw the first aid kit that he had. "You didn't try to operate on yourself right?" Marshall asked the pup.
"I almost did until you all showed up." Chase was now in a calmed down state.
"Let me check out the wound." Marshall approached Chase's side and saw the large gash on the pups side. "Oh pup, that's bad, just give me a second and I'll patch it up." Marshall grabbed the alcohol that was in the aid kit. "Uh, Ryder you might want to hold him down."
Ryder did what the pup asked and held Chase down as Marshall began pouring the alcohol on Chase's wound, the mix along with the substance that was on the wound began to bubble up, Chase began grunt and squirm from the immense pain he was feeling.
"What the? What is that?" Marshall questioned the Shepherd who was wincing from the pain.
"I-I don't know! Just-just patch me up!" Chase replied. Marshall eventually stopped pouring it and grabbed the sutures that were in the first aid kit. "Okay Chase, We just have to stitch this, wrap it up and you'll be fine." Chase nodded while wincing from the pain.
"Ok, Ryder you have to do this, I'll hold Chase down if anything." Marshall handed the sutures to Ryder and held the pup down.
Ryder grabbed the needle and put it through the top of the wound, leading it downwards to the end of the wound and closing it.
"Alright that looks good, Chase I want you to slowly get up." Marshall said.
The German Shepherd did as he was told and slowly got up without any problems besides from the slight pain he was receiving from the wound.
"Okay Chase, I wouldn't recommend sudden movements, let's just take it slow." Marshall said.
"But what about Rubble, we can't take it slow knowing that Rubble could be dead." Chase said in a worried tone.
"I know but we can't risk your stitches falling out and you POSSIBLY bleeding out!" Marshall said to the police pup.
"Hey hey hey relax dudes, how about some of us stay here and-." Zuma was cut off.
"Absolutely not, we're not thinning out our numbers, we're going together one way or another." Chase said.
"Well do you even know where Rubble is?" Rocky asked.
"I can possibly get his scent and we can find him but we have to be careful." Chase said.
"Ok, lead the way pal." Rocky said as he followed the pup.
The group walked through the forest for a while until they finally came across the same shack that Chase and Rubble were in. Ryder and Chase looked around the area and saw that it was clear.
"Ok it looks like it's clear, Zuma and I will go in and find Rubble." Ryder said to the pups as they hid behind some bushes.
"What about us?" Skye asked.
"You all stay out here until we come back, if anything happens, just go and don't look back." Ryder said.
"What? No, no we're not leaving you for anything." Chase said.
"Look, it's a last resort, Rubble should be in there, I'll grab him and we'll be in and out fast, trust me Chase." Ryder assured the worried pup.
"Wait, check behind the cabinet, Rubble might be there, just be ready for what you see in there." Chase added.
Ryder listened to the pup motioned for Zuma to follow him into the shack. Once the two were close enough they walked in and found the cabinet Chase was talking about, Ryder moved it out the way and back into place quickly and saw what Chase was talking about. Ryder looked around and saw none other than Rubble, who was hanging on a hook.
"Help...please help." The Bulldog said weakly.
"Oh my god, I got you Rubble." As Ryder was about to remove the pup from the hook, he heard the door swing open upstairs.
"Zuma, hide quickly! Rubble just hang on." Ryder left the pup on the hook and decided to hide in one of the lockers, Zuma frantically looked around the room for something to hide in. He eventually hid inside a chest that was just barely his size and hoped that whoever was there wouldn't open it.
The footsteps got louder and louder as they reached downstairs, the two held their breath so that they wouldn't reveal their position. Ryder looked through the slits of the locker and saw the killer approach the room, setting his bloody axe on the table. The killer walked to one of the hanging bodies and removed it from the hook and placed it on the table where his axe was, he began chopping the limbs of the body and walked over to the chest that Zuma was hiding in. The pup heard the footsteps come closer and closed his eyes, terrified of what was about to happen.
Chase and the rest were scouting out the area while Ryder and Zuma went inside the shack.
Everything was normal until Marshall noticed Chase facing away from the shack and staring at something.
"Chase...Chase are you ok?" Marshall asked.
The Dalmatian didn't get a response just utter silence from the Shepherd. Skye kept an eye on the shack while Rocky went up to the pup. He began to wave his paw in front of the pup, nothing happened besides Chase just moving his paw out of his view.
"Chase, buddy what's the matter?" Rocky asked.
The mix got a response, a rather creepy one.
"I hear voices, they're calling me. They need help." Chase said with a worried tone.
"Chase, what are you talking about?" Marshall said as he kept looking back and forth at the shack and the Shepherd.
Then, out of nowhere, the Shepherd started to walk away, it didn't last long as Rocky held the pup back.
"Let me go! They need help, I have to help them!" Chase began to yell out.
"Chase, we need you to be quiet!" Rocky whispered to the pup.
"Pups!" Skye called the two and motioned for them to be quiet.
Rocky put his paw on Chase's muzzle, forcing the pup to be silent.
Rocky grunted quietly in pain but kept the Shepherd quiet. While that was happening, Skye saw the killer go inside the shack, and looked over at the two pups who were still struggling.
"You want to help them? Then shut it!" Rocky kept his paw on the pup's muzzle and kept him quiet but at that moment Chase bit into his paw and ran off, even though Marshall told him otherwise.
"Rocky! Are you okay?" Marshall asked the mix who was clutching his paw.
"Of course I'm not okay, crazy pup bit me! Marshall just patch me up and go after him, we can't let him loose if he's acting like this." Rocky said to the the Dalmatian.
"What about Ryder, Zuma and Rubble?" Marshall asked.
"You two go, I'll stay back for Ryder and Zuma, be careful." Rocky answered the worried pup.
"Ok, come here, that doesn't look too bad but just stay off it." Marshall got a bandage from his pup pack and wrapped on Rocky's paw and the three went after Chase.
The two walked straight from where the shack and didn't find any sign of Chase, until they heard sounds of a generator trying to start up.
Marshall ran towards the sound and saw Chase attempting to fix said generator. The Dalmatian instantly tackled the pup to the ground, luckily avoiding his stitches in the process.
"No! No! Let go! Their voices need to be heard!" Chase yelled out.
"Chase, what're you talking about?! We have to get back to Ryder and the rest, they're going to wonder where we are." Marshall explained to the police pup who wasn't listening to a thing he said.
"Marshall, whatever you're doing, hurry up and let's go!" Skye ordered.
"Chase—stop please!" Marshall began to lose control over the pup and did, making him to get off and Chase to pull a lever near the generator, causing a loud alarm to go off and a tube in the generator to explode, covering the three pups with the orange glowy substance.
"What the?" Marshall stepped back in disgust, examining the substance on his fur.
"That's not good...we gotta...we gotta go..." Skye collapsed soon after getting hit with the small shards. Chase collapsed soon after.
"Pups what's...what's happening..." Marshall collapsed, leaving the three pups in the forest.
After what seemed like an hour, the Dalmatian finally woke up with immense pain hitting him, the poor pup and all of his friends were captured and placed on hooks.
"Please...what do you want with us?!" Ryder cried out in pain.
The Dalmatian looked around the room and saw sentences scribbled out in blood.
"Death is not an escape."
"The Entity must be pleased."
Marshall began to struggle on the hook but there was no use, he wasn't going to be able to get out of it.
The killer walked over to the Dalmatian and made him face Rubble, who had a weird creature beginning to wrap around the hook he was on.
The pups screamed in horror as they saw the said creature pierce Rubble, killing him instantly.
The same thing happened Rocky soon after.
"No! Why are you doing this?!" Marshall cried out.
At that moment, the killer grabbed his axe and struck it in Ryder's chest, trailing it downwards and causing the boy's entrails to fall to the floor.
"No! Ryder! No!!!" All the pups were terrified because they knew they were going to suffer a similar fate.
While the killer was distracted, the hook that Zuma was on couldn't support his weight anymore, causing the pup to fall off the hook, as soon as the pup fell to the ground, he was dragged back and the killer struck the axe down the pup's torso, cutting the pup in half.
There were only two pups left for the Entity to claim.
Skye and Marshall.
Skye had tears coming from her eyes and began to scream while fidgeting with the hook, she actually managed to get off the hook and try to make a run for it. It didn't last long as she was immediately pierced by the Entity that emerged from the ground, it twisted Skye's body causing all of her bones to crack and snap, and finally ending the poor pup with a pierce to her head.
Marshall just couldn't take it anymore, he wanted this nightmare to be over, he just saw everyone he loved become murdered, he did notice that a certain Shepherd was missing from the hooks.
He managed to have enough strength and look at the killer who was now facing him.
The killer moved out of the pups view and what he saw was terrifying.
It was Chase, but all deformed and glowing, he didn't even resemble himself anymore, his jaw was contorted and misaligned. The only reason that Marshall knew it was Chase was from his deteriorating pup pack.
The killer handed Chase a small injection full of the orange glowy substance and pointed at Marshall.
The now deformed and monstrous pup approached Marshall who was squirming about on the hook, awaiting for what was going to happen.
Chase stabbed the pup with the injection and used every single drop of the substance, causing Marshall to throw up the substance and cause massive orange bubbles to form on his body, Chase unsheathed his claws and popped them. Making the poor Dalmatian a littered mess of parts.
The killer approached Chase and patted the pups head.
A Job Well Done.
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