Night was crowding the castle of Barkingburg as it was to the rest of the town. Another job well done for the Paw Patrol, putting another stop to one of Sweetie's many mischievous plans.
The group was crowding around Sweetie's punishment cage as the princess gave Ryder and the pups their thanks.
"Ryder, thank you so much for stopping Sweetie from taking the crown again!" The princess thanked as she hugged Ryder and petted the pups.
"It was no problem, princess, whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!" Ryder stated as the pups howled.
"Would you and the pups like to have some food before you head back to Adventure Bay, sir Ryder?" The Earl asked.
"Certainly! Come on, pups." Ryder answered as he and the pups followed them back inside the caste, all except for Chase. "Chase, buddy? Are you coming along?" Ryder asked.
"Yes, sir, I'll catch up." Chase assured as the leader petted the pup's head and walked back inside the castle.
Sweetie looked on at the Shepherd with an unamused look upon her face, ready for a lecture of some sort from the Shepherd. She sighed as she uttered out a sentence towards him.
"What are you still doing here? Waiting to boast about stopping me or something?" Sweetie asked as she laid her head on the grass.
"I'd rather not." Chase answered as he stepped closer to the cage.
"Then why are you here? Leave me alone before I call the guards and have you escorted out!" Sweetie threatened as she stood up, trying to intimidate the Shepherd.
"You can threaten me all you want." Chase laid down in front of the mischievous pup as she looked down at the ground. "I'm not leaving until we have a talk."
Sweetie's ears perked up.
"Talk? I don't need to have a talk with a pup like you!" Sweetie scoffed as she turned to her side, noticing that she couldn't break through the Shepherd's tenacity. Letting out a deep sigh, she asked a question. "Fine, what is it you want to talk about?"
Chase stood up and answered.
"I want to know why you're like this, why you are this mischievous, sneaky pup that doesn't care about anyone but herself."
The Terrier lowered her ears and felt a moment of weakness as she instantly tried hiding it.
"You know what? I changed my mind, I don't want to talk about it!" Sweetie barked as she turned to face away from the pup.
"I know you do, look, it's okay." Chase calmly assured. "It's just you and I, no one else."
The Terrier couldn't hold it in anymore, she lowered her head as tears slowly dropped down and hit the grass below.
"I'm...I'm just lonely..." Sweetie whispered as she turned to face the Shepherd. "I do it for the...attention." The Terrier walked up to the edge of the cage and was close to the Shepherd, letting her shame become nothing but a memory. "I'm so lonely...I have no one else besides Busby and the princess, I'm alone here." The Shepherd looked in sorrow as he saw the usual smug and self-proclaimed Terrier break down in front of him.
As the Terrier wiped the tears from her eyes, she felt a paw grab her paw, she looked down, shocked to an extent as the tears started to slow down.
"You don't have to be." Chase lifted her paw up and set his two paws on it. "You can change, be a good pup for once." Chase smiled.
"You really think so?" Sweetie sniffled as she let out a small smile back at the Shepherd.
"I know so. What I see in front of me is a smart pup, a pup who is determined to get what she wants. A beautiful pup." Chase smiled as the Terrier's cheeks began to heat up. "I know you'll do the right thing." The Shepherd released his grasp on the Terrier's paw.
Sweetie was at a lost for words, she couldn't fathom anything that was happening. Chase smiled and nodded at the White Terrier.
"We'll be back, either stopping another scheme of yours or hearing about your change. I hope you make the right choice, Sweetie." Chase winked at the Terrier before leaving her all alone in her cage.
"Can I? Will I?" Sweetie asked herself as she thought of the comfort that Chase showed, someone who foiled her plans and was a massive thorn by her side showed compassion and feeling for her. It was something Sweetie never felt before but there was only one way to get it.
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