Sea Rescue
NOTE: This one takes place in the episode Pups save their pirated sea Patroller except done differently
Zumas Pov
"Mawshall haven't you got anything else to have instead of this weiwd stuff" Zuma asked as Marshall sniffed around. "Nope sorry nothing and I don't know how Sid classifies some weird sludge as food" the Dalmatian added as Zuma laughed. "He's been living out at sea Mawshall it's kind of obvious" he added stretching. "And you would think him wanting everything wouldn't include me but I guess that's what happens" Zuma added as Robo dog came over and barked. "Well he did take all of our gear and vechiles and I suppose our pup packs are like that as well so I see why or he thought you were an orange" Marshall added as Zuma laughed as Robo dog dropped some Sandwhiches on the floor. "Wobo dog whewe did you get those?" Zuma asked as Marshall came over. "I remember Ryder telling me once that there's a little hatch with stuff in incase of a emergency I'm guessing Robo dog knew where it was" Marshall explained as the Robo pup barked. "Just think how crazy Nessie is going to get once she finds out" Marshall added laying down. "Dude if it was Wocky I know Ewin would be out fow blood" Zuma added. "Hey at least if we're down here we don't have to listen to old pirate breath up there" Marshall yapped as Zuma leapt up and sniffed. "Do you smell snow?" Zuma asked as Marshall sniffed. "Yeah are we in the arctic?" Marshall added as Robo Dog went over to the back and opened up a hatch and Marshall and Zuma went over. "That explains the smell then" Marshall added as Zuma sniffed some more. "isn't that Wintew ovew thewe?" Zuma called as Marshall looked out. "Yeah! But how are we meant to get her attention" the Dalmatian added as Zuma thought. "Hey Wobo dog do you think you can get Wintews attention? Twy bawking loud enough" Zuma asked as Robo Dog nodded going forward and barking as Kabi perked up. "Well we've got Kabis attention" Marshall yapped as the Snow leopard nudged Winter. "Wait! There's a button here that deploys the Vechiles right?" Marshall asked as Robo Dog nodded. "We can get out that way!" Zuma added and went over to his vechile while Marshall went to his. "You coming Wobo dog?" Zuma asked as the robot barked and hopped into Marshalls vechile with him as the hatch was opened and the two pups went out on their Vechiles. "Hey! Get back here!" Sid yelled. "Unlikely!" Marshall yelled as the two went over to Winter who padded up to them. "Where are the others?" She asked as Kabi padded over. "Back at Adventure Bay long story short, Sid took me and Zuma because he wants everything" Marshall explained as Kabi growled at the pirate. "Geez Selfish huh?" She added. "We can't contact the others because we haven't got our pup tags because fish breath over there has them" Marshall yipped as Winter tapped her paw on the ground a couple of times. "Maybe i can call Ryder I still have mine" She yapped as the Sea Patroller rolled up and caught the group back into it. "Oh come on!" Winter yelled as she leapt onto Kabi. "Come on we have to go after them!" Winter yapped as the Snow Leopard nodded racing off. "Sewiously? This is the second time now!" Zuma yelled as Marshall helped him get up. "But hey look who's coming after us!" Marshall added running over to the open window hatch. "Wintew could you twy a bit hawdew?" Zuma called as Kabi tried to go faster and eventually stopped. "Kabi couldn't keep up" Marshall added.
Winters Pov
Kabi layed on the ground whining as Winter hopped of her. "Its fine Kabi you tried" Winter yapped as she took out her collar with her pup tag on it. "I've always said I'd need this in a emergency and I think now is the best time" she yipped closing the backpack and Kabi helped put it on. "Ryder? You there?" She asked into her pup tag as it lit up. "Winter? How are you?" Ryder asked as Winter wagged her tail. "Fine! Do you happen to be looking for the Sea Patroller right?" Winter asked. "Yeah have you seen it?" Ryder added. "Yep I have! It literally just came and left and ummm let's just say Marshall, Zuma and Robo Dog were just here but smelly stinky breath took them off again" Winter explained. "Okay stay there Winter we're on our way there in the Air Patroller" Ryder signed off as Winter turned to Kabi. "Okay Kabi let's go pick up Truji and Zunu" Winter yapped as Kabi nodded running off.
Rockys Pov
Rocky sighed laying down in his pup house as Arctic, Ash and Crimson came out from the Lookout and Arctic perked up her ear and went over to Rocky. "You Okay?" She asked as Rocky flicked his ear and looked at her. "Im fine" he grumbled as Ash and Crimson came over as well. "I think it may be about you know" Crimson yapped as Ash nodded as Rocky got up and sighed. "Look on the bright side Rocky, Marshall is with him he'll be fine Marshall is more or less sensible" Crimson yapped as Rocky smiled and flicked his ear as Ryder and the other pups came out. "You guys I just got a call from Winter she's spotted the Sea Patroller in the arctic" Ryder explained as Rocky wagged his tail. "She has?" He yapped running towards the Air Patroller as Arctic, Crimson and Ash followed. "Yep we're heading out there now" Ryder added.
Marshalls Pov
"Today has been greeeaaaaaattttt" Marshall moaned as Zuma sat down next to him. "Dude i know that's sawcasm" He added as Marshall got up and stretched. "Its night time so smelly breath will be asleep maybe we can sneak out on our boats" Marshall asked as Zuma nodded looking at Robo dog as he went over and pressed the button opening the hatch a second time as the two pups silently went out on the boats. "That went easiew than I thought" Zuma whispered as the two pups got to the arctic shore and hopped out just as Kabi leapt over. "You guys are really good at escaping" Winter yapped hopping off as Kabis two cubs Truji and Zunu came up after them. "Hey Winter you've got your pup tag on!" Marshall yapped as she smiled. "That's because I just called Ryder their on the way here in the Air Patroller" The cocker spaniel explained as the air Patroller landed. "That was fast" Winter yapped as Kabi flicked her tail as Truji and Zunu ran around each other as Ryder and the pups came out. "You two got out?" Skye asked running over. "Yep tuwns out smelly bweath nevew thinks" Zuma yapped as Rocky tackled Zuma. "Don't ever go off again!" He yapped as Zuma laughed as Truji and Zunu tackled Rocky. "Now that you two are safe we need to work on getting the Sea Patroller back" Ryder added. "Wait how did you get here using that? Robo Dog wasn't there" Winter asked trotting over and sitting down. "I have practice" Skye yipped as the Sea Patroller horn sounded. "Oh goody look who's awake the party pooper" Ash grumbled growling and kicking in the air. "Hey Kabi how about we put those ice jumping skills to the test" Winter asked as the Snow Leopard nodded jumping on the ice patches on the Sea until she jumped onto the boat. "Not bad" Marshall yapped as everyone went onto the Air Patroller and it took off soon landing on the ship just as Sid and Arrby came down. "Hey I never said you can come on this ship!" Sid yelled as Kabi let off a loud roar. "Actually my old ship is good let's go Arrby!" Sid yelled running off and leaping onto the dingy and rowing off. "That was easier than I thought it was going to be" Chase yapped. "I'll fly the Air Patroller back!" Skye yapped running in as Robo Dog went to the controls of the Sea Patroller "I think we better get all of these things back to Adventure Bay it's super crowded here" Arctic yapped trying to push a floatie out of the way. "Lets get back to your cubs as well Kabi see you later guys!" Winter yapped as Kabi leapt off.
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