Nessie the Phutabasaurus
Just a note the pups aren't fully adults yet they are between their ages in the show and teenager ages so that's why they will still be all a little older version of pups for now anyways this is actually a chapter celebrating 2K reads on this book! Also there's 3 new pups joining in Cera, Destiny and Faith
Zumas Pov
Zuma yawned as Tidal tugged on his tail. "We wewe like this once wewen't we" He added as Cosmo proceeded to jump onto Zumas head. "I know I was a lot worse" Arctic added stretching as Scarlet kicked sand into her face. "Yep....A lot worse" She sighed as Scarlet yapped in excitement and ran off yipping as Arctic shook her head as Aqua jumped onto Zuma. "Hi Zuma!" She yapped. "Okay! Hi! Can you please get off me!" Zuma wheezed as Aqua jumped off. "What's up Aqua? You usually only jump on Zuma if you need him for something usually you want him to get pup treats for you" Arctic yipped as Cosmo sat on her head. "Yeah usually but I saw this like weird thing in the bay it was doing some kind of screeching sound didn't sound like a octopus" Aqua explained as Zuma got up and put Tidal onto the ground and picked up his pup pack and went into the water with Aqua and she led him to where the creature was. "You nevew said it had a long neck" Zuma added as Aqua shrugged as the creature screeched again. "Twy and distwact it while I get that net off it" Zuma whispered as Aqua nodded swimming round to the creatures head which tilted onto one side as Zuma tugged the net off it and the creature swam off. "If it stayed we could have seen what it was" Aqua yipped swimming over as the two went back to the beach. "Well? What was it?" Arctic asked as Tidal, Cosmo and Scarlet sat on her back. "Couldn't tell, as soon as we got the net off it swam away" Aqua added as Arctic sighed heading back to the Lookout followed by Zuma and Aqua. "Maybe we can ask Cera? She knows most of every animal" The husky asked. "But you know she nevew takes things sewiously" Zuma replied as Arctic nodded as Cera raced out. "What the" Aqua yapped as Strike and Birch walked out. "Well she just left in a hurry" Birch added as Strike nodded. "Where was she even going" Aqua yapped as Strike shrugged. "No idea she just heard something and zoomed off" The cream Labrador added as Cera came back up. "THERE'S A PHUTABASAURUS DOWN IN THE BAY!" She yelled as Zuma and Strike looked at each other. "Phutaba what now?" Arctic added putting Tidal, Cosmo and Scarlet down as they ran off. "Just come!" She screeched as the group followed her down to the bay where the Phutabasaurus was chirping. "Hey that looks like the thing that we got out of that net" Aqua yipped as Cera jumped in the air. "That's because it is the thing you got out of the net! And I always thought they went extinct! BUT THIS ONE IS ACTUALLY REAL!" Cera then fell face first. "She does that when she gets excited don't worry about it" Strike added as the Phutabasaurus stretched it's neck out. "Maybe she came from somewhere else?" Birch suggested. "Well it looks like she wasn't cweated maybe thewe has been a egg at the bottom of the bay all this time we have nevew known about" Zuma added as the dino nuzzled Zumas head. "I think she likes you Zuma" Aqua yapped as the Phutabasaurus cooed. "Maybe we should call hew Nessie" Zuma added as the dino chirped and flicked her tail in the water. "I think the she likes that name" Birch added as Cera leapt up. "I'M GONNA GO TELL EVERYONE!" She yelled and ran off again. "And here we go" Strike groaned as Cera came back and started bouncing around as Nessie chirped. "Its fine Nessie she's nowmally like that" Zuma whispered to the dino who chirped and picked Cera up and dumping her into the water as the Doberman yapped spinning around in circles. "I guess water doesn't stop her then." Aqua mumbled. "How about we try a pup treat?" Ryder added as Cera pointed up. "PUP TREAT!" She yelled as Nessie picked Cera up and held her. "What's that meant to be?" Ash asked as she came up next to Crimson. "I think I remember that Cera told me it was a Phutabasaurus" Rocky added as Zuma stood next to him. "Yep that is a Phutabasaurus and it turns out there was a egg in the bay that hatched and made Nessie" Arctic explained. "It may not be real" Chase added flicking his ear. "Chase if Mer pups are real I'm pretty sure one dinosaur can be too" Skye added nudging Chase who rolled his eyes as Nessie put Cera down and cooed diving into the ocean. "I reckon she'll be staying here in the bay" Aqua yipped as Nessie swam around chirping as she went. "Is pwetty simple weally any animal that's bown ow hatched awound hewe lives awound hewe" Zuma explained. "That's good she could be helpful on our Sea Patrol missions" Ryder added. "That means I might not have to get wet that often!" Rocky howled as the pups laughed as Nessie launched herself onto the beach chirping. "She looks like she can breath fine on land though" Rubble added as Cera springed to Rubbles side. "IT'S AMAZING RIGHT?" She yelled. "Can someone please find a way to calm her down" Aqua moaned covering her ears as Ash sighed "How about we lock her in a room for a few hours" Ash suggested as Ryder picked up Cera who was yapping like crazy. "I'll take her to run around at Katie's I'm sure she won't mind" Ryder said walking off as the pups turned back to Nessie who was chirping. "Daddy! Can we ride on the squid!" Howl asked clambering onto Chase. "Its not a squid and maybe later since you are nearly our ages when we were smaller pups" Chase yipped as Howl nodded and jumped down. "I think we better stop them going on our backs they are getting heavier and heavier now that they are almost grown up" Chase laughed as Crimson gave a paintbrush to Scarlet who tried to paint a flower but almost got it. "Not bad Scarlet maybe I can give you some lessons" the Jack Russell yipped. "Yay!" Scarlet yipped as Nessie picked up Zuma on her head and chirped swishing her tail in the water.
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